My High School Harem

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A short on how I became.
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 03/27/2024
Created 06/23/2023
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This is a work of fiction that I've had buzzing in my evil brain for a while and I've finally decided to give it voice. As always, I am solely responsible for the content of this story and any mistakes are my own, any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental and unintentional. All persons having sex are of legal age, 18 at the time in this tale, only in some of the back story where there is no sex are they under 18. This story has mind control and sex in it so if this isn't your glass of whiskey read no further, if you do like what you read, please remember to vote, leave a comment and like and follow me. I do have other works coming so please be patient. Now on with the show.

I enjoy watching them trying to resist as I tell them to do something, my ability to control what they do has become stronger and stronger each time I use it. Who am I? Well, my parents have always told me that manors cost nothing so allow me to introduce myself. My name is John Hall and I'm a High School student in my last year and getting ready to join the Navy after graduation. My girl pet is Becky, she's been a pain in my ass for the last year and I've finally decided to take measures to give her a dose of her own medicine.

'All the way down Beck, lick my balls, you know that I like that, and you so enjoy pleasing me.' I told her as I listened to her gag and felt her tongue stretch out to do as I had commanded. I watched her deep throat my 6" cock and I took my finger off the back of her head. She pulled off my meat and spit a glob of saliva onto my cock as she slid her small hand up and down my cock while coughing and trying to reload her lungs with fresh air. I patted the top of her head like a Owner would a loyal pet, at this point that's about all she was, as she knelt naked in her room before me.

Her mom was downstairs watching her soaps and cooking dinner, with orders not to disturb us until 5:30. That will give her plenty of time to clean up before her dad gets home at 6:00. I looked up at the clock and saw that we had plenty of time yet, so I decided it was time to fuck. 'Up on the bed puppy.' I told her and patted the bed. She jumped on the bed like a good little dog and sat there kneeling. 'Doggy mating little puppy.' I told her and she quickly turned around and put her head down and raised her cute ass and smoothly shaved pussy into the air. She whimpered in lust.

Please allow me to give you a little background as to how we got to this point. The year is 1981 and as a HS sophomore, I'm already in the Navy Reserves I had joined when I was a freshman in the Sea Cadet Corp in my hometown thanks to my dad who was a Commander in the Navy Reserves. By summer 80 I had already had boot camp; it had been 2 weeks of hell to give us just a taste of what a regular boot camp would be like. Summer 81, I had had a chance to go aboard a ship for my 2-week summer 'Active Duty' time. I had gotten the USS Shreveport LPD-12 and had flown to NS Newport RI to join up with my temporary command.

As a kid I found all this exciting and was assigned to Medical as a Corpsman Asst., as this was my chosen 'Rating' or field of study in the Navy, it was something every enlisted man or woman had. Another thing my father had taught me was that at sea everyone, from the lowest Seaman Recruit to the highest Admiral, was a fire fighter. You see at sea the nearest land might be a mile or more beneath you, but the fire department wasn't going to be making a house call, and more ships had been lost because a fire had gotten out of control than for any other reason. This happened in peace as well as war it didn't matter.

3 days out of port I had been down in medical working when there was a shutter that went through the ship. Now I'm no genius, but I do know that when a ship shutters at sea, it's not a good thing. The next thing I heard was the Boats'ns pipe sound off on the 1 MC followed by the Alarm tone then the call for General Quarters. My GQ station was Med. Station Forward. I grabbed the med pack I had been given and headed that way at a trot. About halfway there I began to run into smoke and could see guys falling back, some hacking and coughing, others burned or injured in other ways.

I saw an OBA (Oxygen Breathing Apparatus, think Scott pack worn on the chest) Station just ahead and quickly opened it up and donned one and slid a canister into the slot, pulled up the bail and fired it off. I started receiving Oxygen and then donned a helmet to protect my head and directed more guys out of the danger area. Up ahead I saw a sound powered phone that said Central above it and picked it up mashing the button to talk. 'Central, Central, Station 2-55-2-L heavy smoke at this location. Over.' I said and released the button.

'Station calling Central, say again your message, you are garbled. Over.' They replied, I stopped to think for a second and remember what my dad had taught me and the other Cadets. I had to put the phone in front of the speaking diaphragm and speak slowly. 'Central, Station 2-55-2-L heavy smoke at this location. Over.' I said again and put the earpiece up to my ear again to listen. 'Central roger Station 55, who is this reporting. Over.' They replied. 'Corpsman's assistant Hall, I need help up here, I don't know who many more are injured forward of my location. Over.' I told them.

A new voice came through the earpiece. 'Hall, this is Lieutenant Commander Ford, I want you to stay right there, do you understand me, don't move. We're trying to get fire teams to your location. Just stay put. Over.' He told me. 'Yes Sir, stay put and hold fast, I understand. I'll start flaking out the fire hoses and laying out the equipment at this location Sir. Over.' I told him. 'Good do that Hall, you've given us vital information. If you see fire pull back at once understand me.' He told me. 'Aye Aye Sir.' I replied and hung the phone up then began to lay out the 2 hoses and some of the tools against the bulkheads to leave a path between them. I also set out several battle lanterns to mark the path and turned them on, this way guys would be able to see what was on the deck.

'Help... help me... help me somebody.' I heard from further into the fire scene. Immediately I was torn, I had been ordered to stay put but a shipmate was calling for help. I knew what I had to do and grabbed a battle lantern off the deck. 'I'm coming shipmate.' I called out and started moving further into the damaged area. I knew this was stupid and dangerous because if I got hurt there would now be 2 to rescue instead of one. I found him fairly quickly and began to drag him out, making sure to keep ahold of the bulkhead I had used to find my way in. Visibility sucked and I knew I could get screwed up real fast in here, my dad had taught us to stay low, think and keep calm.

This being my first real fire I thought I was doing really good, and that's when that bastard, Mr. Murph decided to stick his fucking nose in my business. I don't know what it was that chose that moment to explode, but the force threw me and the guy I was dragging up against a bulkhead. It being metal didn't really yield to our bodies, more like the other way around and shit it hurt like hell, the great thing about being young was that I was still fairly flexible. I tried to catch my breath and pull at the same time knowing that I was hurt and was starting to pass out. Luckily for the both of us I heard help coming, the last thing I remember hearing was, "There he is, get the other guy." and felt myself being lifted and hauled out.

I came to in medical with 2 IVs going and an O2 mask on my face, I felt like shit and hurt like hell. 'Hall, Hall wake up.' Someone told me and I opened my eyes and looked around. 'Uhhhhhhhhh fffuuccckk.' I managed to get out, a face popped into my line of sight. 'Hey, we're going to chopper you over to the JFK they'll fly you to Bethesda Naval Hospital in DC.' The guy told me and began to help wrap me up then lifted me into a stokes stretcher, and strapped me in.

We came out in the well deck vehicle bay and then I was hauled up the ramp to the Helipad, it was dark out and the GQ alarm had gone off just before lunch. An SH-3 SeaKing was sitting on the helideck, and I was lifted up into it, several other injured guys were either sitting in the seats or laying in stretchers on the deck. I heard the door close, and the engines start, a few minutes later I felt us take off and bank around to the left. I had no idea where we were going or how far the JFK was. I just closed my eyes and tried to enjoy the ride, such as it was.

It was the bump of the landing that woke me up and I tried to look around yet again, the guys I had flown over with gave me nods and thumbs up as the door I had come in was opened and I was lifted out. 'Hall I'm Commander Taylor the Senior Medical Officer how are you feeling?' He asked as we walked across the busy flight deck. 'Me? I'm alright Doc, I feel like a got run over by a Mack truck a few times, but I'm good.' I told him and we went down an elevator and into the guts of the ship.

Within 2 minutes I was in Medical and on an exam table, they checked me over and examined me from head to toe. I had banged my head hard and had several 1st and 2nd degree burns on my arms, hands and legs. I had also busted my legs and had a few broken ribs, but all in all I was kicking and breathing so to speak. I was dressed in a hospital gown and placed in the ward off the emergency room. The doc on duty helped cover me up and propped my head on a pillow then checked me over again recording what he had found in my chart.

'If you need anything don't hesitate to ask.' He said and went to help the next guy they brought in. Over the next few hours several people came in including the ships Admiral who told me that he had called my parents and let them know what had happened. 'In a day or two we're going to fly you and the others to the beach for further medical treatment.' He told me and said that I should get some sleep and he'd try to stop down before I left. I thanked him and looked around as about 8 or 10 guys were now here, I settled down and closed my eyes. I don't remember the rest of the night, but I do remember having some weird dreams.

We were flown off about 36 hours later straight into Andrews and were taken by medical ambulance bus to the hospital. I remember seeing the press, but I gave them no mind. The next day I was watching TV in a 2-man room when my mom and dad came in, of course my mom freaked out a bit about my injuries, but I'd been told and I'm sure they had too. I told them this was not how I had planned to spend my summer duty. My dad laughed but my mom was all upset at what had happened, I let him know what I had done, and he seemed pleased that I had fallen back on the training he had given me and the other Cadets.

The next few weeks were spent healing up and I was told that I was being transferred to the Naval Hospital at Great Lakes Naval Station which was over by Chicago. Good, it was just across the lake from where I lived so I'd now be much closer to home. I spent a few weeks there doing PT rehab and I had received my schoolbooks, so I spent 4 hours a day doing schoolwork, which kind of sucked. One of the things that I had had to do was be questioned as to what I had seen and done during the emergency. I gave the same answers each time and the Officers who questioned me thanked me and then left.

I started to notice that if I touched someone I could kind of make them do what I wanted, I had used that a few times to have the nurse help me with my schoolwork. My best day was when I left and finally got to go home, I had been gone for 16 weeks and it was no longer mid-June it was nearly Halloween, and I still wasn't 100% healed up. I did get out of gym class but to help strengthen my legs I would spend the class walking around the gym.

Some of the guys at school wanted to know where I had been and what had happened, I told them. Some believed me, many didn't. I think they finally did believe me when just before Christmas break, we were called to the auditorium, I had been sent home to change into my dress blue uniform, (I lived right across the street from my school, SUCKED.). They called me up on stage and some Captain pinned the Navy Commendation medal on my chest for my rescue of a trapped shipmate at great personal risk. At least that's what the citation read. Pictures were taken for the local newspaper, and we then broke for next few weeks. Personally, I didn't like all the attention I was getting.

It seemed that after winter break that the crap started, nothing overt at first as I wasn't one of the cool guys, a jock or preppy. I more or less stayed to myself and just went home after school or when Gymnastics and Volleyball season was going on I acted as the student trainer and general gofer. After the first few girls tore calluses or twisted their ankles and I showed that I knew what to do, I was in. The wrestling team had their practice mats in the same room, and a few wanted to try me out. What they didn't know was that I had been taught to fight mostly by Marines and Army SF members. After being flipped and thrown around by my skinny ass, people tended to leave me alone.

Before my summer training the Navy needed to make sure I was healthy, so I needed to go over to Great Lakes to get run through the ringer. The bad part of this was that I needed to go in uniform, the good part I would miss a few days of class. During lunch on the day, I was supposed to leave I went home as usual and changed into uniform and had a quick bite to eat. Going back to school for my 5th hour I was already carrying my book bag and my carryall bag. Halfway through class I got called to the office and then left, I knew that there were eyes watching me get to leave.

My summer 82 training was to be at NAB Little Creek Va. with UDT-22, this would be my last summer training before I went active duty. Hopefully this summer would be a lot less exciting than my last one. Needless to say, I spent 2 days getting poked, prodded, looked at, looked in, up and over, stabbed and drained, then x-rayed to make sure I was healed up. The doctors were happy that my scars had healed so well, and after a few words about my health, cleared me for the summer training I wanted.

I had a fun time especially seeing how the little ribbon I wore on my fruit salad got more than one strange look until I explained. That caused more than a few to shake my hand or offer to buy me a drink, at the time I accepted more than a few free drinks. The one great thing I learned during my training was how to use C-4 explosives and got to fire automatic weapons. More than a few guys had tried to show me up saying how they had rifles or shotguns, I just laughed, as I had fired everything from a.38 special long barrel to a 105mm howitzer while up a Camp Grayling in Michigan.

I slid my cock into Becks hot wet pussy and after a few pumps that allowed her to get used to my size, I began to pick up force and speed. God damn her 18-year-old pussy was tight, I had taken her pussy, throat and ass cherry over the last few months. Let's just say this was payback for all the shit she had given me. I don't know what I did to her, but Becky was one of the ring leaders into making my life uncomfortable. I was slamming into her cunt so hard right now that I wondered if my cock might break off. I knew Beck's gf Amy who was 18 too, was another sniper that I needed to get to, but I didn't share any classes with her, I'd have to have Beck lure her over so I could put the brain sucker on her.

I grabbed Beck's hair and hauled her head up so I could hear her orgasm, she was quite a screamer, I'm surprised her neighbors hadn't called the cops on her or her mom. I had found out that her mom Sandra was a screamer too when I had decided to have every man's dream fuck of milf and nookie. Beck looked so hot licking my cum out of the pussy that had birthed her, besides her mom had 42EE tits and long sensitive nipples that were so fun to play with. Beck only had 34Bs at the moment, but her mom had told me that she had had small tits too when she was younger.

I jizzed in Beck's hot pussy filling her up yet again with my hot seed, I was glad she was on the pill, or I'd be fucked. I pulled out and Becky flopped over panting like the dog she was, I placed my wet cum and pussy covered cock on her lips and watch as she sucks it in to clean it up. I thought about ways to get Amy and have a 3 some with her and Becky in the next few weeks. Time was running out and I really needed to step up my revenge game, maybe this weekend who knew. Beck's skillful mouth had me hard yet again and I flipped her to her back and slid it into her tight ass. I simply fucked her like I hated her and listened to her moan in my ear as she held onto me like I was her rock in a storm. Fuck she was a slut.

I jizzed her tight ass and had her clean me up one last time, I got dressed and headed downstairs and went past her mom who had at least 3 fingers in her wet cunt and was playing with her fat tits. I pulled her head back and kissed her, fuck yeah, she had been cleaning her fingers and I could taste that hot mommy cunt. I decided to give her a treat. 'I left Beck with 2 loads in her Sandy, why don't you go clean my cum out of her cunt and ass.' I told her and listened to her moan like the slut I had made her become.

She leapt up and headed upstairs leaving her panties in the middle of the living room, they were soaked, and the room smelled of pussy. From upstairs I could hear Beck screaming out another orgasm, I smiled knowing her mom was now neck deep in that cunt looking for my seed. I left and headed home, I had a few things to do and tomorrow I would tell Beck of my plan. Yes, having the ability to control people was a good thing, who knew where it would take me or allow me to do as I grew older.

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inno0cent_bystanderinno0cent_bystander3 months ago

... Manners. Spell check could have easily fixed that...

RonanJWilkersonRonanJWilkerson7 months ago

nice premise. need to workout the transition from memories back to sex with Becky.

SouperKev777SouperKev7778 months ago

Liked the story! Please continue.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Good start.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Please continue it is getting interesting

Patoche95Patoche9512 months ago

Bon début, j'espère une sous peu.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

An interesting start; this has possibilities and I hope that you will continue. You could pick your time to "train" the sniper - she may need to lie still for extended periods before she "takes the shot"... That would truly make her ship shudder!

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Too much preamble. Just say you go hurt. Give a bit of detail but all the detail, unless truly relevant to the story adds nothing to it other than getting your word count up. Also you have posted in mind control but there is next to nothing about it. Where is the mind control other than the line at the end?

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

I mostly enjoyed the story. You definitely need some work on your transitions. The switch from firing howitzers to firing a load in Becky may have seemed cute, but was actually jarring as there was nothing to indicate a time jump. "Please allow me to give you a little background" isn't the greatest, but at least it clearly delineated the break in flow.

Although there is nothing to indicate that this is just the first part of a bigger story, I hope that it is. The origin story was nice, but it's lacking as it stands. The title indicates a harem, but so far you only have one girl and her mother. Technically, that's probably enough to qualify as a harem, but it feels lacking. Also, you don't give enough detail on what led you to making Becky your first conquest. She's just a throwaway character as written, but your first conquest should be almost as important as your origin story (since she doesn't seem to actually be part of the origin story itself).

Further, you laid out who the next conquest was going to be. If you don't write more chapters, that is just a cruel tease...

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

While there are many ways to shorten boatswain, I can't find anything to indicate that boats'n is one of them. I'm not Navy, but it still disrupted my reading of the story. Also, you needed a possessive form rather than a plural, so it would have been boats'n's instead of boats'ns, if it was a legitimate word. Multiple apostrophes are generally best avoided though, so I would recommend going with bosun's pipe.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Thanks for sharing.

This is more of an introduction to the characters and the plot of your story ? Well please do continue.

TomSavageIsFakeTomSavageIsFake12 months ago

Use shudder instead of shutter for a trembling ship.

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