My Rant

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My rant concerning divorce stories.
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My Rant

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This is a work of non-fiction. It is a rant about the husband/wife cheating stories that seem to be so typical on Literotica. This article is my own opinion and I hereby state that I am neither a psychiatrist or a psychologist. You may not like what you read here, if so feel free to move on to something else. But if you are an author that writes about marriages gone bad I urge you to read on. Hopefully it will make your stories more believable.


Men and Women

Men and women are different no matter what anyone says simply because each one of them is an individual. They can have different needs, different feelings, and different attitudes. One of the things that makes them different is that men reach their sexual peak at around 20 years of age. Women on the other hand reach their peak between 35 and 40 years of age. This usually corresponds to the age when the children have either left the home or are on their way out.

At the age of 40, whether the woman works at a job or stays at home, the empty nest syndrome hits them much harder than the man. This, with their peaking sexuality, can be a recipe for trouble in their marriage if they both are not careful. Statistics say this age is when most women start to have affairs. Open 'communications' in a marriage is most important at this time with 'understanding' being the second.

Men on the other hand are most likely to have affairs between the ages of 20 and 35. This is mostly due to the realization that their sexual peak has passed and they wish to make up for lost opportunities. Without proper 'communications' during this time both husband and wife can become disillusioned with their relationship and marriage.

Of course, affairs can happen at any time during a marriage if the marriage is weak, through lack of communications or just plain weak commitments.


In the context of a marriage the definition of cheating is defined as 'to be dishonest or deceitful'. I hate using this word in the context of a marriage because it leaves too much open to interpretation concerning the affair of the husband or wife. If one partner is being dishonest or deceitful in a story, the author should say that because the word cheating also is defined as 'to defraud or swindle' as its primary meaning. It would be much more clear to say that one partner is having an affair with extra explanation attached in the story.

Also, the word 'affair' can have both positive and negative meanings in a story. For instance, if one partner has prior knowledge of an affair it would not be valid to use the word 'cheat' to the affair. Even if prior knowledge is not known it still may not be valid to use the word 'cheat'. It all depends on the relationship of the partners.

When 'cheating' is used in the context of a marriage, both partners need to remember that an affair is not like a game where there is a winner and a loser. The 'cheater' is making a huge impact on the marriage whether they can come to that realization or not. The non-cheating partner will most likely feel they have lost something, even though they may not be able to name it. The 'cheater' must come to grips that what the other has lost is 'control'. Men are especially vulnerable to this feeling because they believe the marriage vows are literal and thus they have some control over their partner. This is pure rubbish in my opinion.

Marriage Vows

Here is where I part with most authors and even most people. For instance, the word 'cleave' in the marriage vows means 'to be faithful to' in the dictionary. Being faithful to someone can mean a lot of things in a marriage, but that does not make your partner a slave. Any marriage vow that implies essentially slavery is null and void in my opinion. No woman or man should ever be a slave to their partner. Each is an individual and the future is never clear.

Unfortunately a lot of men think of their wife as a slave, whether they know it or not. Men want control in order to maintain their manliness. The moment you want to control someone, you are attempting to make them a slave.

Of course, the reverse is also true. If the woman tries to make a slave of the man it will also end badly for the marriage.

Whether you are a man or woman, you can never control another person's feelings about anything. The sooner you come to this conclusion the better your marriage will be. If your partner wants to love another then that is going to happen and there is nothing you can do to change that. You have to come to terms with it and threats will not help resolve anything.

This is where open communications between you and your partner is critical. If you shut off that communication it will all probably end badly for one or both of you.


This is where affairs can badly impact a marriage. When one partner has an affair and the lies about it, either blatantly or through omission, bad things will happen. This kind of affair means the marriage was weak to begin with, but it can also happen for other reasons. What ever the reason, the partner in the affair is setting themselves up for utter disaster. Of course there are times when it is necessary to lie in a marriage, but this is not one of them.

All of us expect the truth from our partner in marriage. What is strange is that this is NOT one of the marriage vows! I can not think of a more important component to good communication between marriage partners than telling the absolute truth. Even if the truth is hard to hear, putting it out there for both to discuss is the most important thing in a marriage. Most people can forgive many things, but a liar is abhorrent to most.

Unfortunately, most authors of stories use lying as a major component to their story. Lying is a fundamental weakness in any marriage and should be stated as such in the story. It helps the reader understand why two people are at each others throats in a time of crisis in the marriage.

The Story

Authors should make an attempt to tell both sides of a story. This can prevent the reader from becoming depressed at the end. I do not mean you have to have a happy ending, I mean that the reader has a right to understand both sides of an argument, even if the story comes to a bad end for the marriage partners. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of each partner tells a more complete story than a one sided tale.

I am a romantic at heart, but I like good stories. I prefer stories that do not depress me, but I understand we do not live in a fairy tale. But it is always sad when what looks like a good marriage ends, but it is easier to swallow that pill if you understand the weaknesses and strengths of each partner in the story.

My Marriage

In this section I am not holding up my marriage as the ultimate example. But there are some things we got right from the very beginning.

Communications is the major thing we got right from the very start, even before we were married. It is one of the things I love about my wife is that we can tell each other anything. I told my wife before our marriage that I never expected her to be exclusive to me and she told me the same thing. We married when we both were 21 so we knew not to expect that complete exclusivity. My wife had her first affair before our first anniversary. She had it with a work associate who was going through a rough divorce, but she came to me for permission first. Of course I gave it to her because she promised me it would be short term. For about a month she had him over every Saturday while I worked that day. She always told me what happened that day when I got home.

Some years later she had two affairs which lasted only a few hours. Both of these were while she traveled for work and she told me about them immediately when she returned home.

My wife is not my slave in any form of the word. She loves me very much and always returns to me. We have been married over 50 years so I guess that counts for something.

We never went through the empty nest syndrome because we never had any children. This was our choice as we both wanted careers and we did not feel it was fair to put our kids through that experience. We made that choice together around our fourth year of marriage.

Our sexual relationship has been pretty active but not overly so. But we do like our romps even while we are now in our seventies.

I love my wife as much now as when we began to date seriously so many years ago. She is my life partner and will be until our deaths. She is the best thing to ever happen to me.


I certainly do not mean to demean any author but instead I hope to improve their stories. If you are not an author I hope you learned something from my life experience. Be good to each other out there.


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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Stockholm Syndrome

NickTeeNickTee4 months ago

Gee. What a sad almost marriage you had. My first thought was why even bother. You didn't have children. You didn't have a wife and you spent all your time telling us about how she's not your slave yet clearly you're her unknowing slave

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

To think you took the time to write this article about your failed marriage and which in the final analysis has zero value in any way to anyone.

You poor deluded fool.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Not to criticize you or anything,but just because you have a open marriage doesn't mean every one will want to, and I don't know what vows you took during your marriage, but I hope I speak for mostly every men and woman here, where we say forsaking all other it's a promise an oath, for both partner's involved. So you can expect the criticism and harsh comments on the cheating wife stories but considering you have an open marriage I expect you wouldn't see the problem there. Why even get married at all if you're not going to be exclusive as many of the comments say in majority of the cheating wife stories and I agree. But seeing your rant, I expect you wouldn't understand, but hey to each their own you're happy with your lifestyle so kudos I guess.. But if you truly love someone you wouldn't spread your legs for anyone else,yes temptation would surely exist,yes communication should be there, and understanding. What's the point of marriage and the whole concept of marriage is null and void to begin with if you're sharing and breaking all vows.. and it's not about wife being slave or manliness or vice versa as you so elegantly put it. It's about trust,love and respect we held for our wife/husband.

StruckwrongStruckwrong11 months ago

My wife loved me enough to never open her legs to another man(her words).

In todays world it is an act of love not to give into desire for another.

chefjess2039chefjess203912 months ago

I agree with everything you say and to that if you both enter into a union on the premise of monogamy then later one of you wants to change that then it needs to be communicated to the other partner and don't just go behind their back and hope you don't get caught

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

“I told my wife before our marriage that I never expected her to be exclusive to me and she told me the same thing. “

And THAT right there made EVERYTHING you had to say about “marriage” irrelevant 😎

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A marriage is strong when both stay out of positions that play on their emotions and start attractions outside the marriage.

An adult invested in the marriage knows when feelings are becoming inappropriate and use the value of their partnership as a big part of the motivation to shut down things that can harm it.

lc69hunterlc69hunterover 1 year ago

I see the butt hurt little men are weighing in

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

+1 for Xzy89c1's comment.

Xzy89c1Xzy89c1over 1 year ago

Married with no kids... already know selfish and narcistic tendencies are high.

LatexDeviant117LatexDeviant117over 1 year ago

I think I understand what you’re trying to say. I think a summarization of is simply: “Communication and boundaries should be established by partners within a relationship.”

In regards to the “bad ending” I will simply say that A LOT of guys who are into cheating or cuckolding really get off on the “bad endings.” Its a staple. As monogamous as I may be, I have appealed to such kinks in the past. So, yeah, the bummer endings will stick around because men with cuckold fetish enjoy it.

AstronomalyAstronomalyover 1 year ago

Bahahahahaha. Thanks for a great laugh. This entire read was some of the best non-satirical work that I’ve ever had the displeasure of reading.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

"Men and women are different" Check.

"men reach their sexual peak at around 20 years of age" Performance wise check, at 20 it is no problem for a guy to keep a hard on for 4 hours, at 50 that is only a Viagra fueled hope. As far as desire goes that is highly variable. There are plenty of 70 year olds who have pretty much the same desire that they had fifty years earlier, but the performance ability is lacking. Enter CVY. Cialis, Viagra, and Yohimbe. The other limiting factors are the lack of attraction to older women and the lack of attraction of younger women to older men, especially men who don't have a pretty fair amount of money.

" Women on the other hand reach their peak between 35 and 40 years of age." Maybe so but there is also a definite peak around menopause. Women, in my experience at least, step up their their 30's for any number of reasons: declining inhibitions, thinking that their attractiveness has a limited shelf life and that they better make use of it now, dissatisfaction with their present partner or situation and deciding to shop around for something better, or the discovery of a partners infidelities or refusal to accept more of them without returning payment in kind. Menopausal women seem to have a spike in desire without necessarily any conscious thought about it. Entering the stage of life when you just say I'm going to do exactly what pleases me for a change? Hormones? I don't claim to be sure since I am only an observer and judging from the sample of women I know. Ladies any thoughts? Feel free to call BS. Performance as for men declines with age. Not many 60 or 70 year old women will enjoy the same vigorous pounding that they did in their 20's, 30's and 40's. Many women in later life find intercourse starts to become uncomfortable in some ways: lack of natural lubrication, less vaginal elasticity, general aches and pains, or just more tenderness when being handled. But make no mistake they are still just as receptive to gentle caresses, cuddling, and kind attentiveness as they ever were, perhaps even more so.

"Cheating", "Lying", "Marriage Vows". Cheating seems to be determined by what partners have agreed to. If a partner engages in sex with others and does not have the prior approval, either of the specific instance, or a general approval by the other partner that is cheating. Lying is pretty much a dictionary definition.

Not informing a partner of outside sexual activity is not necessarily lying, but if that activity constitutes cheating it is certainly concealment of disloyalty to an agreement that the partners have. Marriage vows. Not much to say here except that they are whatever the parties to the marriage formally agree to. (How's that for being Mr. Obvious?) When vows are broken the offended party certainly has every right to be angry with the partner who has failed to honor the promises made. Can marriage vows be changed by agreement or can they be terminated? That is up to the people involved. A lawyerly view is that contracts can be altered by agreement, terminated by mutual agreement, or terminated without consent for non-performance.

And there you have another rant. If you are constipated I hope it helped.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Being faithful is not slavery, unless you never meant those vows at all on the day you got married. In that case, you have two choices. Tell the '-to-be' in question that you don't want it to mean that and see if the wedding still goes forward, or simply don't get married at all. Marriage isn't a tax deduction while you decide when and where you will lie your ass off to your spouse about how your 'freedom' makes you betray the faith they have in you. This is just you trying (and failing) to justify being a cheating piece of shit.

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