Money for Sex


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Cindy went to her appointment with her attorney and explained her position and what she wanted. He asked what proof I had about her affair, and she admitted what she had done. She then asked about the children, and he explained that I hadn't actually broken the law as we were still married but as soon as the divorce started, I was obliged to tell her where the children were and allow her contact. She said she doubted that I would divorce her as I would lose too much. They then went through our finances and the attorney said she should be entitled to at least half of everything plus maintenance and they could use this to force a reconciliation. Cindy then went back to work feeling much better. That afternoon Cindy moved into her new condo and started making it a home. When she went to bed, she was looking forward to the open day at the gallery tomorrow.


The man Bill contacted about new identities for him, and the children said to send him head and shoulders photos and he would take care of the rest. Bill sent the photos and asked how much it would cost so that he would have cash for the transaction. He was told $5K would do the trick and he would set a time and place for the meeting in a few days. Bill had found another out of the way camp site for a few days and settled in for a short time. Instead of cooking in the RV he took the children to the nearest town and found an all you can eat at restaurant and pigged out to such an extent both the children were sick on the way back to the site. Bill went to bed looking forward to Thursday and the surprise waiting for Cindy and her lover.



Bill continued his road trip towards Canada stopping only one or two nights at camp sites. He made a short stop at a small town called Sweetwater to visit the engineering company that made the majority of fuel pumps for the construction industry. He made a presentation for his design of a new fuel delivery system. After a short demonstration on how the new system would give their clients increased productivity and reliability and the big seller was that it could be installed on existing machinery. The board unanimously endorsed his design. They offered him two million for the Patent, but Bill wanted one million plus ten cents on the dollar for the next ten years, this was agreed, and contracts were signed. Bill also asked that the money was to be paid into his father's account so that Cindy wouldn't be able to claim it as part of the settlement. Bill then continued his journey to Canada with a stop off at Oregon to meet his contact and pick up his fake identity papers.


Cindy woke up at her new address looking forward to the open day at the gallery. She dressed in a business suit but with sexy underwear hoping to continue her affair with Paul. She spent the entire day at the gallery showing people around and pointing out the various paintings and sculptures. At seven o clock the more important visitors started to arrive including the mayor and at least one congressman. Paul arrived shortly afterwards and quickly moved her into the back office and locked the door. He embraced her with a deep kiss then turned her round and bent her over the desk lifted her dress up pulled her panties aside and buried himself in her up to his balls. It didn't take long for him to shoot his load into her cheating cunt he then pulled out and zipped up. Cindy hadn't orgasmed and was quite sore as there had been no foreplay and she was dry when he entered her. He turned opened the door and went back to the reception leaving her to clear up the mess. She returned to the reception and continued playing the hostess but noticed several people giving her strange looks and wondered if they knew what had just happened.

The reception was in full swing when two men in work suites accompanied by two deputy sheriff's entered the gallery. One went over to Paul and asked.

''Excuse me sir are you Mr Paul Gauthier?''

''Yes, what do you want?''

''Mr Gauthier you have been served.'' And handed him a large envelope and walked away.

The other man walked over to Cindy.

''Are you Mrs Cindy Grant?''

''Yes.'' ''You have been served.'' And handed her a large envelope.

The whole room went silent as Paul opened his envelope and discovered that he had been served notice that he was to be sued for alienation of affection. He screwed up the documents and stormed out.

Cindy opened her envelope to find divorce papers inside. She started crying and sat down in the nearest chair. As she sat crying a deputy sheriff walked over to her and asked.

''Are you Mrs Cindy Grant?''


And just when she thought things couldn't get any worse, he said.

''Mrs Grant you are under arrest for prostitution.'' And then he read her rights to her cuffed her and led her away.

The people gathered there were dumbstruck. The reception then dissolved into chaos, and everybody left.



After leaving the reception the previous night Paul called his attorney to report his being served. His attorney informed him that the case probably wouldn't get to court as no case sighting alienation of affection had been proved for many years. However, if Mr grant sued the company as being complicit in the said alienation of affection that was a different matter as Paul would be in breach of the moral clause forbidding inter office liaisons. And if such a liaison was to take place on company property and could be proved it could cost the company a considerable amount of money.

Paul thought about this and decided to call an internet board meeting to discuss the problem. When all the board members were present later that night Paul was surprised that the company had already been served with the papers. The company's legal department had seen the evidence and as Paul himself was seen to admit to fucking Cindy on company premises the best, they could hope for was to settle out of court.


Cindy sat in a cell crying, she had tried to call Paul to no avail so she tried her parents who wouldn't pick up, so she tried Norma she eventually picked up.

''Hi Norma, please don't hang up you're my last hope please will you come down to the courthouse and bail me out?''

''What did you do to get arrested?''

''I've been arrested for prostitution; I don't understand why.''

''Ok I know you're not a prostitute, so I'll help you out. I'll be down in a couple of hours.''


Norma called Bill to ask what was going on and if he knew about her arrest.

''Hi Norma, what can I do for you?''

''I just got a call from Cindy, she said she had been arrested for prostitution do you know anything about this?''

''Yes, if you watch the video, you will see Cindy admit to being paid $200,000 to spend the night with Paul Gauthier the constitutes the act of prostitution so she has been arrested. She will probably only get a fine and a slap on the wrist, but it will give her a criminal record and ruin her reputation.''

''You hate her that much you would do this to her?''

''After what she did to me you bet your ass, I would.''

''Ok I see your point but remind me never to be your enemy, speak to you later.''


After bill ended the call, he called his attorney to ask how things were going. When Gary informed bill about the reception and Cindy's arrest Bill couldn't stop laughing. When he finally calmed down, he asked about the writ Gary had sent to Gauthier's company and was told they would probably want to settle out of court. Gary told Bill he had sued Pauls company for ten million dollars but would probably settle for three or four as a more realistic sum. Gary said he would call Bill in a few days to let him know the outcome and ended the call.

Bill then opened an on line gambling account and called his father to ask him to do the same, when his father asked why Bill explained to his father that they could play on line poker in a two person private game and his father could lose to him thus giving him an income outside the tax laws and making it harder to find Bills money. He also told his father that a large sum would soon be deposited in his account, and would he make sure that the appropriate tax was deducted and the same was to apply to any other such sums deposited. His father agreed to this as no laws were being broken only bent a little.


When Norma bailed Cindy out, she took her to her new home and went inside for a cup of coffee.

''Cindy what on earth were you thinking when you did this to Bill one of the nicest men I have ever met.''

''Oh, shit I know, at first, I started fucking Paul because I thought it was expected of me to keep my job. I don't love him or anything, but I must admit he is a terrific lover, and I did enjoy it. Then he asked to spent the night with him at his cabin. He wanted to have sex with me with Bill in the next room it's what he gets off on, knowing that the husband of the woman he's fucking can hear everything that goes on. He brings his bodyguard Max to make sure that the husband doesn't try to interfere. This time he got it wrong, and Bill knocked the shit out of Max, I never knew he had it in him. I thought that he would make me go home with him after that, but he didn't, he told me to go and earn the money I had been paid and just left. It never occurred to me he would go nuclear and take the kids. Do you know where he's gone?''

''Not the faintest and neither does Frank. What will you do now?''

''I'll fight the divorce and try to force him to bring the kids back. He cleared out our account except for the money Paul gave me and closed the credit cards. I've still got my job, but I don't know for how long. I even fucked Paul the night of the open day to try and keep my job, but I haven't heard from him since. I really love Bill, but I don't know how to put this right.''

''I don't think you can and if you keep fucking Paul you never will. Pull your head out of your ass and start thinking how Bill feels about what you tried to do to him and how you would feel if the boot was on the other foot. If I know Bill, you will probably never see him or the children again. You brought this on yourself, so you better learn to live with it. Do the right thing sign the divorce papers and let Bill get on with his life and then you can move on.''

''I don't want to move on I want Bill back and I want things to be like they were. I only did what I did to make us enough money to do all the things we wanted to do like renovating the house. I thought as it would be only one night Bill would get over it and we could continue like nothing had happened.''

''What planet are you living on? If I had pulled a stunt like that Frank would have killed all of us and then probably killed himself. Your lucky bill is so level-headed and is just divorcing you. Now if you don't mind, I have a family to run and its nearly time to pick up the kids.''

Norma then headed home, that night Norma Told Frank about her conversation with Cundy and after Frank stopped laughing told her if she had done that, she would now be dead.

Bill drove all day Saturday and Sunday to get as much distance from Cindy as possible. On Monday he stopped at a supermarket and bought three new cim cards to put in his and the children's phones. They spent the next hour putting in the numbers they wanted to keep and discarded their old cards. Now only the people they informed about their new number could call them. The children also called their mother to arranged a face to face on Twitter as ordered by their father.

''Hi kids how are you doing? I miss you so much, is dad there can I talk to him?''

''Hi mom we're fine, dads here but doesn't want to talk to you, and neither do we but dad makes us. He said your still our mother and you love us, but we don't see it that way. As far as we are concerned you dumped us like you did dad. Well, we have spoken to you like dad told us too so goodbye.''


Cindy went to work as usual expecting to hear from Paul but by the end of the day Paul had still not contacted her and she was getting worried.

Paul's company attorney's offered Gary two million to settle out of court, Gary asked for eight, they offered four, Gary asked for seven they offered five Gary accepted. Bill was now a very well-off man. The alienation of affection against Paul went nowhere as predicted but it had served its purpose in embarrassing Paul at the open day celebrations.

The next few weeks were uneventful. Cindy continued to try and stop the divorce and have the children returned to her but neither the authorities nor her PI could find any trace of them. Due largely to them looking for bill's pickup truck which was hidden from view in the back of Franks workshop. Bill finally reached Oregon and his contact to collect the false documentation showing that he and the children were Canadian citizens.

Two more days hard driving, and Bill had reached his aunt's home. It was a large four bedroom, mostly log built house with a few acres of land giving them some privacy. Aunt Mary was delighted to see us as the children hadn't seen her for nearly ten years. There were hugs all round then she showed them into the dining room.

''come on sit yourselves down I'll make us some lunch then you can tell me all about it.''


After lunch, which was fantastic after road meals, we all sat down to talk. We each told our story as we saw it. After we had told our side of the story my aunt looked disgusted and asked what we intended to do now. I explained that I needed to get the children back into school to complete their education. I also explained my intention to start a new business and find a home nearby. My aunt said she could help get the children settled into their new school as she was a volunteer on the education board and to leave it to her. She then showed us to our rooms and left us to unpack.

True to her word aunt Mary got Mike and Lindy into the local school which was only a mile away. The kids quickly fell into the routine of things and were doing well at school. I had the children enrolled under their own names to avoid problems when they graduated.

Some weeks later:

I looked at the local engineering companies to see if there was a niche, I could fill without upsetting the local balance. I wanted to compliment the local engineering environment not compete with it. I found that there were no specialist auto repair and customising facilities within thirty miles, so I bought a large warehouse on the edge of town and started fitting it out. I advertised in all the local papers and put an ad in the unemployment agency. I made it plain that I would employ ex-cons so long as they towed the line. In the first week I was inundated with applicants, so I started the interview process. I initially employed thirty people with another twenty in reserve. The local Probation service were particularly interested in what I was doing and gave me a lot of help by sending suitable Parolees. When I embarked on this venture I did so under my own name so as to avoid problems later.

I kept in contact with my friend Frank and also my attorney who informed me that Cindy was still working at the gallery and had stopped looking for me and that the authorities were no longer interested in my whereabouts. Cindy was convicted of the charge of prostitution but as it was her first offence, she was given a $2,000 fine and three months community service. She would still have a criminal record and the chances of her being awarded custody of our children was very remote.

It was now nearly a year since I left the town of Justin and Christmas was approaching fast. I decided that there was little risk in taking the children to my parents for the holiday. So, I made plans with my dad only as my mom wouldn't be able to keep it a secret. All the family would be there and my friends Frank and Norma would also be invited to Christmas tea.

Mike and Lindy were nearly eighteen and would be starting the freshman year at Halifax university next fall. Mike would be taking engineering and computer science and Lindy would be taking law and business studies. I had kept them talking to their mother and a sort of truce had broken out. The conversations were now much longer and more amicable ending with Love you too on both sides. I thought it was time for them to meet their mother and tear down the fences between them. In order to make this happen I needed to know if Cindy would be at her parents over the Christmas holidays, so I contacted Norma to find out for me. When I approached Norma she was delighted that we would visit and that the children would see their mother. She said that Cindy was always asking for any news of the three of us and seemed genuinely contrite about her behaviour.

Owing to the sale of my last two Patents I was now a very rich man. My new business was continuing to grow, and I now employed over seventy personnel, more than half of them ex-cons. My annual pre-tax income was over two million and rising. To thank my aunt for all she had done for us I paid off her mortgage and invited her to come with us to visit her sister. She hugged me so hard I could hardly breath. It occurred to me that we might wish to spend more time at our old town and would therefor need somewhere to stay on a more permanent basis. With this in mind I asked dad if he would be willing to build me a new house on the site of the old one. He of course agreed and I sent him the plans of my new home, which he said would be ready next summer.

As the holiday approached, I made plans which included a private jet to the nearest airport and a limo to my parents front door. The limo was to be at my disposal throughout the holiday. The driver was single with no family so he didn't mind working over the holiday period, I would book him into the Holiday Inn hotel, and he could work out of there.

The day before Christmas eve we boarded the plane at nine am and arrived at my parents at two pm. My mom went crazy when she saw us and nearly smothered the children and my aunt who she hadn't seen for nearly twelve years. When mom found out the driver would be on his own Christmas day she insisted he come for dinner and stay for tea. I thought I saw a tear in his eye but he quickly turned away. I'm sure if mom had had the room she would have insisted he stay with us.

Christmas eve and day were the best I could remember and we all drank too much and fell asleep after dinner even the driver. Norma told me that Cindy would be at her parents over Christmas so I arranged for the driver to pick up Mike, Lindy and myself after breakfast on boxing day. We drove to Cindy's parents' home and arrived just before the mid-day meal. Someone saw the limo pull onto their drive and Trevor opened the door and walked down to the drive before the limo stopped moving. My driver seeing the upscale property we entered and correctly judging Trevor as an egotistic snob put his chauffeurs cap on Jumped out of limo opened the door and stood to attention as I got out. Trevor's face was a picture, Incredulous would be the closest I could describe it as. As Mike and Lindy got out, he smiled and took them in his arms, he looked at me and held out his hand which I took and shacked enthusiastically.

''Bill it's so good to see you and the children would you like to stay for lunch it's about ready?''

''I understand Cindy is here is the invitation still open? If not, I'll leave the children here and pick them up later.''

''Let me just check won't be a mo.''

While he went inside, I walked over to my driver.

''Thanks for that you read the situation just right.''

The driver just beamed at me.

''Been there and done that I know his type seen it a hundred times.''

Just then Trevor reappeared.

''Bill you are more than welcome to stay please come in.''