My Favorite Girl Pt. 01


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I watched as Dory smiled and pointed softly to Doug to say thanks. I looked back at him as he smiled at her then returned to making drinks and giving orders to the staff members around him to keep things moving. I looked back at Dory as she took another sip of her drink of choice again.

"So, how long have you and Doug been dating?" I asked.

"Umm," she mumbled as she swallowed her drink. "How do you know we are dating?"

"I don't," I replied. "But it would explain why you come in here all the time and why he knows so much about you."

"You're pretty good at reading people," she offered but still dodged the question.

"Sometimes," I replied.

"Yeah," she smiled a little. "Doug and I are dating and have been for almost two years. We just don't go around and tell everyone we are."

"I'm not judging," I said.

"Nobody said you were," she replied quickly.

"So, why?" I started then paused to think for a second. "Why did he send me over to talk to you?"

She laughed. "He likes to watch me shoot them down."


She leaned in towards me. "We roll play sometimes so..."

"Oh," I chuckled now. "Gets the juices going sometimes."

"Mmm-hmm," she agreed.

"You didn't shoot me down though," I said. "Why?"

"Confidence," she said and pointed at me. "I like a confident person."

"See?" I nudged Emma. She was listening intently and was startled a little when I nudged her.

"I already know you're confident," she hissed a little. "I'm working on being confident."

She leaned over and kissed me again then pulled back and smiled.

"That's a start," I offered with a smile.

She leaned in again but next to my ear and whispered. "What do you want me to do? Blow you right here?"

I laughed and leaned back to look at her. "That would be nice...... but that wouldn't mean you're confident. That just means you're crazy."

She giggled then leaned forward and kissed me again. If I didn't know any better, I'd swear she was starting to like this kissing thing.

"Here you are, Ms. Dory," the waitress smiled. "Some menus."

"Not for me darling. Those two. I'm just paying the bill."

She turned and gave us the menus.

"What are you two drinking?" Dory asked.

"I'll have a beer," I said to the waitress. "And don't let her pay for us. Put it on room 116A."

"I got it," Dory said. "Don't make it an issue. I'm paying for you guys."

I knew I wasn't going to win this argument. "Fine."

"Ok," the waitress smiled. "And for you, miss?"

"Ummmm? What kind of girly drinks do you have?"

"You should try sex on the beach," she replied. "I think it's amazing here."

"We haven't had a chance yet," I said quickly and jumped at the chance to make a joke.

"Jason," Emma quipped and smacked my chest. It actually caught me pretty good and made an audible thud as she did. "She was talking about the drink, not actually having sex on the beach."

"Oh," I said playing dumb and rubbing my chest. "Why not?"

"I know the perfect spot," Dory smiled.

"Really?" I questioned.

"Jason," Emma sassed. "No. Sand gets into places where it shouldn't."

"You have firsthand knowledge of said sand?" I asked.

"No! My friend told me a story." Emma was blushing.

"Your friend was doing something wrong then," Dory offered. "I've never gotten sand anywhere but my feet or my knees."

I couldn't help but smile as Emma tilted her head to make sure she was hearing Dory correctly. Then she shocked me with her next statement.

"I've got to hear this."

"Don't be so shocked," Dory laughed. "I might be old, but I'm not dead."

"Yeah, Em," I joked. "She's like in her forties."

Dory smiled like I had never seen her smile before. "I'm already paying for your dinner and drinks; you don't need to flatter me any."

"What do you mean?" Emma asked.

"I'm fifty-six," Dory whispered.

"What?" Emma gasped. "No way."

"Afraid so."

"Wow," I said. "You look great then."

"Thank you," Dory smiled again.

"Wow," Emma said and shook her head. She turned back to the waitress now. "I'll try sex on the beach, the drink, please."

"Anything for you, Ms. Dory?"

"I'll do another cranberry and vodka, please."

"Ok. A beer, sex on the beach, and your usual. I'll be right back with the drinks and to take your food order."

"Thank you darling," Dory said.

A voice came over the loudspeaker. "Alright! Ladies and gentlemen, we are moments away from getting this show on the road. If you are new to this, you are in for a real treat tonight. There's still a few spots open so if you think you've got what it takes to carry a tune, please come on up and sign up now."

"Emma," I nudged her. "You want to sing one?"

"No," she said quickly. "You do not want to hear me sing. Trust me."

We laughed for a moment before we settled down again.

"I asked Jason the other day, but he never answered me," Dory started. "How long have you two been together and how did you meet?"

Emma glanced at me and had that pleading look in her eyes for just a second before she spoke. "You tell the story way better than I can."

"Well," I started. "I think the first time I met her was at my freshman intro and guided tour of the school before I started in the fall. She gave the tour to a bunch of us about this and that. I didn't really talk to her then, but I knew she was pretty hot and I wanted to get to know her a little more."

"The first time I actually talked to her was when I ran into her at the store. She was buying food for the week and forgot her card to pay... or no... wasn't it declined?"

I looked at Emma now. She sighed and knew it was her turn to make something up.

"Yeah, I wasn't a very good girl that week. I saw some shoes I had to have and then a cute skirt and then... before I knew it, I was out of money."

"It happens," Dory offered.

"I ended up buying her food for the week then asked her out to dinner that night so she wouldn't have to cook," I continued.

"The rest is history," Emma smiled. "That was what, almost two years ago?"

"A little more than a year and a half," I smiled.

"Ok," the waitress said as she returned. "The beer, the cranberry and the beach. Now, what can I get you two?"

"I'll have six more wings like I had earlier, bone in, medium, ranch, side of fries."

"I'll have a grilled chicken salad, please," Emma said.

"Boring," I teased.

"I'm watching my girlish figure," Emma replied.

"You look pretty freaking good if you ask me."

"Good thing I wasn't asking," she fired right back.

"Ohhh," I smiled and leaned in to kiss her again. "Sassy! I like that."

"Yeah," she cooed right next to my ear. "Just wait until later." Her hand touched my cock under the table making me jump slightly.

"Hey you two," Dory called. "Save that for room 116A. Or the beach."

We all took a drink from our drinks before Dory asked the next question.

"I thought you said your line was, 'be confident'?"

"Well," I paused for a moment. "It technically was. She was giving the tour and kept fumbling and speaking so softly that we could hardly hear her. I could tell it was getting to her, so I told her to calm down and be confident. None of us know much about the school so you can pretty much tell us anything and we'd buy it. I guess my actual pick up line was, let me get that for you but only if you will come to dinner with me."

"Groceries and dinner," Dory cheered. "How could you turn that down?"

"I couldn't," Emma agreed.

"And here we are, still together," I added.

"Wwwwwhhhhhhaaaaaawwwwwwhhhhhhoooooo!" A voice yelled. The music started and the first song of the night took the stage.

I breathed a sigh of relief as the music started. Dory was asking a lot of questions and it was a little unnerving to have to keep on filling in the blanks on the fly. I could do it, Emma wasn't so confident about doing it. I couldn't tell at this point whether Dory was just really curious about us or if she suspected something was a little off between us.

The three of us talked as the 'idiots' were on stage singing and bumbling their words to their songs. The topic changed and moved onto something else as our food finally got to the table. We ate and drank and had a great time talking and laughing with Dory as the night continued on with less questions about us and more just about life in general.

I was better than before about looking at Emma, but I still had a hard time keeping my eyes off of her. She looked radiant sitting there smiling and laughing with Dory. My hands kept wandering and touching her body the whole time we were sitting there. She loved it and soaked it in and even returned the favor by touching me. She was finally ready to hit the road after her fourth drink. We said goodbye to Dory and thanked her for the food, the drinks, and the good company before we headed for the door.

"I have to go to the bathroom," Emma said. "Go get the cart ready."

"You can't wait until we get back to the room?"

"No," she danced. "I've got to go."

"I'll pick you up by the door."

"Thanks, Jay."

I missed it when we got here but the lot was actually full of carts. I was so focused on Emma that it didn't even register in my mind that there were a lot more carts than usual. I had to stop for a second and think to remember where I parked.

I found the cart, which wasn't the easiest thing to do considering that all the hotel carts were tan in color and they all looked alike. I just happened to glance at the number and remembered it was 121 before we came here. I pulled to the front and sat there thinking about what they would do if you turned in a different cart than the one you left in. It had to be a common problem considering how many they had and how many they rented out.

I looked over and saw Emma hop down the two steps that led into the restaurant. She had her flops in one hand and something balled up in the other. As she hopped, the air caught her skirt and lifted it into the air flashing everything from her tummy down. Wait a second, she wasn't wearing a skirt when we got here.

I figured it out as she pushed it down to cover herself that it wasn't a skirt. She had taken off the yoga pants and untied the tank top. My dick was already swelling in my shorts as she reached the cart and climbed in right next to me. She was almost sitting on my lap she was so close to me. I thought for a moment that maybe we were taking Dory home by how close she was.

"Drive!" she rasped. "And get your dick out."

I hit the gas and we took off. "Is somebody chasing you and what happened to your pants?"

She looked at me. "My pants are off cuz they are soaked cuz I'm so wet right now. Nobody is chasing me; this is something I've always wanted to try. Get your dick out."

I didn't even bother to ask. I took my foot off the gas and let the cart coast as I worked the button open then the zipper. My half hard cock popped out.

"That's not going to get the job done," she giggled.

"You kind of surprised it... oh fuck."

Her mouth covered my cock as she quickly shifted in the seat and inhaled me. Her forehead bounced off my leg as her nose touched my trimmed pubes. She applied firm pressure and used her tongue to tease my head. She smacked my leg with her hand a couple of times and pointed to the gas pedal.

"Drive!" she gasped then took my cock back in again.

My foot hit the gas again and got us back up to speed. I looked at her now as she sucked my cock. She was all bunched up in the seat bobbing up and down on my dick leaving a slobber trail down to my sack. The tank top was bunched up at her hips leaving her naked from there down. Her ass was almost hanging out the seat and mooning everyone we went by. There wasn't but two people on the sidewalk now and we went by them so fast they probably didn't even see us.

My hand went to the small of her back then trailed down her body to find the space between her legs. I found her slit and traced her lips. She wasn't lying about being wet. My fingers sank right on into her hot wetness as far as my hand would let given the position I was in. She gasped and whimpered as I pressed in then out. She popped off my cock now that I was hard as a rock and full of her spit.

"Slide back as far as you can," she ordered. She was pushing me with her hand to guide me.

"Where are we going to?" I asked.

"Just drive," she panted. "I don't care where we go. I want to fuck in a moving vehicle."

She was bunching the top up and climbing into my lap as she spoke. She blocked my view as she tried to fit between the wheel and my body to get into my lap. I had to move over a little towards the middle to give her knee a place to rest and then lean around her to see. Her fingers gripped my cock and pointed it against her lips as I swerved the cart back into my lane.

She sank down onto my cock once I got straightened out and back onto the right side of the road. I was deep inside her soaked pussy as she panted hard next to my ear. She undulated her hips on my cock bringing raw pleasure to us both. I closed my eyes for a second to enjoy the sensation of her walls squeezing my cock as her hips turned in my lap.

I had to open them to see where I was going. She whimpered a little next to my ear as her cunny rippled up and down my cock. We were about to pass a car so I slowed down and eased over as far as I could get in my lane to try and be less noticeable. She was too busy twisting her hips in my lap to notice the car as it passed by us then brake tapped as they must have realized what was going on in the cart.

I slowed and took a right at the next road. I had no idea where I was going but it wasn't the main drag so there were less lights and less traffic. The town was a bunch of blocks with simple streets and avenues so I figured I couldn't get lost. I took the second left as I saw another set of headlights coming down the road towards us. This road was pitch black and the only light on it was coming from the cart now.

She looked down at me and smiled her devious smile as she started bouncing with more force. Her hands gripped the hem of her top and pulled it up over her head. She tossed it on the seat next to us as she gripped my shoulders again and started pulling herself harder against my cock. I glanced down at her nipples and wanted nothing more than to suck on them, but I couldn't take my eyes off the road and had to make another turn to avoid another set of headlights on the road.

"Fuck," she panted as her puss started squeezing my cock in quick bursts. "Cumming!"

She came hard as her walls squeezed and released. Wetness leaked from her as she rode it out then finally started to slow herself down. I was buried deep inside as she rested and just turned her hips to enjoy her release. I had to slow down again to make another turn.

"Hey, Em," I said. "Let's slide to the middle and I'll drive with my left foot. It'll give us a little more room."

She slipped free and let me slide over to the middle. The cart was coasting down the road again as she turned around and pushed the window open. She stuck her head and upper body out the front of the cart then she shook her ass in my lap. She glanced over her shoulder as I pushed my cock against her ass. She lifted and let me press against her pussy until her wet lips opened and I slipped into her wetness once again.

"Jason," she called as she pressed back into me then slowly pulled up. "You need to drive."

"Right," I gasped. "You feel really fucking good right now."

"I don't know what's gotten into me tonight, but my pussy has been on fire."

I pushed the gas carefully and started to pick up speed again. It was odd to drive with my left foot but if it meant she was going to fuck me I'd drive with my left ass cheek.

"It's probably afraid it'll be another year and a half before it gets a dick again, so it wants to take advantage of it while it's got it."

"I plan on it," she gasped.

She started bouncing on my cock and twerking her hips with a little more effort now that we were going full speed. This was much better and I could enjoy her a little more now that I could see. I looked at her hips working up and down making her ass bounce. Her little lips flared each time she pressed back down and took my dick deep inside of her center. White wetness coated my cock as she slammed down again and rested as I made another turn.

"Ok," she panted as she looked back at me. "Maybe this wasn't my best idea, but I can check it off my list. Find a spot and park."

"Are we done?" I asked with disappointment.

"No," she replied. "But you can't be enjoying this while trying to drive."

"Yeah and no," I offered.

"Find a spot," she smiled.

It took another couple of turns and a minute of driving straight before I found a dead-end dirt road. I pulled to a stop in front of a guardrail and killed the lights. Just beyond the guardrail was a seawall with sand in front of it before the water started. The one single dim amber light at the far end of the street cast any sort of light. She started to lift up and pull away, but I gripped her hips and stopped her before she could.

"You stay right where you are," I ordered.

"My legs are tired."

"You don't need to do anything but relax and hang on."

I planted my feet on the floor and my hands on the seat. I lifted myself up so that was the only things touching. Emma adjusted then glanced over her shoulder to look back at me. I started working my hips now and plunged in and out of her soaked hole.

She was gasping and panting as quietly as she could with each press into her. I was sinking deep into her and touching her end with each thrust. We were slapping together as the sounds of wet sex mixed with the waves crashing on the sand. She had to let go of the window to cover her mouth and pant into her hand as her cunny flooded my cock again.

I was right on the edge as she released and soaked my cock with her juice. I slowed just as she stopped pushing back and let her recover while enjoying her pussy as it quivered and rippled over my cock. Her legs finally had had enough of standing in the squatted position they were in. She pushed herself out of the window and into my lap making me sit down on the seat again.

Her legs were wrapped around mine as she panted hard and tried to recover. I opened mine which opened hers then slipped my hand between to touch her soaked lips. Her clit poked out as my fingers touched it. It made her whimper and wiggle around in my lap before she closed her legs around my hand.

"Give me a gosh darn minute," she whimpered. "That last one was intense."

I pulled my hand free and used my fingertips to softly slide along her damp skin. She was still panting softly as I crossed her tummy on my way to her breasts. I cupped them and felt their slight weight before I let my pointers trace her nipples. I circled them slowly feeling the rubbery flesh move under my tender touch. My lips and tongue left wet kisses on the base of her neck.

"It couldn't have been that intense," I teased. "You didn't squirt on me like before."

She growled and tilted her neck as my lips continued to leave wet kisses down to her spine between her shoulder blades.

"Just because I didn't soak you doesn't mean it wasn't good," she cooed.

Her hips were starting to undulate on my cock again. It was just the softest twist at the moment, but I could feel my cock starting to slip a little inside of her. My hand left her one breast and went to her jaw so I could tilt her head more and kiss her neck. I kissed her a few times and felt her growl her approval before I paused for a second.

"I want you to lay down on the seat for me," I whispered and kissed right behind her ear.

"And?" she growled.

I left another wet kiss before I blew on it and made her shiver a little.

"There's something I have been dying to do to you since I started stealing your panties."