Mom's Errant Panties


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I switched to the hallway camera and saw the two men emerge from my mother's room, not bothering to shut the door as they returned to the kitchen.

They looked confused but not entirely worried as they picked up the glasses of beer and made their way back into the living room, offering the drinks they thought were spiked to my sisters and asking them to chug with them.

My genius sisters accepted the challenge without preamble, instantly tilting the glasses of beer up and throwing them back in sync with the two men who high fived each other and sat back down on the couch, wiggling out of their pants again to resume strangling their stubbornly flaccid peckers while my sisters explored each other's bodies.

As I watched and waited, wanting to make sure I'd not fucked up the switcheroo I'd pulled, I puzzled over what my sisters were doing to each other.

It seemed like masturbation in a way, their bodies and faces were identical, and I couldn't imagine them finding the other attractive without also finding themselves attractive, which actually made a bit of sense; they did seem to be in love with themselves.

I realized that I wasn't really in a place to judge, as I was planning to sleep with my mother, and I also thought the drugs they were on, were probably a contributing factor to what was happening, but to what degree, I couldn't guess.

One thing was certain, I no longer felt much concern over the overt nature of the Asian fuck doll in my closet, now that I had a recording of my sister's doppelgang-bang.

I don't know if the other pill those men had taken was Viagra or Cialis, but I assumed that was the case.

Whether they were boner pills or not, they didn't work as fast as the other medication they'd unwittingly ingested, and I watched as they both slowly stopped swinging their limp noodles around and lulled their heads back, falling asleep before their dicks ever had a chance to wake up.

Amy and Ashley seemed to notice the guys had passed out next to them, so they moved their party into the spare bedroom they'd put their luggage in.

I was tempted for half a second to see if they continued exploring each other in the bedroom but I decided my curiosity wasn't enough of a reason to violate their privacy. They were no longer in any danger and whatever they did in the bedroom would be recorded, should I ever need additional leverage.

I was a bit annoyed that they just left two strange men sleeping in the living room for me or Mom to find the next morning, but it was par for the course with those two degenerates.

It seemed logical that I would call the police at that point, but I knew that would result in everyone being woken up and I still had the problem of getting Mom out of my room without people knowing she was in there. So, I decided to wake her up and tell her what happened, which turned out to be a lot harder than I thought.

When I walked into my room, I saw Mom curled up on my bed, looking like an angel under my blanket. She was somehow erotic and sexy even while sleeping. I wanted so badly to lay down with her and just hold her against me, but I had to settle for a few minutes of spooning while I slowly woke her up, whispering into her ear and kissing her neck.

I took her to my computer, and she sat on my lap while I replayed the footage for her, listening to her gasps and meeting her wide-eyed expressions when she turned to look at me.

"Oh my God, your sisters are so stupid, and I had no idea they were into each other like that," Mom said as she stared, gobsmacked by the footage she was seeing.

I returned the look with a shrug, saying without saying, that we didn't have a lot of room to judge in this particular situation.

"They might be on ecstasy," I said, pointing to the screen and adding, "those neon bands mixed in with their clothes there, are like standard fair at raves. I guess the lights make it trippy or something."

Mom looked at me with a confused expression for a minute, looking like she was trying to decide why I'd know such a thing.

"No, I've never tried it. I've just seen documentaries on raves and different drugs," I explained, which she seemed to find sufficiently satisfying, returning her attention to the screen.

"I've heard it makes you kind of horny and touchy-feely, but I didn't think it lowered your inhibitions that much, but I've never tried it so, maybe," Mom said as she switched between watching the screen and my face for reactions.

"The heart wants what the heart wants, I guess," I said, placing a hand on the underside of her left ass cheek and squeezing.

"They're lucky their brother is so fucking smart," she said as she leaned down to kiss me.

We made out and she started to slink down to the floor between my legs, but as she looked up at me with that hunger in her eyes that was quickly becoming my favorite thing in the world, I had to remind her that there were still two strange men in our house who might wake up at any moment.

She nodded, leaned forward and kissed the side of my mostly erect cock through my pajama bottoms, saying, "I will be seeing you later."

"Fuck you're adorable," I said looking into her large brown eyes as she smiled up at me.

She beamed as she got to her feet, snaking up from between my legs and stepping over one so she could make her way around my desk, saying, "I better sneak into my room before you make the call."

"Okay, I'll watch you to make sure you get to your room," I promised.

"Ugh. I wish you could come with me. I'm so horned up for you right now, you have no idea," she said as she opened the door, slipped through, and then closed it behind her.

I did have an idea, and I was feeling pretty annoyed with my sisters when I picked up my phone and dialed 911.

It occurred to me as the phone rang, that I might have to show the police the video of the men spiking the drinks and taking them to my sisters, which meant the police would have footage of my sisters finger-blasting each other.

While I waited for the cops to arrive, I trimmed a copy of the footage down to just include the relevant bits and stored it in a secure folder in the cloud that I could pull up on my phone and transfer to the police if it became necessary. I kept the original video file in a safe place, thinking it might be needed should the assholes snoring on our sectional decide to fight the charges.

I got dressed and returned to my computer, watching the naked, still flaccid, middle-aged men to make sure they didn't wake up and start wandering around our house.

The cops showed up twenty minutes later and, in that time, I didn't see either man budge in the slightest; they were fucking out.

Whatever they'd intended to give my sisters, would have certainly done the trick. They weren't even half the size of the shorter man who looked downright comatose.

Paramedics came to take the two men away after the cops showed up and I'd played the footage for them. They were going to be arrested once they'd been cleared at the hospital but taking them there first was apparently the protocol, we were told.

I had to pick the lock to get into the spare bedroom when the cops asked to talk to my sisters. They were hiding under the bed, thinking they were in trouble and pretending to not be in there.

They still didn't come out after I explained why the cops were there. Only when an officer came in the room and started talking about narrowly avoiding being drugged and assaulted, did they find the motivation to crawl out.

I sat on the island, dangling my feet and swinging them as the police interviewed my sisters and then my mother.

As I watched, I began to believe that Amy and Ashley were indeed traumatized by what they'd been told. They volunteered that they had indeed taken ecstasy, and they apologized to my mother for bringing the men in the house, saying they'd been offered a ride home from a party in the woods and the two men had insisted on making sure they got in the house safely.

While they talked, I was suddenly struck by a crazy idea and the more I thought about it, the more it appealed to me.

After the police left, and my mom and sisters were hugging it out, I hopped off the island and walked downstairs, saying I'd be right back when my mother asked.

When I got to my room, I opened my closet and fished Kikko out, tucking her under one arm and picking up her accessories bag with my free hand.

My plastic girlfriend and I walked up the stairs, past my still weeping sisters and rather surprised-looking mother, out into the garage and out the side entrance to where we stored our trash and recycle bins that got emptied once a week.

I stuffed Kikko and the bag holding her spare orifices into the plastic recycle bin, repositioning the bag of smashed cans that was in there, so it was on top of my ex-girlfriend, not wanting to see her dead eyes staring up at me as I closed the lid.

I returned to the kitchen, washed my hands, and then fished a coke out of the fridge, pouring it in a glass while I leaned against the bar, watching and daring either of my sisters to make a comment about Kikko.

They didn't, and I realized I hadn't really expected them to. I suppose I thought there was a chance they might surprise me with a new low, but I was almost certain by that point, that they were genuinely rattled and relieved to have dodged

this particular bullet.

As if reading my mind, they walked over to me just then, taking the drink out of my hands, setting it on the counter and pulling me into a three-way hug, this time dabbing tears onto my shirt instead of angrily smashing breasts into my ribs.

They apologized for the Kikko shit and thanked me for watching out for them. It felt... sincere if I'm being honest.

I'd fantasized about my sisters tearfully apologizing to me before.

When they still lived at home, I used to think about it all the time, in fact, much the way Ralphie in the Christmas Story movie fantasized about his parents lamenting the soap they'd put in his mouth for swearing.

By the time Amy and Ashley released me and went back to their room, however, I mostly just felt bad for them, and was quite pleased that they hadn't been rendered unconscious and assaulted by pharmaceutically aided erections.

** 8 /**

Mom watched Amy and Ashley retire to their room after making pitstops at the bathroom and saying goodnight, even offering tearful--I love you's--before closing their door.

It was about 7:30AM by then but they'd obviously not slept. I'd only had a few hours, myself, but I had more important things than sleep on my mind.

"We're going to have to burn that sectional, now," Mom said, walking over to where I leaned against the island, adding when she arrived, "you know, because of the gross predators. Not because your sisters..."

I didn't think she was referring to my sisters but I gave her a confused look because I wanted to hear her finish the statement.

"Because my sisters... what?" I said, unable to hide the smirk that followed.

She grinned and then stuck her tongue out at me, saying, "You know what I mean."

"Yeah, it was hallowed ground, but the sanctity of the place has been fouled," I said, quoting a line from a video game that my mother had no prayer of recognizing.

She rolled her eyes and then looked behind her, I assume to check my sister's door, then said, "You're a total nerd, just like your father."

Mom wrapped her arms around me and laid her head on my chest, yawning and then asking me to excuse her for yawning.

"Pretty tired?" I asked.

She nodded her head up and down against me.

"Too tired?" I whispered.

She shook her head several times.

"Think anyone has ever lost their virginity while having makeup sex?" I asked just above a whisper.

I felt her arms squeeze my midsection a little tighter as she began giggling.

"Okay, I need to borrow this really quick," I said, holding her to me as I began walking her towards the stairs.

She held on but didn't move her feet, snickering as I was forced to drag her feet while keeping her propped upright against my body.

"His display of machismo having rendered the female helplessly wanting, the human male now drags his prize back to the cave," I said in my best David Attenborough voice as I dragged her, giggling, to the top of the stairs.

I let her get her feet under herself, and then I took a backwards step down the stairs to look at her in the lighting that spilled over from the kitchen.

She smiled at me but looked confused.

I took another step down and cocked my head to the side, examining her curvy, little frame.

When she'd knocked on my door earlier that night, she'd been wearing her standard oversized T-shirt and underwear that she typically slept in, but she'd put on a pair of tangerine leggings and a long-sleeved, gray hoodie before the cops arrived.

I lifted an index finger and made a circle in the air, raising an eyebrow and gesturing for her to do a turn for me, which she obliged.

I cocked my head to the side and rubbed my chin as she turned, saying, "Fifteen seconds might have been a bit ambitious."

Halfway through her second turn, she stopped and stood on her tiptoes, bouncing a couple times and showing off the results of her hard work at the gym. There was a slight bounce, initially, but everything quickly snapped back into uniform, sexy alignment.

"Jesus Christ, Lacy!" I said, pretending to wipe drool from my chin. I took a step up and kissed her left ass cheek, saying, "You're absolutely perfect."

"You trying to ruin another pair of my panties?" she whispered after turning around and bending slightly to kiss me.

It started as slow, tender, increasingly wet kisses but quickly escalated to the point we were licking each other's necks and sucking tongues as she climbed me like a tree while I groped her ass and pulled her to me, her legs wrapping around my mid-section as I turned and slowly walked us down the stairs, one hand holding firm to the railing while the other was wrapped around her, holding her tightly to me as we necked.

"We have to be quiet," she whispered as I turned the knob and used her body to push the door open.

I carried her over the threshold of my nerd kingdom as she continued to work on my neck, reaching my ear and sucking on my earlobe as I pushed the door closed with my butt.

She smelled so good, and the neck kissing was getting sexier by the second.

I turned my face to her, and her lips found mine again as my hands found her ass and my fingers played in her crevasses. I explored her tight body as she tasted every inch of my mouth, neck, and face, incrementally jacking my cock up to full raging hardon within a few seconds.

I squatted down to one knee and lowered her to the carpet, my hand instantly finding her crotch, gripping the fabric between her legs and feeling the heat against my palm.

She shivered and moaned in response, and I began kneading the area, feeling her panty line beneath her leggings as moisture began to bleed through.

She began shifting her legs, using her feet against the carpet to push away from me, crawling backwards on her elbows.

At first, I didn't understand what she was doing and just kind of caressed her legs as she slid away, but then she kicked my hand away from her calf with one foot while scooting just out of reach.

I looked up, confused and she shook her head back and forth as if she was telling me I wasn't allowed to touch.

I cocked an eyebrow, and she reacted by raising both of hers as if to ask what I was going to do about it.

I reached out and grabbed her ankle and she twisted it away from me, shaking her head again.

"What are you--?" I started to ask but she didn't answer, just turned over and got up on all fours.

I cocked my head to the side and shot her an annoyed look. She responded by leaning forward and pushing her ass up in the air, rocking her hips up and down to accentuate the perfection underneath the stretchy tangerine fabric.

I reached for it, wanting to caress the roundness and she moved just out of reach, then immediately stopped and looked back at me, her face upside down with a serious, yet playful expression.

I narrowed my eyes, gave her a slight frown and lunged for her ankle.

She'd been waiting for it and pulled her foot just out of reach, my fingers slipping off her toes.

I was starting to understand the game and I made as though I had lost interest, looking over at my computer briefly before springing forward and catching her ankle, pulling her prone and then sliding her across the carpet towards me as she tried to kick my hand off.

I managed to get her squirming and kicking legs pinned between my knees and I leaned forward to claim my prize, sinking my face into the tightly stretched tangerine fabric on her ass and pressing my nose into her crotch, sniffing and applying pressure with my face.

I heard her moan and then grunt, her body suddenly a mass of wiggling gyrations that managed to unpin itself from under me. Her legs kicked wildly as I tried to keep my face out of danger while attempting to reacquire an ankle, but she managed to squirm just out of reach again.

She stopped and looked back, seeing me on all fours, watching her without moving. She stuck her ass in the air again, wiggled it and then inclined her hips, humping the air while biting her lip.

My mouth fell open as I watched the sexy display, and she responded by reaching back and caressing her ass with one hand, a hungry, determined look on her face that both tempted and taunted me.

It was all in her beautiful, large brown eyes, telling me without saying a word that she wanted to be chased, captured, and fucked.

As if she'd not made her point clear enough, she put a hand between her legs, kneaded at her little peach with two fingers and then brought those fingers to her mouth, licking them and mouthing the word: yummy.

I felt my breathing intensify as my eyes flicked from her shapely booty to her gorgeous face, my desire for her turning into something animalistic, meaty and burning.

I very much wanted to catch her, but her sexy display had made me feel like I also wanted to pin her down, hold her sexy body underneath me and penetrate her repeatedly with the throbbing erection she'd created. I wanted to watch her eyes as I entered her, see her reaction to getting exactly what she was begging for.

I lunged. Missed.

I lunged again and followed it with rapid scrambling to catch up to her.

She screeched a surprise as I caught her and pulled her prone, flipping her over, her chest heaving underneath me as she grunted and pushed up against my chest with her hands, trying to wriggle free.

I wrapped a hand behind her neck and pulled her face to mine, sticking my tongue in her mouth and feeling hers enter mine.

She continued to struggle with her legs and hands while

kissing me passionately but even while she licked the inside of my mouth, I felt a hint of protest to it, like she couldn't help herself but to kiss me back even as she struggled to break free.

I licked her neck and then smiled down at her while she wriggled, letting her slowly inch away again as I kneeled over her body triumphantly.

She smiled and rolled her eyes, wriggling her shoulders and hips until she was nearly out from under me, my hand finding her crotch as it passed under my face. I rubbed her pussy through the material as she reached down to slap at my hand, twisting and turning, moaning and cooing reluctantly as she struggled to fully liberate herself.

As she turned over to get back up on hands and knees, I grabbed her hips and wriggled my fingers under the waistband of her leggings, continuing to let her crawl but forcing her to undress herself in the process.

She continued to squirm, gritting her teeth back at me and trying to suppress the smile that kept turning the corners of her mouth up as her tight, form-fitting pants began to peel away from her escaping body.
