Mothers and Secrets


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Without a blink or a twitch the patriarch said, "Man to man, son, grow the fuck up. I'm going to get my satisfaction one way or another."

"I don't believe it. I'd bet a million bucks you'd never do it."

"Make it twenty." Despite the bravado of his words, something in his voice said he was less than 100% sure he could do it.

"No, I wasn't offering a bet. I was just saying that I WOULD know...hypothetically."

"Chickening out? I don't blame you. But don't worry. I'm going to make sure tonight that there's no need for that bet tomorrow."

"This is a bad idea, Dad."

"Whatever. Shut up and leave or shut up and watch the game."

Given those choices, Grant returned to the kitchen. He hugged his mother from behind, pushing his erection into her. Bending close to her ear, her young coach whispered, "I probably don't need to say it, but I trust you know that your diet does not include chocolate."


"No chocolate for you tonight. If you follow the rules tonight, we can try to satisfy your sweet tooth another day."

Madeline, mystified, nodded. "Yes, sir."


It seems like so many people in this community are determined to bash on the husband/father. My dad isn't a bad guy. He's not perfect. But who is? He had some health problems. He has been unable to do his part in the bedroom. But he loves my mom. He wants her to be able to get what she needs. He accepts Mom getting a little of what she needs "off to the side." Not sure how he'd feel if he knew "off to the side" is a visit to my apartment most weekends.

If he's ever able to get back in the saddle, he may want a return to normal. I'm prepared to step aside in that scenario (assuming that that's what my mom wants,) but everyone is happier than ever in the current arrangement.



I don't know whether to envy you or pity you. On the one hand, my dad is a first class prick. We're better off without the abusive bastard. On the other hand, my mom is mine for life. She's amazing, and I'm not giving her up for anything ever. There will be no returning to the bad old ways.

Different strokes I guess.



Madeline stood before her seated son in a dark purple chemise. It covered more than Grant had become accustomed to for these late night rendezvous. He sat on the couch in only his shorts, cultivating his patience.

"I feel guilty," the mother spoke first. "I am being such a bad wife." She climbed onto the couch beside her coach, and lay across his lap. "To make matters worse, I feel guilty because I know it annoys you that I feel guilty. Because we both know that I'm yours to touch and handle." Grant lifted the back panel of his mother's lingerie. There were no panties at all tonight. "The only way I'm going to be able to cope," the naughty mommy continued as if her son weren't exposing her bare ass to the late night air. "is with some sort of punishment." She started to squirm. "Is there any way you can help me with that, sweetheart?"

He "disciplined" his mother to muffled squeals of delight. She shoved a small pillow against her mouth, but the euphoria on her face was easy to see. He brought his hand down on her round derriere in short evenly timed strokes. She ground her lower abdomen and upper thighs into his lap. Becoming engorged was inevitable as the movements of the planets. Her pelvis dipped and rubbed harder when she felt it.

Afterward, she curled up in his arms, and they talked about what had happened at bed time. Gabe had offered chocolates. Madeline had refused. "Good girl," said Grant, stroking her hair.

"He demanded sex from me, like it was his right." She sounded bored. "I refused him there too. I would have turned him down even if you hadn't told me to."

Her son gave her a soft kiss. "I am so pleased and proud of you."

"Hmmm. I'm glad. Your father warned me that he would go out and find 'it' elsewhere." She shrugged and nuzzled into her young man's embrace. "Like my body or my affection is a thing to be handed over or easily replaced. I told him I won't be bullied, threatened or blackmailed."

"Wow!" He squeezed her bare ass in excitement. She squeaked in slight pain.

"Sorry about that, Mom. Let me make it better." The young man got out from under his mother, and stood before the couch. "Now lie back down on your stomach. Like before, but without me under you."

"Like this, Baby?"

"Perfect." His smile was warm as he knelt beside the couch. With a false calm, his hands drew up the bottom of her chemise. There was his mom's rosy bare ass again. "Perfect," he repeated.

Maddie's eyes popped open when she felt her son's warm wet kisses on her back side. His big hands framed her buttocks, and shifted her with ease to make every square inch available to his mouth.

Again the excited mommy squirmed and gyrated her hips. Giggles escaped her lips. "Your whiskers are tickling me, hon."

The young man drew back from his ministrations. "The saliva from my kisses will soothe your sore buns." He blew gently on the cooling surface of his mom's buttocks.

A creaky, "Aaahhh," came from the other end of the couch. It sounded like every care had eased its way out of her.

He knew in that moment that he couldn't play the recording he'd made that evening for her. Let her have this relief. Maybe I'll play it for her tomorrow or the day after.

"If you're still sore tomorrow, I'll give you another treatment so you can run properly."

Madeline went to bed with a smile.

An hour later, MadMommy1980 posted that things were escalating. "But I'm not sure if I can continue. My husband is so upset, and I feel like a hypocrite. I begged him for affection for months. and now I'm suddenly denying him. Things with my son are speeding up, but it all seems like a train wreck in the making."

"I'm sorry, but who is the hypocrite?!" Grant posted via a false persona. "Your husband is the one who denied you for so long. You waited months. How long is he willing to wait? Calm down and trust that you and your son will work through whatever wrecks come. Hell, who knows? If your son was worth submitting to, then maybe he's up to managing this situation. You say things are escalating. Picking up speed. Hold together for a few more days, and see what your man -- your REAL man -- can do."

The next morning, Saturday, three other people had responded in agreement with his post on the forum. MadMommy1980 responded too, "I suppose you're right. He's totally worth the risk."

Grant had plans for the morning before heading to his job at the gym. He walked, quiet and calm, into his parents room. Dad was cutting wood. The eager son went to his mother's side, and roused her with a gentle squeeze on the shoulder.

She came out of the daze of sleep, and smiled when she found her son there.

"Get up," he whispered. "I know it's your day off, but we've got some shopping to do before I go to work."

Forty five minutes later, both were clean and heading out the door with travel mugs of coffee. Grant pointed at his mother's car, "You can drop me off at the gym when we're done."

"Done what? What kind of terrible son drags his mother out of bed and won't even tell her where they're going?"

He simply smiled, and climbed into the passenger seat. Some day soon, he thought, I'm going to "drag" you into bed. You'll know exactly where we're going, and you'll come along at a run. When his mother was buckled up, she held up the car key and waited. "Up the street to Center road," he directed. "Left on Center to the strip mall. I'm taking you to the pool tomorrow. It's time to get you that bikini."

Her mouth fell open. But she collected her wits, and they were at Waikiki Bikini in under fifteen minutes. She was wet before they even got out of the car. Her son opened the door to the shop with a knowing smile.

"Don't look so smug," Maddie grumbled with a playful note as she approached.

As she passed, he smacked her pert ass with a loud clap.

"Ooh!" she squealed, eyes wide and blushing. She smiled to herself. He was welcome to play that game all day long.

They wandered the floor for a while. Madeline grabbed an item here and there. All together it looked like a ball of random fabric. I think this is enough to start. The tone-bodied mom swaggered to the changing room. She could hear her thirsty son pacing by the door. As she changed, she called out, "Oh, no. that's too sexy for an old lady like me."

"What do you mean?" her boy called over the door. "Aren't you going come out and show me?"

The mischievous mommy stifled a chuckle. "Of course not, Grant. You would never approve! You would be outraged if I were to parade myself around the pool in something like this."

"Let me be the judge of that!" he cried. Another customer could be heard shushing. Madeline had to put her hand over her mouth. "Come on, Mom," the young trainer said in a restrained voice. "You know I brought you here because we're going to pick something out for you together."

"Well, okay." She stepped out, and laughed immediately at her son's response. "Turns out they sell one-pieces too." She wore a loose hanging, yellow-green-brown bathing suit with zig-zags. The beautiful body Grant knew was lost in that hideous thing. "What's wrong, hon? You aren't disappointed with my choice, are you?" The brunette beauty laughed again at her own joke.

I'd still totally fuck her, he thought.

He stepped to his poorly draped mother, and hugged her. "Only you can make something that ugly look so good, Mom." He spoke quietly enough for only her to hear. Then he slid his hands down his mom's back and took hold of her ass. The suit was so loose that he had no trouble reaching inside and gripping her naked cheeks.

She gasped in surprise for a second. Then she immediately nuzzled against her son's hard chest and suppressed an approving moan.

"But it hides your tight little ass." He squeezed, and his mother's orifices gaped open for him. "I'm going to dress your sexy body up to show off this tight little tail. We're going to display your hard flat tummy. And your luscious chest will be the envy of the pool."

She swooned in his muscled arms. A weak, "Mm," was all she could say.

He kept her close and tight, squeezing the buttocks he'd spanked and kissed the night before. "You're going to strut your hot muscled legs around the pool. Every man will drool, and you will stay on my arm the whole time. I'll keep you safe from them. I'll take good care of you."

To the mother's amazement, her son's grip and words had her close to a small orgasm. "Uhn," was all she could say.

"Do you have anything like that in the changing room?"

"Nnnh-yeh. I think so."

He kissed the top of her head. Then he released her; slow enough that she could regain her footing. "Great. Go on. Show me something I'll like. Can't wait."

"Yes, sir," she whispered, for her son alone.

Madeline next appeared in a metallic gold two piece. Her young coach had cooled down enough to put up an analytical front. He looked her up and down with a frown of concentration and stroked his chin. "I do like it." She released a breath she hadn't known she was holding. "You look sexy. But you look sexy in anything." A step closer, and the twenty something was in the forty something's space. "This cut accentuates your round hips." A single critical finger traced a line from a hand's breadth above the knee, up along the hip, to her pinched waist. "Womanly. Tempting. Delicious." The mother smiled, watching her son play. "But the cut has too many straight lines." This time his finger started at the side of the gusset before running up the seam to where it met her hip. The big digit had pressed through the fabric against the side of her vaginal lips. Her eyes popped in surprise, but it was over before she could speak. "A beauty like you with a body like this deserves better. Do you have anything that goes higher on the hip?"

"Um. Yes. Two or three."

"Great." He clapped her yet again on her supple ass. "Let's see one." I like this, she thought. I can't remember ever making such sexy play. This is so much fun! She dove back into the changing room.

When Grant's mother resurfaced from the tiny hiding space, he took on a look of mock outrage. "No, no, NO! What are you trying to do, here?" It was high hipped, but it was a one piece suit. He popped his eyebrows up, and made a manic smile. "Are you mocking me?" He took hold of her waist, and she burst into ticklish giggles. He teased through his locked smile, "Am I going to have to burn every one piece in this place to get you how I want you?" She squealed, twisted and laughed under his electrifying touches.

"Excuse me. You two in the back. Excuse me!"

Mom and son turned to see a pleasant looking woman in her late fifties.

"I'm all for having fun, but I have to ask you two to keep it down a little. It's early, but we do have a few other customers." Sure enough, five patrons were staring.

"No problem. We'll keep it down." He pulled his mother tight, and whispered, "We'll be quieter, because my sweet mother will only wear two piece bikinis for her son. Isn't that right?"

With a softer giggle his captive nodded.

"Good. You have beautiful skin. When you return I expect to see plenty of it. But, now that I think of it: I've changed my mind. No thongs. Regular back panels for the pool. Thong panties and bathing suits will only be for you and me in private."

Her brown locks bobbed as she nodded. One step toward the changing room and Madeline stopped. The hot mommy was breathing heavily, watching him over her shoulder.

"What?" he asked, using his indoor voice.

Still smiling without words, she looked down at the back of the suit and back up at her young man. Mommy wanted a spank.

Grant understood immediately. He closed the distance between them again, and murmured in her ear. "I can't do anything that might make a loud noise, or we'll be thrown out. So you'll have to settle for something quieter." His right arm snaked around her waist, pulling his mother to him. The hard erection couldn't be ignored against her soft backside. His left arm reached between them and took hold of an ass that just wouldn't quit.

Madeline hummed in pleasure.

Her son massaged her tight-clad butt with a possessive hold. "I hope this will do."

The older woman nodded again. "Yes, thank you, darling." Those hips popped with each step to the changing room.

Two more bikini's brought on further -- quieter -- hijinks and excuses to touch his mother where a good boy never would. Finally, Maddie's hourglass perfection emerged in a cherry red bikini. Thick strings rode high on her motherly hips, and they held a tiny gusset that dipped to her groin. The top matched the bottom, allowing a lucky viewer to see plenty of soft cleavage. Her smooth flat stomach and long muscled legs were on full display.

"That's it," Grant declared. "I am taking you to the pool tomorrow. You will wear this bikini. No one could guess I'm your son. Everyone will take one look at us, and they'll think I'm some lucky boy-toy. And they will know that you are the hottest woman to set foot...anywhere."

The not-so-mad-mommy grinned wide and bright. She'd seen herself in the changing room mirror. She knew how she looked in this outfit. "It's not something I'd usually choose for myself; not for public, at least. But, yeah. I like it too!"

"Wow," said the manager. She'd left them to their fun since they'd quieted down. "You look like a 5,000,000 candlepower firecracker in that!"

"Thanks," Madeline beamed. "I'll take it."

Mrs. Bloom changed back to her usual clothes while her son paid for the bikini. They left arm in arm.

"Time flew," the trainer sighed. "That was fun, but I've got work."

Young master Bloom got a ride to the gym from his mommy. She smiled and gave him a slow goodbye kiss. The car could have floated back to the house, she was so happy.

It was after ten at night when he returned home. His mom and his meal awaited; both heated up and ready. "Neal had to take off early, and that left me alone to wipe down the machines. Took extra long." He looked around. "Where's Dad?"

"Gone to bed."

"On a Saturday night?"

She shrugged, and turned her head to the side. "Your father was in a surly mood. Understandable, I suppose. He was out for most of the afternoon. Came back late in the evening. He says he was hanging out at a bar, and ate some burgers and fries. No appetite left for a 'bird-food' dinner."

Grant looked at the spaghetti with home made marinara; hearty and rich with extra veggies. Bird food? He shook his head in disbelief.

As the warm noodles and sauce slid down his throat, his weariness seemed to press on the back of his neck.

"Anyway, in a mood like his, there's no way he's coming down here any time tonight." So, she sat on his lap, and took his fork from his hand. She turned a helping with care, but the loving mother stopped short. "Honey! You've got dark smudges under your eyes."

Her son draped his arms around her and nodded. "I didn't fall asleep for a while last night."

"And then you got up to go shopping with me in the morning before a full day of work at the gym? No wonder you're exhausted." She eased a forkful into his mouth, and stared at her son's face. As he chewed, she considered. She offered another forkful of food. "No meeting on the couch tonight," she decided.

"Whhff?" her young man sputtered around the fork. She withdrew it before he could hurt himself. Squeezing her like a prized possession, he chewed and swallowed. "But I want to have couch time with you, mom. I thought it was good for you too."

"It's wonderful, darling, and we'll definitely do it again. But you've got to get some sleep now. Don't worry. I'll be thinking of you tonight. But I want us well rested for tomorrow's visit to the pool and our workout later in the day. You'll need to be alert and attentive for Mommy. You're going to take care of me while I wear that red bikini for you, right?"

She fed him more spaghetti, and he answered, "Mm-hmm."


The simple fact, Mads, is that there came a point when I had to admit that my husband was no longer my man. I could no longer deny that I had a new man, and that that man was my son.

Part of a private message from Romantriarch to MadMommy1980 15 months ago


Sunday morning Grant awoke early. The young man felt well rested and ready for the day ahead. He went down to the kitchen to prepare water bottles filled with lemon slices and ice cubes.

His mother came down next. She wore a blue sundress with small white dots. Beneath, he presumed, she wore her skimpy bikini. Her eyes were wide, but her expression was not eagerness. It was shock.

"Good morning," seemed like a safe opening gambit.

"Morning." Her mouth was tight with anxiety.

"What's going on?"

"Well..." She looked off to the side as if unsure how to explain. "Your father has decided to join us on our trip to the pool."


She answered with only a nod, as Gabe's lurching footsteps approached.

"Huh, okay. I've prepared a couple of lemon water bottles. I don't suppose he'll want one."

"I don't suppose I will," answered his husky father as he climbed down the stairs. He wore what looked like two dozen pale yellow and brown pockets sewn together to make a large pair of shorts. Above that mess was a Hawaiian print button down shirt that couldn't hope to match. "It will be beer for the gentleman scholar that is your father. I'll load up the cooler with ice. We can put your cute water bottles in there with my beer. Your mom will whip up some sandwiches to take with us too."
