More than Friends Pt. 01

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Lifelong best friends become something more.
11.1k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/25/2021
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Mark and Alex had grown up together. They lived right down the street from one another, and as soon as Mark had moved into the cul-de-sac and their families had met at a "Welcome to the Neighborhood" cook-out that Alex's family had generously hosted, the two had been inseparable. Alex was an only child, and Mark's sister Mary was 6 years older (meaning they weren't too close) so the 2 boys grew up as brothers.

As soon as they were old enough to have some sense of what gender and sexuality were (not an understanding, mind you, but a vague idea), Mark had assumed that Alex was gay. He dressed in girly colors, spoke soft and high, and liked watching the same shows as Mary. This was never acknowledged, because honestly Mark couldn't have cared less. They were best friends, and that seemed like it was definitely Alex's business. Nothing about Alex being gay interfered with them talking, playing video games, and going for adventurous bike rides into town in the slightest, and their friendship continued unabated.

Mark was there for Alex when he started to question his identity in the 3rd grade. One night, at around 3:00AM, there was a soft tapping at Mark's window. Opening it up, he found his best friend standing there crying. "Holy crap Alex! What's wrong?!"

"Mark! I... I hate this. I hate myself..."

That had not been allowed to stand, and Mark had immediately leapt from his window and started them on a walk around the woods. They walked for hours, and by the time the first hints of sunrise were poking through the trees Mark had managed to get his best friend to stop crying. They had talked through everything, and all of it made sense now.

"Thank you so much, Mark! I'm so glad we're best friends... We still can be, right?" The timid tone of voice, with the slight quaver of uncertainty, broke Mark's heart.

"Shut the fuck up, Lexi!" Her lower lip started to tremble, and tears began to well in her eyes. Was Mark about to totally reject her true self as a friend? Suddenly, Mark pulled her into a tight hug. "Don't you ever doubt us being friends, okay? We've always been brothers; now you're like the sister I never had!" Both cracked up at that, on account of Mary very much being a real person and the sister Mark had very much always had. But Lexi understood what he meant: They had always been the closest of friends, and much to her relief nothing was changing in that regard.

Both sets of their parents were fully supportive of Lexi's revelation. Her parents took her out shopping for new clothes (Alex's "girly" wardrobe was nonetheless a boy's "girly" wardrobe, and now Lexi needed actual girl's clothing) and Mark's parents acted like nothing had changed, in a good way. There was no confusion of names; it was like Lexi had always been coming to their house, and nobody made a big deal out of it. Mark's mom and sister even took to routinely complimenting her on her clothing, hair, etc. and Mary at one point made a big deal of teaching "her little sister" (close enough) how to put on makeup.

The two best friends kept up all their old traditions. This included brutally open conversations while laying on their respective sleeping bags, and they shared everything going on in their lives. When puberty started to hit Mark, he was worried for his best friend.

"Hey, Lexi?" he asked while both were on their way to sleep.

"What's up, Mark?" she asked quietly. They were supposed to be asleep, and a parent hearing them could ruin their whole system of staying up playing video games for future sleepovers!

"I... Uh... Fuck it. I've started growing... Hairs, like 'the movie' said we would..."

"Hey! Congrats, man!" Lexi happily exclaimed.

"Thanks... But I just was thinking, won't that... Like... I know you have dysphoria already sometimes..."

"Oh! Oh Mark, that's so sweet!" Lexi remarked, and flicked on her bedside lamp to reveal her beaming face. "Don't worry, man. I've been taking puberty blockers for like 2 years, and I am going to start taking hormones soon. I was actually trying to figure out how to bring that up with you..."

"What?" Mark asked, not sure what the issue was. They always shared everything!

"Well... So I'm starting them next month and, well... I'm going to get pretty bitchy sometimes," she laughed, relieved that they seemed to be on the same page with respect to this major step in her transition.

"Oh... So nothing's going to change?" Mark teased, and Lexi responded by giggling and throwing a pillow at his head.

"Goodnight, Mark," she sighed, sinking back to her sleeping bag.

"Goodnight, Lexi."

The next few years were awesome for both of the friends. Lexi really came into her own, thanks in part to the hormone replacement therapy, and flourished in middle and high school as a cute, attractive, athletic young woman. Mark thrived, becoming the star quarterback of the high school football team without any real competition. Lexi was at every game (which made sense, as she was a cheerleader) all the way up to Mark leading his team to a decisive victory in the state championships during their senior year.

While other teammates of his went to and made out with their girlfriends from the cheer squad, Mark happily ran to his best friend. "Way to go, man!" Lexi exclaimed, punching him on the arm and smiling. "You did it! And with only minor brain trauma!"

Mark pushed her playfully, and both broke out laughing. Mark was always skittish in the pocket, and his coach had him well-protected to the point that he basically never took a hit. His arm was valuable, but his brain was what really won them games, and everyone knew that.

One of his linemen was throwing a huge party for his team and the cheerleaders, and Mark and Lexi were happy to ride together in Mark's car (an old, vintage Mustang his dad had bought him as a gift for winning their division the year before).

At the party, however, things really went sideways.

As per usual, Mark was flirting it up with half the cheerleaders there, and they were falling all over him. Each of them wanted to be the next one to find herself in his bed (as several of them had already, each experiencing what the rest of the squad had been told was "the best night of my life"), and he was having fun getting riled up with them. He was in the middle of making out with two of the hottest blondes his high school had to offer when he heard Lexi's voice call out "stop!"

He was up in a second, and running to the sound of her strained voice. When he got there, he found Lexi splayed back on a bed, with one of his receivers standing over her, glowering with rage. "What's the problem here?" Mark demanded, staring right at his teammate.

"This asshole fucking hit me!" Lexi cried, and Mark could see a bruise forming on her angelic face.

"This fucking trap bitch -" the football player started to retort, but was silenced by the vicious uppercut that knocked him to the floor, out cold.

"Well, that was interesting," Mark commented wryly, and looked over at Lexi to see her staring at shock, mouth agape. "So, what actually happened?" he asked.

"Holy shit, Mark! Is he... dead?" she asked, sounding terrified.

"No, just sleeping," Mark laughed, and Lexi joined in when she realized the absurdity of her question. When their laughter died down, her face dead-panned and she started telling him the whole story.

"So we were all celebrating, right? Well, I decided that maybe it was my turn to finally get some," she giggled, and Mark pushed her shoulder playfully, "and Devon here had been eying me all season, so we came up here to see what would happen, right?" Mark nodded, and gestured for her to continue. "Well, I forgot that he moved to town in the 7th grade, so he never met Alex, and even though everyone else seems pretty cool with me being... Well... Trans... apparently finding that out with his cock in my mouth wasn't something he was ready for..."

"Oh, Lexi, shit!" Mark remarked in a sympathetic tone. "You're so used to being you that you just didn't even think of needing to tell this fucking neanderthal?" She nodded, blushing pretty hard.

"Apparently discovering that his sexy fellatrix had a boner was quite the shock," she laughed, smiling when Mark kicked his teammate, causing him to groan and start to wake up.

"Moron," Mark scoffed, and Lexi smiled at him. "But wait, did you say 'finally get some' or something?" he asked, incredulous.

"Well... Yeah, I thought it could be fun..." she mused wistfully, grimacing at her would-be lover on the floor.

"Chose the wrong guy, though, huh?" Mark teased, and made fun of her for still being a virgin this close to graduation.

"It's not my fault all of these high school jocks are idiots," she joked, "I've been on a few dates, with some guys who were really understanding, but one look at my hard cock and they suddenly forget how perfect my tits and ass are!" Mark faked a gagging noise, not wanting to hear about his best friend's sexual anatomy, and the two went to re-join the party.

Mark made a big deal of reminding everybody that Lexi was his best friend, and made a point of marching Devon over at lunch to apologize in front of everybody. "I'm a big, stupid ape and I should never have hit you," he mumbled, causing Mark to elbow him to continue more loudly. "It was just a lot for me, and my stupid pea-brain couldn't handle it," he almost yelled his scripted line. Lexi beamed, got up, and kissed him sweetly on the cheek.

"Next time you want to get knocked out cold, you should probably wait until after the blowjob is over," she teased loudly, causing Devon to gulp and the entire cafeteria to burst into laughter at his embarrassment.

The rest of high school passed quickly, and before long Mark and Lexi were loading up their shared U-Haul with everything they would need for college. They were both attending Winston University, the prestigious school about 2 hours away, and had gotten special dispensation from the university to live together, off-campus, because of Lexi's "special circumstances." Basically, she didn't want to deal with the drama of communal bathrooms when she had a dick, and Mark was more than happy to live with and support her.

"Hey Lexi!" Mark called out, standing by the door, "I'm going out with Jennifer tonight, but I'll be back for cookie time!" he promised. Since moving into their apartment, they had sessions every other night where they baked cookies and sat around the kitchen talking about everything, just like they used to at their sleepovers.

"Tell your skank I say 'hi'!" Lexi teased, rolling her eyes as he smirked. They were almost through orientation, and Mark was about a quarter of the way through the college's cheer squad. Those vapid whores had been all over the new starting quarterback from the very first practice with all the freshmen, and Lexi had heard a few of them scream themselves hoarse in Mark's room over the past few days.

She didn't mind the unintentional exhibitionism, but it was a bit insensitive to the still-virgin Lexi, who was too nervous because of her prior experiences to act as slutty as she would have wanted during orientation. She hadn't been on a single date, mostly due to not knowing how to let their new school know that she had been born a boy. They didn't teach that communication skill in school!

Mark kissed Lexi on the cheek as he departed and went off excitedly to go get laid.

Alone in their apartment, Lexi sighed to herself. Why was this shit so hard? She was a beautiful young lady, she knew that! Why was it such a big deal that she had a penis? She just wanted to finally lose her V-card! But telling some guy about her... Situation when they were already intimate was too risky, and she hadn't worked up the courage yet to come out all over again at college. For now, she was somewhat content being the hottest new cheerleader at school, and not dropping to her knees in front of every guy that smiled at her lent an air of mystery and perceived value in the eyes of her would-be suitors.

The more she thought about her dilemma, the more she realized how pent-up she was. A bubble bath was just the thing for her! She happily scampered to the bathroom and started the water running. In a few minutes, she had the bathroom all set, with candles and soft music and scented bubble bath. She stood in front of the full-length mirror in her trim bathrobe, admiring her figure through the fabric. Coyly, she began to take off the robe, and moaned when she saw how her nipples stood at attention from her perky, C-cup breasts. Her narrow waist and flaring hips drew attention to her throbbing, 8 inch cock, and she giggled. So it was going to be that kind of bath, huh?

When she sank into the water, she allowed her mind to totally clear. She smiled, running her hands over her sexy body, and drifted away in sexy thoughts. Soon, however, she grimaced when she thought of Mark fucking her teammate as hard as he could, pounding her to multiple, extremely vocal orgasms. She shook her head and started thinking about having a cock in her mouth, only to realize with a start that the imagined cock was Mark's. What was wrong with her? She thought about it for a few minutes, disappointedly stroking her now-flaccid cock, and started to cry. She wanted to be one of those girls who Mark took to heaven on his shaft! She had never thought that consciously before, but started to think about it and realized she had been jealous for quite some time of the girls Mark brought to bed. Fuck! Did she have feelings for her best friend? That would complicate things unbearably! She started to cry, and before long was sobbing in the bathtub. She was wailing so loudly she didn't hear her roommate get home, but he heard her.

As soon as Mark got inside of their apartment, he heard broken sobbing coming from up the stairs. What the hell was happening?! He completely forgot about his date (Jennifer had started her period over dinner, and regretfully ended their date with a chaste kiss goodnight) in his rush to see what was wrong with his friend, and sprinted to the bathroom. When he barged through the door, not sure what to expect, he froze immediately.

In front of him was an incredibly sensuous scene. The bathtub was full of pink, rose-scented water. Soft, spa-like music played on the Bluetooth speakers. An opened box of chocolates rested on the edge of the jacuzzi tub. And there, in the tub, bawling her eyes out, was the sexiest woman he had ever seen.

Now, Mark knew Lexi was hot. She wasn't shy, often flaunting her perfect ass and her bountiful chest (the surgeons had done an incredible job giving her almost-perfect, natural-looking tits) in skimpy clothing. But since they started to develop differently all those years ago, he had never seen his best friend naked. Their sleepovers were entirely about bonding as friends, but he made sure to give her privacy. He knew she suffered from dysphoria, and respected the boundaries she implicitly put up. So Mark knew his best friend was a smoke show, but nothing could have prepared him for this. Instantly, he felt his cock twitch, taking in the gorgeous view in front of him.

"Oh my god!" he exclaimed, turning away in a hurry.

"Fuck! Mark?!" Lexi gasped between sobs.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to... Well, I'm sorry! I just heard crying and ran up here to help!" he explained lamely. "I didn't..."

"Mark! Stop it, Mark, it's okay. It's sweet that you ran up here to check on me," she sighed, feeling her heart break. "You've always been so sweet to me." It's too bad he would never feel about her the way she did about him...

"Yeah, until I perved on you!" he said forcefully, furious with himself for intruding on his friend's sanctuary.

"You didn't mean to... Wait, what?" Lexi asked, not sure what he meant exactly. "You mean walking in on me when I'm not made up all girly, and seeing the real me?"

"Huh?" Mark asked, genuinely confused.

"My... Well, my penis," she explained softly, lowering her face in shame at her most hated body part.

"Shut the fuck up, Lexi!" he angrily snapped.

She was totally taken aback. "I'm sorry, but what are you all mad about?" she asked, it being her turn to be confused.

"Don't ever say 'the real you' again like that!" he demanded, and Lexi felt a new kind of tear tickle her eye. He was mad at the dysphoria! "You're the sweetest, most amazing, sexiest girl I know!" he stammered rapidly, his feelings just coming out before he could phrase them more diplomatically.

"You don't need to say that, Mark," she sighed, hanging her head. Was he just pitying her, trying to make her feel better?

"Seriously, Lexi? Ugh, fine!" he exclaimed. He was going to show her once and for all how "real" of a woman she was, what she had done to him. He spun around, taking the sight of her in again, and felt his cock throb.

"Mark... What... Really?" she asked in a breathy voice. The bulge in his pants was obvious, and she saw it throb as he raked his eyes over her glistening body.

"Yeah, really," he almost snarled. "You know how often I have to jerk off in my room, after seeing you walking back from the bathroom in your towel? Or hugging me and pressing your big, sexy tits against my chest?" He closed his eyes, ashamed at sexualizing his best friend, certain she would be furious. Maybe he would have to move out? This certainly didn't feel like a safe space for her anymore!

"Mark... I... I had no idea," she whispered, utterly fixated on his bulge. "You... You think of me like that?" she couldn't keep the joy from her voice, and beamed a radiant smile at him.

"Of course I do, idiot!" he snapped, almost laughing at her for not realizing. "You've always been, like, every wet dream I had growing up..." He blushed, and she giggled sweetly.

"Mark?" she asked softly.

"Yeah?" he answered, not sure where to draw the line with his honesty.

"I've always... Well, ever since I transitioned, I've wanted to... Fuck it! I've wanted to do this," she said in a breathy hurry, standing from the tub and approaching him. Her gorgeous, sexy body sparkled in the candlelight, and rivulets of water ran down her heaving breasts and dripped from her nipples. Her cock swayed, growing hard with excitement, and Mark gasped at the sheer eroticism of her motions.

Mark gulped, not sure if his friend was messing with him or if he was dreaming. "Lexi... Are you... Really?" he asked, his questions dying on his lips when she pressed her mouth to his. Both of them melted into the kiss, feeling their bodies pressed together and luxuriating in the feeling of a soul-melting kiss two decades in the making.

"I love you, Mark..." she moaned softly, pulling away about an inch and looking into his soul with her big, beautiful eyes sparkling.

"I... I love you too, Lexi!" he almost shouted, and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into another deliriously-happy kiss.

"Really?" she breathed, looking terrified that this might all slip away.

"Yes, really!" he assured her. "And we need to talk about everything ASAP, but first... Well..." He blushed, and grimaced at his own stupidity.

"What?" Lexi almost purred, having some idea where this was going. Her fantasy might be about to come true! "You want me to be the second cheerleader slut you claim tonight?" she teased, bating her breath as she waited for him to answer.

"I didn't fuck Jennifer," he laughed, "and I think there's only one cheerleader I want to be with ever again!"

"Well let's not be hasty," she giggled, pouting sexily. "Some of those girls are fucking hot, and I've heard sharing can bring partners closer together..."

Mark's eyes widened, and he started to sputter while Lexi dropped demurely to her knees in front of him. "Now, I've heard like 20 girls scream and moan and gag around this thing. So, as your best friend and new... girlfriend?" she paused, looking up at him and saw him nod vigorously with a giant smile on his face, "I think it's my turn to taste you."