My Mother Owns Me Ch. 05


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We saw Bob coming down the hall but did not pause to ask him what was going on. Carol was waiting by Mom's open office door as we entered the outer office and ushered us straight inside. The two chairs that usually sat in front of Mom's desk were off to one side. Carol walked in and sat on one. "You two, indicating Leah and me, "stand right there. Bob you sit." This was unusual and I could see Leah fidget in my peripheral vision.

"Where are your cell phones?" Mom asked. Leah said hers was in her pocket. I replied mine was on my desk charging. "Oh, so you thought to charge your cell phone, huh?" Mom retorted. The sarcasm was not lost on either of us. "Did either of you happen to get a text a while ago? A notification perhaps?" I told her I hadn't seen one. Leah said she saw a notification pop up but we were busy so she ignored it. She pulled her phone out and read the notice. Her face paled.

"Yeah! Seems our boy here has not bothered to keep his collar charged." Mom, gritted. "That official notification is sent by the system to the owners and all other linked phones when the charge of a slave's collar drops to thirty percent. A record of it is entered into his official file. The same file that monitors any shocks administered. Sometimes an owner is asked why she or he is excessively shocking a slave or using the full shock instead of the half shock. But frequent low charge reports is also a sign we are neglecting and not properly supervising our slave. I do not like having a single report of that nature against me."

"And for you to ignore the notification and let the charge continue to drop is also a red flag. Leah." Mom said. "Bob, it seems they forgot or in Dave's case, did not bother to learn, what happens when the charge drops too far." I heard a soft whimper like groan from Leah. Obviously she was aware.

"The shock collar is designed to never lose its effectiveness." Bob recited. "The slave cannot just let the battery run down and escape. When the charge drops to twenty percent a series of warning buzzes are emitted at hourly intervals. If the collar is not recharged, the mild warning shocks begin. Then a series of half shocks. Those shocks deplete the battery's reserve faster. And shortly thereafter a few full shocks are emitted. And at that point it is critical for the slave to get to some kind of charging system quickly. Before the collar runs out of charge it discharges all at once which generally produces cardiac arrest and at the same time fries the spinal nerves and brain stem. This is a design to prevent slave escapes. A similar sequence occurs if the slave attempts to leave the country."

Mom saw the look of horror on my face. "That rarely happens. Slaves are supposed to pay attention as well as their owners. Charging units are spread all over town. Emergency response teams are notified prior to a fatal event and try to get there in time. They charge a big fee of course, but that is not the issue. The owner has to answer for why he or she allowed a low charge event in the first place and that could result in criminal charges for neglect."

"I know neither of you are so stupid you would ignore a series of shocks but to even ignore the first phone notification angers me. Well, better said, INFURIATES me. I am angry you let the charge drop at all. Bob what is your charge level?" Mom asked.

"I'm not sure." Bob answered. "It was eighty five percent when I attached the charger this morning in my office. I let it charge while I worked." Mom nodded.

"When was the last time you charged your collar, Dave?" she asked, glaring. "Remember, I can pull up the history online." I told her I noticed it was a little low Friday, and I was going to charge it but forgot when she called me to her office. "You were more concerned about your ass and what we might do to it than your collar in other words." Mom said. "That was four days ago. I know you understand that collar is not just sitting there inert. It is constantly broadcasting your location to the internet and phones linked to it."

"I just thought charging the collar was like charging my lap top." I said. "You know, use it and then when you get a low level warning, you plug it in."

"Quit whining and stop trying to bullshit me. I know you were told to keep it charged. It is part of the collaring process. They don't go into details but they tell you it is important and ask if you understand. They record the whole collaring session as part of your conviction and slave record. Plus Leah and I made sure you had charger in the basement. That was the one thing we never dumped onto the floor or messed with. It was plugged in and hanging on that hook on the wall above your cot." Mom declared. "You used it until Friday. Now I wonder how often."

"I was too upset! I forgot. I didn't pay attention." I babbled. "I don't know why I got sidetracked. I didn't know it was so crucial."

Mom asked if Leah if she had given me all the instructions pertaining to my collar and general enslavement information. 'Yes, if you remember we talked about how most slaves would never bother to read any of it, but Dave would read the back of a cereal box. I'm sorry I never followed up. I should have checked to see if he was charging his collar at least."

"Yes, you should have. But Dave, you should have the sense to learn about the thing around your neck. Well, I'm going to remind you of one of its features. I'd advise you to sit on the floor." Mom said as she turned her attention to her phone.

"Please don't do that!" I begged, realizing her intentions. I had been directed to sit on the floor when I was first collared and they tested the half shock feature. That was the first and only time I'd suffered that agony.

"Let's see, I wanted to make sure I never inadvertently shocked either you or Crystal so I pass-coded that feature." Mom stated as she fiddled with the icons. "Select the collar, okay, enter the code, select shock parameters, are you sure? one collar selected..." Mom intoned. I hoped she would stop.

Agony shot down my spine and through my limbs. I had the barest idea of the world flashing white and then nothing. I woke to see Mom, Leah and Carol staring down at me.

"That was impressive. I'd seen it on videos but it makes a bigger impression in real life." Mom said. "You convulsed for a few seconds before going limp and that was only the half shock. I'm guessing if we check you dropped another point or two of charge. Sit up when you can."

"I've had Crystal for three years and that was the first time I've ever shocked anybody. But I'm going to tell you this. It won't be the last if you so much as let your charge drop below fifty percent without a damn good reason. Bob got shocked a time or two at slave camp. His first was for not knowing his slave identification number." Mom said. "Don't think your punishment is over. Strip"

I'd already figured I'd be caned. I'd seen the wood dowel leaning against the filing cabinet. I was resigned to that but was appalled when I heard Mom speaking on her cell phone, "Yes, I saw you offer a class running from Wednesday to Saturday morning, and wanted to see if you had any openings for tomorrow. No, this weekend is no good. We have some family commitments we want the slave to attend. Okay, perhaps in a week or two if his behavior does not improve. Thank you." Mom smiled as she looked up at my tearful and shocked face. "You lucked out. Perhaps I ought to bring you back in here every day the rest of the week and shock you again. Give you the slave camp experience right here, just without the blowjobs."

"I'll have to think about it. But for now you are going to get four with this cane, unless you move of course. I'll be happy to add more." Mom added.

No matter how bravely I tried to take the strokes, I still bawled. I barely managed to keep from screaming. "Get a grip on yourself and pay attention while I give you and Leah my instructions." Mom said, handing me a couple tissues. "Get dressed. Okay, since you can't attend slave camp you are going to learn the lessons here. I want you to pull up the information for the slave handler permit. That tutorial is essentially the same thing. Learn it. Tomorrow morning I will give you a test. They offer practice tests using random questions so we will generate one here. The state sets their minimum passing grade at seventy or seventy five. Yours is ninety percent. Fail and you get six with one of our canes from home, not this pissant dowel rod. I suggest you study effectively the rest of the day. You will not get out of your duties at home tonight so your study time might be limited."

"I'm sure you will not want to fail the first time but I will warn you the penalty for a second failure will be increased dramatically. First thing I expect you to do is start recharging your collar. Don't even leave your desk until it gets above fifty percent. Use your coffee cup if you need to pee." She held up her phone. "I'll check. Now all of you get out while I have a little talk with Leah. Dave, you wait for her outside." Mom added.

"I have not seen your Mom that angry in a long time. Not since she received word you and Bob got arrested." Carol offered as I stood by her desk. She had not invited me to sit and with my burning ass and thighs, I would not to anyway. "I've never seen anybody shocked in real life either. It was kinda terrifying to see you go all rigid, flop and then pass out. I have to admit watching you get caned was entertaining though. You sure aren't gonna be sitting comfortably while you study."

'No shit!' I thought. I thought it pretty unfair to shock and then cane me too. All Mom had to do was call either Leah or me to ask me about it and tell me to hook up to the charger. And almost sending me to slave camp was way too much. I couldn't believe Mom would be such a cruel bitch. I was very careful to not say 'cruel bitch' when I vented softly to Carol. I asked her if she knew about the slave camp idea before Mom made the call.

"Yeah. She looked it up just before you guys got here, well, after she got the first notification your collar had a low charge. She called me in to show me. She had me monitor your collar for twenty minutes to see if the charge would start going up. She got really upset you and Leah ignored it. When she pulled out that cane, I asked if I could stay and watch." Carol grinned. "I told you yesterday I would ask to watch the next time you got your ass striped. And I think sending you to slave camp is fair. I checked it out when Bob was sent. Thinking about it, I'm gonna suggest to Sandra that if you fail your test in the morning, we run our own version of slave camp right here. We can use my husband for the blowjob training. That's better than using an employee." Carol reached out and stroked the front of my pants. "Doesn't arouse you, huh? Well I can tell you my panties are wet!"

Leah came out of the inner office walking stiffly, her face crimson. Carol's mouth fell open. "Oh shit!" she exclaimed. "Did she actually......" her voice trailed off. Leah nodded without saying a word and left the office. I followed.

"Hook up and get that collar charging. Now!" Leah ordered, barely keeping from losing her composure. I asked her if Mom spanked her or caned her. "She caned me! Two stripes. My ass is on fire!"

I thought Leah was about to start bawling again. "I've never had so much as a hand spanking in thirteen or fourteen years and now I've been caned!" she said forlornly. I asked why she submitted to it. After all she was a free woman. She spun and glared at me. "Because it was Mom and I fucked up! This was no little mistake. I let her down. I let myself down. I was the fucking person in charge and I did not think, I even ignored the warning when it was sent. Such a simple answer and I did not even look. I had not even thought to check to see if you were charging your collar. Crystal always stayed on top of hers so I never thought to check on you."

I apologized even though I kinda felt it gratifying Leah was sharing the experience of fresh burning weals streaking her butt. "I'll pay attention to it." I promised. "It won't happen again. It's not like it went too far. No damage done except to our butts." I added.

Leah looked at me. For an instant I thought she was going to call me an idiot. But then her shoulders slumped. "Oh yes there is! Mom is embarrassed to even have that report be sent. She sees that as an official, public failing. She asked me if I was up to the job of 'supervising both our slaves'. Her words. She asked if maybe I needed help and she should offer Sheila the job to assist me. I can't allow that. That little bitch would kiss ass and I'd be HER assistant before long. She'd ask for the opportunity to prove herself."

I suddenly saw how that would not be good for any of us. "Oh, fuck!" I muttered.

"No shit!" Leah said. "And your passing that test Mom gives you in the morning is gonna be important. I'd keep you here and quiz you all evening until you had the material down cold but you and Crystal are supposed to get home and get your asses flushed. For now, just get studying. Picture this is as the day before your final exam and you just realize you never went to class the whole semester."

"The classic college student nightmare, huh?" I said, grinning. She nodded. Her scowl wiped the grin off my face.

I set to work. This was important. The material was not that difficult. It was something the average person should be able to learn quickly just like the driver's license exam. But I also remembered when that driver's license exam had been one of the most important in my life. Every guy I knew would rather fail and repeat sophomore English class as terrible as that would be than face the humiliation of failing his driver's exam. It was a rite of passage and more important than getting pussy the first time. After all, you could always buy pussy. Somebody would let you screw his slave for a few bucks.

I'd barely noted the passage of time when Leah asked me if I was ready to go to lunch. I shook my head. She came back a little later with the lunch Mrs C had packaged for us, now warmed in the microwave. She'd even brought me coffee on occasion. I'd checked before I got up to pee to make sure my collar's charge was over the fifty percent mark. I was not about to take the risk. Such was my angst, I'd have drank the pee out of my cup to make room to refill it rather than get up too early and face Mom's vengeance.

Fortunately, I neither had to pee in my cup nor drink it. My collar's charge read sixty five before I felt the first urge to urinate. I did not waste time. I was focused. On the drive home after work, Leah quizzed me as I drove, using questions she'd printed off the site. Her letting me drive her car so she could read the questions was testament to the priority she set on my success. "I think you have it down." she pronounced as I parked.

My happiness was extinguished when she reminded me Crystal and I were to flush our asses.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I like the writing but you really should should look up long duration long duration PTSD or complex PTSD. 2 years is plenty of time to start having flashbacks and calm acceptance is a major warning sign that person is not really sane anymore. I can't really compare this to military experience. These characters are not in the same situation. This is family. This is like the mom that wakes up from a nightmare/flashback and and decides to kill everyone in their bed or lights a candle, turns on the gas and watches from across the street.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Waiting for the next part

CockedCapCockedCapabout 1 year ago

Gamblinluck is a better writer than OllyT, but leaves me in a similar state. This concept is horrible, disturbing, and has me hooked. I wish I hadn't started it, but now I have to finish it. It's only a story, it has no obligation to be enlightening or uplifting, which is good because it isn't. It is realistic in that there have been any number of cases over the centuries of real people subjected to crushing and humiliating fates that somehow did not choose suicide over continued horror. In Dave's case I think I'd have been looking for a rope by now. We'll have to wait and see.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I'm pretty sure a world that has ritualized slavery to this extent has also put in the effort to make the collars foolproof - no battery failures/fires, no accidental discharges, authorities of all kind can usurp collar control - police, surgeons, etc. The ultimate purpose of the collar is to support the story the author wishes to tell - if you want to tell a story of battery fires or fatal neglect, I'm sure that could be interesting in its own way, but I don't think that is what this author intends.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Keep thinking which way the author is going to go. Pretty much know poor Dave is going to be "reamed" by Amanda. What will make it traumatic would be to have his mother watch then pull a Leah by getting under his face. You can also bet Leah is going to give Sheila lessons using Crystal.

Where a good twist could be is Dave gets ruptured on Amanda's strap on. The two women leave him alone and don't notice the blood oozing from his ass. The next day Sandra and Leah leave telling Crystal to get Dave up and get him to work. He has a test to take. However, Crystal finds Dave out of it and discovers a pool of blood on the bed. She calls an ambulance and rushes with him to the hospital. Sandra gets super pissed off and shocks Dave's collar while the surgeon is sewing up his anus plus installing a colostomy bag. A very bad mistake. Complaints are filed and all of Dave's owners are arrested. Dave's collar is removed through judicial pardon. Unfortunately for his owners they are convicted and now collared to serve the remainder of Dave's sentence as slaves themselves with Dave as the owner. By default Bob is inherited also. He's now sold to a work crew. Payback is a bitch as they say.

Looking forward to Ch. 06 when you return from vacation.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I enjoyed the story pls continue

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The stated goal of his family is to traumatize him as far as possible. To quote from the third chapter: "The basic premise from the judicial side is that being treated like a slave by their own family is much more effective training and more traumatic for the slave than even extremely brutal conditions under a stranger."

Now, if they do not succeed in this in two years, they will vote to double his time as a slave, to give them further opportunity to properly traumatize him.

Compare that to GambInLuck's other stories, where the slaves are generally treated better by their owners than is customary in his world.

And why is he a slave?

If we can trust his reminiscences on this (somewhat debatable, admittedly) then he had been too trusting of his mother's new husband. Who now is put in charge of him, and is once again deceiving his mother and others for his own purposes at Dave's expense. In chapter 1, Dave does not dare pointing this out to his mother, showing that even this early in his slavery he has learned that his own family can not be trusted to be fair.

There seem to be two possible outcomes of his slavery:

Either he ends up totally broken, no good for anything other than remaining a slave.

Or he will end up not ever being able to trust anyone with anything ever again.

That second option is the best possible outcome for him, but he can only hope to keep that up if he stays away from anyone he knew before he became a slave.

So, in short: in the other series by this author, the slaves have some hope of regaining at least some of their former life and family relations if they behave themselves reasonably. Dave has no such hope; his best bet is to walk away and never look back the moment he is free again. But it seems unlikely he will still be able to do so after a couple of years of being deliberately and brutally traumatized.

I think it is brave of the author to try this particular series, and I think it is a good attempt at highlighting the problems without wrecking the storytelling by being too preachy and prejudiced.

It is clearly different than the previous series. If this had been his first series here, then I would have given up on him before I had read the first chapter. As it is, I am still following this. I'm wondering whether or not I would wish that he had written something more along the lines of those previous ones again, but on the other hand: this is also interesting to think about.

LeifsonLeifsonabout 1 year ago

A lot of comments (including mine) about what Dave is being subjected to. Thinking of past stories (some of which included worse abuse), still rare to see commentary like this. So what makes it different? Of course the headline (title) difference is enslavement by family, and all the expectations that might bring. Another difference may be that that Dave's screw-ups, in the big scale of things, are pretty minor compared to others abused at this level (compared to theft, conspiring to enslave, etc.). Could some of it be Dave is a male, compared with most other stories with similar semi-sympathetic slaves female?

But I am not ready to give up on the story, still lots of options that anon comment 13878011 hasn't regarded. One path is that they are just starting off really harsh with Dave as a period of indoctrination, and will ease up and evolve to more beneficial treatment once they have driven the lesson of his failures enough to break Cave's unwarranted confidence (just like many young adults in his age range might have). The treatment of Crystal, more than 3 years of enslavement later, makes this course less likely/ Perhaps things will go to far, with either Crystal or Dave, and that will cause the enslaving family to rethink things. Or if they become serious about Crystal becoming free in a year, a caring family would want to help set her up for success following her slavery (and that might spur similar actions to try and use the tools of slavery to accomplish something positive).

That was why I was careful in my comment to say if "things kept the same" when making dire predictions about possible outcomes. Will have to see how inspired Gamblnluck's plotting is this time around.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Two points about that "have to work ten years for the company" thing:

1. As soon as Dave is free again, he should leave. He should not try to put the extra time he still needs; he has to get out. If he is smart enough to do that, then he'll never get those shares anyway. If not, then he is toast.

2. I wonder whether the period of his slavery actually counts for those ten years. Technically, he is not free, it isn't him but his owner who gets the benefits of his employment. So the years he spends working in the company as a slave should not count towards those ten years at all. They belong to his mother, not to him.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This is very well written and interesting to this point. Interesting plot and great characters and great development. I am interested in how it progresses.

I think author missed a great opportunity to make a stronger link to the slavery in the story and the plight of undocumented immigrants and sex slaves today.

I also think author will fall into a rut of continuing the humiliation degradation physical and sexual abuse of the slaves. I predict Dave will experience all the typical acts found in BDSM and Fetish stories. Author will write justification to have Dave suck cock, restrained, feminized and dressed as a woman to mention a few. This is the rut I predict. It Maynor may not be erotic. There are hundreds of family members, friends, business contacts and strangers that author can bring into the story to inflict these acts on Dave. I predict author will publish 20+ chapters and then just stop the series.

Author attempted to leave a few exit doors for Crystal and Dave to exit slavery and re-enter free life as part of the family. It is an interesting dynamic in the plot. I think author has telegraphed that he is going to have the mom go beyond those doors. Certainly slave camp or even worse do it yourself slave camp at home. Author has introduced the possibility of Dave owning shares of the business. Golden handcuffs if you will. I skimmed a few of the prior series which were moments in time vignettes of the world with slavery. Every thing I read had a simplistic they deserved it the slave was or will be fine in the long term. Dude there is a reason why throughout history very few slaves were freed.

Back to my point about missing the opportunity to link this to current migrant and sex trafficking. The author stated he wanted to explore family ownership of slaves that are family. And? Where is this going? Is there an arc? Author has closed the door where mom uses Dave’s slavery as a second chance to parent Dave. Incest could be erotic. Not so much here but it is not a parenting tool to produce a better Dave.

I see three options as author moves forward. In all three Dave and Crystal serve full sentences or four more years.

1. Author goes into the rut which while still interesting and mildly erotic through this chapter it will be rinse and repeat Dave is scared humiliated caned used for sex etc. Dave is going to sex camp. Author is so enamored with his creation Dave cannot avoid it. I remind author the readers have already experienced 20+ chapters of sex camp and Bob was a reason to revisit if an abbreviated summary of his time there. Twenty more chapters of how this is parenting to make Dave a better person but really all free persons enjoy having slaves. No message or purpose or story arc just as many variations of torture Dave until author jumps the shark and quits.

2. Author writes a fantasy that this sexual and physical abuse produces a wiser more worldly Dave. He matures, looks more carefully before he takes a step and contributes to the business. Dave is released after full four year slave tenure. He cannot retaliate against his owners but is distant and emotionally closed. Dave either never trust a woman or if married doesn’t allow mom, dad, sister, Amanda etc to be involved. If he puts on the golden handcuffs he stays but is not really there and doesn’t communicate with family. More likely he leaves regardless of Crystal’s predictions about the money keeping him in the family and Leah’s predictions he will be naturally submissive. The author can make Dave act as he wants. I cannot see how Dave has any love for his family when free. This is why torture is not allowed in USA prison system. It does not work.

2. My preference. Three more chapters of Dave’s psychological torture getting worse and the physical much worse including sex camp. Other tormentors are introduced and mom allows Dave to be tortured and abused to the point he is physically and mentally at risk. Author makes up a circumstance where Sheila is responsible for Dave for a month. Dave’s mother and Amanda are distracted and let her have full reign. In her youthful exuberance she is ruthless and invites several of her friends to help torture Dave. Pick a series of worsening tortures and Dave dies. I have not read if an owner is held responsible for a slaves death or the slave is broken property to be discarded. Regardless mom should be written to admit she is responsible and a failure. This could be accomplished in four maybe five chapters done dusted and avoid the rut.

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