My Alien Cock


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Angela locked the door after Patricia was gone, then returned to sit on the near corner of her desk.

"How do you do that? I can see what you are doing down there, and what you did before in the cold room."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, she was not yelling like I expected but asking about what Dick was doing. How the heck do I answer this. Can't very well tell her it is an alien being that attached itself to my groin replacing my pathetic little dick. A glance down and he was now swinging side to side as much as my pants would allow. Shit what trouble can I get into now? I tried to explain.

"Angela, I'm not real sure how to explain this. It's like it has a mind of its own and gets out of my control."

She thought about my response and nodded as though it explained everything, before she ordered, "I need to see what it is doing. I've never seen a cock acting like yours, so you need to demonstrate it to me."

Talk about being dumbstruck, she wasn't going to ball me out any more. She wanted to see Dick up close and personal. I started to think we may not be any trouble after all. Instead of getting a dressing down I was going to be dressing down. I looked at her, getting a raised eyebrow as though telling me to get on with it. I undid my pants and pushed them and my undies down. Removing my shoes by using each foot I was able to push my pants all the way off. Watching Angela stare at Dick as it built up its swaying and full proportions. Stretching himself as though filling up with blood. She licked her lips and had her fist rubbing into her crotch. I removed my shirt then socks, although I almost unbalanced myself, remaining upright only because Angela reach out her free hand to steady me. If grabbing my cock could be called giving me a steadying hand.

She let it slip from her grasp and Dick went into a program that would win any world gymnastics competition. I could hear him through our link, singing a catchy song and timing his movements to its melody. It wasn't a song I knew but he knew it and when he hit a sustained high note he kept himself as vertical as possible vibrating as though an earthquake had hit. I was concentrating so much on Dick I never noticed Angela until she grabbed him in both of her hands, stilling his movements. I looked up at her and was stunned that she was naked and, though carrying a few extra kilograms, she had a wonderful figure. I thought she was in her mid forties with an hourglass figure, that much was obvious wearing the unflattering store uniforms. She had an hourglass figure with huge boobs, slightly saggy but the nipples still looked forward, just lower than they used to be. There was a slight tummy paunch and a wide set of hips rounding to a meaty bum that balanced out her large breasts. Older than I would normally look at, but she qualified for MILF status and well worth ogling.

Who was I kidding, I had only lost my virginity less than an hour ago, and here I was faced with a totally naked woman and possibly my second experience of sex. At least that is what I had to guess as I was naked in a locked room with a naked female. That female was now stroking my cock with both hands, mesmerised at the 25 centimetre long appendage. I assume Dick knew what he was doing as he looked way too large for any woman to take. Only in the scripted porn do they have these things happen. Dick let a little pre-cum gently dribble out to run down and be taken up by Angela's hands. I could feel the difference a little lubricant made to the feel of someone rubbing a cock.

As though hypnotised she bent forward and took him into her mouth. Dick's sigh joined mine as her hot moist mouth slipped over the crown and covered the head. She kept the handjob going as her head bobbed up and down over the last few inches of Dick. I was torn between watching this new display I had never seen before, and closing my eyes to fully experience the sensations I could feel. I alternated between open and closed as she kept it up for quite a while. There wasn't a clock in sight, but it felt like almost ten minutes before her pace picked up. She wanted my cum, I know this because she kept repeating it.

"I want your cum. I want to swallow all of it. Cum for me."

Dick finally gave in and let her have a full dose as I heard, #Yeah baby, take this slut.#

I was glad he said that in my mind and not aloud. She swallowed almost all of it. When Dick decides to cum a lot he certainly can cum a lot. I thought he sent a good sized load into Trish, this made that feel like a teaspoon full. She greedily gulped down each spurt, but it began to seep out of her mouth after the fourth load. At the end it was dripping down off her chin onto her breasts, but not to be short changed she scooped that up with her fingers to slurp it into her mouth. I watched spellbound as she enjoyed eating my, err Dick's spunk.

Like a mind controlled slut she sat back onto the desk and with both hands pulled me to her. She kept her eyes on Dick, eyebrows raised.

"Gee Joe, how the heck are you still hard. Does in ever go down. This is what, two loads in about an hour?"

Her eyebrows looked like they would disappear into her hair line when I answered, "Third load today."

"Wow," but all she did was pull me closer and on grabbing Dick aimed him to enter her vagina. I had to bend my knees slightly to lower my hips, as the table was a low for my height. She had amazing fleshy labia, I remembered the name, and a really pink vagina. It was a little hidden amongst the short hairs, but she at least kept her bush trimmed. As she pulled Dick inside her, I let the enjoyable feeling take hold of me. Then I made a rash decision and reach a hand out to touch a boob. Being as experienced as I am, touching a boob was new to me. Not being told to leave it alone I allowed my hand to roam over it. I tested its weight and how firm it was, bit spongy but I can't complain. I didn't get to play with Trish but she was a lot smaller than Angela in boob size. Her nipples had partially, I think, hardened and felt rubbery. I added my other hand onto the other breast when it was apparent Angela was okay with me doing this.

Dick was fully immersed in her vagina which astounded me that a woman could take so much inside. Perhaps he shortened himself when out of sight. I'll never know unless he tells me. Regardless of how big he was I loved the feel of a cock in a tight vagina. This time I got a message from dick.

#Joe, you have to do the moving. It would look weird if I went in and out by shrinking and stretching, or buckling up on the outside as I pulled out. You need to do the work for now, at least while she is looking.#

When you are a good boy you do as you are told, so I moved. It took a few tries to get the range and speed right. Dick helped by advising when to change direction. He definitely had the best vantage point to gauge when his head was about to leave her vagina. More directions were given, like when to speed up or slow down, and shorten or lengthen the stroke. By this time Angela had her eyes closed and looked to be in heaven. I was learning what to do now after getting the on-the-job instructions from Dick and I varied my strokes. As Angela's breathing quickened to short pants I upped my pace until she froze in place. Dick yelled up our link that he was letting go, and I felt him throbbing and cum shooting into her. She gave a little shriek and grunted a number of times like this was how she had an orgasm, at least with a hand covering her mouth. I stopped moving and leaned forward to hold her in both arms letting her support me as she was held up by the table. We both needed to steady our breathing. I almost laughed when Dick shrank himself down and flopped out of her, letting loose a deluge of milky spunk. Angela didn't notice this until later when we had our breathing back to normal.

"Thank you for that Joe. Hope you didn't mind making an old lady happy."

"It was a true pleasure Angela, and you are not that old. I find you really attractive if I'm allowed to say it."

She giggled, yes it was strange seeing an older woman giggle, my boss to boot, but she giggled and said, "I don't believe you, but thanks for saying it. You are a good guy and a good worker, Patricia is as well, and I realise today was an oddity in life. Out of character for both of you. As long as neither of you break any more rules, especially about sex in the workplace, you'll both be fine. Let know there won't be any mention of this on your records unless we get any formal complaints about your behaviour. There were two customers watching you through the fridge earlier as well, although they seemed more captivated than I was. Especially with your amazing gymnastic display. I still can't work out how you can do that, but it was incredible to see. I'd love it if my husband could learn that sort of control, but his few inches would never be as amazing as your mammoth cock. Off you go Joe. You still have your shift to finish."

We got dressed and I left to return to the store room, finding Trish in the cold room still stacking the fridges. We waved to each other as I went back to work. I hadn't seen Herman around, but remembered he had probably finished his shift by now. I took a moment to check the papers in my pocket and they each contained a first name and phone number.

'Wow,' I thought, 'I wonder if I should call them. They were nice looking MILFs if I remember correctly. Wouldn't matter anyway, I need more experience with sex. Perhaps an older woman can teach me what to do.'

#Hey, what am I, chopped liver? I know more than all the old ducks you could ever meet. Have I steered you wrong so far?#

I had a chuckle and thought a reply, 'No Richard, you've done a great job getting me my first, and second, fuck.'

#And don't forget I got you your first handjobs and blowjobs from females. Not forgetting amazing sex. Twice!#

'No I haven't forgotten. It's just that I thought a woman's perspective might be different, that's all.'

#Okay, just don't forget who has all the experience here.#

With that final comment we went quiet for the rest of the day and worked till closing time that night. Leaving the store I promised to give Patricia a call before next weekend to sort out when we can get together again. She thanked me for talking Angela into letting us off the hook. I didn't have the heart, or balls, to tell her exactly why she relented on our punishment.

Chapter 7

I was glad to get home that night. Mum was home and after calling hi, I got out of my work clothes and joined her in the kitchen. She was just getting my meal out of the microwave oven and setting it on the table. I grabbed a cold drink from the fridge and sat to eat. Mum joined me while she had her cup of coffee. As was her norm when I worked evenings mum was ready for bed by the time I came home. Tonight I noticed she looked different although I had trouble looking past her large boobs that had filled out her thin nightie, and the hard nipples making their presence known. I could see the colour of her nipples highlighted by the surrounding pale skin of her breasts through the stretched nightie. She must have worn this same outfit before, but now I was noticing her. It was confusing, disconcerting and exciting. To make things worse Dick was yelling to me in my mind to let him pop out for a view.

I continued eating, hoping to finish my meal quickly and get away before I did or said something wrong. I hoped she hadn't seen me when I was staring at her chest, watching the nipples slide up and down as they moved in and out with every breath she took. I could have sworn they got harder and poked out more, looking to be almost three centimetres long. The surrounding areola had deepened to a crimson colour as they contracted while the nipples grew. She had begun to take short breaths as though panting when I emptied my plate and drink, getting up to soak them in the sink. This broke the spell she seemed to be under and she gave her head a shake, looked around as though just waking up and decided it was bedtime. Saying our good nights she left the kitchen allowing me to watch her leave, I really checked her body out in that thin almost see through nightie. She had undies beneath it of the same material and I admired her slim waste and wide hips as she walked away. Her wiggling butt cheeks kept my attention on her until she stopped and turned her head back.

"Ni-night sweetie," then seeing I was staring she smiled and asked, "Are you okay Joe? You seem to be in lala-land."

This brought me back to reality, "I'm alright mum, just a long day at work. A good night's sleep will be good. Night mum, love you."

"Love you too dear," were her parting words as she walked out of my view.

That night I was recapping the day's events and became worried about how much of it was really in my control, and whether my new attachment Dick had a lot to do with things.

'Richard, we need to talk.'

#O-oh, that sounds ominous. That is always said just before bad news like divorce or the spouse needs permission to cheat and have sex outside the marriage regardless of vows.#

'Don't be stupid, that only happens in those dumb stories. I need you to explain what happened, why and how I got to have sex. I was a virgin for crying out loud, and had trouble finding even a slut to do it with me. Now I am just getting it without trying, and even being forced to do it. What haven't you told me, cause I don't wanna get in trouble. Today we even had unprotected sex. What if I catch something, or get a girl pregnant. Working casual at a shop won't support anyone let alone a baby. If I can't get through uni I'll never get a decent paying job."

It was quiet a moment as Dick slipped himself out through the unbuttoned fly in my pyjama pants. It looked like he was checking around the room and I couldn't work out if he looked like a periscope on a submarine or a swan's neck and head. Apparently satisfied he turned to face me and spoke, even though I couldn't work out how he made sounds I could hear.

"Right kid. Sorry I got a little carried away and skipped the instruction part. I had been so worried about getting buried under tonnes of concrete I overdid the being relieved bit. So listen and I will try to explain things.

"You already know I was with others on a ship and we crashed onto your planet. Our normal host bodies couldn't survive your atmosphere and most of my companions died, I think. Some of us found other local species to attach to and survived. We lost contact with each other over time. I got lucky and eventually found your species which had reasonable intelligence. I was able to pass myself on to a new host before the old one died. I did find one that I could completely bond with and that would have been great as we could both then live indefinitely. I can fix your bodies of disease and a certain level of physical damage. We were together for a long time, not sure exactly how long as this was before everyone had clocks and calendars. So I hope to find this bond again, but it takes something to occur for the bond to happen. I'm not really sure what is required as I was with him for ages before realising it existed. Oh, he died after his head was lopped off on some battlefield. We weren't fighting but were busy fucking a wench when the fighters overran our spot. Never even knew it happened until after he stopped thrusting. That was a bit unnerving I can tell you. I was glad one of the fighters stopped to fuck the wench as I was stuck inside her after disconnecting when my host died. Glad I don't have claustrophobia. Haha. A cock that can't get into enclosed spaces, what a riot that would be.

"Anyway, that was just some background, now I will tell you some real details of my capabilities that I have learned in respect to my effects on humans. I say human because I started out attached to all sorts of beings before I found you guys, and I prefer to forget most of them.

"As you found out I can get some control, or maybe better to say response from your females. You wouldn't necessarily notice that I give off a certain pheromone. This works through the female olfactory system and gets her hormones pumping through her system. I can alter how much I emit as some females need more than others to get their motors running. Too much and we would have horny females everywhere at the same time. This will also work on you so that you notice the woman and find her attractive, regardless of whether you would want to even look at her normally. Sex is sex to me, although I am not into men. My odour works on males, like it does you, so I have to be careful if other males are close by. My hosts and I have had some wild times in the past before I worked that out. I learnt that not all butts are nice.

"Moving on, Once I have them in the mood it's easy enough to direct them to want to be with my host. Horny women become very single minded, and it's possible for them to see a guy in the distance and run off to attack him. It's no fun being left behind high and dry with blue balls as another guy gets all the fun. My poor hosts actually get really embarrassed when others see him being cuckolded and ridicule him. I saw some of this in your memories from just before we met. It doesn't happen very often, but I know exactly what you went through. Some women just aren't predictable. Yes, I can see from your face that you heard me say your memories. I am working out your brain pathways and accessing more things about you.

"The rest comes down to getting her attention on us until we can start the sex. I often do this by pressing and rubbing against her, my acrobatics works too. Once we get her going we are home free. We can also be assured of return engagements as I always know how to get them off. A female who has multiple orgasms from a guy will always want more of him. So be prepared for your coworker and boss to flirt with you a lot. Those other two women at the store also got a good whiff of my mist in the fridge, and they will be after you to give them satisfaction. Unless they find another male who takes their fancy. That happens, so be prepared and don't get upset if they ignore you next time they see you. They might have husbands, boyfriends or girlfriends they love and are good enough to satisfy their needs.

"One more thing, I shoot blanks unless I need to procreate and that only happens occasionally. I am also immune to all possible diseases that affect any beings on this planet. I pass this immunity to my host so we all live a healthy, happy, sex filled life.

"That's most of it that I can think of at the moment. So kid, are you okay to let me help you get more sex with more women than you ever dreamed of?"

I was amazed at what he had been saying and it took a while for it to sink in. I didn't have any questions for him at the time, but I had only one thing to say in response.

"Hell yea. Sign me up Dick."

I still didn't have the heart to tell him our surname was Hedd. He'll find it out eventually.


Hope you enjoyed this story.


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whacky76whacky7613 days ago

Omfg I laughed so hard it hurts. This might be the funniest story ever. This takes thinking with the small head to new heights.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I had to stop due to the authors inability to correctly spell and way too much rambling. Just trying to follow the story made my brain hurt

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Honestly was just clicking random stories and got a good laugh- honestly wish there was more lol

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Cute story; potential for 5 stars

Misses on: orientation (disorientation?) of Dick's pee slit; description of female orgasm as perceived by host; delayed explanation with recap of information already revealed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Sorry, just plain stupid

If you think this is funny, you may need a life.

mr6x5mr6x5about 4 years ago
More please

So far so good, would love to see Dick and Joe keep going...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
More please

So many great paths this story can go down. I hope you continue writing.

I wonder how kinky and what fetishes Dick will encourage with other women. Maybe the more they fuck, the more dick has control of the body.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago


It's nothing that complicated. Generally, if a woman has a good time when she has sex with a guy, she'll be a lot more inclined to do it again. No mind control required.

devildog0302devildog0302about 4 years ago
Funny story

This was different and a good read. Would like to hear more about the exploits of Joe and Dick.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Please continue

I agree, this opens up a whole world of possible adventures. Perhaps getting back at Sandra, and a continued relationship with Trish, etc.

So please consider continuing.

FerrumitzalFerrumitzalabout 4 years ago

Very entertaining, and an unusual premise. We definitely need to know what happens next.

When Richard says the women will want more because of "pheromones" and multiple orgasms, is that all of it? Or is there an element of mind control since he's obviously an alien being and not at all sure of what's going on. Maybe there's some mild addiction that causes the women to be far more lenient and accepting of his dictates down the road?

Whatever, it's sure to be a fun adventure. I hope there's another twenty chapters in the offing so we can really explore this world.

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