Mrs. Molly Bell: A Special Friend

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My husband and I relied on Mrs. Bell so much.
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This is a total fantasy story and does not include anyone under age or any violence.

It was Sunday morning again. I was excited. I looked at my husband John as he busied himself shaving. He tried not to show it, but I knew he was excited. It was always the same on Sundays.

We were both in our forties, and yet at weekends we felt like teenagers with all sorts of exciting mysteries around us. Our children had grown up and were always away doing their own things.

He tried to sound relaxed as he asked, "Did you speak to Molly yesterday, Jenny? Does she want us to pick her up?"

"No, she told me on Friday that her car had been fixed. She will see us in church today."

He nodded. We both knew we were in an incredible situation.

Molly Bell had been my best friend since schooldays. She was such a wonderful lady. I adored her, and so did my husband. Molly had married Bruce on the same day I had married John. It had been a wonderful double wedding.

Molly and I had always had a very close intimate relationship but the very secret intimacies had stopped after our marriages as neither of us wanted to upset our husbands. It didn't affect our friendship.

After the wedding, the four of us had remained best friends and went on holidays together regularly. We all genuinely liked each other. John and Bruce used to go out on Friday Evenings to play darts whilst Molly and I enjoyed quiet evenings together watching television. Every few months we would go out together for a nice meal in a posh restaurant. The men had good jobs so there were no money worries.

It was natural that Molly and I confided in each other about the secret things that went on in our marriages. Molly loved Bruce very much but there was some disappointment with the size of his little man.

We would have a little giggle from time to time about it falling out before Bruce could complete things and how apologetic he was. She would give a wry smile and say "Never mind, we are very happy and he has such fine qualities, the bedroom activities are not that important."

I felt sorry for her and gradually told her of my problems with John in much the same manner. John liked to dress up prettily from time to time and to cut a long story short he liked us to exchange our bedroom roles. I won't repeat all the activities here as I have expounded many of them in an earlier tale called The Guilt Trip.

After about fifteen years of our marriages, disaster struck in that Bruce had a heart attack. It was so sudden. In a matter of three days he had passed away. Both John and I supported Molly as much as we could, but she was inconsolable. All she could think about, was Bruce.

It was John who came up with the suggestion that he could give Molly a job in his office as a junior typist. I thought it was a wonderful idea. Even then I knew that she wouldn't be a Junior for very long. When she was in school with me, she was always the best in the class at just about everything. She was so nice, no one was jealous.

It worked out that way with her job working for John. In a few months she was a senior typist and then a little later she had extra duties added. John was over the moon with her work performance. All through this period she would insist on addressing John by his surname Mr Goode in work.

Whenever she came to our house she would revert to John. My husband did tell her many times that it would be quite in order for him to be called John in work, as most of the staff did. She was adamant that it was important for her to show respect.

After about a year John's secretary left to have her first baby. There was no competition for the job. Everyone knew that Molly was so good at everything, the job was hers by right.

John told me that from then on, she made his job so easy. She would always be at work before he arrived and met him with a cup of coffee and a list of his visitors with any additional details. She never wavered from her original position. In work he was always 'Mr Goode'.

I became a little bored staying at home and I started to work a few days a week in the General Office. With the way things worked out I was in effect working under Molly's supervision. This never showed and she was wonderful. I began to see just how good she was.

All of the staff tended to refer to her respectfully as Mrs Bell. When I did the same she became really cross saying "Please don't talk like that, Jenny. You are my best friend and I owe everything to you and John. You are my saviours."

Molly and I often went to the theatre or the cinema together and it was about this time that my old special feelings for her started to return. She wasn't a glamour model or anything like that but she was so lovely and homely, my heart went out to her. She was so sweet. I still loved John of course but I would talk to my friend about my husband's little special desires.

I think she already had a good idea but whenever he was in one of his unusual states and had to leave at lunchtime for his secret assignments she would make sure that his afternoon visits were cancelled correctly and there was no problem with his absence. Usually I would warn her beforehand that he would be leaving early. I covered this in my earlier Literotica tale.

So that is a very brief resume of the previous events. I have also explained what had happened when she had come home with us after Mass on that first momentous Sunday morning and changed everything.

It was at that time that both John and I had both become rather fixated with Molly or Mrs Bell as he sometimes called her. I had already told John how Molly and I had behaved together in earlier years and it had excited him even more. To be quite honest it excited me telling him.

We had known that Molly by her own admission became rather more fulsome after a glass of wine, and it seemed a possibility, that if we gave her some wine under the guise of a cherry drink that the situation could develop the way we wished.

We both loved her very much and would never do anything against her will, but we made excuses to ourselves that perhaps she would like it. Even that thought made us both have those special juicy feelings.

It had developed. Not in the way that John and I had planned. It had been out of this world. With her help we learnt things about ourselves that we had never dreamt.

Although our relationships in work were exactly as they had always been, Sundays had taken a taken a turn towards many secret excitements. To say that we enjoyed this change is an understatement. The excitement was mind-blowing. Every Sunday it started after Mass when we got home and had a glass of wine. We no longer had to pretend it was a cherry drink. Molly consciously liked the wine and said so.

This Sunday, John and I drove to church and took our usual pews. As usual we saw that Molly had already arrived and nodded pleasantly.

As always Father Francis was very solemn, but gave a lovely sermon about being helpful to our neighbours and be charitable to those worse off than ourselves. At the end of Mass, we all filed out and had general chats with our friends. Molly was always surrounded by people as she was such a pleasant person to talk to.

I signalled to her that John and I were making our way to the car and she smiled and called, "I'll see you at home."

When we got there John fussed around getting the tea ready and a few bottles of wine in readiness. When Molly arrived and we all settled down, I asked her if she wanted a cup of tea and hopefully added "We have some wine ready if you prefer, Mary?"

She smiled, "I think I would like a nice glass of wine, Jen. After Mass and that sermon of Father Francis, it seems so right." I could see my husband sigh. I knew this was a sign of his excitement. He brought the wine in. We had two types and I noticed he used the stronger alcoholic one and poured three large glasses.

We chatted a little further and she asked where the boys were. I laughed and said, "They are off somewhere. We don't really see them at the weekends.

John added pointedly, "We don't really want them here on Sundays, Molly."

She smiled, "He seems quite keen, Jen. Do you think he's ready?"

I nodded, "He's been ready since Friday, and so am I."

"That's nice Jen. He works so hard all the week. He deserves some leisure."

She turned to my husband, "Tell me, Mr Goode, have you been a good boy."

When Molly spoke like this it really aroused my husband. The term 'Mr Goode' seemed to have a special meaning for him. Actually it affected me as well. We were being transported into a different time. It was sort of grown up baby talk.

I spoke in the same manner, "He has been a good boy, Mrs Bell. He likes being a good little boy for you."

At work she would have told me off for calling her 'Mrs Bell' but this was different.

We could both see the swelling in my husband's trousers.

She laughed, "He's ready, Jen."

I nodded. Both John and I, were almost holding our breaths. There were so many ways that things could happen in the next few minutes. We never knew which adventure that his secretary would decide on.

She looked thoughtful, "Tell him to undo his trousers Jen and pull it out for us to have a look."

I whispered loudly, "Pull your penis out John and show Mrs Bell."

My husband blushed but did as he was told. He still had the clothes he had worn to church and looked so strange in his white shirt and tie with his penis sticking out of his trousers.

He was clearly excited and so was I. We never knew exactly how she intended to proceed.

Molly chuckled, "As you said Jennifer, he is ready. Apart from his cock, just look at his testicles. The girls in the office would have a shock if they saw how big Mr Goode's balls are."

I found myself having a little giggle. They certainly would have a shock. I wondered what she intended to happen next. She thought for a moment, then said "Tell him to lie on his back on the carpet, Jen."

I watched in quiet fascination as my husband lay down on the carpet with his trousers open and his huge penis sticking straight up in the air.

Part of my excitement, was that this was my best friend commanding her boss to behave in this manner.

When he was settled she stood up near his head and asked him, "Are you comfortable Mr Goode."

It was so ridiculous as my husband answered, "Yes, thank you Mrs Bell."

When she was satisfied everything was in order she simply lifted one foot over John's head so that her feet were either side of his face. What a sight he must have had looking straight up her skirt. It made me wonder.

I didn't have to wonder for very long as she also pulled her skirt up to her waist.

With her legs astride, her panties had pulled tightly into her crotch I could see John's penis swelling even further as he had a worm's eye view up his secretary's clothes.

She turned to me "I have noticed on occasions in the office that your husband tries to look up my clothes, Mrs Goode."

I nodded and told her, "I know that Mrs Bell. He has a fetish for your underwear."

She smiled, "Well I suppose we could give him a few treats. The problem is that I have had these knickers on since early this morning."

I knew the conversation was affecting my husband. It was also affecting me and I wanted her to go further and said "They are such pretty little panties Molly."

I know that Jenny, but they are small. I can feel the pulling up my bum and my crotch."

"I think he likes that even more Molly."

We were both on the same wavelength now and were enjoying teasing my husband.

She muttered, "Time to give him a better look." and started to lower herself nearer his face. She had her knees bent and was moving into a sort of squatting position over my husbands face.

"Do you think he likes it Jenny?"

"He loves it Molly. And so do I."

"He's is much bigger than my Bruce used to be."

"I remember you telling me, Molly. I always wanted to share with you, but was afraid in case you would object. I want to tell you that I find this incredible exciting and want to do whatever you tell us to do."

She smiled. She knew my need was as great as my husband's.

She had settled down now, with John's face right between her thighs and she was rocking gently.

"I think he likes my cunt Jenny."

The word shocked me but also excited me and I could see the effect on John's penis.

I excited me to be honest with her "He fantasises about your cunt, Mrs Bell."

She clearly liked me using her last name in these circumstances and I carried on with a few of my husband's secrets, "He thinks a lot about smelling your knickers Mrs Bell."

She chuckled, "As I told you Jennifer, I have had these panties in since early this morning."

"I think he will like that even more."

"Because my panties are a bit dirty?"

"Especially so."

"I had a bit of a problem in church. I really needed a little pee." We had played this way before and I heard John moan. I new our words excited him.

I smiled and asked, "Did you manage OK?"

"Yes, I just managed to hold on, but it was a bit difficult to hold it all."

I could see my husband pushing upwards and sniffing a bit. His penis was going mad.

We were all quiet for a few minutes and then I saw her adjust her position a little, so that she was more or less sitting on his face. His nose was very near her bum split and she started to rock her bottom. It was fascinating.

I murmured, "His nose is going up, Molly."

She seemed short of breath "I know Jen. I can feel it. This is very nice for me. Do you like watching."

"Yes, very much. It is so exciting."

"His prick is getting even bigger Jen."

"Yes, he is very excited."

"Go on Jen. Do it for him."

"Rub him?"

"Yes, wank him off. I want to see you toss Mr Goode off."

I giggled. I had done it before many times but never in front of anyone and certainly not in front of his secretary. It all seemed to add up to incredibly exciting actions.

I squatted so that I was astride his lower leg and reached up to hold his penis, at the same time humping myself just below his knee. We were both humping now.

I could see her humping increasing and I said, "I can hardly see his nose now Molly."

She chuckled, "I shouldn't think so Jen. He's partly up me."

"Up you. Up your bum?"

She really was panting now, "No Jen. He's up my arse. Go on Jen. Rub harder. Bring him off."

I knew he was at that special point and gasped, "He's going to do it, he's going to spunk."

As I spoke, my husband groaned as his semen shot out in two great uncontrolled squirts. I squeezed the knob part which increased his flow. I giggled. He was so helpless

She was panting, "Go on Jen. Lets see a load more of Mr Goode's spunk."

We both knew that John became embarrassed when we used the spunk word but we enjoyed teasing him.

We both eased ourselves away from him as Molly laughed and patted him on his head, "You're a very spunky boy, Mr Goode."

I smiled as John muttered his apologies to his secretary, "I am sorry, Mrs Bell."

Molly turned to me and nodded. I knew she wanted me to arrange things.

I handed him a towel and said, "John, you go to the downstairs bathroom to sort yourself out and change your clothes, Molly and I will use the upstairs en suite."

He nodded. Dried himself a bit and moved towards the bathroom. Molly and I adjusted our clothing and went upstairs.

When we were in the upstairs bathroom, she said, "He seemed to enjoy himself, Jen."

I didn't want her to have any doubts "He more than enjoyed it. He was ecstatic."

Again I wanted to emphasize the point, "And so did I. We have both been looking forward to this for days."

We were both fully dressed now and she seemed pleased, "Thats good Jen. I know I can be a bit bossy at times."

I knew I had to explain, "Don't you understand Molly? We want you to be bossy. We need you to be bossy. We both need you to be in charge."

Downstairs, we found my husband had already laid the table for our light lunch.

Molly smiled and said, "That's lovely John. It's like the old days when Bruce was with us."

My husband looked a little sad, "I miss him so much even today. He was a good man and my best friend."

His words affected me and I added, "I often think about those happy times."

Molly was, as ever, practical, "Yes, it is nice to remember but we have to move on."

We all settled down and chatted about people we all knew and touched on works issues and some odd things that certain people had done and most of all we enjoyed our lunch.

After lunch she said, "Well I had better be on my way."

John looked distraught, "We had hoped you stay all day with us Molly. We have made a nice tea for you."

I was equally concerned "Please stay, Moll. We need you."

She looked at John who sounded a little pathetic as he murmured, "My wife is right Mrs Bell. We need you so much."

She looked at us. I think she was conscious of the way that my husband had so respectfully referred to her as Mrs Bell. She knew what we were asking for.

"Well if you both feel that way I will stay, but you must remember Mr Goode that we expect you to be a good little boy for us."

She then looked at me, saying, "And I hope you intend to be obedient, Mrs Goode?"

The way she spoke affected my husband and myself as we both murmured, "Yes, Mrs Bell."

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dreamingofsubmissiondreamingofsubmissionover 2 years ago

Exquisitely written. I simply adore the way you transport the reader into the world of prim and proper and make it so erotic.

furryfanfurryfanover 2 years ago

Every time I read this story I love it more, and it makes me miss your writings.

Emmcee20Emmcee20almost 3 years ago

Controlled and in control - can it get any better? Oh to find a Mrs Bell near me!

CuddlyAlCuddlyAlover 3 years ago

Wonderful story. Wonderful fantasy. Skilful writer.

natalieukcdnatalieukcdover 3 years ago
keep writing please

Another excellent story.. shorter but poised for the next instalment

CanadianMCanadianMover 3 years ago

Enjoyed this very much. A fun sexy tale. Perhaps another Mrs Bell story is forthcoming.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Look no Further for amazing storytelling

May be your best yet, pacing, storyline, are top shelf as usual. You have a gift, and my only complaint is that there aren’t enough stories for me to enjoy.


EmilyJames51EmilyJames51over 3 years agoAuthor
Thank You

I would like to thank you for the kind comments on my story.

It is very encouraging.


daved470daved470over 3 years ago

Just love the synario. It is imaginitve and leads you on to read more Exelent

virusmanvirusmanover 3 years ago

I’m so happy that you are back again writing your delicious tales of the discrete sexual pleasures that are enjoyed by outwardly respectable English men and women. You have lost nothing of your ability to get the blood flowing to all the right places with exquisite consequences. The anticipation of the next instalment of this slice of naughty English life is extremely titillating. Xxxx

phobosukphobosukover 3 years ago
Glad to see you back on form!

And I cant wait to read more

mammoetmammoetover 3 years ago
loved it

hope to read more soon.

MindsetMattersMindsetMattersover 3 years ago
Very Arousiung.

Great Come Back, We missed you, The story is extremely enjoyable, Please continue this. We Deserve a lot more about Mrs Bell, Dominating Both of you..

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Great tease

Welcome back! I missed you so much. I can't wait to find out where this story goes from here. There are so many exciting possibilities. Five stars from me.


jonboy1985jonboy1985over 3 years ago

Just fantastic as usual please continue it is so much fun

Blueman14Blueman14over 3 years ago
Wonderful Miss James...

An exquisite piece of writing which had my heart constantly racing . The ability to keep the reader enthralled is a true gift .

Without doubt , the most talented writer on Literotica and may I take this opportunity to thank you .

Love the formal addresses and the submissive nature of John and Jen , two amazing characters . Five , stunning stars x

MarkCaneMarkCaneover 3 years ago
Nice and rude but never vulgar

I loved the humping and wanking. Well done Emily.

sunburycdsunburycdover 3 years ago
Bravo Mrs. James

Nice to see you back. And in form.

The perfect length but we all want to see what happens in the coming days.

joefeltonjoefeltonover 3 years ago
Another fun story!

If there is another chapter, it should be the ladies' turn to flush with John helping them.

pip46pip46over 3 years ago

It would be nice to have a second part as I found part one most enjoyable

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