Murder Close to Home: Carmine -Edit


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Her hair is always flying in her face in his mind and he enjoys her vivacious joyful outlook on life. She's five foot two but weighs around one sixty so she's chunky. He finds her a delightful armful when they go dancing.

He goes inside and Nina remarks, "You're not going out with her, are you?" Mike grins and nods. "Oh Mike, you could do a lot better." She stands in one of the basement rooms' door and says, "I'm putting Rick in the other room down here. You can sleep here." She goes on snidely, "It has this basement entrance so you can sneak home any time you want."

She goes on into the room with sheets and towels over her arms. Mike goes to the end room and peeks inside. Rick is unpacking putting clothes in drawers and on hangers. He steps inside and sits on the bed. "Hmm, feels comfy. You're going to get soft up here." He feels the thick eiderdown comforter.

"Nina says they let the fire go down at night. It holds most of the night but sometimes gets cold by morning. It's a wood stove."

"I see baseboard heaters over there. Don't they work?"

"She says Terry has them shut off. The electric bill is too high with them. He gets the wood for next to nothing at the mill."

"Well, it sounds like you're fitting right in up here. Do you mind if I go out?"

"I guess not. Nina is taking me in to school in the morning. Are you heading home?"

"A friend called and asked me over. I may be late getting in. See you in the morning."

"Okay Dad. If she has a daughter, give her my number." He grins.

Mike tousles his hair as he gets up and goes out the door. He goes upstairs and finds Terry watching TV in the living room. "Hey Terry, I'm going out. See you in the morning."

"Nina said Corrine was after you. Taking her dancing?"

"Yeah, gonna take her over to the Bend."

"Have fun." He winks.

Mike grins and goes back down the stairs. Nina is just coming out of the guest room. "I made up your bed but don't be bringing her to it. You hear me?"

"Itty bitty pretty lady, you do me wrong. I am but an innocent babe in this veil of tears."

"Hogwash! Go sow your wild oats!"

Mike bows to her and leaves. He drives the four miles into town and down into the seedier section. He pulls up by a huge pile that might have been back around the turn of the century a palatial home but is now a run down rambling wreck sinking into the ground. He climbs out and notices leaning against the doorjamb a young teen girl in cut offs with a bare midriff.

"You looking for sis she's in the house." She calls through a tattered screen door, "Corrine, your man is here!"

Two boys of about nine or ten come chasing each other around the corner of the house and they are barefoot without shirts in the cold night air. They shove the girl aside and run into the house. The old screen door bangs shut behind them as a voice calls back from inside, "I'll be right out Mike, come on in if you want."

Mike shrugs and approaches the door. The teen says, "You gonna take her to the Bend?" He nods. "Get her drunk and screw her, eh?"

"You should have your mouth washed out with soap, young lady."

"Ha! I'd sooner give ya a blowjob. Yummy!" She grins and takes off on the run around the house. Mike shakes his head and opens the door just in time for the same two kids to fly out passed him on the tear again after each other. He steps into bedlam. There seems to be people everywhere varying in ages from about twenty down to two babies.

Some have dishes of food in their hands and are sitting or standing eating. Others are sitting around on overstuffed furniture or chairs piled high with old newspapers or dirty laundry. A girl Mike would take to be about eighteen sweeps the papers off a chair on the floor and says, "Have a seat. She won't be long. Do you want something to eat?" Mike shakes his head as he sits on the chair.

"What do you do for a living?" Mike looks to see where the voice has come from and sees a fat woman in a chair opposite him on the other side of a loaded down table. Of what he can see he determines her age to be from forty to infinity.

"Mabel, it's Mike."

"Shit, I didn't recognize ya without your driving clothes on, what you doing up here?"

"Just came up to my brother's for a visit."

"Him, he's makin a name for himself with that ski hill. Doin awright!"

"Yes, I guess he is."

"He's the saviour of this ere town, ya know! If them damn mills ever close like the government wants to do it's people like him will keep this town alive. Him 'n the railway!"

"I guess he gets a lot of his trade from Calgary."

"He's drawin them from all over the land. See more friggin foreign plates around since he started up then I can member."

"How have you been, Mabel?"

"Oh, doin poorly now son. Back's done give out on me. Can't get up worth shit no more."

"Have you been out to the Bend since they got the male strippers?"

She laughs, "Darn tootin! Stuffed a few bills in them tights too, I did."

Corrine comes rushing into the room around some boxes. "I'm all ready. We're not going to see any male strippers, mom. We're going dancing." She rushes over and pops into Mike's lap. "Been a long time since we went dancing, Mike."

Her mother cackles, "No lap dancing in here now, mind your manners girl." Corrine jumps up and pulls his hand urging him to go. He gets up and nods to the heavyset lady in the chair.

"What's the curfew for your daughter, Mabel?"

"Hell, get her home before the sun comes up. Have fun, kids." Corrine clears the way and they make it back out through the banging screen door.

Mike laughs and says, "There seems to be more kids there every time I come by."

"Two of them are cousins. There're six of us girls and four brothers; the twins and the smallest rugrat are mine. I guess that's right, fifteen and Mom."

"I thought your hubby was away for four years now?"

"The twins ain't his. That was before I smartened up and got back on the pill." She grins. "You brought the car!"


"Wow, does that ever look neat. Is that a '69?"

"Sure is."

"Did you do the restoration on it?"

"Nope, almost all stock." He opens the passenger side door for her. She slides in and across the seat. Mike closes the door and goes around. She's waiting for him with a big smile. He climbs in and she snuggles to him for a kiss. He puts his arm around her shoulders and kisses her long. She struggles to get closer and is almost laying on him by the time their lips part.

"Oh boy, let's go dancing!"

Mike starts the car and they drive out through town and out the highway a few miles to the river bend. A neon sign with flashing arrows point to the large pub/lounge/inn in the curve of the river and the sign pronounces, 'The Bend'. He drives in and parks along the far side of the lot facing the river behind the building.

He notices half a dozen other cars parked the same way and sees a few bobbing heads in some. He chuckles and helps Corrine out his side of the car. She jounces along skipping with him to the large door at the back of the building. They go by that door and go to a smaller one. Mike opens it and they enter the pub.

There is a decent crowd of about forty and the fact that it's a lumber town is easy to make out. Plaid shirts and work boots seem to be the order of the day with blue jeans. The ladies are in everything from jumpsuits to full flared skirts. Tables are loaded with beer bottles and the noise is overlaid with blaring dance music from a small combo on a raised dais. Corrine is bouncing from the moment they get inside the door and she searches the room for a table.

Mike has the advantage of height and spots one near the wall on the side. He doesn't try to tell her; he steers her that way. A buxom blonde rushes to get their order before they can start dancing so Mike orders two beers each. Corinne calls to her, "I'll take the same."

Mike hollers at her, "Hey, I'm driving!"

"I'm not!"

He laughs and waves to the floor. She jumps up and grabs him. They hit the floor together and she is very light on her feet. She fits in his arms like she was born to and they dance together well.

She looks up at him with stars in her eyes, "Oh Mike, it has been too long since we danced the night away."

"You mean all those truckers that come in there don't take you dancing?"

"I don't think I've been out here since you and I came out the last time."

"That's a rotten shame. I know you love to dance."

"The guys that come in today are all young guys and they want to get you in their truck for one reason. I like that but not all the time. I give them the air any more as often as look at them."

She snuggles to him and they dance song after song. Finally she whispers, "Are you getting thirsty?" He steers her towards the table. He notices three of their drafts are gone and three bottled beers are in their place. He looks around and asks a fellow at the next table, "Has someone else taken our table?"

"Sorry, we ran out and drank yours. We put back some for them."

Mike laughs with the guy and shakes hands, "Mike here and the lady is Corrine."

"Yeah, I know Corrine. Barney here and nice to meet you."

Mike sits back with Corrine and she whispers, "That's Barney, he's the foreman out at Donald mill on the night shift. He must be in town getting parts tonight."

"Parts here?"

"That's what he tells the bosses." She giggles. She points out a lot of others and tells him who they are. Mill workers and railway men are the ones she knows. Some of the fancier ones she says are tourists staying at the inn. Mike hears an uproar from the other room and asks her what it is.

"Come on, I bet they're at it. It's the strippers in the lounge."

He follows her through the crush of people and many seem to be going the same way. When they manage to get into the other room he sees a female stripper hanging upside down from a pole but no one is overly excited about it. He shrugs and looks to Corrine.

"We missed it."

"What did we miss?"

"They have male and females strippers on the same night sometimes and it is rumoured that they go all the way some times, full penetration. I've never seen it and it's not legal but hell, we're outside the city limits and they do pretty well whatever they want."

"Do you think that's what it was?"

"It shore was," the voice comes from a nearby table and a bunch of loggers laugh it up over a pile of empty beer bottles and draft glasses. Mike shakes his head and steers her back through the door against the human tide.

Men and even women are grumbling and shifting around as they do the same turning back to the pub. The floor is relatively empty back in the pub so they dance to the blaring music enjoying the freedom to move as they please.

Back at the table he starts his second beer and Corrine starts on her fourth. She orders Texas style chicken wings and offers Mike some. He tries them and they make his eyes water. She laughs and says, "They help them sell beer to put out the fire." She munches them down.

Soon thereafter she is after him to dance some more and they move together on the floor. "You really know how to treat a girl in style, Mike. I feel like a lady when I'm with you." She is not as nimble on her feet now so Mike has to be careful dancing with her. He steers her back to the table and they sit a dance out.

She has to go to the 'powder room' and Mike sells the remaining beers on the table to the next table at a discount, of course. He meets her near the door and sweeps her out on to the floor. She is quicker again and they enjoy a fine dance with Mike ensuring they end up near the back door.

He says, "Whew! I got to get some air. Let's pop out the door for a bit."

"If you want to go and watch the moon with me just ask. Lets go."

Mike follows her out and she is heading for the car. He catches up and asks, "Don't you want to dance any more?"

"Do you?"

"I guess not."

"Good." She starts walking again. She is acting surprisingly sober and Mike wonders how she can do it. He trails along and she walks passed the car to lean back against the hood and look out over the river. He looks and sees the moon reflected in the water but not just the moon. There is a perfect reverse reproduction of the moonlit snow capped Selkirk Mountains in the water, as well.

She murmurs, "Isn't it beautiful?"

"Perfect when you are here."

She turns and puts her arms up around his neck kissing him long and hard while moving her hips against his in an urgent passion. "Mike, you know what I want."

"Where do you want to go?"

"In the car. That's okay, isn't it?"

He kisses her again moving his hips with hers and she feels his hard erection against her pelvis. She moans and pulls him toward the car door while they are kissing. "Have you got the keys?"

She covers his hand as he unlocks the door and she pulls the handle. She slides across the seat and she wiggles her skirt up so she can pull her panties down. She slides them off as Mike takes the seat next to her. He puts his arm around her shoulders and pulls her to him kissing her again. She whispers, "Mike! Mike, I'm so ready for you." His exploring hand confirms she is for sure. He rubs her willing and waiting sex so she pushes her body to meet his hand. Soft moans escape her lips. "Yes Mike! Yes!"

He unbuttons her top and quickly loosens her breasts. Licking the orbs on the sides he caresses the inside of her thighs and she spreads her legs far open for him. She starts to rock in the seat as his lips cover a nipple and he sucks it making it hard. Her moans turn to small cries. Her voice quavers, "Mike, I'm getting close! Just a little more! Oh!" She draws the utterance out. Her breathing comes in short sharp gasps. She grabs his hand squeezing it. "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Gently and insistently he rubs her as she gasps and shakes her head. She drops her head on his shoulder and kisses his neck. "You know me well, Mike." She catches her breath. "You drive me crazy. You're the very best."

He slides his hand down over her opening and cups it moving his palm slowly. She moves her hips with his hand movements. "See our moon up there and our mountain peaks."

"I see them reflected in your pretty eyes."

With one hand on his at her core she extends the other to find him and set him free. "I like your cock. It's so big and hard." She reaches forward and kisses it then grins at him licking her lips. Her hips still move with his hand. She takes her hand off his and moves it over her other breast catching the nipple and pulling it then rolling it between her fingers and thumb. The hand on his cock slides up and down it spreading his leaking fluids.

She whimpers, "My clit, rub my clit." He does as she asks and she smiles moving her hips faster. Her eyes become glazed as her hips move faster. "Oh! Oh! Oh!" He sucks on the nipple as she plays with the other one. He rubs around her clit touching it now and again making her shudder. "Oh yes!" She squeezes his erection. "Oh yes!" She throws her head back. "Oh god!" Her breathing is a rattling in her throat. "My God, Mike!"

She tries to fumble his pants undone in her frenzy and he undoes them for her. She pushes them back off his hips and shoves his shorts with them baring him to his knees. She grabs his hip and pulls him to her as she slides back down in the seat her head by the steering wheel. "Mike! Mike! Mike!" She pants his name as she pulls him on top of her.

He slides his hands under her ass and lifts her up to slide inside her. Easing it in and moving with her insistent undulations he fills her. She cries, "Deeper! Shove it deeper! My god, give it all to me!" He pushes all the way in. She pulls at his shirt and scrapes her nails over his back. He can feel her internal muscles tightening and releasing, tightening and releasing in a throbbing rhythm. He lays still in her letting her come down from her climax gently. Caressing her breasts, her cheeks, her chest between her breasts and even her mouth he eases her down and she giggles. "Why can't I do that? When I masturbate I never get the high you give me."

He whispers, "I keep you up there for a time."

"You fill me and I can feel it. It adds so much to it. And then, you're here. That means so much to me." She rubs his arms. "Are you going to let me come again?"

"I'm going to come with you."

"Yes!" she draws it out.

He eases back out of her and then goes deep again, eases back out and slides in again deep then he backs out and slips in an inch then out and in an inch then out and in again. "What are you doing?"

"Feeling for your G spot."

"Ha! I don't have one of them. Oh, what was that?" She shivers.

He withdraws and pokes again inside in the same spot. "Oh!" He moves ahead and back quickly a number of times and she shudders all over. "Oh God, is that my G spot?"

"Uh huh." He grins and continues to stimulate the pea-sized area of erectile tissue about an inch inside her vagina. Occasionally he goes deep to feel her velvety soft tunnel sheath him. Resting on his elbows he plays with her breasts and speaking softly says, "Now play with your clit."

He continues to jab her G spot and go deep as she reaches down eagerly to rub her clitoris. She shoves her hips up to meet him and cries encouragement. "Mike, so close! Mike!" then "Oh Mike, it feels strange. Oh my god, Mike!" She screams, "Mike!" He thrusts into her bucking body feeling his own pressure building. She is whimpering and moaning and panting under him. He thrusts hard and lifts her ass off the seat as he lets loose with a stream of semen inside her. Hunching he thrusts again and feels the release and then a third time.

"Oh Corrine," He pants shaking all over. "Oh Corrine!"

"Oh Mike, what a feeling! That was so intense... I felt it up my spine! I have never come... like that!"

He eases out and in, side-to-side moving so slow as their breathing returns to normal. She struggles and says, "My panties. Use them so the seat doesn't get stained. Hurry." Instead he reaches to the glove box and draws out a soft towelette. He reaches it into place as he eases out of her.

She sighs as she puts her hand over his. "That's nice. It's real soft. Then she sighs again, "I hate it when you pull out of me. I want you in me forever."

"It'd be rather embarrassing when you came down for breakfast in the morning."

"Oh Mike!" She laughs and lets him sit up as she pulls her leg from behind him. "I wish you would come my way more often Mike. I do miss you."

"Do you think you could take it?"

"Oh yes, just try me."

"I am rather tied up with someone right now."

She laughs, "So am I but he won't be out for a few years yet."

"Do you see him often?"

"Not now. He screwed up. He's in northern Saskatchewan."

"Prince Albert?"

She nods, "Yeah, the super max."

"What'd he do?"

"Got in a fight with another inmate. When the guard tried to break it up he attacked the guard. Broke his leg."

"That'll do it!"

She chuckles, "It did." She stays on her back and pulls both feet up to put them behind him. She puts her hands under her head and chats with him. He toys with her legs and plays around up under the hem raising it a little at a time as they chatter.

Eventually he has her skirt up above her waist and brushes his hand over her bush. She grins, "Are you looking for more?"

"Just looking."

"It feels like you are just feeling."

"I'm studying your vulva."

She spreads her legs by bending one knee. "Can you see better?"

"Uh huh, roll over."

She laughs, "You do want more!" She wriggles around until she's on her stomach.

"Lift your ass now."

She does as he says and he nudges her legs apart. He rubs her vulva and spreads it open with his fingers. "Very nice." With his other hand he inserts a finger and feels around the bottom of the channel. "Tell me when I touch your G spot."