My Identity Was Discovered


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I looked around. We were in the middle of the mall, people walking past us on either side. I squatted down and pulled off the panties. Mary turned them off and took them from me, placing them in her large handbag. My pussy was quivering. The fresh air felt almost as bad as the vibrations. Mary smiled and continued walking. I followed.

People must have seen what I had done, but I didn't look at anyone in the crowd. I tried to only look at Mary. I felt very vulnerable. I was in broad daylight, being led around my a deranged woman with a dress that stopped millimetres below my pussy, and open at the front to below my breasts.

Mary was looking for something, or someone. Then she found them. Occupying a group of seats in the mall was a group of boys. Probably just finished high school. All acne, testosterone and no brains. Mary asked me if I knew how to plat my hair.

'Of course.' I replied.

She handed me a hair tie from her bag.

'I want you to stand by that post, facing the boys and plat your hair. I'll be standing behind them. Keep working on your hair and looking at me until I wave at you.'

I felt a lump in my throat. I knew the minute I raised my arms I would uncover my baldness.

'Watch me and I'll demonstrate what I want, the hotter you look, the quicker this will be for you.' Mary started to walk off. 'And don't forget the photos!' She called with a laugh.

Mary took up her position behind the boys. They were busy chatting and laughing and with the busy crowd they didn't notice me approach the lamp post. Mary was grinning like a maniac. I was only about six metres in front of the five boys. Mary reached up with her arms and started to pretend to plat her hair, arms up high. I did the same. The dress rose clear above my pussy. Everything was on show. I would have been shiny down there, I could feel my lips tingling with the exposure, I could feel my ass out on clear display. First one boy noticed. He nudged the boy next to him and within seconds I had their full attention.

The boys were almost drooling, it was obvious I was doing this for them. I could see bulges of varying sizes amongst them. Their young faces were in awe. They were very cute boys, the sort that mothers dream of their daughters bringing home and I was giving them a show they would never forget.

Mary was mouthing something at me I couldn't quite understand. Then she moved her legs and I caught it. She wanted me to spread my legs! 'Oh God' I thought as I moved my feet apart. I could see Mary indicating more, so I spread them more - about two feet apart. Mary then leant back, I copied, 'Oh my God' I thought. I could feel a bead of juice running down the inside of my left thigh. One of the boys was rubbing himself through his pants, the rest were motionless, mouths wide open.

My hair was very poorly platted, really it was just sort of pulled back with a tie on it. But mercifully, Mary waved and walked off. I tried to casually walk off as well but ended up almost tripping over my own feet. I was so horny I could hardly think or walk. I didn't look back at the boys, I just caught up to Mary who beside herself.

'That was fantastic, I can get you to do anything!'

We left Rundle Mall and headed down Kintore Ave. (for the locals) towards the Torrens River. As soon as we crossed North Tce., Mary broke into a jog again. I followed, only I knew that everyone could see my shaved pussy as I ran. The footpath along Kintore Ave is narrow, and the people coming towards me, and the people I passed couldn't miss that I was bald as a badger. The men that were coming toward me all turned as I past them. Mary was much faster than me, so they all had a great view as I approached. I wanted to die, and yet I was still excited.

I think part of the reason that I felt excited was that this wasn't my fault. You see, I felt I had no choice. It wasn't really me doing this, I had become a sort of an out of body exhibitionist!

Mary took a right turn into the University of Adelaide. It was essentially closed at this time of year. She stopped running and I caught up to her.

'Ready for a rest?' she asked.

'Please,' I panted. 'this is too much, you're not being fair'.

I was starting to sob, but Mary was having none of it. After a short walk in which we only saw a couple of people (and yes they stared at me), we entered a building and climbed some stairs. We came to the door of a set of toilets. Male toilets! Mary opened the door and called out.

'Cleaning lady!'

There was no reply and we entered. Mary pushed me into a large cubicle designed for wheelchair access.

'Strip' she said. I stripped.

'At last,' I thought. 'we're going to have sex.' God did I want to have sex!

Mary pushed me against the wall and produced a pair of handcuffs from her handbag. They were still in the plastic wrapping - this must have been what she bought when we separated.

'Arms up'.

I put my arms up and Mary handcuffed me to a pipe high up on the wall. I was stretched out, but not uncomfortable.

'Great,' I thought. 'kinky sex!'

Mary then showed me a bottle of baby oil. The strories I posted on Literotica had chronicled how I love oil. She poured a generous amount over me and I groaned, god it felt good, god I was hot. She rubbed the oil into my breasts - I thought my nipples might burst! She coated my hair and face, my back, my ass, oh god, my legs and last she touched my pussy.

She slid a finger slowly in and out.

'You like that?' She asked.

I just groaned, I wanted this so much. Then she stood back and started taking photos with her camera again. I didn't even protest! I just wanted her fingers back.

'Ok,' She said, picking my dress off the floor and stuffing them in her handbag.

'just stay here while I go shopping.'

'What! You can't!'

'But I can, and I will. I can close this door from the outside. You just better hope no one comes in.'

I continued protesting, but Mary just smiled, walked out and closed the door (it has a lock that can be opened or locked from the outside - presumably in case someone gets into trouble inside). Then the lights went out, and I heard the outside door close.

Oh my god! I was handcuffed naked inside a male toilet. Plus I had been recently waxed, forced to exhibit myself, coated in baby oil and played with to almost coming. I was going to die, I knew it. My heart was pounding. I tried to get my hands out. No luck, the cuffs were on tight - not hurting, but I was not getting my hands out. I tried breaking the pipe, but that was clearly not going to happen. I reviewed my situation. Even if I could get free, I couldn't leave. I had to wait. Oh god!

I was rubbing my thighs together, maybe I could get a decent orgasm, after all I didn't have anything else to do. I turned around and faced the wall and started rubbing my pussy against the smooth tiles. The wall was tiled up to my navel and offered very little friction. Above that, the wall was a course rendered type and very rough. My nipples were getting a great workout and I started getting really hot again. But I couldn't 'make it'! God how I tried, but I needed more. I needed something in between. I was going to go mad.

The darkness was not helping. There was just the cold tiles, the rough wall and my desire to come. After a while I was just getting pissed off. I was slamming my hips into the wall in frustration, maybe I thought I could beat my pussy into orgasm, I don't know what I was doing, but I remember doing this when I heard the outside door open and the lights go on.

I froze.

Oh my god! I think I actually stopped breathing. I could feel every inch of my body break into goose bumps. I could feel a cold sweat mixing with the baby oil. I could feel the coarseness of the wall on my nipples and the cold metal handcuffs.

It was not Mary. Alongside the pounding of my heart I could hear heavy male footsteps. Then I heard a zipper being undone. Then I heard the splash against the urinal. I started to breathe again - very slowly. I thought I was actually going to pass out with fear. The man urinated for an eternity and then zipped himself up. I heard the footsteps leave. He didn't wash his hands or flush 'dirty bastard' I thought to myself. He also didn't turn the light off.

I almost started to cry, but didn't want to make any noise. Seeing the reality of my situation again was terrible. I hated Mary, and I hated myself. This wasn't me. This wasn't what I wanted.

I pulled on the handcuffs again, but they were going nowhere - I was going nowhere.

I had turned around facing the cubicle door. If I stretched out I could touch the wall on the left with my feet and just reach the toilet on the right. Didn't get me anywhere though...

Mary told me later that I had been in the toilet for ninety minutes before she returned. I honestly had no idea. I heard her call.

'Cleaning lady' and sighed with relief. Whatever I had been feeling before was instantly replaced with joy - I was going to be free.

'Well,' She said, as she walked in swinging a Myers shopping bag.

'I can see from the lights you've had company, maybe I should do some more shopping and see if anyone finds you'.

I was about to launch into a tirade of abuse, but this stopped me. She might not free me yet! I stayed quiet and managed a small grin.

'I've got some new clothes for you, but first I though you might like this...'

Mary put down her bags and produced a good-size vibrator. Now Myer stock a lot of things, but I think she had been down Hindley Street again!

'Oh god' I said again, as Mary slowly inserted the eight-inch probe. This is what I needed. She withdrew it.

'Beg for me' She whispered.


'Ask me to fuck you'

'Please fuck me.' I replied. 'Please fuck me, I need to come'.

Mary made me keep begging as she slowly inserted and withdrew the vibrator. I couldn't believe how hot I was so quickly. I was almost at coming point within seconds. Then she turned on the vibrator and rammed it right in and out and high speed.

I saw stars! Mary tells me that I yelled something fierce, but I don't remember yelling. I just remember coming. And coming and coming and coming. Even when I thought I was going to stop, Mary kept ramming the vibrator in and out so I just kept on coming.

Eventually Mary stopped and withdrew the vibrator. I was trying to catch my breath, which was made difficult by Mary making me lick the vibrator clean. I was dizzy and didn't really know where I was or what I was doing. Mary stepped back, put away the vibrator and took some more photos with here phone. As I stood panting, hanging from the cuffs, she took photos and sent them.

'You've done well girl,' Mary announced. 'but you look like a mess. Let's get you cleaned up.'

She unlocked the handcuffs and dragged me out into the main area of the toilet. I saw my self in the mirror. I did look a mess. My hair was everywhere, makeup smeared all over the place and the oil and sweat was not a good look. Mary filled a sink with water and pushed my head under. I couldn't believe what she was doing. Here I was stark naked in a male toilet and she wanted me to wash myself in the sink!

Mary produced a cake of soap and face washer. She actually wanted me to properly clean myself. I was a bit timid - I was still stunned from the last orgasm and in shock at what she was doing. Mary impatiently grabbed the face washer off me and started soaping up my body. She had gone into 'Nurse Mode'. There was nothing erotic - just a practical cleaning that can only be done from someone who has worked in Nursing Homes. Out of the Myer's bag sprang a towel and I was towelled off. A hairbrush came from Mary's handbag and my hair was looking better. Mary packed away the towel and accessories. I just stood there naked and silent. I couldn't believe the day!

Then suddenly Mary handed me something and said.

'Here's your clothes, get dressed and I'll meet you outside the building.'

She then darted outside. As she left I noticed that she had needed to unlock the main door to the toilet - all the time she was washing me the door had been locked. I wasn't sure if I was angry at not knowing or relieved. I looked at the dress. It was an item of lingerie, a one piece dress with shoe string straps, ivory in colour. I struggled into it. It was very tight, very short. Too short, it failed to cover my pussy by an inch or so while barely covering my nipples. It wasn't transparent, but I was still damp from the wash and you could clearly see the outline of my nipples, but the main concern was it's length. I pulled and pulled but it wouldn't cover my pussy.

Regardless, I left the toilet. Maybe I could beg Mary for some other clothes. Surely Mary had misjudged the length, after all I could get arrested for this dress! I was racing down the stairs.

'What if she takes me back the mall in this?' I thought.

Then I saw my car! Mary had driven my car from the Myer's centre into the Uni. Mary was in the driver's seat.

'Climb in, do you like your dress?'

We drove off back to my flat. Mary had thought about exhibiting me some more, but had wisely guessed that I needed to sleep. She tucked me up in bed (naked of course), kissed me tenderly and promised to be in touch soon. I fell quickly into a deep sleep.

I awoke a short time later, to find someone on the bed. It was dark. I tried to move, but couldn't. I had been tied spread-eagled to the bed and blindfolded. I could feel the person on the bed was naked. I felt a tongue in my pussy. Then I could feel the person squatting over my face. I reached out with my tongue and touched her pussy. The person jumped and then sat down harder. She tasted rich, like a thick nectar. I drove my tongue in hard. She moaned. She sat back into my face and squeezed her thighs.

I'm a small girl. Mary, and let's face it, it had to Mary at this stage, is a big girl. Big girl on top of small girl! I was in danger of suffocating.

But I didn't care, I licked and sucked and tried to move my head about. Mary was sitting up and played with my pussy using her fingers. She would run her fingers around my lips and then pinch and pull them. The pinching and pulling hurt like hell, but this only made me thrash around more which would have stimulated her more.

By now she was really grinding onto my face. I was just concentrating on try to breathe, Mary was just using my face as something to hump against. She had stopped playing with my pussy and was about to orgasm. Then she came. She squeezed so hard I thought my head was going to implode. Her cries of ecstasy made me want to come to. I started licking again, and wiggled my hips to try and entice her.

Mary responded my climbing off. Apparently she likes to come once and that's it - she's done. She also doesn't want me to see her naked - hence the blindfold. She also loves to torment.

Suddenly and without any warning my mouth was taped shut. Now I couldn't protest no matter what she did. Arms and legs spread. Blindfolded and now gagged. This was a dream and a nightmare.

I should have expected what came next. First came the sound of rubber gloves. I stiffened and made inarticulate noises through the gag. 'Not that' I thought. But there was no stopping her. I felt a well lubricated finger enter my anus. With my legs tied so far apart I couldn't stop it. Then two fingers went in! It actually felt incredible. No pain at all! My pussy was on fire. I was breathing heavily through my nose. Then Mary withdrew her fingers and I was left frustrated again.

Then something bigger and harder was pushing against my hole. This hurt! I tried to cry out as my anus stretched like it had never done before. I could feel it slide past my sphincter further and further in. I could feel myself stretching and it's girth increased. Then it narrowed and my anus closed around it. It was a butt plug. Mary had plugged me. Then without any announcement it started to slowly vibrate.

I was still in pain, but now I was loving it. The vibrations were slow, like a very strong throbbing. Just enough to feel in my clitoris. Mary retreated from the bed and I lay writhing in ecstasy.

About ten minutes later I was writhing in extreme frustration. The vibrations were driving me insane. I think if a blowfly had landed within ten centimetres of my clit I would have come, but there was nothing to drive me over the edge. I was truly going mad. I lost all track of time. What seemed a century later (probably only another ten minutes, maybe two) Mary removed my blindfold. She was fully dressed again, complete with her maniac grin.

'I'm going shopping again,' She announced. 'but I need the PIN number for this.'

She held up my VISA card.

'You want to come. I want the PIN number. Give me the PIN number and I'll let you come - but I warn you. Give me the wrong number and everyone you've ever met get's to see these.'

Mary held up a digital camera. Now she had high quality photos of me in addition to the phone pictures.

'Show me with your fingers, first number!'

I gave her my PIN number. I just wanted to come, I didn't care what she did with my money or who saw the photos. I just need to come.

'Thank you.' Mary concluded, jotting down the number in a business like manner.

'See you when the shops shut'.

She replaced the blindfold, then the vibrator when troppo. The vibrations were awesome, the strength was amazing and the speed! It was like a mixmaster in my ass. I heard my front door shut. She was going to leave me like this! The vibrations were almost too strong, the change too sudden. But then I came. It was another intense 'seeing stars' orgasm, then another, then another and then it kept going. I was trying to hold back, 'I could be like this for hours!' I thought. I was thrusting my hips and down like a demon possessed. I actually imagined that my bowel would fall out.

Then the vibrations stopped and I heard laughter. The bitch hadn't even left my flat. She nibbled on my clitoris, which caused more shudders and then pulled out the vibrator. my anus offered no resistance as it came out, I was completely spent.

Mary untied me and helped me to the bathroom to clean up. I needed help to walk! Then she tucked me in bed again. This time I slept unmolested until the following day.

I awoke to find Mary still in my flat, she was making some changes to my wardrobe...


The above story is more or less as it happened, with a few changes to hide the guilty and to spice up the story.

Mary is real, only she's not my cousin. She did start out by blackmailing me, but now it's consensual with only the threat of blackmail to give me a push, although I still don't know who the third party is that Mary sent the pictures to. The above events took place pretty much as told, only over the course of a week and not a day. A few details about Mary and myself have been inserted as red herrings. There are far too many Adelaidians reading these stories, and we want to stay anonymous.

Mary wishes to invite you to submit ideas for me. Mary now has the email account that you reach via the anonymous feedback link. Mary says she will let me see most of the emails, but keep any suggestions for what I should do as a surprise. I also have to respond to more emails, but be patient I - got an awful lot last time. Mary want's ideas and suggestions that involve exhibitionism and humiliation, probably less blatant public nudity, but all suggestions are welcome. Creative bdsm ideas are also welcome.

Stay tuned.

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anifreikanifreikabout 4 years ago
More forgiving than I

It's a well written, hot story. But maybe because 1: I'm a guy and 2: it's the other aide of my kinks. But there were a couple of times where I would have told Mary to so whatever she had to but don't darken my life or doorstep ever again what I've found is 99 times out of 100, they won't do anything/tell anybody. Especially if they claim to care about you.

I learned a long time ago that no one can make me do anything except me. Threats, violence, what have you,, it doesn't matter unless I allow it to matter

Anyway, keep writing. You do, apparently, get into some interesting shit. Btw, how are things between you and Kate?

DaflingerDaflingeralmost 11 years ago
another great story

what a great concept and story teller. Keep it up. What about forced webcam exhibishism? No identities, just hungry masses looking on as teasing and wet denial of torso area leads to juicy outcome? Just keep writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Great story!!! More please!

This story is much more believable as "over a week" instead of "one day". But it was still very well done!! Were I in "Mary's" position, I think I would have done a lot of similar things! Great story!! MORE!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Please, more!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

Love this longer story by AdelaideNurse.

Love the forced aspect and her resistance.

Love the public exhibition and her humiliation.

Very nice!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Well Written

Very hot and well written. Thanks for the great time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

wish i could have been a participant to your adventure. i am a male slave and have often wondered what it would be like to have someone 'forcing' me to do some embarassing things. a former mistress has had me wearing a skirt in public and had toyed with the idea of having me enter a womans toilet with her in a very public place and leave me in a stall with only a skirt and blouse to wear to leave the toilet. hope your future stories turn me on as much as this did. im not sure how things could get any more humiliating.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Very hot!

Really enjoyed it. Thank you!

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