My Naga King Ch. 04


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"Lady Cass, where did you run off to?"

"I'm fine Camilla."

"No don't hang up, just tell me where you are so I can meet you there."

"I don't want you to come, I'm frustrated and I don't know why."

"It's the serum, I don't know where that attitude came from, the little princess is never like that."

"Maybe she had a bad run in with humans."

"Maybe, but that's no excuse, she was raised not to place judgment based on the actions of one part of a large group of people."

"I don't know, I just feel silly."

"It's not your fault, all humans respond differently to the change, just because you're sweet and caring on your own doesn't make you a bad person for being more sensitive while changing."

"...I still don't want you to come."

"Lady Cass, either way I have to come find you, his majesty is livid and just wants to see if you're alright."

"Would he really just..."

"My Lady do not even finish that sentence, that is not how the bond works, he never had feelings for Nevia. They were childhood friends yes, but even the demon community has a friend zone."


"I'll have to come looking for you."

"No you won't, I just want to work in peace, I'm not going to be alone I'm going out with the girls."

She huffed.

"I'll be back at my apartment at eleven, you can meet me then."

I said good bye and hung up after she agreed.


I dusted off the pink sweater and skinny jeans I wore after work and got a taxi to take me to the Italian restaurant I was meeting my friends at. Zeos let them keep the cards, despite his expensive tastes he didn't really spend his money as often as you would think. He actually had a separate bank account attached to the cards, but no matter how much my girls loved to shop they didn't go crazy with the money he gave them. I still hadn't introduced them to him face to face, they conned me into having a conference call with him but that was it.

I waved at Monica, Stacy was on the phone but waved when she noticed me.

"Where's your body guard?"

"Gave her the day off."

She nodded and went back to her call.

"Hey Monica did you check on Juniper? I forgot to."

"She didn't want to come."

I sighed.

"Is something wrong?"

"She must still be sick."

Monica eyed me.

"When did she get sick?"


"She wasn't sick then and didn't sound sick when I talked to her earlier, she even called Stacy and went out with her on Thanksgiving. I would have gone but I was already with my family by then."

I frowned as we walked in and were taken to a table.

"I'm sorry Cass, she told me your parents were sick and they didn't have dinner plans so she wanted to do something else." Stacy said.

"It's OK Stace, she probably got in a fight with Eric and didn't want to have tension at the dinner table."

We ordered and talked quietly.

"So how's your man?" Monica asked.

"Just fine, speaking of men how are you two doing in love?"

They gave me a weird look.

"Uh well, Owen asked me out." Stacy said.

Owen had been the basketball star at our highschool, Stacy had had her eye on him for years.

"Oh that's great, and you Monica?"


"Tell her Monica."

She tugged on her hair.

"Christine wanted to go out, we're trying to be a couple."

I smiled.

"You switched teams huh?"

She shrugged then blushed.

"Yeah I suppose so."

"Oh you guys, we should go on a triple date." Stacy said

I played with my salad then Monica sighed.

"Did you guys get in a fight?"

"Did he hurt you? Do I need to go all karate on his ass?" Stacy added.

"No no, I met his family today, and it was over whelming."


"His mother, sister, sister-in-law, their so stunning, I felt so inadequate." I left out a few things but they didn't need to be concerned about a somewhat bratty little princess.

Monica rubbed my back.

"Hey it's OK, we'll just go look at some sexy sleep wear and you'll feel better."

Stacy toyed with her phone then grinned.

"And I have just the place."

I shook my head.

"No more sexy stuff, he ripped my favorite thong and bra set."

"Did you guys finally bump uglies?!"

I shushed Stacy and Monica giggled.

"Yes, just in the bathroom though, against the wall, on the floor and in the tub."

They squealed.

"Girlie give us the deets right now." Monica said.

"Well for starters....uh.....have you heard about those people who come into the world sorta mutated?"

"Like what...with extra arms and stuff?"

"No I mean sexually."

"Oh like those dudes that are born with two fully functioning cocks and have three nuts?" Stacy asked.


"What about them?"

"He's one of them."

They screamed so loud a few people turned to look at us, they quieted and called me the luckiest girl on the face of the planet. Then threatened to scream again if I didn't give them details.

By the time we left the restaurant I was as red as a tomato, and once we had done some shopping and ended at the food court to get dessert I still hadn't regained my color.


Around ten I parted ways with my friends and headed for my apartment I took out my phone and called Juniper.



She hung up quickly, I stopped and stared at the phone then called her again I got the same response then gave up and got a taxi to go check on her. I had a feeling Camilla would be mad at me but she would forgive me when I explained why I was late.


I paid my fare and waved at her elderly doorman before going up to her apartment, I knocked and rung the door bell. She answered and gave me the dirtiest look she ever had.

"Hey June, what's wrong?"

"What do you care you fucking slut?"

"Woah, what's that about?"

"You have a rich boyfriend but you had to go after mine, some sister you are."

"I haven't gone after anyone."

"Oh bullshit, Patrick told me how you came on to him."

My gaze narrowed.

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah and thanks to you his parents locked him up and no one can visit or call him because it might 'interfere his recovery'."

"Look I don't know what he told you, but I didn't go after him and I didn't even know you two were dating."

"And I didn't tell you because he said you still wanted him and he knew you wouldn't let me have him, I can't believe he was right. Leave me alone slut."

She slammed the door, I knocked on the door again.

"Just go back to your sugar daddy bitch I don't have time for you."

I sniffed and stepped back then left her building, what is with me and sisters today? I decided to walk home. It hurt that she was picking his side over mine, what had he done that turned her against me so easily? Dumb jerk. I couldn't wait for him to recover so I could beat him down and put him back in the hospital. My sister and I were so close she was my best friend before Monica and Stacy and just like that I was her enemy.

I'd give her a few days to calm then I would try again, there was no way I was losing my sister to asshole like that. I wiped my eyes and sniffed.

What a nice day this turned out to be.

Camilla wasn't mad she was worried to see I was crying but I didn't want to talk about it, I just wanted to be sad for a few hours then move on.


Ten days passed by quickly, I knew Zeo's birthday was coming up but I didn't know what to get him. I hadn't seen him since I left that afternoon, I told Camilla I didn't want to see him yet and she didn't question me. My sister was still giving me the silent treatment.

"Um Miss. Cass?"

I looked up.


"Nevia's parents are throwing a birthday party for his majesty."

"Great I'm sure he'll have fun."

"He would want to see you."

"I don't know what to get him."

"Oh is that what you're fretting over? I told you, he'd love anything from you."

"But I don't want to just give him anything....I want to give him something....special."

She smiled.

"Well you could take the jewelry route again."

I stared at her.

"Make something yourself, there are tons of shops you could look around in for supplies."

"What could I even give him?"

"A necklace perhaps....or earrings naga men have a natural fascination with shiny objects."

I laughed a little.

"I could try."

The phone rang and Camilla picked it up.

"Miss. Cass his majesty is asking when you'll return."

"He called to ask?"

"No Harold is calling on his behalf he's lost without you and feels your pain and frustration even from this distance. He's worried about you."

"I'll come back after I get a suitable gift."

Camilla nodded and told Harold.


On the night of the party, I was determined to out do Nevia, as it turns out she was a lamia but she wasn't from the same batch as Zeo's family. Her tail was pink and purple but didn't have any jewels. Her parents, Empress Latina and Emperor Glace also had duo colored tails, her pretty redheaded mother had a white and yellow tail while her father had a blue and green tail. The party was being held at a different castle that was made with white stone so it looked really pretty in the moonlight.

I had actually gotten a little a taller and my chest had gotten a little bigger my hair was even longer and my skin had gotten paler. Camilla helped me pick out a long blue evening dress and matching heels. The straps of the dress tied around my neck and my shoulders were visible then disappeared under see through sleeves that fanned out around my arms. I had made a little silver sword and stained the blade so it would appear to be on fire then placed the charm on black chain.

Two little flame charms hung on either side of the sword, that wasn't all, it was connected to heavy velvety black cape. I remembered the first time I saw him in a cape he looked so charming, I wanted to give him one that I had made. It was embroidered with flames.

We were showing up a little late on account of I was nervous and almost decided not to come. Then I yelled at myself and told myself that I had to be there for his five hundredth birthday and every birthday after that. I had almost wrapped the cape then decided I would carry it in instead so I could put it on for him. We walked in the blue and white schemed castle and saw the large crowd.

Zeos was dancing with Nevia who looked gorgeous in her pink dress as much as I hated to admit it. Zeos was wearing a silver wrap like top with his favorite leather belt, to my delight he wasn't wearing a cape or at least had taken it off when he arrived. He looked so handsome, I realized then how much I missed him Camilla frowned.

"Whore, you look so much better than she does your highness."

I giggled.

Before the music ended Zeos let go of Nevia, I thought something was wrong until he walked toward me Camilla moved behind me to stop me from backing away. He stopped in front of me, before he could move to put his arms around my waist I slipped the cape over his shoulders and clasped the lock into place.

"Happy birthday my love."

I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him, ignoring the crowd he kissed me right back.


Later in the evening Gabbie shoved Lilly in my direction, Constantinos crossed his arms.

"Now tell her what you have to say young lady."

She sighed.

"Sorry I guess."

"Linella Margell-Diamond Valentine." Gabbie said.

I smiled as she reminded me of my mother.

"Ugh fine, sorry that you still aren't good enough."

"You know what, I'm sorry too."

She cocked her head.

"I'm sorry you didn't get your way, but I stayed far away and he still doesn't want Nevia, so even if you don't like me you'll have to get over it because I'm here to stay."

His family cheered, he slipped his arms around me protectively.

"Don't ever leave me like that again."

I smiled and twisted my head to kiss his cheek.

"I wouldn't dream of it."


(Sorry I know that wasn't too long but you got a good bit from this chapter right? I'll try to make the next one longer.)

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FaithWhiteFaithWhiteover 10 years ago
Very good read

Thoroughly enjoying this story. I'll be sad to reach the end.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
more more....

Want more....

ThwibbleThwibblealmost 11 years ago

I was late getting around to reading this series. And I was clearly missing out.

I really enjoy your work, and hope to see a good deal more!

Thanks for writing these wonderful stories for us to enjoy.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I seriously enjoyed reading every installment you've written especially this one, My Naga King! Nevertheless there's one thing that's been bugging me out, which is the fact that Zeos hasn't explained to Cass yet as to why she is his life mate, how he got to know her and felt that she is meant to be his. Moving along I also found it strange that there is so little verbal communication between them and that Zeos never really makes the phone calls by himself -tho he has Harold and Camilla to do it for him.

Nevertheless aside from all those things I totally enjoyed reading this one! I know I've said that already but I'm gonna say it again: I TOTALLY ENJOYED READING MY NAGA KING. Please keep it coming! xx

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I have to say that I really like where this story is going it flows well and is a good read.........I hope lilly apologize and stop being such a brat and that june stop being a bitch and listen to her sister

OokamiAOokamiAalmost 11 years ago

i cant wait for the next chapter i want to know how everything turns out between her and june!

yvonne299yvonne299almost 11 years ago

Hi great story keep up the good work I hopeher mum reveals what she knows about demons and June learns the truth about her sister before she cause o much hurt and linella becomes a nicer sister.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Lilly is such a brat. =))) June is such an ass btw she didn't even want to hear what Cass had to say and I hope she would know what kind of a jerk Patrick is. :< And man this update was long. :D

redlion75redlion75almost 11 years ago

still want to know how her mom knows about demons

LiterKnightLiterKnightalmost 11 years ago

That was a good chapter. I'm interested to see how the changes progress, as well as how she'll make up with her sister. Keep up the good work

zarroc789zarroc789almost 11 years ago

Her sister is such a bitch I mean he beats her and kidnaps her and june says its her fault.

Ellienora35Ellienora35almost 11 years ago
I loved this story

This is interesting. I want to see what happens when June finds out what a jerk Patrick is.

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