Ms. Jesse Pt. 02

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Continue with the senior lady in neighborhood.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/18/2024
Created 05/17/2024
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It was only a few days since my first visit with Ms Jesse and I was anxiously awaiting a phone call from her. I was not sure when she would want to see me again, but I was excited for that day.

Finally, that evening, my phone rang and I saw "Ms Jesse" on the caller ID. My heart raced and the excitement level of my body peaked. As much as I wanted that call to come, I was nervous to answer that phone.

I picked up the call and said Hello. Next, I heard the sweetest voice I ever heard. "Lance? This is Jesse". I replied with," Hello Ms. Jesse, I was hoping to hear from you". We talked for a few minutes, and then she asked if I wanted to go to dinner at her house that Friday. I told her I would really enjoy that.

We talked a little more and I realized she was planning a big meal. I asked if she would rather if I took her out to a nice restaurant. I told her it was a lot of trouble for her to prepare such a lavish meal and I would be happy to treat her to a nice restaurant. She accepted my offer but only if I promised a visit after. That took no convincing. I accepted that idea with no second thoughts.

I told her I would make reservations at a restaurant for about 8:00, but I would pick her up by 7:00 on Friday. I figured we would have a drink or two if the reservations were later. I knew she liked steak and I knew she liked Italian so the choices of a restaurant were almost unlimited. We talked a little longer then said our goodbyes until Friday.

After hanging up with Ms. Jesse, I rushed to find the number to my favorite steak house. Ruth Chris's Steak house is my favorite. It is a little expensive, but Ms. Jesse earned that last weekend.

They had an available reservation at 8:15pm Friday. That was perfect for me. I figured I would pick her up about 7:00 and be at the restaurant by 7:10pm. That would be plenty time to enjoy a glass of wine before our meal.

Now, the only problem is I have to wait until Friday to see Ms Jesse. My anxiety levels are going to peak as the anticipation grows. I couldn't wait to lay my lips on Ms Jesse again. Her kisses were so soft, but were intentional. It was almost like her kisses were an accident that was meant to happen.

Even puckered, her lips were soft and sweet. I kept thinking of the events of last weekend. I thought of the way she covered her pubic mound when I went to kiss it the first time. The way she quietly moaned with pleasure as I satisfied her every need. Remembering the way, she told me how she would "return the favor" to me the "next time", kept flashing in my head.

I had a good idea what "return the favor" meant, but wasn't all too sure. I was convinced she never did what I was hoping it was, so I wasn't sure how enjoyable it could be. I did know however, that whatever it was, I would enjoy it. I think I would enjoy anything from Ms Jesse.

Ms Jesse had a way with everything. She demanded respect without even saying a word. I believe it was the way she presented herself in its own that demanded respect. She was a true lady. Even with the 26 years difference in age, we were equal in our eyes. She didn't see me as younger and I didn't see her as older. She was a beautiful lady on the inside and outside. I couldn't wait to see her dressed up for our date. I had a feeling she would wear a skirt and blouse.

Finally, Friday arrived. I woke up at my usual time to get ready for work. I only had to work a half day but the time just dragged on. I had my usual Friday morning meeting and then my normal post meeting duties. The meeting appeared to last more than the hour it would usually last.

I know I wasn't focused on the topics of discussion. My supervisor kept saying my name to keep me focused. He could tell I was not mentally in this meeting. If he only knew what my mind was focused on. I just couldn't get Ms Jesse off my mind. It was not even the sexual anticipation that kept me unfocused on this meeting. It was just the opportunity to spend time with such a lovely lady.

Finally it was time for me to leave work. I always had my cell phone on as I never knew when the office might call. I held a position that was not crucial to every day operations but clients often called for help and at times my boss would call also.

I got home and tried to plan my afternoon. I wanted to eat lunch and just relax before getting ready for my date. After eating, I sat on the couch to relax. I couldn't focus on TV. I couldn't sleep. Nothing I tried worked. The anxiety was too much for me. I decided to go for a walk. I figured if I went walk a few miles I would be able to sleep a little before getting in the shower.

I walked a mile and just couldn't get my mind off Ms Jesse. I forced myself to walk another mile before heading home. Again, I sat on the couch watching the time pass. I decided to set my alarm on my phone to make sure I was awake for 5:00pm.

I obviously fell asleep because I woke up to my alarm sounding. I jumped off the couch and headed to my bathroom. I carefully shaved my face so I could be as fresh as possible for Ms Jesse. I wanted to do my best to make sure I was as presentable as possible. I got in the shower and washed every part of my body twice. I even shaved around my "family jewels" to make sure I was as neat as could be. I know some ladies like that area shaved. Even in the shower, the time seemed to drag on.

Once I was out the shower, I dried off and brushed my hair and teeth. I put on my boxer briefs paying attention to the color and condition. I wanted the perfect underwear for this special occasion. I got dressed in Khaki pants and a button down dress shirt. I must have checked myself 10 times in the mirror before giving myself the final approval. I was not ready to leave to pick up Ms Jesse. It was only a couple of minutes drive to her house. I definitely didn't want to be late but I didn't want to be extremely early either.

I pulled in her driveway, checked myself and made it to her door. I rang the bell and anxiously waited for her to answer the door. As the door opened, I was stunned at her appearance. It was almost as wonderful as I imagined, but only better.

She had on a black skirt that was right below her knees with a nice printed blouse. She showed some cleavage, but I did my best not to focus on that for now. I handed her the bottle of wine I had brought with me and told her that was for after dinner. She asked if I wanted to go inside for a while or did I want to leave now. I told her it was probably best we left for the reservation because if I went inside we might miss our reservation.

I opened the passenger door for her in my truck and helped her in. I reached for the seatbelt and snapped it in place. It was the perfect occasion to sneak in a kiss. Then I went over to the driver's door and jumped on in. I looked at Ms Jesse sitting in my truck and thanked her for accompanying me to dinner. She smiled at me and thanked me in return.

It was about a 10 minute ride to the restaurant. I parked and helped her out my truck. As I closed the door, I reached over for another friendly kiss and escorted her inside. We checked in and went sit at the bar for a glass of wine while waiting for our table.

Our hostess came to the bar about 45 minutes later to tell us our table was ready. I had requested a table away from the main areas. I wanted to be as secluded as I could. I didn't want anything interfering with our evening.

As we sat down, the waitress brought us water and asked if we needed more time. I ordered each a glass of wine and told her we would be ready by the time she served the wine.

When the waitress served the wine, I ordered for Ms Jesse. She requested the sirloin (Medium well) and scalloped potatoes. I ordered the same thing for me. It was unusual that we liked the same cut of meat prepared the same.

Our meal was served to us within about 25 minutes. It was prepared perfectly. Also, our conversation was very delightful. I am usually a fast eater but I took my time eating so I would not rush Ms Jesse. I was so anxious to get back to her house so I could be alone with her without interruption. The excitement was building with each passing minute. I was enjoying the conversation, the company and just being able to look at Ms Jesse. I could easily have been hypnotized by her eyes and smile.

After we finished the meal, I paid the tab for the night and walked Ms Jesse to my truck. We walked slowly enjoying the short walk in the moonlit night. We held hands and giggled like two teenagers. I opened the door and helped her into my truck. I then snapped her seatbelt and walked around to the driver's side and did the same.

We drove to her house still giggling like teenagers. It seemed the conversations would continue without hesitation. We had so much in common and so many thoughts to share. It was the most pleasant date I had ever been on. Neither one of us felt pressured or uncomfortable with each other. It all seemed so natural to be together. I couldn't help looking at her legs in my truck. Her skirt had adjusted itself with her getting in my truck exposing her knees. She had the most desirable legs I had seen on a matured lady. She was appealing, desirable and sexy all in one package.

Pulling into her driveway I got this warm feeling within my entire body. I wanted run inside with her and rip her clothes off but I knew that would not be the proper thing to do. I wanted this night to be special. I was really starting to care for Ms Jesse.

I got out my truck and went to open her door to help her out of my vehicle. It really felt good to treat a lady like a lady should be treated. I felt our relationship was growing to a more romantic level each time we saw each other. We started out as casual friends now it was growing to a more intimate relationship.

As we walked into her house, she immediately took me to the living room. She turned on the TV and excused herself. She said she wanted to go freshen up and get more comfortable. While waiting, I sat comfortably on the couch. It didn't matter what was on TV because I knew I wouldn't be interested in it no matter what. How could anyone be interested in TV with Ms Jesse on their side?

When Ms Jesse walked back in the living room, I noticed she changed clothes. She had changed into a house dress and slippers. I was not disappointed at all. She was beautiful and sexy. The house dress went right below her knees and had capped sleeves. It flowed nicely on her body.

She sat next to me on the couch and we talked about our evening. I couldn't wait to kiss her lips so I made a move and kissed her. It wasn't long before the kiss became very passionate.

Our hands started roaming each other's body. As I cupped her right breast, she moaned with pleasure. She had removed her bra when she changed so I was able to really feel how nice they felt. I really liked her matured breasts. They did sag and were very soft and full. I enjoyed kissing her but I wanted more.

I let my hand go to her leg and gently rubbed her thigh down to her knee. I worked my hand inside her house dress to caress her bare legs. Even though her body was 70 plus years old, I really enjoyed how it felt. Her kisses were really passionate. We had progressed from simple kisses to open mouth and eventually to French kisses. The passion had taken over our minds.

We were like two teenagers kissing and fondling each other. I wasn't sure how much more of this passion I could handle sitting on the couch. I was thrilled when Ms Jesse suggested we move into another room.

We got up from the couch and walked down the hall to a bedroom. As we entered the room, I removed her house dress. Ms. Jesse was standing there with only a pair of white granny panties. She was such a beautiful sight.

I started to remove her panties and she immediately reminded me she owed me a favor. I told her I did not want her to feel like she had to do that. I only wanted her to do it if she truly wanted to do it. I did not expect "favors" returned.

She told me she wanted to give me the pleasure I gave her but she never did that and wanted me to teach her how to do it. I told her that most of all it is better for her to be comfortable at what she is doing. I think it feels best when the lady truly enjoys it and not just doing it to try to satisfy her partner.

I told her I prefer lots of saliva and pretend it's a lollipop or banana. Just be natural and do what YOU think is good. Do what you are comfortable with. If she pays attention she will know when and what feels good to me. She asked what would be the best position to be in. Again, I told her to be comfortable. I prefer to caress your body, but you can get in any position comfortable for you. It is all your choice. I am sure I will appreciate it no matter what. She apologized for being so ignorant but explained again that she never did this.

We got comfortable in the bed and started kissing passionately again. I caressed her breasts then moved my kisses down to her nipples. Her nipples were so attentive to my touch. Her breathing was becoming more rapid and she was moaning slightly with pleasures.

She managed to whisper that she was ready to try. I turned over to lie on my back and she positioned herself on the side of me. She stroked me a few times then she kissed the head of my penis. She slowly put it into her mouth. My hands were caressing her back side as she moved up and down my penis. It was so good. I know she paid attention and was sincere.

She was truly enjoying this and she was pretty good at it also. I managed to position my hand between her legs and gently rub on her most prized possession. I really needed her to stop doing this to me before I ejaculated in her mouth. I didn't want to do that to her the first time. I really wanted to taste her before I penetrated her.

We positioned ourselves on the pillow and passionately kissed for a while. She told me how much she really enjoyed that and wanted to do it again. Ms Jesse couldn't believe she was married all these years and never knew how pleasurable all this was. She was really enjoying everything.

I then went between her legs and kissed her inner thighs moving my lips and tongue to her clitoris. Her pelvis started thrusting forward. Her hands were rubbing my head. I can tell she was much more comfortable this time than she was the first time. It wasn't long before she started telling me she was ready. I ignored her a little while to continue the pleasure.

Then she begged me to put it in. She couldn't take it any longer and wanted me to penetrate her. I looked up at her face and saw the glow of pleasure. I crawled on top of her and positioned myself so I could slowly penetrate her. She was now losing all eloquence and nature was taking over.

The song "You look so good in love" comes to mind when I think of the look on her face. She had an orgasm and I felt the warm moisture run through the inside of her body. Our rhythm was gradually picking up pace. I felt the need to release my sperm but I tried hard to hold back. I wanted this to last as long as possible. It felt so good being inside of Ms Jesse. Not just the physical part but emotionally it was very satisfying. It was so much more than just intercourse. It was obvious both of us were enjoying this to the fullest. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was heavy. Suddenly, she began another orgasm. This one was a big orgasm.

You can tell she had no control of her body or the sounds she was making. It was so wonderful and I couldn't hold back any longer. I stiffened up and felt the sperm leave my body and forcefully inject itself into Ms Jesse. I continued with a few slow thrust to put as much into her as I could. I felt her body relax as we both slowly gained our composure. I slowly pulled out of her and grabbed for the towel she had placed by the bed. We cleaned each other off the best we could and then cuddled and kissed more. I really enjoyed kissing Ms Jesse. So much passion and feelings were involved.

It was nice lay in bed and just talk with Ms Jesse. Of course she asked how she did for the first time. I believe it was obvious that she did great. I emphasized as long as she enjoyed it herself was all that mattered. It was important to me that she truly enjoys it. I didn't want her to feel like it was a duty. I know I truly enjoyed it and I especially enjoy doing it to her.

We decided it was getting late and I should get going. We helped each other get dressed. We then went back to the living room and talked a little while before I had to say bye. She assured me the next time she would prepare a meal. She said she really enjoyed the meal but it was not necessary. She laughed and said I don't owe her a meal just to come visit.

We said our good-byes and promised to see each other again really soon. She suggested we do not wait so long and maybe I could spend the night next time. That sure sounds nice to me.

It was a very short drive home but it felt like forever. I miss Ms Jesse already.

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