My Brother, the Prick


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We decided to go car shopping. All three of us we're accustomed to sharing an old ford something or other. Danny had already thought this out. Mom wanted a medium size four door with an automatic and a radio. Not too dark because that would show dirt. I had fallen in love with the convertible, but not necessarily with the mustang. The back seat wasn't particularly comfortable. I wanted all the bells and whistles. The prick wanted a truck. He said if he was living in Texas, he needed a truck.

The prick looked at his phone and decided where we would begin. It was a forty-minute drive to Corpus Christi. He drove us to the BMW dealer.

I literally flipped over a silver 430i convertible. It was my dream car. The back seat sucked, but who gives a rat's ass. I'd be in the front.

Mom felt the same way about the X3. She said it was a mom car. We both tried to get her to move to something bigger, but this was what she wanted. It was white with every bell and whistle BMW had.

Three hours after arriving, mom and I drove off in our new cars and followed the prick to turn in the rental. From there we stopped to buy car insurance.

"Where would you like to look for your truck?" Mom asked.

"Toyota dealer," he replied putting the info into the GPS.

He found exactly what he wanted. A new Tundra TRD. It was silver with black cloth interior and could easily seat five. The deal was made and about an hour later we were on the road back to the house. Both cars fit in the garage and Danny parked his truck outside. We all spent the evening with our noses in the owner's manuals.

Mom and the prick spent the night together and mom was as dreamy as I had been the next morning. I asked her about it. They had done what the prick and I had done the night before. It affected her the same way it had me.

We spent the entire day at the house or on the beach. Our new style suits were a hit with Danny, and apparently, with many of the guys on the beach. There were a lot of photos taken by passersby. I think the prick enjoyed it as much as we did.

He was quiet tonight. I asked him about it, and he said he was just tired. Danny went to bed early by himself.

"Mom, what do you think is going on with Danny?"

"I think he's overwhelmed. He's not accustomed to being this happy. If it's a new sensation it takes time to accept it."

"Do you think he is happy?"

"Honey, your brother has been behind the scenes his entire life trying to take care of us. Making our dreams a reality is probably his greatest joy."

"I was thinking the other day. Do you remember when Danny came home all busted up?"

"You mean after he beat the crap out of your boyfriend?"

"So, that was what happened?"

"One of his friends brought him home. They had to pull him off. His friends were afraid he was going to kill him."

"I never knew. I made him a prick, didn't I?"

"Your father started it. When Danny found out what my parents did to me, that added to it. You were a bitch to him, which probably didn't help, but you didn't cause it. He was a prick to you when you were a bitch to him. I think you're both past that now. Let it go. It's history, sweetheart."

"I'll try. Is there a way I can make it up to him?"

"Yes. Be happy. Have you thought about what kind of furniture you want for your bedroom?"

"Something with really pretty wood. Not white, but not too dark either. I want a desk too. I'm hoping to go back to school."

"Danny's hoping for you that too. We were talking on the way to the Toyota place yesterday. He knows you want that."

"How could he know? I never talked about anything personal to him."

"Danny is the type of guy that sees and hears everything around him. He sort of feels peoples need, hopes, and dreams. I don't know how but he does."

"I'd like to do something special for him."

"Just be happy and know he loves you. You can't give him anything more valuable than that," mom told me. "Oh, and blowjobs. He loves those."

Mom and I both laughed.

We piled in the prick's truck to go furniture shopping the next morning.

"Where to?" he asked.

"I'd like to go to Ikea," mom announced.

We both looked at her like she'd lost her mind.

"Mom, you don't put Ikea furniture in a three-million-dollar home. Danny, see if there's a Haverty's around here."

Danny checked his phone. "There's an Ashley. They carry nice stuff."

"Let's start there," I suggested. "Ikea? You wanna go to the Dollar Store too?"

"Don't forget Five Below," Danny said laughing.

"I like Five Below," mom said.

"Get over it," I told her.

Ashley had gorgeous stuff. I found a cream-colored bedroom suite that I loved. It had more drawers in the dressers than I knew what to do with. I'd figure it out. Mom went for white. It looked like beach house furniture.

I thought the prick would go for dark wood and massive. He didn't. He wanted medium brown with a platform style bed. Danny was adamant that it have no footboard. Mom and I both tried to tell him how much a footboard added to the look. He finally took both of our arms and took us aside to talk.

"Picture this. You're lying in bed waiting for me to eat your pussy. I climb up between your legs. Where's the footboard?"

We both tried to picture what he was describing. It took a minute. We both laughed when we visualized it.

"Okay, no footboard," we agreed.

We had the basics covered by the time we got home. Danny had been fine all day, and in the evening mom and I decided we were going to make the bedtime activities all about him.

We started with his shower. Since mom and I both required hair removal for our new swimsuits, I playfully suggested we shave my brother. He agreed. Mom did the actual shaving, and I kept the parts occupied and out of her way. Before it was over, we were all shaved bare. It did make the prick's prick look bigger. Luckily, it didn't change the taste. Mom and I both liked the new look.

Looking out onto the balcony, I noticed that the beach was devoid of people. Mom and I walked Danny out there and propped him up on the big lounger, about the size of a queen bed. We got on either side of him. He grinned as we both began toying with his cock and balls.

"No aggressive stuff tonight, please? I'd really like this slow and easy," the prick asked.

"That was out plan, baby," mom told him.

"After the show," I added.

"What show?" he asked.

"We thought we'd do some girl on girl and let you watch. Sound good?" I asked him.

He grinned and nodded. I climbed over him and moved next to mom. Our lips met in a deep, sensuous kiss. Our tongues explored each other's mouths. Mom looked over at his cock, then wiped pre-cum from the tip. She used her finger to paint it onto our lips before resuming our kisses. Our hands began sliding over each other's breasts and teasing the hard nipples. I got pre-cum and put it on mom's nipples as she collected the dew from her pussy and put it on mine. We took turns licking it off.

I slipped a finger between mom's legs and collected moisture then offered it to my prick brother. He licked it clean with a soft smile. Mom repeated the same thing with mine. Then she and I shared it with each other. Danny's cock was so hard we could see it throb with each heartbeat.

We shifted our positions so that we now faced each other's pussies. Danny sat up and sat facing us where he could reach us both. He watched us as we began exploring each other's pussies with our tongues. He stroked our hair as he watched.

I guess I've become a bit of a exhibitionist lately. I love him or mom to watch my sexual activity. The prick seems to enjoy watching.

Mom was really turned on. Her clit was rock hard, and her pussy was rocking over my face. Her clit usually softens for a few seconds when she's close. That didn't happen this time. She just went off. Her pelvis rocked so hard I had trouble staying between her legs. Mom can get loud when she cums, but tonight she let out a moan that drowned out the surf.

As soon as she was able, mom attacked my clit. I rolled on top of her to sit directly on her face as I slid my pussy over her. I could feel her nose at my opening as her tongue mercilessly flicked over my clit. I think I moaned as loud as she did.

I'm pretty sure we had both temporarily forgotten about Danny. I know I had. Mom and I moved apart and plopped onto our backs. Our pussies needed a break. We both jumped when the prick slid his finger over our very sensitive clits.

We pushed him backward onto the lounger and crawled between his legs. Mom swallowed his whole cock as I sucked his nut into my mouth.

We took turns sharing that prick's hard prick for a long time and were enjoying it as much as he was. I don't know how long we were at it, but it was the longest BJ I'd ever given. When he came, mom pulled his cock out of her mouth and stroked him as he shot cum all over our faces. I licked off the last of it from the head then we cleaned each other's faces with our tongues. We finished with a sloppy cum swapping kiss.

Danny was spent. Mom and I were still in need. We walked him to his bed and tucked him in for the night. Me and mom went to my room for another round.

We were having breakfast the next morning and Danny had gone to the bathroom. His phone announced a text message. Since we were expecting a text from Trish with a closing time, I turned the phone toward me to see the message.

Bond revoked. DA pushing for long prison sentence.

I showed it to mom. "Does Danny have a friend in jail?" she asked.

"I have no clue. When was the last time you met any of his friends?"

"It's been a while, a couple of years probably," mom said.

"Yeah, for me too."

Danny came back and I pushed his phone to him. He read the message and a smile came across his face as he deleted it.

"I thought that might be Trish and read the message. Sorry, I shouldn't have done that," I told him.

"No problem. There isn't anything on there that you can't see."

"Not even dirty pictures?" I asked, grinning.

"You haven't let me take any dirty pictures."

"I don't remember you asking to take any," I replied.

"Can I? I'd like pics of you both," he requested.

"Not unless you lock that phone. Anyone could see them, and I don't want my pussy all over the internet," mom replied.

"Put mine on Facebook," I told him.

"Hey, we could do some porn videos and post them on an adult site. I'll bet very few of the family videos are real," the prick chuckled.

"Oh, hell no!" Mom said, wide eyed. "I'd rather not go to jail."

"Have you ever heard of anyone going to jail for adult incest?" I asked.

"There's a first time for everything," she said. "Taking videos is one thing. Posting them online is altogether different."

"Cool. We can take some vids later today," I suggested. Danny grinned. Mom rolled her eyes at me. "I'll start writing scripts right after breakfast."

"Right," mom replied, exasperatedly.

I didn't write any scripts, but I thought about what I would write. Most of what I'd seen was pretty cliche. Son with mom or daughter and the other joins them, or mom and daughter together with son joining in. Boring and overdone. I'd have to think of something different.

As I thought about it, I remembered my Black & Decker pussy wrecker in the drawer back in Jersey. We'll need to bring that to Texas. I'd love to use that fucker on mom. Maybe torture her with it. I smiled at the thought.

"How are we getting our stuff from home to the new house?" I asked.

"Driving up and back is out. It's twenty-seven hours of driving. I doubt there's much we even want. I could fly back, pack what we want to keep, and ship it here," Danny suggested.

"What about the rest?" Mom asked.

"Give it to a women's shelter or something," I suggested.

"By the way, there's an airport in Corpus Christi. You don't have to fly to Houston," mom said.

"That's a time saver. Houston is a pain to drive through," the prick agreed.

"I could go with you," I offered.

"And leave mom here to fill the new house with shit from Ikea?" Danny asked.

"Good point. Somebody needs to keep an eye on her."

"Sandy, you and I need to make a list of what we want packed," mom suggested.

"I'll start that today between scripts."

"My list will be short. All I want are the things in my memory box. That's stuff I've saved from you kids over the years," mom said.

"I don't have much either. I plan to leave that life behind," I told them.

"I'll book the trip after we get the closing date from Trish," Danny offered.

"Sounds like we have a plan," mom said.

"So besides making porn vids, what are we doing today?" I asked.

"How about sightseeing?" Mom asked.

"Something on a boat. I've never been on a boat," I said.

"You've been on the Staten Island ferry," mom corrected.

"That doesn't count. I'm talking about a real boat."

Around eleven we headed out. We did find a place to go for a boat ride and we all enjoyed it. We even saw dolphins.

The prick noticed people parasailing and tried to convince us to do it. I told him he could kiss my ass. He did, which got a good laugh from the guy driving our boat. Mom declined too, but more subtly.

We had lunch at the Dockside Seafoodery. I kid you not, that was its name. The rest of the afternoon we browsed the shops. At the far end of the street was an adult toy store. We didn't go, but I made a mental note of where it was. Mom and I could go there while the prick was in Jersey.

Trish didn't call until the next morning. Our closing would be at ten on Monday morning.

Most of our time over the next couple of days was spent relaxing around the house or on the beach.

I have no clue why, but the prick has started watching the evening news. I have no memory of ever seeing him do that before. I sat with him a few times.

On Sunday evening, while mom was fixing dinner, we were watching CNN. A story came on about a guy running for governor of Pennsylvania who had taken money from known criminals for his campaign. He had also been involved in several payoffs of women he'd been inappropriate with. His bid for governor was shot. During the stations investigations they discovered that his wife had a whole string of young guys she was screwing. Danny and I both got a big laugh out of that.

Danny insisted we all three be at the closing. When it came time to sign the papers, we all had to sign. Turns out the prick had put the house in all three of our names. Mom started crying again. He's such a prick.

Our first stop after leaving was the new house. Mom called Ashley and Home Depot on the way to set up deliveries for Tuesday.

When we got there, the prick had the audacity to carry us both over the threshold. There's just no end to his antics.

Not wanting to be outdone, mom and I sucked his cock as he sat on the kitchen island. The house was officially christened.

Danny left for Jersey the next morning. He had given us each a charge card so we could begin work on furnishing and decorating. Mom was the one with all the big plans and ideas.

All three-bedroom sets, the breakfast table, and the washer and dryer were in and setup by three. We headed out for bed linens and towels after that. While at Bed, Bath & Beyond, mom also picked up kitchen stuff out the wazoo. It was a good thing we drove his truck; the sucker was full by the time we got home.

We went back to Ashley the next day and bought more furniture. There were two other furniture stores and an outdoor furniture store where we bought even more. The delivery guys were great. They set everything up and even hauled off the boxes and packing material.

While mom waited at the house for more deliveries, I moved our stuff from the rental to our new home. The only thing I didn't get was the movie theater size TV. The prick could get that when he got back. We did make it to the sex shop and picked up several fun little toys. Several, meaning about twenty items.

Danny got back on Sunday. He had paid extra to have the six boxes flown with him. The prick had been thorough. He went through every nook and cranny. Anything that looked like it had sentimental value got packed.

The three of us had been spending a lot of time together, so when we started unpacking our boxes, we did that together. My Black & Decker pussy wrecker came out of the box and mom cracked up.

"It's a vibrator, mom," I told her, turning it on and putting it to her muff.

She stood there enjoying it for a minute before stepping over to her boxes and pulling out her own, that was identical to mine.

Looking back at that unpacking, it saddens me to see just how little of our past we brought with us. What's important for us is each other and our future.

My brother is a prick. That doesn't mean the same thing to me now that it did at the beginning of this narrative. I love him with every ounce of my being. He belongs to me and mom. He's our prick and so much more, and we belong to him.

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midatlstorymanmidatlstoryman5 months ago

Excellent narrative

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Dam good

afan117afan1177 months ago

Omg i feel like you wrote a bio.on my soul especially about "taking care of everyone in the background is probably hos greatest joy" or something of that effect. If you could write a part Ii that be great can't tell if it's a cliffhanger teaser or a general a

BassNutt51BassNutt51over 1 year ago

As I've noted before on your stories, they have heart and a little romance. This keeps us readers glued to the storyline and our hands off our members. It's almost like a long edging. Great writing and creativity. Thanks for writing it's much appreciated 😊👍

muskyboymuskyboyover 1 year ago

5/5 as always. Thanks for keeping it just those three. More chapters would be nice, maybe pregnant sister?

GrandEagle53GrandEagle53over 1 year ago

Absolutely fucking fantastic. Great payback on father and grandparents. 5 stars.

CaptainFrostBiteCaptainFrostBiteover 1 year ago

Definitely a different type of story, but absolutely terrific!

Robinius1Robinius1over 1 year ago

Mom gave in pretty fast and sis a little slower. Money talked, then sex happened. Somehow love followed. Different.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

hope that it is continued . looking forward to more of the story.

Crusader235Crusader235over 1 year ago

Fun incest story. I love how hard working Mom accepts her new position with glee, because her life got much better fast. I'm thinking his Bitch sister should have her brothers babies, and her mother's Grandbabies. Five stars from this appreciative reader.

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