My Futanari Best Friend

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Emily, my futanari best friend, can’t masturbate alone.
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My Futanari Best Friend Can't Masturbate Alone

It was a hot summer night. I was sitting in my room playing video games and trying my best to not melt from the oppressive heat. My dingy fan was blowing hot air. And I gotta admit, sitting near an overheating old rig makes it ten times worse. There's an air-conditioner installed, but my parents will kill me if I ever turn on the damn thing. I was going to stand up to get a bucket of ice. When I heard a tapping sound on the window.

"It's not locked," I responded without looking away from the PC monitor.

The window insect screen slid open, and a figure crossed through the frame.

"Hey, why is it so cold in here?"

"If you're not being sarcastic, I suggest you go get yourself checked up at the hospital."

"Dude, just turn on the AC. Your parents shouldn't be that much of a penny pincher, right? To go as far as torturing their only son?"

"They are. I'll get out of here, first chance I get."

Graduation was only a few weeks away. I only needed to hold it in for a bit while longer before I could fuck off to living on my own.

"Hey, my rooms right there, you know? Come over and crash at my place."

The girl pointed at her room that's outside the window, across the nearly connecting roof tiles.

"Your parents will skin me alive."

"It'll be fine, you think too much."

Emily responded to my worries nonchalantly before undressing herself. She took off her loose t-shirt, revealing a pair of lotus-sized knockers and a flat stomach with a cute belly piercing. She then pulled down her boxer shorts, freeing her half-erect dick to taste fresh air. If there was fresh air to be tasted.

"Why is it so damn hot!?"

The girl stepped in front of the fan. Only to be more annoyed when she felt the hot wind blowing on her balls. Her body, which was dried moments before, started sweating. Droplets of oily water trailed down her slim body.

I sighed and got up from my chair to get that bucket of ice I'd promised myself.

When I returned to my room, Emily was sitting on my bed with a porno in one hand and a can of cola. She had materialized out of nowhere on the other.

"Do you want to get ants? That's how we get ants!"

"It's sugar free."

"Don't believe the marketing hype too much."

I put the bucket in front of the fan and took out a few ice cubes to be wrapped in clean cloth, creating a few makeshift cooling packs. I put one on my forehead and handed a few to the girl.

"You're concerned with ants, but wetting your bed is fine?"

She selected those words intentionally before rubbing ice on her naked body.

"Wet from ice, wet from sweat. What's the difference?"

I went back to my gaming chair and resumed my playing session. I occasionally glanced back at the girl, who lifted her penis and rubbed the ice pack on her balls. Emily can be pretty adorable sometimes when she's not running her mouth.

"What? Finally, wanna suck on these nuts?"

"Don't flatter yourself."

I shook my head and focused my attention on the game. As for Emily, once her body temperature became a few degrees cooler, she did what she came here to do.

The girl placed her hand on her futa cock and gently stroked it until her member slowly enlarged into an impressive meat pole. Pre-cum leaked out of her large pink gland so she used her fingers to sweep it up and tasted it with her soft tongue. Lily can be pretty adorable sometimes. I wonder why a futa her age still has never gotten herself a girlfriend yet, but spent her nights masturbating at my place. What a waste of youth.


It all started years ago when my family moved to this neighborhood. Dad's got a promotion, so our family climbed up the social ladder. From being in a broken-down apartment to living in a slightly less broken-down house in an area where everything seemed crammed close together.

My mom was super excited by the change in locale and did her best to impress the other bored housewives. Homemade cakes, salon days, card games, you know the deal. That's when she found out that our next-door neighbor has a girl my age and did her best to hook us up. Not realizing that the girl came with something extra.

To be frank, I knew at a glance that Emily was packing, and that's why I've gotten along with her so well. Having something in common tends to do that. Her parents, on the other hand, hate my guts. Don't know why. Lily hadn't even started stripping near me back then.

Perhaps they subscribe to the outdated idea that futanari are superior to men and get all pissy when we treat each other as equals. It could also be that Emily spends so much of her time with me and ignored all the girls in the neighborhood throwing themselves at her feet. I happened to know for a fact that her parents are eyeing a rich daughter-in-law.

Whatever the reason may be, Lily started sneaking into my room to hang out. That's when I learned that she's a wannabe exhibitionist. Too embarrassed to strip outside or walk among strangers. That's why she only does it when we're alone. The first time I saw her dick and boobs was pretty exciting, but like all things, I just got used to the sight over time.

Once we crossed that threshold, Lily just stopped caring about having a shred of decency altogether. We shared showers; we peed next to each other; I brushed my teeth while she took a dump, etc. We're like an old married couple, as funny and ridiculous as that may sound. A man and a futa. Our ancestors would roll in their graves.

Emily masturbating in my present was the logical next step. The problem was after she tried it once the pervert became addicted to having someone watching her when she pleasures herself. I told her multiple times to just get herself a girlfriend to share her fetish with, but the girl just wouldn't listen. Saying that she only does these things with me.

Well, duh, you outright ignore everyone else, moron. All the other futa at school already build themselves a harem of girls, only Lily's that's lacking behind.


While I was busy reminiscing, a single-pixel on my character touched lava and I ended up losing all my progress. I rage quit the game, ruffled up my oily hair, and looked back at the girl on the bed.

Emily was lying on my bed like she owned the place. Her legs spread apart, giving me a glimpse of her pussy. Her massive cock is erect, tall and wide into the air as both her hands are trying their best to satisfy the throbbing beast.

"Where are your sex toys?"

"Mom confiscated them, telling me I should go out to find a real pussy to fuck instead."

I laid down on the bed next to the girl, my hand supporting my head.

"So why don't you?"

"Don't wanna."

"You sure you're a real futa? That thing isn't just an oversized tumor, is it?"

"Suck it and find out."

The girl turned her head to lock eyes with me as she increased the speed of her arms. She looked awfully heated up, tired from the entire ordeal. The ice had melted long ago, and the room was back to being like an oven, but with the intense aroma of sweat and pre-cum filling the air.

"Are you actually enjoying yourself, Lily? You look like you're about to have a heat stroke."

"With you here, baby, even hell feels like heaven."

Lily lowered her voice and gave a corny ass line. I chuckled at the girl's joke and decided to one-up her.

"Don't tease, darling, or I won't be able to hold myself back."

I lightly caressed her sweet cheeks and gave her a wink.

"Having a beautiful woman like you laying on my bed does make a man... thirsty."

I leaned in close and licked her sweaty shoulder.

The girl became flustered by my fake courting attempt. Her face became dried red and her eyes widened with a mixture of confusion and embarrassment. Her hands went limp and stopped her stroking motion.

I looked at Lily's state and laughed.

"Hey, that's not funny!"

"Ha! Says who!? You should've seen the look on your face!"

"Jack! The next time you do something like this, I'll shove my cock up your ass!"

"I want to see you try, darling~!"

The girl screamed and jumped up to hit me. But I held her small fists and made a kissing motion with my lips.

"Come on, baby, give daddy some sugar~!"

The girl was so red I was afraid she was going to have an actual stroke. So I stopped my little game and offered her a shower.

"I'll only forgive you if you wash my ass!"

Emily pouted and made and adorably crossed her arms.

Seeing a cute behavior that doesn't befit her mighty futa cock just made me want to tease her more.

"Would you like me to use my hand or my tongue, mistress, or perhaps... you had something else in mind?"


Lily jumped back like a scared cat and ran screaming into the bathroom.

I laughed so hard, tears came out. For a shameless tomboy, she always acts like an innocent maiden at the slightest provocation.

Opening the bathroom door, I saw the shadow of Emily hiding behind the shower curtain, like she's hiding from a deranged killer.

"Lily, come out. I'm sorry for teasing you."


"You're the one who started it first, remember? Can't blame me for playing along."


"Li'l, if you come out... I'll let you grind me."


The girl quickly leaped out and stood before me like a dog waiting for her treat. I felt like a moron who fell for Emily's crocodile tears once again.

Seeing her sparkling puppy dog eyes, I just sigh and strip to my birthday suit.

The second I took off my underpants and exposed my little wood chipper, Lily bent down on her knees and stared right at the little guy like a long-lost friend.

"Hello, little Jackie! I haven't seen you in forever! Do you miss me? Your mean ol' brother kept you locked up in there all this time, hasn't he!?"

"Li'l, we just took a shower together this morning."

"Morning was forever ago! Isn't that right, Jackie? You miss your big sis too, don't you? Yes, you do! Oh yes, you do!"

Emily rubbed her smooth cheeks against my penis like she was playing like a baby. And to be fair, compared to her gigantic eighteen-inch, li'l Jackie over here is definitely a child.

Once Lily had her fill of mofumofu time with my dick, the two of us stepped into the shower and turned on the faucet. Cold water poured down on us like refreshing raindrops. Wiping away all our sweat and accumulated fatigue.

"We should have done this since the beginning!"

Lily hummed a tune as she reached for the soap. Her erect penis was waving around like a conductor's baton.

She took two handfuls of cleansing liquid and glazed her meat rod with it.

"You'd really let me grind you, Jack!? No backsies!"

"Yeah, yeah, it's been a while since we did it anyhow."

"Yup! It's been ten long days!"

That long, huh?

It felt like yesterday when she would randomly run up and brush her flagpole on my body whenever I turned my back to her. Perhaps the girl was finally learning self-restraint.

Emily stood at my side and rubbed her soapy, slippery cock against my thigh. She moved her body and started grinding me like a dog. She must've been enjoying herself, as there was a shit-eating grin on her sweet face. As for me? It's like having someone rubbing their arms against you. It can be warm, ticklish, mildly discomforting, or all three at once.

Well, it's not a big deal anyhow. Just kinda strange that a futanari like her seems to like my body so m-

Puuffff! Ha! I can't even finish that sentence. The idea was just too funny. I almost made myself laugh like a crazy person.

No, no, Emily was just using me to take care of her overflowing urges. Her mom took her toys away, and I was the next best thing. It's like a dog grinding against your leg in the absence of a bitch to fuck. Why Lily didn't just go out and get herself a pack of bitches is beyond me.

The girl kept rubbing her cock on me until finally white cum shot out! Her semen shot up my thigh and even hit my torso and chin.

"Haaahh~! That felt sooo goood!"

Lily's knees almost gave out, so she hugged my body for support, semen dirtying both of us. But soon the cold shower did its job and washed away most of the futa milk, leaving only sticky strains behind.

"Hey, get up, it's late. Let's wash ourselves and go to bed."

"Can't... My legs are tired."

"If you won't get up, I'll kiss you!"

"Please do, darling~!"

Dammit, post nut high. Her brain was filled with dopamine and oxytocin. She won't get flustered so easily anymore.

But that didn't stop me from trying.

I lowered my face to kiss the girl's soft lips. A sweet taste exploded in my taste buds. I stuck my tongue into her sweet honey pot to steal her precious nectar. My tongue and hers twisted around one another.


I felt the girl finally regaining her senses, so I pulled away, releasing her lips. A trail of drool acted as evidence of what we had just done.

"Jack? What was..."

"Rise and shine, Li'l. Come on, let's clean up and go to sleep."

The girl was still in a confused state, so I helped clean her body. Washing her soft silky skin and even her palmful boobs. I also remembered to wash the girl's butt just as she had asked. When it was finally time for her cock, I stood behind the girl acting as her pillar and reached around to wipe her beautiful penis. It's almost like I'm giving her a hand job, as silly as that may sound.

Emily was mostly quiet throughout the process, even when I dried her body and put on a bathrobe.

"Lily, it's time to go home."

I woke her up from her thoughts.



"Sleep with me."

"Your parents will kill me."

"They wouldn't dare! Come on, just for the night! Let's go to my room. You won't be able to sleep in this heat, anyway!"


"Come on, pretty please~? Little Jackie would be happier with me."

The girl reached her hand under my bathrobe and touched my dick with a loving touch. Seeing the light of expectation in her eyes, I couldn't bring myself to refuse her any longer.

"Fine. But just tonight!"


The girl jumped up to kiss my cheeks before pulling my hands to her room, afraid that I would run away.

We stepped over my window frame, across the roof tiles, and into the girl's bedroom. Her place was much nicer than mine, with cool air and a big warm bed.

"Welcome to my humble abode!"

"Smells nice."

I wanted to look around the place, but Emily wasted no time stripping herself and jumping on the bed.

"No clothes allowed in this room! My house, my rules!"

"We'll catch a cold, going from one extreme weather to another."

"Boo! Less complaining, more stripping! Strip! Strip! Strip! Strip!"

Being her friend was such a pain. I sigh for the umpteenth time of the day and disrobed myself.

"Little Jackie! What happened to you!?"

The girl jumped up and screamed when she saw my naked body. I looked down and saw that my already tiny dick had become microscopic. The cold air just made the damn thing shrivel away.

"You're sooo cute!!!"

Lily leaped at my lower half like a leopard and embraced the little guy.

"Kawaii~!!! Meccha kawaii~!!!!"

The girl caressed and showered kisses on my shriveled-up dick. She was so excited she stopped making sense and spoke moon language.

I really don't understand Emily's fascination with my penis. My working theory is that my below male average size made her reminiscences of when she was younger. How long ago when her cock was my size? Elementary? Earlier?

"I know, the little baby must be cold, right? Come to bed, big sis will warm you right up!"

Lily pushed me down to bed, back first, and climbed on top of my body. Her massive ball sack was directly above my weiner.

"What are you doing?"

"Just warming you up~!"

Without further explanation, Emily rested her soft scrotum on my genitals. It was like a mother hen warning her chick.

"There we go, all nice and comfy!"

Gotta admit it really was comfortable. But...

"What are you playing at? Are you going to do this all night?"

"If need be!"

"It's a school night. Let's go to sleep."

"B... But I thought..."

I pulled the girl down and hugged her tight on my chest. Her massive penis was sandwiched between us.

"Doing it this way is warmer, right?"

"... yes..."

Lily nodded in my arms.

I rolled to the side, lowered the girl to the bed, and got the blanket to cover both of us.

The girl's body pressed close to mine. Our body heat transferred back and forth.

"Go to sleep."

I gently petted Emily's soft, red cheeks. She wanted to say something, but then she swallowed her words and said something else.

"Kiss me goodnight. Right... here."

She pointed to her cheeks, so I kissed her there.

"And here."

She pointed to her forehead, so I kissed her there.

"And here."

She pointed to her pink gland, so I kissed her there.

"And finally... here."

She pointed to her lips, so I gave her a gentle peck.

"Good night Lily."

"Good night."

Emily closed her eyes and snuggled into my arms.

I waited to make sure she was actually asleep.

I slowly brushed her soft hair and moved my free hand along Lily's smooth, naked body and penis.

My penis -- her little Jacky -- slowly expanded beneath the blanket. From two-inch to three, from three-inch to five, from five to eight. This was my limit. Even in her flaccid state, Emily was far larger than me.

Jackie rested snuggly against Lily's rod, and I thought I saw the corner of her mouth raised into a smile.

When I knew she was truly asleep, I whispered a secret that I would take to my grave.

"Emily, I love you."

Those blasphemous worlds. I said it to the girl I could never have. A girl that was so close, yet so far away.

My Emily.

My friend.

My first and only love.

The love that could never be, no matter how hard I wished. For she is a futanari, and I am a man. Water and oil can never mix.

Every day, I try to push my emotions deep into my heart. I did everything in my power to distract my thoughts. Playing games, pushing her to go out and find a girl. But the closer she gets, the harder it is to hold my emotions from bubbling to the surface.

She would hate me if she knew how I truly felt about her. Just like her parents.

Sometimes I dreamt that Lily also shared my emotions and my love isn't unrequited after all. But then I woke up and had to face reality.

One day, she would find someone she loves and our time together would be but a distant memory.

But until then...

Just for tonight...

Please let me dream.


And then they fuck.

The End.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

The ending is far too abrupt and pithy for me to find it satisfying, but it enjoyed getting to know these characters as I read, with their cute friendship dynamic and the drama that is built up.

Jenna2641Jenna26414 months ago

I echo the others & it needs a sequel. True love needs to win out. And a teen boy with an 8 inch cock is nothing to sneeze at. LOL

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

where is the next part?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

definitely needs a sequel

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

It was a super nice story, but I'll be honest, seeing this "superior futas , males are treated as garbage" is tiring and it really ruined the mood.

It's okay for his to doubt himself and all, but you didn't have to pull up that card, it's just a bad taste.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

more! pls

WhiteNekoWhiteNekoabout 2 years ago

This story was quite good honestly. There where a few typos and grammar errors but nothing to horrid. Of course there was that odd ending. But you have a nice set up for romantic tension and overcoming odds. I hope you keep writing.

J_PatishJ_Patishabout 2 years ago

Excellent story, loved it. Just one small gripe: less ‘the girl’, please. ‘She’ - or the name - usually does the job just fine.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Blew it out the park!

Sequel please! And make it as cheesy as possible cause I got diabetes from how sweet this story is!

Doc333Doc333about 2 years ago

why such an abrupt ending please continue on with this

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