My RA Ch. 01


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It has been a long day however, we needed to get a wedding planned.

"Rose, report please."

"The Clergy is lined up. Today I got final plans from the florist and baker, and the florist will work with Michelle when we get there."

"Michelle, report please."

"It occurred to me I might be able to get tables and chairs from the church. They will loan us everything but will expect to get paid for major damage to anything. They have round and short and long rectangular tables as well as chairs. I have not gotten to the dance floor yet. If we need to we can get a do-it-yourself kit at one of those lumber places."

"Scarlet, report please."

"We got the contract for Paris and Dad paid for it."

He said, "They will be totally shocked. How can you beat Paris?"

"We will need to drive them to the airport to keep them guessing. We got first-class tickets."

"Cheryl, how is the hunt for the band going?"

"I got it narrowed down to three. I brought my box with one track each. I thought I can play them and just give our opinion after we heard them all."

"Which one is your favorite Cheryl?"

"Oh, no you don't, that would be telling."

All of them closed their eyes as the music enveloped them. They were all swaying back and forth as they listened. All voted for number 2.

"I knew you would pick him. He is better in many ways. I bought his latest CD to play in the background."

"Joy do you have anything to report?"

"Invites are starting to roll in. So far everyone said see you there."

"Anyone else?"

No one had any more reports.

"Joy, can you lead the next meeting for me please? I am going to be with the Dean creating a class out of thin air."

"If you wish, Mistress."

After the meeting, Mistress had a long talk with Joy. She wanted to let Joy know she was living under a similar code of conduct as Dawn expected of her. That code was always changing, just as Joy's was. Dawn told Joy point by point what was on her primary list. She also told Joy about the contract that Mistress Ellen was talking about. Dawn said, "I need to get a host of things clarified before I could create one with you Joy." I will not use it as an escape clause once I graduate. Go to sleep child, you look tired."

The next day Dawn borrowed a little red wagon from one of the children to deliver the petitions to Alkaia. The children were playing more with each other than before the flood. The bigger toys were divided up between the families.

The Dean's Secretary laughed as Dawn wheeled in the petitions.

Dawn said, "I do not know who you get to verify, but I suggest to make a whole committee to do this lot. What is the next step in the process?"

"It is getting the board's approval. Dawn, this project has been fast tracked. Please go into the Dean's office, you are expected."

When Dawn entered the Dean's office she saw the entire board and a few others in the room. This would be the first of many interviews she would be having. The signatures would have to be verified to get an official tally but it was assumed there were enough valid signatures. The meeting lasted over an hour.

Dawn made sure to mention "All the subs are held to a very high academic standard; we had to prohibit the freshmen from being masters because of GPA issues. The subs face the same rules but they have the motivation to stay a sub. We had a situation where the subs were under stress because their masters were not getting the grades and had to be reassigned to a different Master. I do not want to let that happen again."

"I don't of course know what the average subs GPA is, but I am sure that it is above what this institution has had in the past."

One of the board members shuffled through some papers. "It is 3.5 Dawn."

"That is not good enough for me. It will be raised by the end of next year; the subs will help the other subs. I want them to graduate with first class brains. If they want to remain a sub after college then it will only help so they can help their master or mistress. I want better than a 3.0 for freshmen and raise it for sophomores and up."

"Subs and Master's will need to know up front there will be no under aged drinking or drug use. Physical sex will not be permitted before junior year, of course they can date before then. I told Joy if she found someone she is attracted to, to let me meet him. I feel as Mistress, I need to know what is going on in her life and to see she stays safe. The subs can be manipulated to have sex before hand, we do not want to have a campus of rape victims.

"Junior year will give some time for maturity and give the sub more time to find out who they are. I do not want to stifle who they are Sirs, I want them to be safe and live a great and full life. This will mean some controlling supervision from their master or mistress."

"Sirs in my situation, it is not just me who is watching over Joy. I am her Mistress but the Dean has an overseer role and Mei, her roommate, is her confidant. It seems to be working out well but just like any relationship there are unexpected glitches. I told Joy, I will not betray any confidence. Her 35,000 friends who have sworn to protect her will do just that if I do something stupid like that. Even though I am her Mistress they will protect her from me. That does not even count the fact that everyone in the surrounding area will lose respect for me. It is for that reason, I am conflicted about what happens after I graduate."

"Thank you Dawn. Could you please wait in the outer office while we do what we need to do before we vote?"

"I guess this would be a good time for public comment. Mayor, do you have anything else you wanted to add to your endorsement?"

"Yes Sir, the subs seem to have a need to incorporate those who often get overlooked. At the moment, they are working on putting a wedding together. They have asked the children for advice on several matters and some have helped with the preparations. They want the children to be a part of this wedding. They have the full support of the parents."

"What they have done to the town itself is nothing short of amazing. I grew up in this town and I know everyone knows everything about everyone else. This year the whole dynamic has changed, people who were jerks are now kind and caring people. It has happened on a massive scale."

"It is my belief, it started the day of the flood, before classes started. People came together who did not even know Joy. After the wondrous rescue that unity continued into the hospital. They made her one of theirs and then backed it up with petitions to adopt her as a friend they will protect. I was elected because the previous Mayor did not want his town to involve itself in such matters. I do not know the reasons for that, but whatever they were is immaterial to the actions that happened."

"The truth is, Dawn, Joy and Mei all by themselves have changed all of us. I 'm sure you know that on a personal level. The Master/ sub class started as a test to just Dawn's floor. Now you have stacks of forms on a petition, so many that you know it will far exceed the number needed. "It has even expanded to South Hill. It is my hope that you will search your heart and pass this vote to continue its path to creation. "

"Thank you Mayor."

"Is there any more public comment?" No one came forward. "Do any members of the board have any questions to ask the Dean?" No one had questions. "Does anyone want to make a motion?"

"I move to accept the formation to proceed with the process of forming a new class for Northfield, namely a class focused on how to be a master or a sub."


"All those in favor," all hands went up. ""Any opposed," no hands were raised. "The motion passes 9 to 0."

"Dean, you can inform Dawn of our vote and have her help you to proceed in moving forward with this project. We look forward to see your vision for this class."

"Is there a motion for adjournment for this special meeting of the board?"


"Seconded. "

"Dawn the motion passed 9-0. Hold onto your hat, we do the same thing tomorrow then after that passes we start the real section. There will be more administrative talk tomorrow because it is a different school, the result will be the same. I am having the stenographer copy the Mayor's segment for each member, because he represents the town, the statements would be the same."

Later that night Mei came to Dawn's room. "Dawn I want to thank you for taking me off the planning committee for Gail's wedding. I am feeling much better."

"You are welcome Mei. Your health is more important than the wedding. The delegation seems to be working. The extra subs we have working on the project seem to be reveling in their jobs. You were shouldering the weight of four people. It is no wonder you had problems."

"We are all here to help each other, we are a family. I should let you know today we had a board meeting to continue with the creation of the class. It passed 9-0. You were cited as one of the people who were the driving force of this transformation. Just being yourself is changing people. Please remember that. Feel free to come to one of us if you need help. We were very worried about you."

The next day Dawn went into town where the children we playing. Dawn shouted, "Any children who want to give ideas about the wedding, please come here."

Instantly, the parents shooed their children outside. "We need to find something that expresses how you feel about Gail and Jerry."

"Any adult can go buy some commonplace present to give to them, you can't do that. It makes your present one of a kind. Why don't you huddle up and get some good ideas?"

It was hard for some of the children to think on that level; once the ideas started floating they were more comfortable. One boy got an idea that all rallied around it. He wanted to do something like what teacher does on special holidays. Maybe have our pictures cut out into hearts and stars.

"That sounds like a great idea, I will get Michelle to get the pictures from Joy and then talk to you as to how you want to do it." The parents looked on as yet more students wanted to interact with their children. The children wanted to express themselves, not many people paid any attention to them.

"Michelle, your photo programs have crop features like hearts and stars right? The kids want to make a scrapbook for the wedding. I told them you would go down and talk to them about it. Joy has the pics."

"You might suggest to them they could make a backup rhyme satchel. A pretty rock or shell for old, a blue marble for blue etc. Molly already gave a penny so let the others give something. Maybe have a parent take a group shot of you and the kids and put the caption 'New friends'."

All the kids flocked to Michelle when she came into town with her laptop. "Hi kids. I hear you want to make a scrapbook for the wedding."

They nodded their heads.

"You know we have to make sure Gail does it right, we need to make a backup rhyme bag, a small one. Does anyone have a pretty small shell or rock? Does someone else have something blue? Does someone else want to let Gail borrow something? We will put everything in a small bag she can hold, we can make a group picture today that says 'New friends.' I think Gail will need to have something for her dress to borrow. Does a little boy have a small blue marble?"

Then the children huddled around Michelle's computer to go through their pictures. Some laughed at what you could do with pictures. It took several hours but at last they were done.

"This will be totally awesome kids. Who does not like pictures? Remember, you can't tell Gail. She will be so surprised."

Everyone was excited they could give Gail and Jerry a wedding present.

Joy was going through her wedding planning notebook to gather her thoughts before the meeting. A lot has been done in a very short time. After all were gathered, Joy gave her report. "As expected everyone responded to the invites, all will be there." That made Joy happy, no regrets that someone was not there.

"Rose, this may be a silly question at this point, but how big do you want the dance floor and will it be inside or out."

"Inside, we can two small ones in adjoining rooms."

"Any idea what we will use?"

"I will check around."

"What are people's thoughts about doves?"

"They may be more trouble than they are worth."

"Were we going to combine the caterers and the restaurant? I will check with the Dean tomorrow, she is with Mistress now. Tux, should we get Jerry and Dennis measured here? Is there a good stylist out there Rose? We probably need to have eight done at one time. I am sure Gail would want the grandmas with us."

"Yes, there is a very good one, I can schedule one to do as many as possible at one time."

Joy said, "Checklist time"

"We have hall, honeymoon, airplane, photographer, printer, baker, clergy, tables, decorations, florist, band all committed."

"Outstanding: tux, hair stylist, dance floor, caterers and dinner. We need a guest book and a table for presents with people to take responsibility for each. Are Jerry and Dennis wearing a rose? Also, what about the fathers?"

"Who is taking them to the airport? Do they have passports yet? Do we have jobs for all the children? Do we need an organist or pianist for the ceremony? Did we decide on the hand fasting? Anyone know what music Gail wants? Does anyone know if someone from the family wants to do something in the ceremony? Will there be a reading from the Bible? Were we going to do the unity candles? How many ushers will we need? Have you talked about that already?"

Rose said, "My cousin can do the music. I think she has a keyboard. My cousin or I will discuss the family stuff. "

"I will ask the florist about the flowers. Unity candles sound good as both Jerry and Gail are devote Christians. I can go either way on the hand fasting ceremony. I want to keep the ceremony to less than 90 minutes."

"It sounds like we have a lot of questions that can be answered quickly. Can we meet back here in two days instead of four?" Everyone agreed and the meeting was over.

During the meeting, Alkaia, Dawn and Mistress Ellen met in the Dean's office. Dawn asked Mistress Ellen to tell them where we need to end up and then we can work backwards. She also wanted to know if Masters need to start out in a sub class, and play the sub in the sub class.

"Dawn, every Master needs to know every need of the sub, maybe they need to be sensitive to the subs. We need to separate what makes being a Master or a sub from sex. The sex part will be determined by the Master and sub together. What we need to is to get them to be in mindset of each role. If their mutual desire turns out to be BDSM, for example, then they can learn at the club."

"You will need to set an academic standard to stay in the program, just like Joy has now. Subs can't be brainless, they are not slaves. If an order is unjust or immoral they should have the right to refuse it. Communication between the two is vital. A bond of trust has to form between the two. If a master is abusive they should have the right to leave, or have a support group that can intervene for them."

Dawn was growing frustrated. "Alkaia, how do you create these programs? I do not see yet how we can integrate the course into an academic setting. So far I have only heard Psychology and perhaps ethics. Front load core studies with little course training to stabilize GPA."

"Calm down Dawn, maybe we need to talk to the lesser subs and the masters who could not keep their grades up. Find out what hurdles they had; Joy seems to be an exceptional case."

Dawn was quite upset when the meeting was over. It seemed her life was at a crossroads. If the course could not come to be she would have to get a job elsewhere. If she went elsewhere she would break her commitment to Joy, could she do that?

Between meetings with the Dean and Mistress Ellen, Dawn became quite moody and she isolated herself. She ordered her food in on the few times she thought about food.

The Dean reassigned her duties to another senior. She also told Joy to not bother her Mistress but instead to talk to her or Mei. Joy felt very sad, she knew that she was the cause of Mistress's moodiness. She felt she let her down. It all had a snowball effect on the whole school, it was like a veil of darkness had fallen upon the students.

Molly had enough of the situation. She corralled several of her friends and they came to her Mommy and asked if she could bring them to see Miss Dawn and Miss Joy.

Her logic was that they were her friends, they had helped the children when they needed help. It was now time for the children to help them. "Is that not what friends do?" Word spread, what started with just a handful of children was now more than half the children and growing. Molly's logic was inescapable. "That is exactly what friends do. " Molly was a pretty smart five year old.

All sorts of transportation was converging onto Dawn's dorm. The guard readily agreed and radioed the other guards to let them know what was happening. Molly's Mommy found what room was Miss Dawn's.

Molly became the understood spokesperson for the group. Each child brought a blanket, they were in it for the long haul.

Molly banged hard on Miss Dawn's door. "Miss Dawn, we know you are in there. You have to come out sometime and you can't avoid all fifty of us. I thought we were friends, and you want to ignore all of us?" That sliced through the heart of Dawn, but she was a proud one. All the children took a seat, they were told they needed to keep a path for the students. Molly did not know it, but she had taken siege onto Dawn's room.

Alkaia arrived soon after to observe the event. She was amazed at the show of solidarity. Two hours passed, Dawn thought they were gone.

Alkaia said, "They brought their blankets and they were being treated with pizza while you are mopping in your room. Any food you try to order will have no chance of making it to your room, that's how blockades work."

Dawn could not believe she was being out maneuvered by a five year old. Not only that, Dawn was in the wrong and Molly and the others were in the right.

They just wanted to help a friend through a hard time and Dawn just wanted to isolate herself.

Joy and Mei told them to give a friend a smile or hug when they were having a bad day. Since they could do neither, they were going to wait her out until they could.

Joy was crying in her room. The Dean told her that she couldn't bother Mistress. Mei walked into the group and asked three of the children that that Joy grew fond of, to follow her back to her room. Joy was pleased to see them. This was a situation that Bear could not help Joy.

The issues were too complex for the young children to understand. They were not there to offer advice, Joy was their friend and she was sad. Joy just reeled off all of her problems one by one. Once Joy was done, she was bowled over with hugs and kisses. A good tickle fight always makes people laugh. Joy was outnumbered and the children squirmed too much to stop the onslaught.

Alkaia called Mistress Ellen, "She said bring your spanking hand; we have a very disobedient Mistress and a dorm full of righteous children."

The siege had lasted long enough. If Dawn did not want to come out they were going to get the master key. When Mistress Ellen arrived and the door was opened, she propped the door open so all the children could see Dawn's punishment.

Mistress Ellen wanted to stress to the children that their behavior makes a difference. "You wanted to help a friend. Friendship is indeed very important and you should be rewarded for being such a good friend."

"Miss Dawn has been hiding from her friends, she did not even want to talk to you. That kind of behavior is not rewarded, those people get punished."
