Murder Close to Home: Carmine -Edit


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"Oh hi Mike, it's Ken. Jan's beeper just went off and she's in the shower. She just came in. I asked her not to tell anyone like Marlene said. Is that it?"

"Yeah Ken, can you tell her I have to speak to her. Now! It's important!"

"Okay," he sounds unconvinced. "I did tell her."

"It's some thing else, Ken. To do with that murder she's working on."

"Oh okay. Be right back."

In a few minutes, "God Mike, you even want to get in the shower with me now. What is it?"

"Call Global and impound tonight's news hour tapes. I heard the woman's voice on the news but missed what it was. I know it was her voice."

"Whose voice?"

"The woman that called me about the embezzlement scheme at the investment house in town."

"Right, you think it was her that tipped us off with the anonymous note and photos."

"One and the same."

"Did you see her?"

"No, I was waiting for you to call back on my page."

"You paged me?"

"Yes, ask Ken. He called to say you were in the shower."

"Why would he call you and tell you I was in the shower?"

"Your pager went off."

"Oh, downstairs you mean. I get it."


"If you paged me and then you heard the voice how did you know you were going to hear it?"

"I called about something else then I heard the voice."


"And what?"

"What did you originally call me about?"

"Oh, I promised the kids no one would ever know about what Shelly said and Marlene said she told Ken so then she called Ken and he said he had told you so I was calling you to ask you not to ever say anything."

"Whew! You better catch your breath after that." She laughs.

"Anyway he just told me he already told you."

"Uh huh but... I'm afraid I already told Connie. She's in the hospital. She had a seven pound two ounce boy this morning at about nine."

"Wow, I bet her and Al are sure happy."

"She's ecstatic, I don't know how he is. How do you tell?"

"He is a bit of a cold fish, isn't he?"

"The coldest! Guess what he named the kid?"

"No idea."

"Bernard Orville. Did you ever?"

"B.O. Van Houghton?"

"You got it! Connie told him and he doesn't understand what it means. What a creep! Hey, come warm me up! I'm getting cold here!"

"Where are you?"

"In the bedroom in my birthday suit and I'm still dripping wet from the shower."

"Hey, keep it up. You're warming me up!"

They both laugh but Mike settles down and says, "Can you call her back and ask her to not say anything?"

"Will you meet me for lunch tomorrow?"

"Hmm, where?"

"Lover's lane out by the Matsqui gravel pit."

"Jan, you know better."

"You want me to call Connie, don't you?"



"Never mind, I'll call her."

Marlene says by his elbow, "Is she trying to get you in bed again?"

"No, the back seat of a cruiser, I think."

Janine says, "I was hoping for the back seat of a certain Mustang convertible."

Mike hands Marlene the phone. She says, "I heard that!"

She grins, "Oh, is that all?"

She laughs outright, "He wouldn't? Gee, I guess your poor old puss is going to have to go without then. What a shame."

She shrugs, "He hasn't asked me yet."

She snaps back, "Sure, is he there?"

With a snicker she says, "You know what Mike said. He has to ask."

"Bah! Do you want him again?"

"I mean do you want to speak to him." She giggles and hands the phone back to Mike.


"She wants him as bad as I want you. I can tell. Why don't you ask him?"

"Because he's a friend and it's up to him."

"Oh damn! I'm going to twist his arm. I'm going to tell him I'm pregnant."

"Did you take the test again?"

"No but no period yet. It should have started by now."

"So tell him then."

"I might."

"I have to go. I have to call Connie yet."

"I'll call her. I owe you."

"Don't start in on that."

"I'll call her, big boy."

"Take care then."

"You too and give Marlene the big eight inches for me."

They laugh and hang up.

"What'd she say?"

"Her usual, give Marlene the big eight inches for me."

"She is so awful! She sure has the hots for you."

"I know."

"You too, eh?"

Mike shrugs, "It'd be nice again, I suppose."

"Yeah, so would Ken."

"He'd go for it if you asked him outright."

"No, I did this morning and he said you had to be agreeable to it."

"Oh, I see. I better call Terry."

She muses, "I'm not so sure I want him when you're around. I prefer you." Mike chuckles and wraps an arm around her lifting a breast and kneading it on the underside. She squeezes against him. The phone rings. Mike chuckles and picks it up. "Yes Jan?"

"Darling, it's Trudy. What are you doing calling that woman?"

"Uh, I was just talking to her and thought she was calling me back."

"That's what I asked. Why were you calling her?"

"I think I know who sent her the anonymous note and photos."

"Who was it?"

"I don't know yet. I heard her voice on the news and I called Jan to try and get the tape so we can see it again."

"Oh, okay. I called to tell you how sorry I am about Shelly. I had no idea what had happened this morning. You must be in misery. How did you handle it?"



"My God, does the whole valley know about it?"

"Connie told me when I called to see how her and the baby were tonight. She thought I knew. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want anyone to know. I promised Shelly we would never tell anyone. Please don't mention it to anyone."

"Okay, I'm sure Anne won't say anything. Why did you tell Connie?"

"Oh Lord, she hasn't called her sister by any chance, has she?"

"No, I don't think so. I'll tell her it's important to keep it secret."

"I didn't tell Connie, Jan did."

"You told Jan?" Her voice is cold.

"No, Marlene told Ken who told Jan who told Connie who apparently told you. I think that's how it went. What a secret!"

"Wow! Small world, isn't it? Did I tell you Connie had a boy?"

"No, Jan did."

"Oh. Well, you don't have to be short with me. I didn't do anything. I just called to say how sorry I am."

"Thanks love, I do appreciate your concern. See you in the morning."

"Yes, you will. I have some other news but it can wait."

"Oh love, please forgive me. I am so upset today. It has just been one of those days."

"It's okay, I understand. See you tomorrow."

"Good night love."

Marlene rubs his shoulders, "Where did we leave off?"

"I have to call Terry, love."

"I guess I better go explain to Shelly that the word is out."

"Oh love, I guess I should go with you to tell her."

"It was my fault. She was with me when I went to see Ken."

"You mean she knows that Ken might know?"


"Whoa man, how much does she know?"

"She knows about Ken and I. She told me she did this morning."

"Whew! How did you handle that?"

"Felt guilty... like she wanted me to. It was only after you reassured me that I began to feel okay about myself."

"She's shrewd to get the better of you. I never realized she could be like that."

"You never heard her exact words as Jan told me, what she said in Rick's presence and he said nothing."

"She's such a cute kid. Where did we screw up?"

"I don't know but we have to pay a lot of attention to her now and get her back. I read some of the pamphlets and we have to build her self-esteem. It's important she feels loved and in control of her life. I plan to do a lot more with her and encourage her to chum with girls her own age that are reliable."

"I'm calling Terry now."

"Have supper first. I'm going to call Shelly and Jan. Can you get Rick?"

Mike goes to the front door and asks Rick to come for supper. He comes in quietly. "Can I go over after supper and tell Julie I'm going away?"

Mike nods, "But not a word of why. It would devastate Shelly if she heard it from any of the kids at school."

"I know Dad, I won't say anything." He goes on through to the kitchen and Mike follows.

Shelly comes down with her mother, her eyes red and sore. She smiles weakly at Mike as she goes into the kitchen ahead of them. Jan comes sneaking down the stairs and follows her parents to the kitchen. It's a quiet meal and seems to last forever. Marlene asks Shelly to stay down and help her after supper. She agrees with a shrug. Rick excuses himself and leaves. Marlene goes to stop him but Mike shakes his head.

Mike lifts Emma out of her highchair and says, "Come on, tiger. Lets teach this kid to walk."

Jan rushes along behind him, "She can walk, Daddy. I've seen her. She can walk and talk some too."

"Well, lets get the camera and see if she'll perform for us."

He spends the better part of an hour with them and Jan does get Emma to walk. She doesn't manage to get her to say much, though. Mike is delighted she is walking and tells Marlene in the kitchen. He plays the tape back for her and she laughs. "I never saw her do that. She can walk, the little stinker."

Mike sneaks a cookie that is cooling on the counter and Shelly grins. He winks at her as he goes back in the front room. Shelly follows him herded along by Marlene. She says, "How are they, mister?"

Mike laughs and speaks with his mouth full, "Vurry guud." Marlene laughs and says, "Your Dad likes your cookies, dear. Come on and help me get this little monkey to walk. How did you do it, Jan?"

Jan shows them and soon the three of them are playing with Emma. Mike goes to make his call. He dials and waits.

""Hello." He knows that musical voice.

"Well, hi there itty bitty pretty one. Is that brother of mine around there?"

"Yep, you'll have to come see me some other time."

Mike laughs, "I'm not in Golden, I'm home."

"Oh, what you up to?'

"How would you like to have a star boarder for a while?"

"Hmm, are you finally leaving home?"

"It's Rick."

"Oh, that'd be nice. When's he coming?"

"Right away."

"Sure, send him on up. Terry will love that."

"Can I speak with him?"

"Sure, hang on." Mike waits.

"Silver Heels, you old fox. What's up, bro?"

"I got a boy down here that thinks he wants to ecplore. He needs a place to start. Can he board with you folks a few months?"

"Rick's been getting into some trouble, eh? Gosh, they learn young. Were we like that?"

"I won't answer that if you don't."

"Yeah, send him up. He can work weekends for me up at the lodge. I think he'll love it."

"I'll likely bring him up tomorrow."

"Great, we'll watch for you."

"Take care now."

"You too, bro."

He hangs up and notices Shelly has tears in her eyes again but she continues to play with Emma. The three of them have Emma up and walking all around them clinging at times to them.

He hates to break up their doings but he has to alert Marlene that all is set up. He motions for her attention and she comes to him. "I'm taking Rick up to Terry's in the morning. Do you have any of his laundry or anything you want to get done tonight?"

"All ready? I guess the sooner the better. I'll check."

When Rick comes in looking sombre he and Mike sit down for a talk. "I spoke with Terry and Nina. They say they'll be happy to have you for the balance of the school year, son. Terry even said he would be happy to take you up to the lodge weekends to work for him. How does that sound?"

"Pretty good, Dad."

"Okay, I'll take you over to the school in the morning and we'll clean out your locker. I'll get transfer papers for you to take to the school up there."

"When do I go up country?"

"Tomorrow I'll drive you up."


"Something bothering you, son?"

Rick shrugs, "Julie wanted to get back together. I just went over to say goodbye and she cried. I thought she didn't care."

"You'll find that everyone cares, son. They may never give you a second look as long as you are always around but if anything happens they notice, they really do care. You better go up and help your mother get your stuff together."

"Okay Dad." He goes off upstairs and Mike watches the girls with Emma. He wishes things were different. He will miss his son.

Chapter 12:

November 11

Mike wakes early and Marlene clings to him. He can tell she's awake and feels her tears on his chest. He moves his hand between her shoulder blades rubbing gently. "He's awake, Mike. He can't sleep either. I was up and had hot chocolate with him in the night." Mike says nothing but continues to rub her shoulders softly. He feels her shake with deep sobs.

Finally he whispers, "He'll be safe with Terry, love."

"No, he won't! He will be on the ski hill where it's dangerous and I won't know. He'll be going to school nearly four miles and I won't know. He'll find other Julies up there and I won't know." She cries more openly now on his chest. Mike doesn't have any answers for her.

He whispers, "It won't be forever, only until the school year is over. He will be home again next year."

"It might as well be forever! I won't see him growing every day. Will I even know him then?"

"It has to be, love."

She sobs and blubbers, "I know." She raises her head and pushes the tears from her eyes with the side of her palm. "I know, Mike."

He pulls her closer and kisses her forehead. "Do you want to make love?"

"Oh yes, please be gentle and make me forget." She locks her lips on his. Soon they move like dancers in perfect accord. Mike strains to make it last as long as he can for her to help blot out the sadness of the day.

When they shower together she tells him she has everything packed in Rick's room but when they get dressed he finds Rick has moved everything down to the front door. Jan is up for school but she says Shelly is still asleep. Rick tells his parents, "She's awake. I told her goodbye an hour ago. She doesn't want to go to school this morning."

Marlene says, "I'll take care of it, lover. She can stay home today." She puts breakfast on the table for them. Mike thanks her. He doesn't really want to have to deal with Shelly this morning. She reminds him of who to see at the school and she says she will call ahead so the transfer papers will be ready for them. He and Rick load his stuff in the car. They fill the trunk and have to put some in the back seat. Mike comments, "Did you leave anything in the house?"

"I don't think so, Dad?"

"I believe it! If I go look in the front door I bet the place is empty."

Rick breaks up with him. They laugh together as Mike calls for Jan to hurry up if she wants a ride to school. She wants to take her bike but Marlene says she will pick her up after school so she comes running. Marlene comes out and sadly sees them off. She goes back in the house slowly, crying again.

All goes well at the school and they only spend about half an hour there then they are on they're way out to the freeway and east. Mike calls Trudy at the Head Office. "Good morning, Laura. Can you put me through to Trudy, please."

"Right away Mike. Are you coming in this morning?"

"Not today. I'll likely be in Thursday morning."


"Good morning, love."

"Aren't you coming in?"

"I'm on my way to Golden with Rick. He's going to stay up there the rest of the school term."

"Oh. I suppose that's a good idea. When will you be back?"

"Tomorrow night."

"You're taking the car?"

"Uh huh."

"Be careful on the roads. You know what they can be like this time of the year."


"Will you be home early Thursday?"

"I don't think so, love. See you at work Thursday morning."

"Okay. You will be coming home Thursday night though, won't you?"

"I plan on it."

"Okay, good luck. I love you."

"You said you had some news last night?"

"It can keep."

"You have my curiosity up now. Come on, spill it."

"Lily hired two more officers for Langley. Her figures are away up since the last ad campaign."

"Wonderful! Did she get good people?"

"All I have are the names. One's a friend of Chuck's. Bill Frost and the other one is Larry Ryan. I think she said Ryan is an ex-prison guard from Agassis. He was commuting and wanted to get something closer to home."

"Bill Frost? Is that William Frost? I know him."

"Yeah, she thought you might. She said Chuck was sure you knew him."

"That's great! It'll be good to see him again. They both sound great!"

"Okay, hurry home."

"Take care, sweetheart."

"You, too. Bye."

He puts the cell phone in the charger. Rick asks, "One of your old buddies, eh Dad?"

"Yeah, he was trained by ABC Security, where I used to work. I worked with him long ago."

They chat and the time goes quickly. Before long they are in the Coquihalla Pass and the roads are in good winter condition. They pull in to eat in Kamloops. Unconsciously Mike avoids his regular stops where the women all know him. He fuels up in Kamloops and knows he has enough to make Golden. Late in the day as the sun sets they are climbing up the Roger's Pass to the lodge.

Mike flashes the lights at another CPX truck when it passes them heading for the coast. He gets an answering toot of the air horn. Rick grins and says, "You know people everywhere, don't you Dad?"

"Not everywhere, son. But on this route I know a lot of people. Are you hungry?"

They pull into the lodge and have supper. Mike calls Terry to let them know where they are and that they will be there in about two hours. They leave quickly and roll down the far side of the pass in the twilight. One more climb up into the Selkirks and then they cross the time change line and soon are descending into the Rocky Mountain Trench, the valley where Golden resides.

Mike makes better time with the car so the whole trip takes about eight hours. He pulls in at the Husky Truck Stop to fuel up. He laughs and jokes with the staff he sees there and then they go through Golden and out a few miles to the Bench. He pulls up the hill and swings up into Terry's driveway.

Nina spots them as they are getting out of the car and comes running out. Terry stands in the door waiting. She quickly hugs Rick and then goes up into Mike's arms. "It's so good to see you, Mike." She kisses him. Red faced she pulls away and urges them to come in the house.

Terry has Rick in a bear hug by now and Mike laughs. He says to Nina, "You'd think that boy would know enough to avoid that guys hands by now." They all go inside together.

After a quick coffee Mike suggests they unload the car. With three of them doing it the job is done quickly. As they are taking in the last load Nina runs out with the portable phone in hand and she says, "It's for you, Mike."

"Who is it?" He takes the phone. Nina shrugs.

He speaks into the phone, "Hello."

"Mike?" He recognizes the soft sweet voice. "I heard you were in town. How are you?"

"Corrine, it's nice to hear your voice. I just got in. I'm fine." Nina rolls her eyes and leaves him.

"Are you busy?"

"Well, I'm at my brother's for a visit."

"Oh." She sounds disappointed. "I haven't seen you in quite a while."

"I've been busy."

"Are you busy tonight?" He can hear a ruckus in the background and she hollers at some of the kids to quiet down.

"You're not working tonight?"

"No, just sitting at home with the kids."

"How is everyone?"

"Wild, as always!" they laugh.

"Do you want to go dancing?"

"Yes," she draws the word out with a sigh.

"I'll pick you up in half an hour at the house. We'll go out to the Bend."

"Oh thank you, Mike. I'll be waiting." He hears the kids squabbling and hangs up.

Corrine is a truck stop waitress of twenty-six that works at the Husky in Golden. Her husband is away in the penitentiary in Alberta for twelve years for armed robbery. Mike often takes her out when he gets in town but it has been quite a while this time because of his arrangement with Veronica. He smiles as he sees her cute face in his mind with the dark brown hair and soft blue/grey eyes.
