My RA Ch. 02


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Molly answered her cell phone," Yes Miss Sarah."

"Molly, the stalls need to be cleaned and horses fed and watered. Your friends can help with the feed but they are not dressed to clean the stalls. I am giving you some extra time with your friends, but jobs need to be done." The girls squealed when they heard they could help Molly. The girls were exhausted and Molly just continued to work hard. Molly did not have an easy job like many thought.

The girls went right to the club. Everyone saw they were tired and got them something to eat. "We just got back from helping Molly at the farm. We just fed the horses, and she was cleaning the stalls and was doing something else before we got there. We were told we were not dressed right to help Molly. Mommies, can you dress us from head to toe in warm clothes, please? "

The parents just looked at each other. The longer they took the more sniffles were heard. Finally, one parent took charge. "Thank you, children, for having such good manners in asking us. We can't answer your question until after we talk to Miss Sarah. We know you look up to Molly, but your question surprised us. We need to do some homework first. I hope you understand."

Sarah decided she could make more money if she got more people to learn how to ride, and then to teach. The class would put a strain on the farm. Only Dawn and Sarah could teach. Knowing how to ride will make it so much more fun to ride. The class consisted of Molly, Miss Noel, Miss April, Miss Anne, and Miss Zoe. Anne and Zoe knew a lot, but Sarah wanted to make it official. Sarah decided on three times a week.

Miss Noel was hopeless, Miss Zoe rode next to her so she could learn the basics while Dawn and Sarah continued with the others. Zoe took Noel to the large corral. It took about an hour, but Noel got her confidence and was soon riding to catch up with the class. The first half of the next class would be practice so Noel could catch up. Everyone learned quickly after that. Everyone loved to ride now.

Sarah made a call to an instructor she knew, "Hank, we have some students we have been teaching to ride. Most will go on to teach. I need an unbiased tester, will you do it?"

"Sure Sarah, I am free this weekend. How many do you have?"

"Great, I have five for riding and probably three or four for teaching. I started giving two of them informal lessons when Dad was still alive; they are close to teaching level."

"Send them over this weekend, if they are good enough they can get their teaching certificates next weekend teaching the other half of your class for riding lessons." Dawn trained Anne and Zoe every day, she not only wanted them to pass basic teacher but to show advanced levels. Anne was the better rider, she picked things up quickly. Dawn was able to teach her all the way to the expert level. Try as she might, Zoe just could not learn the expert level, but she could do advanced level.

Anne and Zoe breezed through the riding course. Hank was very impressed. "Very good girls, see you next week for your teaching certificate."

The week flew by, everyone was very excited, and everyone wanted everyone else to pass. Dawn took Hank aside and told him," After Anne and Zoe pass their basic test, take them out to the field and let them show you what they really got." Hank did not know what that meant until he saw Zoe doing the advanced program and Anne the expert one. He gave them higher degrees because they were proficient in them.

A week later Hank called Sarah," Sarah, we have a problem, the head office does not believe Anne's and Zoe's credentials. I invited someone from the head office to retest them this weekend. They are sending two." Dawn drilled them hard making sure they could pass the test again. That Saturday the two people from head office, Anne, Zoe, Hank, Dawn, and Sarah were out in the field. Several more came to watch. They asked for the TV to be turned on.

Zoe whispered in Anne's ear," Let's give them a show."

Anne just thought she meant to show them they knew their stuff. It was not what Zoe meant.

Unknown to everyone else Zoe worked through her mental blocks. As soon as Anne took off to do her expert program, Zoe took off with her to everyone's surprise. They both were doing the expert program. It was synchronized riding. It was very dangerous and Zoe and Anne never practiced it before. Zoe would call out the turns. It was either 'Together' where they turned the same direction. Or it was 'Split' which meant they turned in opposite directions, so it looked like a flower opening up. Either way, they did it in unison.

Dawn had not seen this kind of precision riding in many years. The people in the grandstand were stunned, all held their breath that there would be no accidents. Once the program was finished, Dawn barked out a few more commands. The people from the head office insisted that all five instructors certify Zoe and Anne as expert teachers.

Sarah called all the cowhands to come to the club. When they arrived they saw Dawn with a bag. Dawn took the microphone, "As you all know, Miss Zoe and Miss Anne got retested for teaching today. Each got the expert teacher level. What we will show you is amazing. This is extremely dangerous, and I have seen too many people seriously hurt riding horses just trying to be a showoff. 'No one in this room will ever do something like this, this is not a suggestion or a request so let me repeat it, 'No one in this room will ever do something like this!'"

No one has ever seen Miss Dawn this mad before. Then they showed the video and everyone took a big gulp. The precision of the riding was beautiful. Molly walked over to Miss Anne and Miss Zoe, " Promise me you will never do that again. I do not want to visit you in the hospital with machines and tubes stuck in you." Anne and Zoe could feel every eyeball boring into them. Zoe said," We promise Molly, I did a very stupid thing and I was very lucky not to get hurt."

Training for teaching went fast, everyone was surprised when Noel wanted to learn. Zoe gave her private lessons. The ranch would soon have four expert teachers and three basic ones. April, Molly, and Noel had a different tester. He gave no clue if you were doing it wrong or right. He did not say if they passed or not but did say they would send you a letter.

The wait was nerve-wracking for Molly. She waited for the mail to come. No mail after one week, no mail after two weeks. After waiting two and a half weeks Molly stopped waiting for the mail. She did not realize that April and Noel did not hear either. After three week's Zoe called Molly on the phone," Molly, you got some mail today, it looks like junk mail, do you want me to throw it out?"

Molly was smart enough to know she was too young to get junk mail. She was on Spirit and riding at a full gallop. When she arrived Dawn, April, Noel, Miss Sarah, and Miss Noel we standing by the table. "Hurry up Molly, we want to open ours."

Molly was nervous, what if she failed? She opened the envelope and took out the contents. To her relief, she saw her certificate, but it had a ribbon attached to it. Molly did not know what that meant. Molly asked Miss Dawn to read the letter out loud to her. "Molly you not only passed, but you passed with 'Honors.' That is much better."

April and Noel both passed but Noel had a list of things she needed to work on.

Molly was jumping up and down with excitement," Miss Sarah, does this mean I can teach my friends now?"

"Yes, it does Molly, but remember your schedule and timetable come first.

Molly was giving her students some practice when a crisis occurred. Two stallions bolted from the DIY area. Molly called in and said, "We will find them, which way?" When Molly heard, she was full of dread.

"OK God is testing us, we will find them ourselves and we find them and bring them home. We will not call for a horse trailer." The direction they were headed was farm after farm of open fields.

Sarah called on an open channel," All cowhands to the main house. Molly, please continue with your search, you have my word, you three will be the only ones, call if you need help." Sarah knew Molly would not call even if she needed it.

Sarah called all the friends she could think of. When all were assembled, Sarah informed the people of the situation. "I know that there will be problems, but the adults would have the same problems. I think the question boils down to, we want our kids to trust our decision right now, at what point should we trust theirs. I have decided it to be now. If these kids bring back these horses well cared for, imagine how much they will know how much we trust them with their own decision. "

Joy said," Sarah, can I use your Skype?" Sarah nodded. Soon Gail and Jerry's face appeared, "Gail, Molly and two friends are on the search for two horses. We have decided to trust their judgment. You have to trust people sooner or later. It looks just like when you saved me. That is why I want you here."

`It was a long ride, several hours of searching. Finally, the trio found the stallions. All the horses were tired. Molly taught her students how to take care of the horses. They tied a rope around the necks of the stallions. The ride home was long and slow. It was after 1:00 AM when they got home. The horses were secured as well as Spirit and the other ones. Molly walked into the house.

She ran into Miss Sarah's arms," Thank you for trusting me, Miss Sarah. We learned a lot tonight." The three girls were hailed as heroes. The three girls came to Miss Sarah," Miss Sarah what is the big deal about getting the horses back? We just responded to your call of help."

"It is a big deal because you acted with courage; you cared more for the horses than yourselves. I came close to not letting you go. I remembered that we were teaching you trust and responsibility. Sometimes adults need to learn that. You earned our trust, but you are only seven. We were very scared for you. Everyone was here praying for you, Miss Joy even called Mr. Jerry and Miss Gail."

One of the small girls said," I felt at peace riding the horses. I knew God was with us. I knew he would keep us safe. When we found the horses, they were drinking from a brook, it was so peaceful. Molly taught us how to treat tired horses. That is what took so long, we had to wash them down, let them relax and walk them all the way home. "

Jacob had no problem coming up with a theme for his sermon. Christ is our Good Shepherd. Everyone was all smiling. The kids were starting to see God in the ranch. The Sunday school teachers could see the farm was becoming the focus of the kids' lives. They decided to structure their lessons with stories of ranching and gardening in the Bible.

Some wanted to do something besides ranching. Some of the kids wanted to grow things. Several approached Miss Sarah," Miss Sarah, you have brought a lot of joy to us. We thought about making your house pretty. We were thinking of pretty flowers and things to eat."

"Wow, you would like to do that for me. That is a hard job, but I do love seeing pretty flowers and fresh food tastes much better than the canned stuff. You will know you helped God grow that flower or carrot. Have you ever thought that God may want me to have pretty flowers, but I am too busy to do that? God may be waiting for someone to say 'Can we do that for you, Miss Sarah?'."The kids were shocked when they heard that, then big grins shown on the children's faces. The kids realized that through prayer God is waiting to talk to the children. He also wants us to do nice things for other people.

The next day Sarah was troubled, her heart was breaking. She had to make a call she did not want to make. "Hello, this Sarah at the ranch, as you know your horses bolted from the stable. We have to ask you to remove them as per our agreement. The girls that found them have a huge emotional investment in your horses. They have to be here to say their own goodbyes in their own way. Perhaps, we can arrange times for visits."

When the horse trailer came on the next day all three girls were there. Sarah said," Girls these horses have to leave because of their bad behavior. The owner and I had an agreement that bad behavior could not be tolerated. Horses can sense our emotions. This is no time for a Brave face. I want you to show your emotion, cry, hug, talk to them. It will be healthy for you. We plan on making visits. Maybe in the spring, you can have picnics."

The owner said," Miss Sarah since Molly has Spirit can the girl's name these two horses?" Before Miss Sarah could respond each girl broke for a different horse exclaiming Peaceful and the other Courage."

Sarah said, "I think you have the answer to your question."All three girls spent some time saying goodbye.

The kids on the gardening team were confused when they were told to go to the club. "Kids, we thought you would like to see some big fancy gardens, some home ones, and some practice. Miss Sarah wants to plant flowers in a 'V' shape so you see more flowers, fewer gaps. I want you to see these pictures of a garden in Canada, they grow tulips and are famous for them." The picture had tulips as far as the eye could see.

"We are going to practice here in town. In front of the club, we are going to plant daffodils and in front of the City Hall, we will plant tulips. These flowers come up every year unless a squirrel eats the bulb.

"You use those tools in the corner. You have to plant it this way up. Get knee pads too. Get in groups of two, one to make a hole and plant the bulb and the other to put the dirt back. You can switch off halfway through." The children finished quickly; they were very proud of the job they did. Next, they came back to the club to see three buckets of dirt.

"Now children, all gardeners have to get their hands dirty. You need to get your hands right in there to know things. Everyone, come up and put your hands in the dirt. A chorus of Yuck, Gross among others was heard.

"Why did I do that, children?" One girl said," One bucket had a plant that had hard ground. The next one had spongy soil which I guess was the good soil and the last one was mud with a lot of water in it. It was Yucky.

"Very good, this plant is a cactus, they grow in the desert. Some of them only bloom once every seven years. As you guessed you want to keep your plants moist, you do not want to see a puddle. And this mud is so compact and heavy with water even the water can't get in."

Later, the teacher called the Sunday school leader and told her she just made the garden club to stick their hands in hardened clay, good soil and waterlogged mud. The parable of the good soil would be a good lesson. The following week the garden team hit Miss Sarah's with vengeance. It was too late in the year to plant winter crops. They even helped their Daddy's to build a greenhouse.

During mid-winter the owner of Courage and Peaceful talked to his wife about an idea, she said to pursue the idea. The owner called his good friend Bill. "Bill, you and I have known each other forever. What would you say about buying each other's farms, upon OK for all workers? We could hold a meeting to discuss it with everyone."

Bill was stunned. It did not make any sense; he had a smaller place and not as many horses. "Sure let's set up a meeting. "

At the meeting, everyone was wondering what was going on. The owner took the stage," Hi all, I see you all are a might confused. As you know, my two horses bolted from Miss Sarah's barn, and the three girls saved them so I am beholden to them. It was heartbreaking when we had to leave. Upon a majority vote, we would sell each other's farms. Between both of us, you will have a job with raises. It will just be a matter of working out who works for who. I think both of us want to keep our foreman then we can work down from there. If you want to swap, try to find someone to swap with. Bill will need to add twenty hands.

A few days later, Sarah saw a lot of construction going up on the next farm over near her stables. When she inquired about it she was told his boss needed a six-horse stable, he expected a lot of visitors to use it. Sarah could not figure out why it had to be close to hers. Sarah saw the old owner at her church. She went over and greeted him. "Hello Miss Sarah, I had to relocate so I need to find a new church. Buck had great admiration for Pastor Jacob. We thought we could try a few."

The next day the ranch was greeted by several moving vans and horse trailers. Over 100 cowpokes spilled out of the vehicles and worked quickly. Sarah was baffled by the sight of it. Soon every scrap was packed, and they were gone. One hour later, more trucks were filling up the farm. Sarah noticed the trucks were not the same color, these were not the same ones. Both buyer and seller were moving at the same time.

When Anne heard there were new people next to the ranch, she went into the baking mode, making her now famous lasagna. Joy and Faith joined her for a housewarming visit, once there they were sworn to seventy-two-hour secrecy. Joy hated secrecy but knew the surprise will make the day of three little eight-year-olds.

Joy was in her third trimester. David said," The baby is now your main concern. I know you still want to continue schooling, I suggest taking an elective with little or no homework, maybe an exercise class." Joy saw the wisdom in that, she had to take them anyway. "David, next semester can I take a religion class or two if they are on the computer?"

"I will ask The Dean tomorrow to see if that is possible or wise, I will let you know. I just want to keep you, and the baby safe and your bond with it good."

Everyone was getting excited, especially the kids. They had just been told they had two months to plan their super-duper party. "Remember no telling. You will be able to see the baby, but the party will be after. Miss Joy will need some alone time just like Beauty needed alone time with Angel, but you can get some visits in. Miss Joy will be very tired trying to find out how to be a good mommy."

Hope had a premonition; the baby would come early. In fact, just a few days from now. Hope said to her husband," Pack your bags and get us a flight to Northfield." Joy's Dad had been married to Hope long enough to know the best option was to check out the travel sites. Joy and David greeted Mom and Dad warmly. "Mom, why did you come down so early? My due date is not for another month."

"Child, babies do not pay attention to due dates. You will deliver it in a few days. He will be a boy and it will be a quick delivery. You will make great parents. Joy and David went into the study to look up baby names, David closed the door. Joy came out with a twinkle in her eye. Hope knew it was no use asking what they decided upon.

Two days later, Joy and Hope were washing after-dinner dishes when Joy's water broke. Hope screamed," David, its go time." Dad threw his keys to David, his car had more legroom. Hope called Joy's OG/BYN," Joy plus one inbound." He abandoned his dinner, raced to the hospital. He told the valet," Joy is coming. Can you park my car in my spot?"

The doctor rushed in and said," Joy is coming in hot, this one is not going to wait." The nurse gave the medical code to scramble the surgical team. She could not hold her excitement in," It is Joy, everyone!" Everything and everyone stopped, they were all waiting to hear a sound. The team barely had time to scrub, after one hour the sound of Braham's lullaby echoed throughout the hospital.

Joy made a video announcing the birth of baby Joshua. All snuggled in his blue blanket and blue cap she counted all ten fingers and ten toes. A half a world away Mari was typing away when she saw the message "Joy tagged a video to you on Facebook. "
