My Brother's Pony Girl

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Kim asked step-brother to make her into a pony.
8.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/28/2022
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My Brother's Pony Girl, Pt. 01

(This story is set in a world where legalized, non-hereditary slavery is commonplace for serious crime, unredeemed debt, or voluntary self-indenture. All characters who are enslaved or have any intimate/sexual contact with slaves are 18 years of age or older. This is fiction; no one should ever be deprived of free will nor used sexually without his or her uncoerced permission.)

I did NOT intend to write another pony story, but this is another plot provided by LEE B., who asked me to elaborate upon it for him.

(Warning: This story involves sex between first cousins who were raised as brother and sister. If technical incest repels you, please stop reading here.)

Hal McDonough and his wife June ran the Running Filly Ranch, which (for a fee) trained newly-enslaved adult women to be contented pony girls. Whereas most pony girl/boy ranches imposed harsh discipline and frequent blow jobs to ensure obedience, the Running Filly took a gentler approach: its ponies were always nude and usually restrained, but not whipped or humiliated; they were treated more like prisoners than slave sluts, and there were no stallions on the ranch to mount them against their will. Strange as it may seem, these slaves were allowed much more dignity than most other people in collars. Almost the entire training staff was female, with the exception of Hal himself and, once he turned 18, his son and heir Lee. Hal permitted his son--and the occasional male slave wrangler--to have sex with their slaves, but ONLY when a slave clearly expressed a wish to do so. The same rules applied to the female wranglers, who could use strap-ons only when a pony begged for use.

Six years after June delivered her only child, Lee, her sister Martha died giving birth to a daughter, Kimberly. Unable to have more children herself, June was happy to adopt Kim, who grew up treated as if she were Lee's natural sister, although eventually her step-mom told her the truth. In an environment with no other youngsters, the two got along well and felt considerable affection for each other. Kim was always asking her big brother to do favors, and he cared so much that he usually agreed.

Until they reached age 18, neither child was ever allowed to visit the barns, corrals, and trails where the ponies were trained. Once she went away to college, where she majored in psychology, Kim was embarrassed to discover her ignorance of the entire slave industry. Fellow students naturally expected her to know about the family business and kidded her when she admitted the truth.

That recurring embarrassment gave her an idea for her senior research project in psych. In the spring of her junior year at college, Kim telephoned home and asked Lee for a favor, but wouldn't tell him the specifics over the phone. Intrigued, he reluctantly agreed to hear her out once she came home for the summer.

Her parents had just retired, turned ranch operations over to their son, and were frantically packing to go on an extended trip to Europe. These preparations meant that the two sort-of-siblings weren't alone until they were driving back to the ranch after putting Hal and June on a flight to New York.

"OK, Kim, what's so secret that you can only tell me in person?" inquired Lee.

"Lee, I need to become a pony girl for a few weeks, for the experience."

He almost drove off the road, then asked, "Why in heaven's name would you want to do that, Kim?"

"Oops." She admitted, flushing with embarrassment. "It's for my senior thesis--I need to discuss a psychological situation about which I have no previous experience. Besides, I think it's time for me to know about the family business, isn't it?"

Thoughts raced through Lee's head: even given the gentle policy of the Running Filly, could his little step-sister handle the full experience of being a naked, helpless, sex object without rights, ordered around like an animal? He would have to work extra hard to protect her, but damn she was pretty...

"Do you realize how serious such an experience would be?" He asked. "I don't think you're ready for it."

Her expression became equally tough in return. "I really need this experience; don't make me look elsewhere to get it."

"If that's what you want, Sis, but we can't keep our training license if we don't follow normal slavery procedures. That means there are three things you'll have to agree to: First, you'll have to go to an actual slave market to be entered into the national registry, including getting your slave identification number tattooed inside your lower lip and slave graded. Second, you have to be legally indentured and auctioned off on a slave block like a piece of naked meat. The current minimum time in a collar is three months--you're lucky that the Texas Legislature recently reduced that time from six months. Our agent has to buy you in an open auction like that so we don't get accused of kidnapping free women or using slavery as a cover for prostitution. And ONLY after you're enslaved and sold can I permit you to be trained on the ranch--the MINIMUM training time is eight weeks, but it may take longer to bring you up to our standards. Are you prepared to be a naked, collared, bound animal sweating in the sun for the rest of the summer?"

Kim was privately quaking in her shoes, but knew she had to be as tough as her brother if she wanted him to agree. "I've read the Texas slavery statutes, and I don't expect any special treatment, Lee. I need the complete experience of being a pony girl."

Lee smiled at his pseudo-sister, whom he genuinely cared about. "The only good news I have is that, IF you insist on going through with this, I will personally take you to the slave market and personally supervise your training. That doesn't mean I'll go easy on you," he cautioned, "But I have to be able to reassure Mom and Dad that nothing cruel or unusual happened to you. Now, I want you to think about this overnight; if you don't want to go through with it, just say so tomorrow morning and we'll forget about the whole thing--I'll never tell them if you chose to stop. If you DO want to continue, we'll draw up your self-indenture papers and plan the process tomorrow. Think of what a great project this will make for school!"


It was a long night for both of them. The reality of becoming a slave struck home to Kim, who had hoped to just masquerade as a pony, but she felt strangely aroused by the idea. Her step-brother worried about psychological damage if she insisted, even though the Running Filly treated its ponies much better than most ranches. On the other hand, she was a cute young woman and even though they had grown up as brother and sister he couldn't control an erection at the thought of having her as a naked slave to look at and play with.

The next morning they were uncomfortably silent at breakfast, until she finally burst out, "I'll do it! But you have to make sure I'm safe. When do we start?" Lee smiled gently, and his next questions startled her:

"Are you on birth control? When was your last period?" Kim's face betrayed her outrage at such intimate questions, but before she could protest, Lee continued, "Oh, come on, Kim. If you're going to be a slave, I need to know everything about you to keep you safe. For example, we feed our ponies with liquid vitamins and other materials, so we have to know your hormonal levels before we put anything else into you. Besides, although the Running Filly NEVER forces its ponies to have sex, once you're a slave, especially in a slave market, we need to ensure you're protected against unplanned sexual encounters."

That explanation mollified Kim, but she still flushed scarlet when she confessed, "No, I'm not using birth control--I was, but last semester I was so stressed out that I missed too many pills and gave up. And... I just finished my period yesterday."

He smiled and tried to reassure her. "OK; we need to get on with this so that you're free again in time for the fall semester. Today's Monday, so we'll go to the Longhorn early Friday morning. Here--I printed out a self-indenture form for you; be sure you read it carefully, and Thursday--if you're still up for it--we'll get the stable manager, Janis, to witness and notarize your signature while I'm out of the room to avoid even the appearance of coercion. In the meantime, I found an old video of slave yoga moves. I suggest that you view it in your room--and don't forget to practice without your clothes, so you're ready for Friday."

The ensuing four days were stressful. Lee tried to pressure her to give up the idea, reminding her that he would have to bind her naked body and fondle her intimately so that she was turned on and received a good grade before auctioning. Inwardly, Kim was terrified, but determined to go through with it. And when she gyrated naked, practicing slave yoga or block positions alone in her room, she couldn't help getting aroused by the idea that she would be exposing herself in front of a crowd of fully-clothed people! Not to mention repeating slave mantras in which she begged, very crudely, to be fucked in all her openings. Every practice session ended with erect nipples and clit as well as damp thighs.

Friday morning, they drove down to Dallas in almost complete silence, each lost in thought. Lee parked his truck in the huge parking lot of the Longhorn Slave Market. He hurried around to her side of the truck and gave her a long hug (with his hands well away from her private parts) to reassure her. Then, blushing furiously, Kim stripped down in front of him, almost tearing off her clothes before she lost her nerve. Blonde haired, blue eyed, and with magnificent boobs and buttocks, she oozed sexual attraction. Years of cross-country practice in high school and college had given her body the taut appearance that slave merchants looked for in a pony girl. Once Kim was naked in full public view, she had to kneel to be collared, then stand back up and place her hands behind her back, where he zip-tied her wrists. She was still in a public place when, unexpectedly, Lee told her to "open wide" and inserted a large ball gag. Somehow, being unable to talk amplified her sense of helplessness ten-fold, even though she had already become a naked, bound, and very horny woman who had signed her freedom away.

Her adopted brother hugged her again, but then reminded her that she needed to be aroused, as he began groping her breasts, clit, and butt. When he boldly inserted two fingers between her labia, he found she was already wet. "Somebody is enjoying being a slave slut," he remarked with a sly smile, a comment that only increased her sense of humiliated arousal. Then he clipped a leash to her collar and led the helpless, speechless young woman into the slave market. He quickly checked her in and left her to the mercy of slave wranglers, hurrying away so she wouldn't see his tears. Or his growing erection.

Kim went through the usual process of having her Slave Identification Number tattooed inside her lower lip, made to prance around and repeat suggestive come-ons in slave yoga, and then pose for extremely revealing and humiliating photographs to identify her in the national data base. She felt as if that camera was looking inside his birth canal and then up her anus! Everywhere she went, a slave wrangler directed her movements with a rough hand cupping her buttock and a middle finger goosing her quivering anus. All of this only increased her arousal, so that when she was tied down with her legs apart on a cold table for public viewing, she was more turned on than she could ever have imagined. Gawking visitors fondled her while making lewd comments about how much fun it would be to violate her opening. Without any acting, Kim was moaning and squirming--even after being devoxed, she silently mouthed come-ons, begged with her eyes, and tried to hump the spectator fingers that invaded her helpless body. Not surprisingly, the combination of a voluptuous body and uncontrolled arousal earned her a grade of Prime Minus. Unbeknownst to her, Lee was standing behind her head during the entire display period, and again couldn't control his erection watching this sexy woman who had voluntarily enslaved herself to him!

Once the wranglers freed her from the display table and sprayed down her throat to restore her voice, it seemed like only seconds before she found herself waiting in line for auction. The wrangler handling her encouraged the young woman to masturbate to ensure arousal on the block, but in truth she was so turned on that no further titillation (emphasis on the "tits," which were both shapely and erect) was necessary.

Lee had warned his step-sister that, instead of going through the main auction room, her short term of indenture meant that she would be sold at a smaller side-room; the room still seemed enormous, and she felt as if she were naked in front of thousands of masters. Kim did her best to act like a sex-obsessed bimbo to entice bids for her use. She spent less than one minute on the block before someone beyond the bright spotlights bought her for a winning bid of $5,500--again, Lee had told her that short-term enslavements brought in relatively low bids, so she shouldn't feel insulted if she only got a small price. (Being a stand-up guy, he also told her that he would give her back 85 percent of her sale price after she was freed, with the remainder going as commissions to the Longhorn and payments for slave shippers and other fixed costs. Only later did she wonder where the original $5,500 came from, since it was a net loss to the family business.)


At the time, she wasn't thinking about money but instead worrying about the next step. The same slave wrangler who had pushed and prodded her all morning marched her down a corridor of cages to a room marked "piercing," where without any ceremony another clothed free person clamped her boobs into a kneeling rack, disinfected her nipples (causing them to return to full erection) and clitoral hood, and stuffed a bite stick in her mouth. Then this bored-looking woman almost casually ran a very sharp, hook-like needle through each of her nipples and her hood. Large silver rings were slipped through each opening. This unexpected, intimate violation caused her to panic, fearing that someone other than her brother had bought her, but she was in no position to resist or even ask questions. She belatedly remembered that the few pony girls she'd seen since she turned 18 all had reins that ran through nippy hoops like the ones she had just acquired. She couldn't imagine how uncomfortable that was going to be when someone tugged on the reins! At least the piercer sprayed her new wounds with some kind of disinfectant that also reduced the pain.

Piercing her breasts and hood was bad enough, but the next step was even worse. Freed from the rack but with her mouth still filled with a bite stick, she felt herself being man-handled (with his hand up her ass) towards another door that had the ominous shingle "branding" hanging over it. Kim could feel and even smell the heat as she approached a door decorated with a 9-inch wide burned-in imprint of the Longhorn logo: an outline bull's head with two hooked horns sticking out of the sides. Clamped down with her buttocks exposed, Kim stared in a mixture of horror and relief when a huge guy showed her a branding iron that she recognized (from the sign outside her house) as her family brand, a tiny pony whose legs seemed to be running at full tilt. At least, she thought, that brand reassured her that she was indeed heading home, although she thought being branded was taking the pony girl experience a little too far! But nobody wanted her opinion. The things she did for her degree, she thought irrationally--this scene would be better in her thesis than in reality!

There was one more experience before her ass got fried, an experience she had heard about as an urban legend but never expected to witness, let alone experience. While waiting for the Running Filly branding head to reach white-hot temperature, the smith showed her the rough wooden handle on another branding iron and told her that his assistant would rub the handle against her exposed "pussy" to arouse her--with any luck, she would produce sufficient endorphins to dull the pain of her branding. Kim had often jilled herself off at school, including imagining being a pony girl, but now she got to experience the full dream--or was it a nightmare? Anyway, the repeated stroking of that handle against her already-soaked genitals really DID get her off; she was still basking in the post-climax glow when, without further warning, the smith pressed a hot branding iron against her ass. She fainted.


And woke up in pain, lying face down, hands restrained behind her, on a medical bench in some place she had never seen, although she recognized Janis, the stable manager, and Bill, the ranch vet tech, when she looked over her shoulder to see who was touching her tormented butt. She deduced that "Master" Lee must have transported her home while she was unconscious. Barely in time, Kim remembered that she was now a slave, stopping her from snapping at them in a disrespectful manner. In a moment, Bill sprayed first a numbing agent and then some liquid bandage over the wound, making her feel slightly better.

She had known Janis casually for years, but now that Kim was a slave the woman displayed a completely different, controlling personality while giving no sign that she recognized her newest filly. Janis began by re-installing the same kind of ball gag that Lee had used at the Longhorn, telling her it was a reminder not to talk unless asked a direct question. "Otherwise, slave, you will remain silent and obey all instructions instantly, got it?" Not being stupid, Kim nodded her head slowly.

"Remember to obey all orders immediately and fully--don't think or hesitate. We won't begin pony training for another two days, in order to allow your brand to heel. But we DO need to give you your first daily enema; enemas are standard for all ponies to reduce the need to remove butt plug tails during the training day. Besides, although we don't usually sodomize ponies on this ranch, they all need to become accustomed to enemas in preparation for later use by their new owners." Kim had already feared being a sex slave, but the thought of some insensitive stranger using his cock to ream her back there was alarming, disgusting, and yet somehow exciting. That thought was reinforced by the sensations she felt when she was restrained in an "X" position, straddling a flushable concrete trench where Janis gave her two warm water enemas in succession and encouraged her to void herself fully.

While she was still struggling to expel the second enema, another wrangler whose nametag read "Dawn" removed the ball gag and replaced it with a head harness that included an ordinary horse bit in her mouth. The reins were tied through a metal eye on the wall, forcing the newest pony girl to hold her chin up high. Then the wrangler inserted a large funnel into her upturned mouth, pouring a green liquid that, she explained, contained nutrients, vitamins, and "other substances you need." Unbeknownst to Kim, her step-brother had included some interesting items among these "other substances." He began with simple birth control medication, as Lee had told her, but over the next two weeks they added other things...

After two days of misery and inactivity, Kim was actually glad to have handlers tack her up and begin training her as a pony. Just as when she had run cross country in high school, the endorphins from heavy exercise both suppressed the remaining pain from her injuries and made her enjoy being a running pony.
