My Mother's Panties Ch. 02


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Excitement surged within me, a potent elixir that intoxicated my senses. With reverence, I placed my mother's panties upon the bed, their presence a tangible reminder of the forbidden pleasure that awaited me. Shedding my pajama bottoms and underwear, I stood unabashedly naked, my manhood standing tall and proud, a testament to the desire that consumed me.

The air crackled with anticipation, each passing moment intensifying the mounting ecstasy that coursed through my body.

As I delicately held my mother's delicate undergarments aloft, my eyes were captivated by their alluring shape, brimming with sensuality. The tantalizing line of the cotton gusset beckoned to me, a testament to her intimate connection with these panties. Overwhelmed by an unprecedented surge of desire, I found myself bending down, slipping one foot into the leg opening, and then the other, my heart pounding in my chest. With a deliberate slowness, I gradually pulled up my mother's cherished panties, relishing in the exquisite sensation of the soft silk caressing my legs.

My manhood, throbbing with anticipation, strained against the fabric as I guided it upwards, enveloping it in the intoxicating embrace of my mother's undergarments. It was an exhilarating moment, the first time I had ever adorned her panties, and it ignited a fire within me that I had never known before. The silk continued to caress my derriere, leaving a trail of seductive warmth in its wake. The gentle touch of her cotton gusset against my testicles sent shivers of pleasure coursing through my body, while my engorged member proudly tented the front, a testament to the intensity of my desire.

Almost trembling with a heady mix of anticipation and excitement, I allowed my fingers to explore, tracing the contours of my arousal, pressing my pulsating manhood against my stomach, the cool silk providing a tantalizing contrast against my heated skin. With each stroke, I reveled in the sheer ecstasy that coursed through me, a symphony of pleasure that surpassed any previous encounter. My mother's panties, a conduit for my deepest desires, offered an unparalleled experience that left me breathless and yearning for more.

I nestled back into the inviting embrace of my bed, lying on my back, and allowed my hand to wander down to my throbbing manhood. Gazing at my reflection in the mirror, I couldn't help but admire how her delicate panties shimmered against my skin, their sensuality enveloping me in a way that was entirely different from my own undergarments. The ache within me intensified, urging me to explore further.

Lowering my hand, I pressed the cotton gusset of the panties against my eager testicles, relishing in the soft and sensual touch. It was the very same spot where my mother's most intimate desires had once resided. The mere thought sent a surge of desire coursing through me, causing my erection to strain upwards. Overwhelmed by the forbidden pleasure of wearing my mother's panties, I rolled onto my stomach, eager to experience the sensations that awaited me.

The first gentle thrust was nothing short of extraordinary, my engorged member gliding effortlessly over the smooth silk, her panties caressing my supple buttocks. My cock strained against the fabric, yearning for more. Raising my hips, I teasingly rubbed just the tip against the silky surface, relishing in the exquisite friction that sent shivers of pleasure coursing through my body. A silent groan escaped my lips, a testament to the overwhelming arousal that consumed me.

The need to release overwhelmed my senses, urging me to press against the bed and continue my rhythmic humping in my mother's panties. My cock slid effortlessly inside the fabric, the intensity of my erection reaching its peak. Suddenly, a bead of precum escaped, lubricating the way and heightening my stimulation. Lost in the intoxicating sensations, I surrendered myself to the bed, thrusting and grinding against her panties, the pressure building within me, my balls tightening.

With a primal grunt, ecstasy blossomed within me, my cock swelling as scorching hot semen surged forth, filling her panties with my essence. Panting heavily, I continued to hump and release, my essence spreading and mingling with the fabric. Each thrust and spurt brought me closer to an incredible climax, my body reaching its pinnacle before gradually slowing down. My heart raced, my breath ragged, until finally, I came to a gentle stop, savoring the aftermath of my passionate release.

For a few blissful moments, I basked in the sultry sensation of warmth and wetness, my throbbing desire slowly subsiding, and the tranquil calm that follows the ultimate release. It was the most electrifying and passionate encounter of my entire existence. As I finally rose from the bed, my eyes fell upon the damp spot on the sheet and the front of my lover's panties, now stained with the evidence of our fiery passion.


Savoring the rich taste of whiskey on my lips, I indulged in the forbidden pleasure of caressing Mom's delicate silk panties within my grasp. A mischievous smile danced upon my lips as the intoxicating memory flooded my senses, etching itself deep within my being. That fateful encounter had ignited a flame, a fervent desire for the allure of panties, a desire that still burned passionately within me to this very day.

With a final, daring gulp, I drained the remnants of the amber liquid, feeling its warmth course through my veins, emboldening my every move. Gently, I rose from my seat, my fingers reluctantly releasing their hold on the cherished fabric, and tenderly returned Mom's panties to their rightful place within her drawer. As the drawer closed with a soft click, a sense of secrecy and anticipation enveloped me, heightening the intensity of the moment.

With a heart brimming with anticipation, I made my way towards the sanctuary of my childhood bed, its familiar embrace beckoning me. The softness of the sheets caressed my skin, mirroring the tender touch of my memories. A subtle ache of desire stirred within me, a testament to the profound impact that moment had left upon my soul. No longer burdened by shame, I now cherished that time, embracing it as a cherished part of my being, a secret passion that defined me.


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