My Invisible Stalker


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I knew he had crushed on me in high school. Everyone knew he had. The problem was that I wasn't ready for what I'm sure JJ wanted. I was flattered he liked me. It was reassuring, actually, to be liked by a guy. I was amazingly insecure in high school. In fact, I was sure no guy would ever be attracted to me. JJ proved me wrong.

Subsequent events, such as growing more respectable boobs (I was now a B cup on a good day) and developing a sexy bubble butt, and saying goodbye to my teenage acne, showed me how wrong I was about my attractiveness to the opposite sex.

JJ liked me when my boobs were tiny, some acne was still hanging about, and my bubble butt was just a butt. I think he liked me for my mind. I know it's corny and trite, but sometimes trite can be true. Women don't climax from kisses, but I had when JJ kissed me at that party six years earlier, and the man had never forgotten!

I asked JJ for a T-shirt that I could sleep in. He gave me a nice one. I changed into it, keeping my panties on, and met him in the kitchen for a nightcap. We talked and actually had a good time, laughing and joking, and I relaxed. I ask you: Who relaxes with her stalker? Look, you had to be there.

"So tell me the truth, JJ. Did you really sleep with Veronica Masters?" I asked, at one point when I had had much too much to drink.

"Not much sleeping was involved."

"I don't want the details, please."

"Okay, a summary: We got it on three times. I know you hate her, so you'll be pleased to know she's a lousy fuck," he said.

"You have a basis for comparison?" I asked, wondering who else JJ might have shared intimacies with.

"I doubt you know most of them. Wait a minute. Isn't Franny Chère your roommate? She's awesome in bed!" he said.

I once again freaked out. JJ, my stalker, had laid my roommate? Granted she's fairly easy to get into bed, but how did he know her, and how and when did he seduce her? Jesus Christ! I was too stunned to speak.

"I'll take that kiss now, please," JJ said. He said it with authority as if it were certain to happen. I guess I had promised him a kiss in exchange for him showing his picture of me posing naked. It seemed like a strange deal to make, actually, but hell I was drunk and scared, and JJ was making me feel safe.

How about that? My invisible stalker, now visible and a blast from my past, was making me feel safe. I needed to see a shrink.

JJ gently pulled me close to him. My boobs pressed against his broad chest. I wondered if he could tell, through his shirt, that my nipples were hard. It dawned on me that all I was wearing was the borrowed T-shirt and my lavender panties. JJ took my head in his hands and he kissed me.

It had been six years since JJ had given me the most memorable kiss of my life. Now he was doing it again. It was as if he had magical powers! He tasted divine, and we both opened our mouths as our tongues kissed to give us a kiss within a kiss. The memory of JJ's original kiss six years ago came flooding back, as his mouth left mine, descending to my neck.

I don't know why, maybe it's due to JJ himself six years earlier, but my neck is a prime erogenous zone. I began to groan as he kissed me so gently on my neck that it was exquisite. I seemed unable to help myself, but I so, so wanted him to kiss my boobs. He needed a shave, and his stubble was helplessly leaving its mark on the soft skin on my neck. Mmmm escaped from my throat, followed by a guttural "Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, JJ. John James, you are irresistible!"

JJ pulled back, and in one smooth movement he lifted the T-shirt up and off of me, as I realized I had wanted him to do. Like an iron filing to a magnet, his lips went to my nipples. I almost fainted in the delirium of pleasure. I began to wonder if JJ could do this to me above the waist, what would happen were he to descend below to my vaginal area?

Then I had a reality check. He had begun to fondle my belly button jewelry.

"I'm sorry, JJ. This is too much, too fast," I said, as I pulled away from him and quickly put the T-shirt back over my head. I was sure if I read the handbook of stalkers' victims, I'd find that letting them seduce you was absolutely frowned upon, even if your stalker could kiss you like nobody else ever had or probably ever would.

"I'm grateful for your rescue this evening and especially for the offer to spend the night in your extra bedroom. I think I'll retire for the night now. Thanks too for the T-shirt to sleep in." I quickly walked to the guest bedroom, and once in it, I locked the door. I exhaled. I hadn't even known I was holding my breath.

The bed was made, and towels were thoughtfully placed on the pillow. Wait a minute -- how did JJ know he'd have a visitor? I looked around the room and saw there was a small bookcase against the far wall. I checked it out, and I had read almost all of the books. Had JJ somehow been following along with my reading habits? I was getting freaked out at new levels!

A fancy chocolate cream, wrapped up in nice paper, lay on the pillow. It was a Suchard Rocher of dark chocolate. Tempting, to be sure.

I heard a knock on the door. "Yes?" I replied, without opening the door.

"Would you like a small snifter of cognac to go with your chocolate, Sally?" JJ said through the door.

He was being so nice, so thoughtful, and I was being a bitch. Wait a minute, though! He was my stalker; of course I was being a bitch. That is for sure in the handbook of the stalker victim. It just isn't in my nature to be a bitch. Nevertheless, I'm not opening that door. He'll resume kissing me, and now we're in a bedroom, and it's just too risky!

I thanked him and said I'm done for the night, and I wished him pleasant dreams until the morning. I had trouble falling asleep, but I managed and drifted off into a troubled, light sleep.

I need to confess something. I have a fantasy of being taken by force. I suspect lots of women do, and there's nothing wrong with having such a fantasy. It's just, after all, a fantasy. It's clear to me that the fantasy began that one time long ago when Brad returned from Boston both drunk and frustrated.

But being raped by my stalker was not at all a fantasy of mine. I didn't want such a fantasy, yet here I was in the guest bedroom of my stalker, who also -- bizarrely -- was a casual friend from high school who by chance had given me my first orgasm! He had also become en passant a fairly sexy, good-looking guy.

On the other hand, he wasn't just a guy who followed me and always seemed to have his eyes on me. He even stalked my reading habits, I learned. He had even fucked -- multiple times, to hear him tell it -- my nemesis Veronica Masters! Moreover, he knew Veronica was my nemesis. I had to face it: he knew everything about me. He may even know about my rape fantasy, but he couldn't possibly, right? He had a copy of the photo I posed for with my old boyfriend Brad where I was nude. What else did he have? I shuddered at the thought!

JJ was obsessed with me. Lord help me. I didn't eat the chocolate; who knows what it was laced with! Instead, I took two Ambien and finally drifted off to sleep.

I woke up from a dream. It was still night, so I kept my eyes closed. I was dreaming JJ had slipped through my locked door -- he must have a key. Of course he has a key: it's his own house! -- and was studying my T-shirt-clothed body. Probably my T-shirt had risen up, exposing my lavender panties. Oh shit: I had removed my panties when I went to bed. Probably my sex was exposed to JJ's hungry, greedy, psycho eyes. Shit. Shit, shit!

I'll pretend to still be asleep and see what happens. Probably he'll watch me a while, taking in the view of my boobs, and then go to bed himself, right? Right?

Wrong. JJ was naked, and he pushed up my T-shirt even farther than it had risen. He pinned me to the bed, holding down my hands. He was between my legs, preventing me from closing them in an instinctive defensive move.

I couldn't believe I was already wet, probably due to my dream, but I was. What a time to have a wet dream. He slipped inside me, and finally JJ was fulfilling his lifelong dream: JJ was fucking me. My goodness, this was my fantasy, almost exactly as I used to tell it to Ellie, as some kind of erotic foreplay. This, however, was not foreplay. It was not a dream. This was real.

JJ rolled me onto my back and continued to slowly fuck me. I couldn't believe this was happening! I raised my head from the pillow and looked down. JJ's cock was pumping in and out of me. It was long, and it was thick. I closed my eyes to get in touch with how it felt. I hated myself just then, because JJ's cock felt wonderful. It was better than Brad's, better than Andrew's, better than Arnold's. It was even better than my one-night stand with Miguel when I went alone to Chicago. JJ was better than everyone, better than all of them!

I couldn't compare JJ's cock to the cock of my boss, because that's more of a head trip than a physical thing. Wait a minute: isn't JJ fucking me also a head trip? He's my fucking invisible stalker, for Pete's sake! So I can compare them. JJ wins again.

"No, JJ. Please don't," I said in a calm voice -- a little late since he was already fucking me, and while I would never admit it, I was loving it. I actually wanted to relax and enjoy it, but I knew I couldn't. I couldn't possibly admit to my stalker-rapist that I was loving it. I couldn't do that! I just couldn't. Also, with rape it doesn't matter if the woman likes it or not. Right? Right?

JJ ignored me, and I asked again, probably five times in total, please to stop raping me. I gave up. I was too aroused not to give up. He was not going to stop, and he was so much stronger than I was, it was hopeless. So I relaxed and enjoyed getting a royal fucking, unlike any I had ever had.

Brad had tried to please me; he really had. He was just too nice, too sweet. He pretended to be rough and nasty, and I appreciated the efforts, and I knew he was doing it because he loved me, but it never seemed authentic. It never rang my chimes. My other two recent affairs also were much too loving for my sordid tastes.

As I relaxed and JJ continued his assault, I climaxed. This was not one of your garden variety climaxes. Oh, no, it was most definitely not! The climax came out of left field -- I had no warning. It overwhelmed me. It drove me into uncontrollable spasms, and for the first time I saw the hint of a smile on my rapist's face. On JJ's face.

JJ called out, "Okay!" which puzzled me, until I heard my bedroom door squeak open. Someone else was entering the room. I couldn't see. The person moved to the right of JJ as he continued to fuck me silly, and there she was:

A naked Veronica Masters, with an evil smile and a strap-on. I had seen Veronica naked before, quite a few times, long ago. She had matured and now had full C-cup breasts, childbearing hips, thin but shapely thighs, smooth and glowing skin, but no bubble butt. I had her seriously beat in the department of the ass. It figures.

Veronica naked came close to being every man's wet dream. For me, however, a hetero woman and a victim of Veronica's machinations so many times already, she was my Nightmare on Elm Street.

Veronica and I were often the two best at anything. When we competed for a prize or an honor, I played it straight, of course, but as I eventually found out, Veronica cheated. She always beat me and usually by cheating. I found out even later that as we got older she would fuck whoever was making the decision between her and me. Often it was a woman, but that didn't make no nevermind to Veronica. She used the big, black strap-on she was wearing to fuck the female judges senseless.

Veronica had a smile of pure evil on her face. The misogynistic, sadistic bitch was in fine form, ready to torment someone. I figured that someone was me.

I realized what had been missing from my horror of being raped. It was fear. I could not be afraid of John James. That JJ had an evil side I had no doubt. Others would be afraid of him and with good reason. I just wasn't, I couldn't be afraid of JJ. It's hard to imagine a nicer, sweeter, rapist. With Veronica Masters however, naked and armed with a strap-on, I was horrified, terrified, and possibly soon to be scarified, since Veronica also was carrying a pruning knife.


"We're almost back to the city, and you've barely spoken the entire ride," JJ the stalker-rapist said. The traffic was heavy, and the two-and-a-half-hour trip was lasting over three and a half hours.

"Thank you again for the ride home," I replied. "Thanks too for taking the knife away from Veronica."

"You okay?" he asked.

"You mean, after you raped me, and then Veronica Masters and you double-teamed to rape me again?" I asked.

"Well, if you put it that way ..."

"That's the way I put it," I said.

"You had around a dozen climaxes, Sally. Was it really so awful?"

"It was only seven, and you understand nothing," I said. "The body reacts, but what's in the mind can be totally different. You knew I hated Veronica Masters intensely, and yet you included her."

"There are reasons I did that," JJ said.

"I'm sure there are," I said. "Nobody does anything without a reason. I guess you mean she had you by the balls. By the way, you have nice balls. They sure do produce a lot of spunk."

"Thanks," JJ said. "She did indeed have me by the balls. You see, there was this time with my sister. Veronica was there and, well ..."

"I know how she is. Maybe I know better than anyone. I sure didn't need to revisit my primal trauma, though," I said.

"Your primal trauma? Do you mean you have sexual history with Veronica?" he asked.

"You're just figuring that out? God, you're thick. Well, here we are. I'd invite you in, but you'd probably rape me again, so I'll just say goodbye," I said.

"I'll walk you to your door," JJ said.

"No, you won't. Goodbye, John James. May you rot in hell." I quickly left the car and ran up the stairs to the entrance to my building. Unfortunately, JJ quickly parked (the lucky bastard found a space as someone pulled out of one) and also ran up the stairs. I don't know how he got into my building, but ten minutes after I had entered my apartment there was a gentle knock on my door. I recognized the knock. It was my neighbor JingJing's knock, so I opened the door wide, with a smile to welcome her.

Except it wasn't JingJing, of course. It was JJ. My smile vanished. I tried to slam the door closed, but it hit JJ's foot and he forced himself into my apartment.

"I'll scream," I warned.

"No, you won't," he said. "You forgot to give me a key. That's part of the deal we made, right?"

Before I knew it, I was naked, on my back, and JJ was on top of me.

"Wear a condom, please," I said.

"Okay," he replied.

"You'll stop stalking me, right?"

"A deal's a deal. Ten more of these wonderful fucks, complete surprises in the middle of the night, and your days of being stalked are over," he said.

"Nine," I replied, when he was done with me.


"Well, you just fucked me and filled your condom practically to overflowing. That's one, so there's only nine to go. Let's do it again. Do you want my ass this time?"

"You bet, but it's still nine after that, right?"

"Right. This is one session; it doesn't matter how many times you can get it up for me. We're counting the number of sessions, as per our agreement," I replied.

"If I stay the night and we fuck in the morning, is that still the same session?"


"I love you, Sally," JJ said.

"No, you don't. Here's a key to the apartment. Use it so that you can enter without warning when I'm sleeping the sleep of the pure and the innocent, and do your rape thing, right?"

"We're kind of weird people, aren't we," JJ remarked.

"I know," I replied. "But you're still a rapist, and you're still damned to hell. I'm just an innocent victim. Always remember, my room door is on the right. The other door is Fran's room, and if you surprise her in the middle of the night with a rape, she's likely to inflict serious bodily harm upon you. Not that you don't deserve it."

"Hmm. Still feisty, eh?"

"Quite," I said. "Not a sweet little innocent victim like I am."

"I think being an innocent victim is stretching the truth just a little bit, don't you?" he said. "You are sweet, though."

My answer was a bit roundabout. "Want a blowjob to help you to get it up? Do you think your balls can come through for another round?"

JJ may have answered. My hearing is impaired when a gorgeous cock is in my mouth and throat.

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Frighteningly stupid female characters who are incapable of good decision making and avoiding ridiculous, if not dangerous, situations are not female forward or representative of young, middle-class American women. These women, devoid of common sense, self-control, and a sense of self-preservation, certainly do not display distinctly feminine sensibilities. They are written for the male gaze. This wasn't a woman's perspective on rape. It was a man's.


This story is the problem with men writing from a woman's perspective. So. Much. Wrong. Women don't think about themselves having sex with others as opening their legs for them. That's a crude, condescending phrase uttered by men who don't think much of women. And identifying her as a slut despite being surrounded by actual slutty men who have sex more often than she does, with more people than she has, and in grossly manipulative situations is also hugely problematic.


Why bring Veronica in on the rape? That part was wholly unnecessary, unexplained, and unexplored. She was brought to the scene and then the scene ended. That's some lazy writing right there. And then wrapping it all up with telling us she "agreed" to being raped and giving him a key in forced exposition is more lazy writing.


From a woman who has read a number of your stories, please stop writing from women's perspectives.

KristaMoraneKristaMoraneover 1 year ago

* * * * *

Great story! Hope you are well JB.

Peter_ClevelandPeter_Clevelandalmost 2 years ago

JBEdwards' stories combine a distinctly female sensibility, a quirky inventiveness, a fine sense of humor, a sharp eye for the foibles of young, middle-class American women, and an uninhibited appreciation of sex. And if you're a Yale man, watch out: JB's got your number. I'm especially fond of these stories' young, female narrators. "My Invisible Stalker" is absolutely classic JBEdwards, and it's a very fun read. Five stars.

petitechasseurpetitechasseuralmost 2 years ago

Always good to hear the woman's perspective on rape. Thank goodness we have JB Edwards to write top notch female forward content for us. Cheers!

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