My Polyamorous Girl Pt. 15


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We talked about other things, such as hobbies. Mike, unsurprisingly, was a complete nerd, deeply into science fiction and fantasy. He had apparently near-memorized The Lord of the Rings books as well as the Silmarillion, was a fan of Stephen R. Donaldson, Terry Pratchett, Arthur C. Clark, Isaac Asimov, George R.R. Martin, Connie Willis, Margaret Atwood, Andy Weir, of course Ian M. Banks, and some others I'd never heard of. He was, predictably, a gamer, and his description of his home gaming setup was intimidating. In spite of all that, he managed to get a fair amount of exercise, mostly swimming, he said, and looked to be in pretty good shape.

Beth, for some reason, chose not to bring up her interest in writing erotic fiction, and I never mentioned my erotic lifestyle, so we ended up knowing a lot more about Mike's personal life than he knew about ours. I figured he might get some hints on Friday night.

The ladies were waiting for me Friday evening when I got home from work. They were already dressed for the occasion, and in similar styles. Tethys wore her brown hemp romper, no bra or panties necessary, her favorite gold and emerald necklace, and sandals. Megan had on a green and white leaf and floral sleeveless babydoll dress with some cute triangular wire earrings. The fabric was thin enough to show the outlines of her bra-less nipples, and I didn't even have to guess about the omission of panties. The dress was just long enough for her to bend over or sit down without immediate scandal. Hera wore a pink denim jumper over a white "wifebeater" cotton shirt. She sported a necklace made of white shiny porcelain beads. She'd made it herself. Although it was a somewhat eccentric looking outfit, I couldn't deny that it looked good on her. All of them were beautiful, and they were guaranteed to turn heads all evening.

We started out as a standard dinner date, and it was, I already knew, going to be an expensive evening. With four of us, The Taino was out of the question, even though it would have been nice to show off for Henri. We would have needed reservations for a Friday anyway. We looked too good for Denny's, so we settled for mid-scale. We went to Beppo's, a nice Italian place with good food that didn't need reservations. The ladies looked right at home there.

Our main topic was the upcoming bowling adventure. Tethys had been to several company bowling nights with me, and other corporate events as well. My coworkers knew her and liked her, and she wasn't a terrible bowler either. She described herself as "honorably unspectacular." I wasn't that much better, but of course world class skill was never the point. For most of us, it was like golf, without the sand or water. Neither Megan nor Hera had ever bowled before, and they warned me I was going to have to give them intensive tutoring.

"I'll bet there will be half a dozen guys in the place who would love to give you all the tutoring you need," I quipped.

Hera became uncharacteristically quiet. "What if I make a fool of myself while I'm trying to bowl?" she asked in a worried voice.

I realized I'd seen her like this before. She'd been worried and pouty before we'd introduced her to the Tribe, fearing that they wouldn't like her. Of course, that feeling disappeared quickly, and she'd returned to her kinky, hypersexual aggressive self before the evening had begun. This sexpot was insecure around strangers. I supposed I understood the feeling.

"Hera," intoned Megan. "If you look totally helpless, that will be part of your charm. All the guys will be tripping over themselves to give you lessons. And don't worry, I'll be totally incompetent too. We'll clean up on male flesh that way."

Hera smiled weakly, while Megan smirked with confidence. Gazing at her tight, athletic body, I couldn't really visualize Megan being incompetent at any sport. Mainly, I realized I wanted to watch her (and my other women as well) bowling naked. That wasn't going to happen tonight, but I could always dream.

Tethys added her observations. "The guys Taylor works with are all really nice. A lot of them are shyer than you are, Hera. Don't worry about how well or poorly you bowl, just enjoy the experience. They will be worshipping both of you as soon as they see you. And once they know how sweet you two are, they'll be in love. In fact, a couple of them may forget how to bowl after a smile from either of you."

"Tethys knows this from experience," I chimed in. "They're all in love with her. She's the most beautiful girl most have ever seen in real life."

"Well that will change tonight," Tethys grinned. "I'll be superceded."

"Don't count on it," I shook my head.

"It's not a competition, old lady," Megan laughed. "I think the three of us together will bowl over the whole crowd." She was as confident as Hera was shy.

Brady Lanes was a familiar venue for our company bowling nights. Some of the staff were on a sponsored league and spent most weekends there. They would certainly kick our asses if there was a real competition. The assumption was that we would all pair up into teams, as the participants were spouses and dates for those who could get them, work buddies for those who could not. Tethys and Megan teamed up, with Hera and I taking the opposite side of the return rack. The lane to our right hosted Beth and Gil Marlan, the Head of Data Management. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. To our left were Mike and Ron Sanchez. Mike kept looking longingly towards Beth, but I knew as well as he did that they were not going to be a couple at any company function. Or non-company function, for that matter.

Most of the other guys were looking with more interest at my companions. I have to admit, it felt very flattering. Everyone knew Tethys, and associated her with me, but Megan and Hera were mysteries, new and exciting, not to mention spectacularly beautiful. No one approached them at first, we're all computer nerds at my company, and the guys are almost all shy. When it came to introducing Megan and Hera to bowling, it was Tethys and I who had our hands full.

Tethys was by no means an expert, but she did manage to get the ball near the center of the lane more often than not, and she could handle a ten pound ball with decent form. She took charge of Megan's training, and it was a joy watching her learn. Megan was strong and athletic as was Tethys, and with her natural grace and coordination, it didn't take her long to pick up at least the basics. She managed a strike on her second game. Hera, on the other hand, was a challenge. She had excellent hand and eye coordination, which stood her in good stead when drawing, painting, and shaping ceramics. Her arm and shoulder strength, though, left a lot to be desired. An eight pound ball was hard for her to throw, and combining the steps, the lean, and the shoulder motion just could not come naturally for her.

I'm not a horrible bowler, I have sufficient strength and decent timing, although I've never really mastered the art of spinning the ball to give it that curve into the pocket. I get into the mid two-hundreds occasionally, but usually quite a bit lower than that. Still, I felt like I had plenty of expertise to pass along a beginners familiarity to Hera, but I wasn't having much success. Her first game she rolled a total of eight: One turn she knocked down three pins, and another time she hit five. Every other ball went into the gutter. The second game, she scored 22 pins. I tried to sound encouraging for her improvement, as Megan celebrated one hundred and forty five. She wasn't enjoying herself, and was beginning to get discouraged.

We started a third game, and suddenly were blessed with the presence of Ron Sanchez. He was Brazilian, our database administrator, and a pleasant enough guy. Turns out, he was an excellent bowler, and a member of a weakly league, managing several perfect games per year. He was a little younger than me and little shorter, slender, dark eyes and dark hair contrasting with fair skin. He spoke with a distinct accent, but not so much as to make him difficult to understand. He smiled at me, and asked "Do you mind if I show your friend a couple of tricks? She's almost got it, she just needs a little help."

I looked at Hera, and she glanced from Ron to me, looking desperate for anything that might help her. I waved Ron over to her, and sat down to watch.

"The ball feels heavy to you, doesn't it?" he asked her, and she nodded.

"I'm having trouble holding on to it," she complained, "my fingers keep wanting to drop it."

"Yes, you have to try something different when your fingers aren't strong enough. Here, let's try this."

He had her rotate her hand so that the ball was over her palm, and showed her how to steady it with her other hand. Then he helped her with positioning her knees, hips and back so that her shoulder could swing freely from behind her, making the movement easier on her wrist and less likely to be sent off course by an involuntary twist of the waist. The first couple of attempts still went into the gutter, but they obviously had more power and velocity behind them. It was a matter of adjusting the foot position to move to the proper release point. On the third attempt, the ball went straight down the lane and knocked over eight pins. Hera and the rest of us jumped with excitement.

Bowling for an extended length of time is tough on several joints and muscles if they aren't trained by frequent practice, and after six games we'd had enough. We found a table and grabbed some drinks and snacks, watching the dedicated bowlers continue on, while some of the others who had also retired from the effort found tables nearby and came over to get acquainted. A lot of people had made the assumption that Tethys and Megan were sisters, based mostly on the dark skin tones that they shared. The logical leap then was that Hera was a relative of mine.

Beth and Gil had come to join us, as had Mike and a couple of his friends. Beth, of course, knew what the actual relationships between us were, but she didn't let on to any of the others. What she was happiest about was that Mike was no longer staring longingly at her, he was staring wide-eyed and rapturously at both Megan and Hera, making a somewhat artless attempt at not being obvious. It wasn't just Mike, though. Gil was showing inordinate interest in the two young girls, as well as in Tethys herself, and Mike's companions were stuttering like teenagers attempting to capture the girls' attention. This, it came home to me, was why we computer geeks had acquired a reputation for social ineptness. Because we are.

Beth, Tethys, and Hera were all shifting uncomfortably, trying not to bring attention to the awkwardness. In fact, I was doing the same thing. Megan, though, was smiling wickedly. She revealed a cruel streak I'd never seen before.

"All right, guys. You're all handsome, virile young men, right? Are you sure you're man enough to handle the four ladies you have here?" She winked at Beth, who'd been looking annoyed at Gil. "So how does it make you feel that none of you have real dates for tonight, while Taylor here has three beautiful girlfriends who worship the ground he walks on?"

Beth was the only one who didn't look shocked. I wondered if she'd known what was coming, and was in on it. "I'm still a free agent, don't think I've gone to the dark side," she grinned, cocking her head at the others. "But I know why a lot of women think Taylor is the manliest man in this corporation, and if we hire any more women, he's going to quickly add them to his harem. He's got girls throwing themselves at him that you haven't even met yet, and he takes them all without even trying hard."

I felt my cheeks burning and my scalp bubbling, and had to suppress a momentary surge of anger. Tethys and Hera were still glancing between Megan and Beth with confusion, and maybe even irritation, but the men were all directing their eyes and slack jaws at me. I saw how the two had diverted the attention of the men from the girls to me, and in a way, I identified with how they felt being the center of unwanted attention from men.

"You have a harem?" Mike asked dully, and I dropped my forehead onto a palm in response.

Ron laughed. "I could tell Taylor was the center of attention with these girls. Even Beth, whatever she claims. I was busy trying to impress Hera, but I could see real quick that I wasn't going to get anywhere. Now I know why. Taylor, you really are the man!" He put his hand forward in grasping reach of mine, and I politely took it.

"It just shows there's no justice in the world," shrugged Gil. "It's always the ones you least suspect."

"That's not true," muttered Dan Brubeck, one of Mike's companions. "I'm the one I least suspect, and it turns out I'm right."

"Maybe if you spent more time talking to women instead of playing Dungeons and Dragons, you'd have more luck," sighed Neil Crosby, Mike's other wingman.

"Speak for yourself... oh, you are," retorted Mike.

"Hey, don't take it too hard," Megan chirped innocently. "You're out here bowling tonight, you're actually talking to women. It's a start, right?"

"Well, we haven't really talked to any," Dan grunted. "We've mostly just looked."

"Beth, you work with these guys," Tethys interjected. "Why don't you take them under your wing and train them how to talk to women. I'll be they have hidden talents they haven't discovered yet."

Beth's expression changed from triumphant agitator to troubled apologetic.

"Sorry guys," she smiled weakly. "You'd probably do better without my advice. You already have what it takes, you just need to get out there and start playing the field. Stop letting yourselves be intimidated."

"That's good advice," Tethys nodded, getting into the spirit of the game. "That's Taylor's secret. He never gets intimidated. That's why he can handle us all so easily." She scooted her chair closer to mine, and leaned her head on my shoulder. Hera scooted hers in on my other side. "Not just easily, but he handles us very, very well," she sighed dreamily.

Megan got out of her chair and stood behind me, leaning forward, letting her hands slide down my chest. "I'd say 'masterfully,' right master? He always brings out the best in all of us... at once."

That was enough. The girls were giggling, Beth was chortling, and the men were sitting, staring, whether in awe or horror I couldn't tell, but I suspected the latter. I had to work with these guys. In its way, this was even more humiliating than when Beth had seen the nude image of Sonia and Henri on her first day. Gil mumbled some sort of excuse and wandered away.

"OK, ladies, tone it down," I laughed nervously. "You're trying to get me in trouble here."

"That would be a really naughty thing for us to do," Hera nuzzled into my shoulder. "You might just have to take us home and spank us."

I looked at the guys with what I hoped was an expression of pleading for mercy. I got none.

"And after the spankings, the oral sex!" quoted Neil.

"Well, I guess he could stay a bit longer," returned Mike.

"I don't think so, it looks like he's in great peril!" laughed Dan.

"Maybe he should stay and face the peril," Mike answered.

"No, it's too perilous!" said Neil.

Ron and Beth looked lost at this exchange, which passed so easily and seamlessly between the three geeks. Obviously it was a meme that they knew by heart, one the others missed. Tethys and Megan and Hera looked bemused, but showed no recognition. I got it, of course. It was part of the Castle Anthrax scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I'm a geek, too.

If nothing else, it seemed to help restore the spirits and confidence of our socially inept geeks. With the girl's look of confusion, it re-established some of the social balance at the table. People could finally relax again. Within a few minutes, we were all conversing comfortably, the sexual and social tension having dissipated. Tethys was soon chatting casually with Mike, Megan discussing Dungeons and Dragons and the significance of fantasy with Neil, Hera talking art with Ron, and Beth engaging Dan over, surprisingly, literature. I felt relieved to not be the focus of attention, and I spent some enjoyable time watching the remaining bowlers, the most dedicated, practicing their skills.

Hera's words turned out to be prophetic. Well, maybe not so much prophetic as advisory. After all, the spankings weren't simply happenstances that happened to be predicted in advance. They were ideas that took hold in the minds of the women, were discussed with laughter and anticipation on the way home, and were implemented before, during and after our showers, and more once we were in bed. And it wasn't just me administering them. I received a few smacks as well.

We're not into dominance and submission, of course, and the Goddess never countenances violence. Our spankings were love taps, making slapping sounds on rumps, not leaving marks, creating more stimulation than pain, and accompanied by much giggling. And the oral sex did follow. Not just oral, although there were more mouths than cocks available.

It was Hera's turn to get the full experience of my cock tonight, she crouched on her hands and knees as I entered her from behind, my balls bouncing against her porcelain clit bead with every deep thrust. Tethys lay on her back in 69 position below Hera, her tongue flicking between my shaft, my balls, and Hera's clit as we fucked. Hera munched on Tethys' cunt as best as she could between gasps and spasms, while Megan, not to be left out, knelt beside me, her hands stroking my arms and belly, and Hera's ass, her lips nibbling and sucking on my nipples.

I had to decide how long I was going to last. I had the ability to hold back almost as long or cum as quickly as I wanted, but I wasn't the only one with desires to consider. Hera had already experienced at least three orgasms, Tethys had cum once from Hera's tongue, and Megan was still completely giving, and not receiving. The key was to give Hera as much as she could endure, but no more, without making Tethys and Megan feel neglected. I could never be completely sure where the balance lay, but fortunately, there was a wide margin for error. And cum to think of it, I was well within those error bars now.

I released whatever force of will was holding me back, and within seconds the pressure and intensity within my shaft and on my glans began to build. It was a major blast, I gasped, and choked, and nearly collapsed forward on top of Hera and Tethys. I think it was Megan still holding me up. Hera almost immediately began dripping, and Tethys began slurping and swallowing. I managed a few more weak strokes, then came to a halt, panting deeply, my cock slowly fading inside Hera's slippery interior.

"That's a lot of volume," Tethys finally paused in her lapping, while driplets continued to ooze down over her chin. "I hope you'll have some left for me in the morning."

"Aah, I'll probably need some help recovering, but there are enough experts here to help, I think."

I slipped out of Hera, collapsing backwards on the bed, my head dangling back over the side of the mattress.

"I get the shaft residue!" announced Megan, crouching over my crotch, and taking my still shrinking, sloppy dick into her mouth. Had I been a few years younger, her skills would have had it rebounding to attention immediately, but as sublime as the sensation was, my tuckered organ continued to fade. She didn't seem to mind, using her tongue to collect every stray drop of semen and pussy.

Hera rolled over on her back, and lay sprawled and limp. Tethys sat up, and then leaned over my genitals from the other side, cupping my balls while Megan worked my shaft.

"Aren't these beautiful balls?" she asked, as she bent down and continued her oral affection of them in her new position. "I've been thinking about these balls all night long."