My Damsel, My Rescuer


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Tessa went on to explain that she had been on the brink of having to fly home when her now boyfriend swooped in to save her. His family was rich and had pull with the university. While they could not get her scholarship restored they got her work and a place to stay.

"I've been with Rex ever since, he was my hero, kind of saved my life in a way, I owe him a lot. Enough to ignore the cheating, drinking, and yes hitting. Also, the family has huge pull here, if I dump him I'm afraid I'll lose everything I've worked for. That said after today, I care less about that, you awakened me a bit today to just how numb to my needs I've been. Rex is very generous with his money, but not his time or affection and he's a super selfish lover, he would never have offered to do what you did in my office. He would just have rolled his eyes at me being wet enough to need new panties and told me to hurry up. So, maybe its for the best that we fooled around in my office, better to be fired for something that makes me feel good than to keep denying myself and telling myself its ok."

Dale made a note to talk to Professor Franklin on Monday, surely something could be done to help her get out from under the thumb of Rex's family. He knew Tessa would be too scared to ask herself, so just as she was helping him with Julie, he would help her with her boss.

They finished up dinner and filled in other blanks in their lives. He learned that Tessa was the youngest of three, and the only girl, but also the only one to go to college because of the scholarship. Her brothers worked in the trades like her dad. Her family was incredibly proud of her. Upon hearing about the brothers Dale said, "If your brothers are tradesman, whoa onto Rex if they ever got wind he hits you."

Tessa nodded, "yes, there's a reason I'm avoiding going home the next week or so. Besides having Hank and Tim fight all my battles for me is how I lost my scholarship. I need to do this alone. It's also why I really want to have that big sister talk with Julie, you're a great big brother, but a woman needs to know how to fend for herself and not rely on help from her brother to keep her safe. I don't want her making the mistakes I did, she sounds like a smart, strong, capable young lady. I'd like her to stay that way."

"Fair enough, and I appreciate it. Not least of which because it'll finally free me of the Kleins."

"I bet, and I'm not going to lie, I have very selfish reasons for wanting to free you up. I think you could be as good for me as I could for you. We both have given way too much to our relationships without any return, I daresay it'll be bliss to be with someone that reciprocates, but you may have to be patient. I think I'm worth the wait though."


After that, the chat got less serious but before he knew it, it was past midnight, and his roommate was wondering where he was. Taking that as a sign to go he helped her clean up and left. To his surprise she went in for a shy hug, but Dale pulled her close lifted her up, so his mouth was level with his and kissed her, she adjusted her grip to wrap her arms around the back of his neck and kissed him right back.

When the kiss ended and she was back on the ground she smiled and said, "Oh I am so going to get fired, I'm not sure I can be without that for the rest of the semester."

Dale smiled in agreement, wished her goodnight, and left, wondering if there was something else he could arrange in his chat with his professor on Monday. He made a note to call home in the morning and see if Julie was still interested in seeing him at school.

First thing Monday he made a point to stop by Professor Franklins office. She did not somehow seem that shocked to see him.

"Ah Mr. Young, I see you got my note from Miss Linden about coming to see me?" Seeing his confused look she said, "Tessa didn't tell you I wanted to discuss some of your work?"

"No, she didn't, is there something wrong with my work?"

The Professor smiled, "yes, it seems a bunch of it has Miss Klein's name on it, and looking back I'm not sure that girl has done any of her own work, it would explain her abysmal test scores to be sure. Hard to pass a test when you goof off in my class and have an old friend from high school do your work for you, including a group project. I do not often find myself saying this to a male student, as its usually a female student being taken advantage of by a male one, but show some backbone man, you are not doing that girl any favors trying to pass her classes for her. If she can't handle this course she hardly belongs here, no matter what her transcripts or her father's church buddies say."

Dale blushed a bit, "I was not aware it was that obvious to you ma'am, Tessa and I spoke on it recently."

"Ah so she was handling it herself, good, I'm not surprised she's a very capable TA. Please do only your own work from now on, I will personally be checking all assignments completed by yourself and Miss Klein for the remainder of the semester to make sure." Far from being alarmed Dale smiled at this.

"So that means Tessa no longer has any bearing on my grade?"

The Professor thought for a moment, "Yes, I suppose that is true."

"So, if she and I were to be seen say socially together, it wouldn't raise any eyebrows?"

"I suppose not Mr. Young, but isn't Tessa a tad old for you? No offense but relations between grad students and undergrads tend not to go well. Besides, she has a serious boyfriend last I checked."

"You mean the drunk jerk that hits her? Surely you've seen the bruises professor?"

"Yes, unfortunate that. I've told her it doesn't matter how rich his family he is she deserves better."

"I think she's afraid if she breaks up with him she'll be fired and kicked out of school. He bailed her out of a tight spot when she lost her scholarship, or his family did rather."

A light bulb went off in the professors head, "is that all it is, that silly girl. If she thinks I'd let her be fired for standing up for herself she's mistaken. As for his family, I can't stand the lot of them, they throw a few dollars around and think they own the place. I'll make some calls today and speak to her, that boy should be up on charges for hurting her, but I'm sure his family donated to the university police. I have some pull around here too, this department is not losing a student like Theresa Linden because Rex Diller was nice for once and now wants to hold it over her head to use her as a plaything. Thank you very much for stopping by Mr. Young, this was most enlightening." Then as she showed him to the door she added, "oh and Mr. Young, Rex Diller isn't the only one using someone far above his worth. Miss Klein does not deserve the loyalty you've shown her, but given your question about seeing Tessa, I suspect you already know that. Given what I know now I will also be sure to go over some guidelines of being a TA. She's a smart woman, she'll figure it out from there." Dale left the office incredibly pleased with himself and hoped he had set in motion the thing to free Tessa of Rex.

Meanwhile his mechanism was arriving that Friday night in the form of his extremely excited sister Julie. As promised, he was able to duck Chastity all week, saying he had work to do, which was true, but for once he only did his own. Not that his tongue didn't get a workout, true to her word Professor Franklin made her calls and had a chat with Tessa, who was pissed at him at first, but said she might forgive him if he brought dinner and his tongue to her place that night. He arrived hot food in hand, getting bonus points for bringing the thing she had said was her favorite during their long talk the previous weekend and after a delicious dinner he took her to her bedroom and ate her to the biggest orgasm she had ever had after which she passed out snuggled up on his chest, saying she was really glad he had had that chat with her boss. He soon fell asleep too glad she was free to be his, because now that he had her, he had no intention of letting her get away. He woke the next morning to Tessa sucking on his morning wood, he tried to protest but she just sucked harder and soon all thoughts of protest left him as only the feel of his cock in her mouth mattered in that moment. When it was over and she was snuggled back in his arms he asked why she did that she smiled, and replied,

"Three reasons: I love that big cock of yours, its way bigger than Rex's and so fun to suck, I can't wait to use it properly someday soon. Two, I'm not a selfish twit like Chastity, love is a two-way street and funnily enough it makes me happy to make you feel good, like I say you've been missing out on the care from a good woman and intend to make up for lost time. Finally, I owe you big for talking to Dr. Franklin, I should have told her it was the Dillers money that was keeping me with Rex months ago. My whole outlook on life is different than it was yesterday because you went to see her. So, thank you." She sighed, "oh I could stay here in your arms all day my sweet. However, classes call." Then she grinned a mischievous grin rising off the bed and heading for the attached bathroom, "hey, I do have some time though, want to shower together?"

Dale bolted off the bed and took his clothes off before he reached the shower. Tessa giggled as she followed stripping of her remaining clothes. Stopping to both admire him and let him admire her full nakedness. Hunger in her eyes she stepped forward and putting her hands on his semi-muscular chest said, "Yum, Tessa likes."

"You're not so bad yourself," Dale said his eyes glued to her perky breasts, her nipples standing straight out in her arousal. Tessa cleared her throat before stepping into the shower to turn it on.

"Come on in, you can wash my tits first, since I know you're dying to touch them."

Not having to be asked twice he followed her into the warm water and after a deep kiss he grabbed the soap and began to wash her. As instructed, he started with her impressive breasts and worked his way around to every inch of her body, even cleaning her now loose hair. After that it was his turn and though it was weird to have someone else wash him, she was very gentle and when she washed his hair it was a more sensual experience than he could have imagined. Both thoroughly cleaned they dressed and after reluctantly parted way with a kiss.

Julie arrived and since she could not stay in Dale's all male floor of his dorm, something that had also been a hurdle in finding a chance for Julie to come visit, Tessa agreed to put her up in her apartment for the night, which Dale knew full well was so that Tessa could have a little girl time to talk with Julie. Julie had a blast spending the weekend with Tessa and Dale. Angry texts from Chastity about how that 'little bitch sister' and three of her friends had suddenly quit cheer let him know that Tessa had accomplished her mission. She also left voicemails telling him Charity was so distraught she had come up to visit for 'release' and he had better come if he knew what was good for him. Dale simply replied he was busy with a guest of his own and blocked the number for the remainder of the weekend.

"Oh god this is even better than I hoped," Tessa laughed so hard she was crying. "Dr. Franklin told her she had audited all her work for the semester, and she'll have to make it all up, so she's stressed to the hilt, her world is falling in and now she's got that whiny sister of hers. Someone is going to give those two twits alcohol and then, its all over for them and their parents."

Tessa excused herself to the other room and Julie smiled at him, "I like her Dale, she's a much better sister than Chastity ever would've been, don't screw this up bro." Dale smiled.

"I don't intend too, think Mom will approve?"

"You kidding? Mom will love her. If she joins the family, I might have a fight on my hands for favorite daughter." Julie said with a chuckle.

They got to find out the next night when, to his surprise, his parents showed up to pick up Julie.

"We hope you don't mind, but Julie gushed so much about this lovely young lady she was staying with and how good she is to my son I figure least we could do was come meet her and thank her in person for taking good care of my kids." His mom said they then treated everyone to dinner before taking Julie home. As she hugged him goodbye, she whispered in his ear, "Julie was right, she's wonderful Dale, hang on to this one, she'll be good for you, and you for her." Dale only smiled and wished her a good trip.

Then closing the door and finding the hall empty he called "Tessa, where did you go?"

"My room, sorry nature called."

He made his way to the bedroom, "Well you certainly made an impression on my mother, I think she's planning our wedding already."

Tessa chuckled from the bathroom, "That's what moms do, and I'm glad, she's a dear, as mother-in-laws go I could do far worse."

She then emerged from the bathroom wearing nothing, "Though I'm not sure if she'll fully approve of what I'm doing with her son in a minute." Tessa then lay on the bed and spread her legs for him, "come take me with that big dick you big stud you. I've been so hot for you all weekend, but I had to be a good girl with Julie here, wouldn't want to set a bad example for her. Now I just want my boyfriend to fuck me silly. Oh, and don't worry, unlike the church twit, I'm on birth control."

Dale did not need a second invite; his clothes were off, and he had his rock-hard cock poised to enter her within seconds. Not used to being on top it took him a second to line up, but when he did it was bliss as his cock buried itself in her warm gooey depths. He was only 3/4 in when she gasped, "whoa slow down there stud. You're in uncharted depths there." He paused, and chuckled when she reacted, "oh fuck yes, I didn't say stop, just slow up a bit." When he was all the way in he let her enjoy the feel before pumping in and out. Finding his rhythm took a bit, but soon he found a pace and angle that, judging by her moans she loved and felt great for him. He did not last long before exploding in her.

He rolled off her, and she smiled, "So how was being on top of once? I don't expect the rapist let you on top ever, you were a natural, zero complaints here."

"So, better than Rex?"

She kissed him, "not even a competition, and you'll only get better with practice. I am one lucky lady to be sure. Thank you for saving me my hero."

"You were the real heroine of this story babe."

"We saved each other, and found love, I'd say that's a pretty decent love story. I wonder if that means the villains get their comeuppance in the end."

On that regard, Tessa's predictions had all come true. As it turned out, by the end of the weekend the reverend had stormed down to school to rescue his girls that had gone viral cheering topless at a frat party, before being pulled down and openly groping drunk frat guys who Dale imagined were more than willing to answer the call. The videos cut off there, but he knew Charity might have been a virgin when she arrived, but she wasn't any more, and Chastity likely had that baby in her belly she had been looking for from him. He doubted anyone at that party would be willing to help her unless made to, and likely she had just shackled herself to some drunk womanizer who would resent her the rest of his life. Not the life Chastity had imagined for herself.

For good measure given Dr. Franklin's findings, all of Chastity's classes were audited and she was expelled for cheating. Not that it mattered, her father had already broken the lease in the apartment making it clear she would not be back. For good measure he also enrolled Charity in a strict Christian high school for the rest of her senior year, according to Julie. He clearly hoped to avoid more scandal, but when, a few months later, both girls were found to be pregnant, neither having a clue who the father of their babies was, that proved moot. That final disgrace spelled the end of Reverend Kleins tenure at his church and thus his hold on the town and Dale's parents.

As for Rex and the Dillers, his drunken rages led to him nearly beating a woman to death, something the police could no longer ignore. So, despite his family's money, he went to jail. The defense in court had robbed the Diller's of a lot of their riches and they had been forced to sell a lot of stuff to pay the lawyers. Rex's temper truly had been the downfall of his family.

Tessa was never bothered again, and when her name was called at her graduation for her master's degree the Youngs and Lindens cheered loudly. This set off a string of happy celebrations for the two families, for the next year was Dale's turn to graduate. Then followed Tessa and Dale's wedding, where a beaming Julie served as Tessa's Maid of Honor, the pair having grown as close as real sisters. The year after that Tessa gave birth to twins, a boy and girl, and Dale could not have been a prouder husband and father.

As he held his children in the hospital he smiled down and his exhausted and disheveled wife, who had never looked more beautiful and said, "You know I once dreaded having one of these. Thank you for them and thank you for saving me from that fate. I love you so much."

"It was my pleasure, all of it my love, and thank you for saving me. I will always be grateful to you for that, and for the love you give me every day. I don't know where I'd be if you hadn't come to my office that day and dared me to show I had no more bruises. Truth was I had a huge one you never saw on my heart, but you healed it, just by being you."

She made room on the bed and the little family snuggled together for the first time, enjoying their time before the rest of the family would be let in and their journey together would truly begin. Tessa and Dale were ready for it, after all they had both imagined their fates much worse, compared to that they felt like they were living a dream every day, and neither could be happier about it.

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tsgtcapttsgtcapt28 days ago

Fun, sexy, great read - thank you.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

A really nice story. The cliche of good and evil worked for me. Thanks for sharing

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Lovely story.


terrible writing. Seriously. You can't have main characters that all the time describe (correctly) what is happening, what will happen, and other people's personality. A good writer will hint at their thoughts and feelings by describing the details of their actions. A good writer will avoid putting everybody into one of two categories: all good or all bad.

olddave51olddave5111 months ago

For a quick story it was great

Maybe a sequel could help the nay sayers

OvercriticalOvercritical11 months ago

Standard cliché story. Deserving people get rewarded and the baddies get punished...and hit hard. Did like the MCs, but as advertised, this story didn't have the attention to make it worth reading. 3*

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bc11 months ago

You warned us, so point taken. Solid narrative and storyline. While I admire the 24-hour restriction, it forced some of the plot point to seem checked off as you screamed to your conclusion. As a result, about a third of the way through you lost my buy-in and it became a casual read rather than being engrossed in your universe. If you need an editor, reach out to me as I do edit for a few authors on the site. My strengths are identifying plot gaps, obvious spelling/grammar errors. 4.5*

des911des91111 months ago

I second the comments of Purplefizz - an enjoyable story, with very good narrative, and well written. Thank you for sharing.

BTW, 24 hours to write this is pretty amazing IMHO.

PurplefizzPurplefizz11 months ago

From first word to last word in 24hrs or under this is a good story, I’m not sure if you had the thread of the story either jotted down or just in your head, or even let it flow as you were writing, but even assuming a little prep work it’s still pretty good. Yes, as you pointed out it lacks polish, I came across a number of minor errors, but tbh they’re nothing that wouldn’t be caught by a good beta reader.

The time limitation you imposed on yourself really shows with the easy sequential downfall of the Ugly Sisters, life is never that easy and I have no doubt they’d have thrown their ex-toy under the bus in some way, shape or form, either as one half of the college cheating or at the very least accusing him of being the father and forcing DNA tests, throw enough mud etc. the real question is, could I have done it better? No, is the answer, you’ve let the story flow, plus it’s finished and posted. I’m not really sure how to mark it though, so I’m using my 750 word story rule, that is to say, mark it according to the rules imposed, on that basis it’s a 5⭐️ simply because I enjoyed reading it and you didn’t have time to either fix the errata or the aforementioned plot issue.

Many thanks for writing something different, the limited timescale piece is a good idea for a future competition I think, plus my thanks for posting it up on here, flaws and all, best wishes, Ppfzz.

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