Morina & the Switching Spell Ch. 14


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As if reading my thoughts, she took my cock out of her mouth and looked me in the eyes.

"Cum for me, Lee. I love the taste of your cum in my mouth," she said, and put me back in.

She pumped my cock with one hand while squeezing my sack with the other, all the while, her tongue swirled around the underside of the tip.

That did it.

"Oh, fuck!" I moaned as I held Amanda's head tightly in my hands as my balls contracted and shot spurts of warm cum into her mouth. I literally trembled with pleasure from my first male orgasm.

Amanda held her head still and allowed me to fuck her mouth as I came. This was my first experience being on the receiving end of a blow job and I decided right there and then that I would never deny any lover the chance to cum in my mouth in the future.

"That was incredible!" I panted when Amanda released me from her mouth.

"I'm glad you lik—" Amanda started to say when she was interrupted by a crackling sound on the radio.


The message was repeated several times.

I quickly pulled my pants up.

"Get word to HQ. We need to scramble all available squadrons right away," I snapped at Amanda.

I ran to the radio and acknowledged the signal. Amanda went to the switchboard to call Colonel Drummond, but she stopped when she saw me at the radio.

"Lee, shouldn't you be getting back to your squadron?" she asked, staring at me.

Oh, crap! I was in Lee's body and Lee was on his way to Squadron Leader Porter. I felt trapped.

"Uh, yes, of course," I acknowledged as I got up to leave the tent. "If I find Morina, I'll send her back here."

I sprinted towards the RAF camps. I had to find Lee before it was too late.

I was almost there when the airfield's emergency alarm went off. Time was running out, I had to find Lee and fast.

"Captain, you're running in the wrong direction. Your squadron is over there," a British accented voice called out.

It was Squadron Leader Porter. He had emerged from the latrine and was on his way back to his squadron.

"Yes, sir," I acknowledged, grateful that the Army didn't allow any variation in replies.

I turned and ran towards the 5-1-2 Squadron camp.

"I hope the ground crew had enough time to refuel the planes," Sqn. Ldr. Porter said as he left.

The planes! They had only returned a few hours ago with empty fuel tanks. This was the perfect time for the Nazis to launch an aerial counteroffensive and catch us on the ground. Well, perhaps not quite the perfect time since the process of refueling started over an hour ago. Maybe it was possible that we had enough planes refueled to repel their attack. Had they attacked at this time yesterday, we definitely wouldn't have been able to have any planes in the air.

Lee was in good shape, or at least his body was because I was covering a lot of ground quickly and I was hardly short of breath. In no time at all, I was in the 5-1-2 Squadron camp.

"There you are, Spellman! Get in your plane. The Nazis have a squadron of Bf 109s heading our way," Major Locke said.

"Yes sir," I acknowledged. As I headed towards the airfield, I looked around for Lee in my female body, wondering how I would be able to switch back if I found him.

I arrived at Lee's plane without spotting Lee. Being in Lee's body, I was expected to climb into his Thunderbolt and defend the skies. I had flown P-47s before as a WASP, but I had never operated the weaponry. Further, I had no combat experience. What was I do to?

"She's all fueled up and fully loaded, sir," the ground crewman said. I recognized him from the campfires as Hackett.

"Thank you, Hackett," I said as I climbed into the cockpit.

Because this was an emergency, pre-flight safety checks were waived. I took a deep breath and started the engine. The grounds crewman signaled me forward, and I taxied towards the runway. Only then did I spot Lee - as me - approaching the edge of the runway on a dead run.

I sadly waved to him as he looked on in dismay.

"You're next, Spellman. Get up there," the voice from the flight tower came in over the radio.

"Good luck, Lee," Amanda's voice came in right after.

I had no problem with the take-off, and I quickly climbed in altitude.

"Get in formation, Spellman," Major Locke's voice came over the radio.

Fortunately, I had read the flight formations manual out of boredom a few days ago. I looked around and saw the squadron forming a classic "Vee" with a second line close behind. But unfortunately, I had no idea where Lee's position in that formation should be. Taking a wild guess, I moved towards the left side, which had the emptiest slots.

"What the hell are you doing, Spellman? Get over on the right where you belong!" the Major screamed through the radio.

I switched to the right wing of the formation as we headed south.

"Messerschmitts straight ahead," Major Locke called out.

"Mother of God! Look at them all!" Spinner's voice sputtered through the receiver.

"Hold the chatter to a minimum," Major Locke admonished.

My palms were sweating, and my heart was pumping. I had no idea what I was supposed to do.

"Hold your course. Pick your target and wait for my signal," the Major radioed.

The mass of tiny black dots in the distance quickly drew closer. Whatever we were going to do, it wouldn't be long now.

I was in the plane on the farthest most right wing of the formation, so I focused on the right-most Bf 109 of the group ahead.

"Break now!" Major Locke's voice crackled through the radio.

I veered off to the right and saw my target do the same. I looked down for the safety switch to unlock the machine guns. It took me a few seconds to find it. Ah, there it was. I flipped up the switch and I was armed! But when I looked up, the Messerschmitt was gone!


"Look out, Lee! He's to your right at 5 o'clock!"

That was Browning's voice.

It took me another second to realize he was talking to me. I felt my black cat pendant glow and the sound of tracer bullets flew past me. Double crap!

During my WASP training, I had gotten into trouble when I did a few illegal stunts. But now was a good time to put those moves into good use. I did a barrel roll left and managed to pull in behind the Bf 109 that had fired at me. I pressed the trigger button, and the plane shook from the recoil. A complete miss. Triple crap!

The target veered off to the right and I tried to follow him.

"Spellman, get back here!" the Major's voice crackled through the radio.

I looked in front of me and two more Bf 109s were heading straight towards me. I had nowhere to turn! I felt my pendant glow again as the tracer bullets flew past me. I aimed my "jug" towards one of the 109s, pressed the trigger button, and closed my eyes. If I'm going to die, at least I could take one of them with me.

The plane shook again from the recoil. Followed by the sound of an explosion.

"Reena, hit your air brake!"

That was a woman's voice coming through the radio! It was my voice -- Lee!

I opened my eyes and hit the air brake. The plane flew up and stopped its forward motion. The Messerschmitt I aimed at was hit, and a plume of black smoke trailed behind it as it flew underneath me, nosing towards the ground. But there were still two more enemy planes after me. Another rain of bullets flew past me, but these were aimed at one of the other two Bf 109s. I heard a bursting sound as a plane was hit.

"Who the hell is that? That's Lucarelli's plane. Who's flying that thing?" Major Locke's voice blasted over the radio.

No longer in forward motion, my plane began losing altitude. I started to plummet to the ground.

"Reena, restart your engine. Use a spell if you have to," my female voice shouted through the earpiece.

I focused my magic on the starter and turned the engine over. It caught! I built up speed and pulled out of the dive. I heard a rain of tracer bullets behind me, followed by another burst. Looking up and to my right, another "jug" (P-47) soared overhead. Inside the cockpit was my female self, giving me the "thumbs up" sign.

"Major, there's a woman in that plane. It looks like Morina!" Browning crackled over the radio.

"Miss Spellman, what the hell are you doing up here?" Major Locke fumed.

Lee didn't respond, but he took position behind me in a protective posture.

"She's not answering," Browning said.

"I don't know why she's up here, but she just downed two Nazi pigeons, Major," Spinner's voice crackled.

"Look out! Here they come again!" That was Martin's voice.

I could see seven black dots coming towards us.

"Reena, you take the one on the end, I'll take the one next to him," Lee directed in my female voice.

"Roger," I acknowledged.

"We're with you Lee . . . and Morina," Browning crackled through the radio. It was clear from his tone that he was confused about a woman in the cockpit.

Lee pulled his plane alongside me. He edged so close; our wings were nearly touching. I held steady and looked over at him. He held an arm out straight in front of him. I nodded and drove straight at the Messerschmitt at the end.

"Wait for my signal," he radioed.

It wasn't until we were close enough to the approaching Bf 109s so that I could see the pilot's outline in the cockpit that Lee, with my female voice, crackled over the radio.


I fired and the enemy's engine bellowed smoke. I thought I could see splatters of blood inside the cockpit as his plane dropped below us.

"You got 'em, Reena!" my female voice crackled excitedly.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Lee had downed his target as well.

"There they go!" Martin cheered through the radio.

The remaining Nazi planes had turned around and were heading back to Germany, their numbers significantly diminished.

"Back to Ashford everyone. Spellman, I want to see you and your sister when we land," Major Locke roared.


Next chapter: Going too far.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Love this story with the WW2 background.

Can’t wait to read the next part

RanthoronRanthoronabout 1 month ago

Random thought: would a three-way-switch work?

RanthoronRanthoronabout 1 month ago

Some day I want to read how the other side of The Quilt operates…

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