My Rival / My Rival Ch. 02


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"Boring?" I responded with a trembling voice. I always knew I was, but to be called out by someone I had actually liked at one point was hurtful.

"Yeah, you're a sweet girl and all, but you're just not exciting to be around. When I realized how boring you were, I quickly moved on to pursue girls who matched my style. We were never really together, so it's not like I did anything wrong."

As soon as he mentioned girls who matched his style, I knew he was talking about McKayla. She was everything I was not. She was a type of girl any guy would like, and they would never describe her as boring.

"Okay..." I finally responded, conceding that I just wasn't interesting enough for him. But as I picked my head up, I noticed a familiar face standing next to him, and she didn't look happy.

My mind went into a frenzy, as all my attention became focused on McKayla. We hadn't spoken in weeks, so I knew our little relationship was over. Much like Tom, I assumed she had found me too boring and decided she was done with me now that she had what little fun she could. But with the angry look on her face, I could only assume I had interfered with her potential new relationship with Tom.

"How dare you?" she said, stopping the room with a stern voice. It was the first time I had heard her sound so upset, and I could only imagine how much she was about to embarrass me, now that I had overstepped my boundaries once again.

As everyone looked on, she once again continued, "How dare you?" I put my head down in shame, just waiting for her to let me have it, when she asked, "How dare you give me the best night of my entire life... and not even call me."

My eyes went big and my heart stopped. I immediately locked eyes with her as the entire crowd went silent. "Wha... What?" I asked with my trembling voice.

The sexy brunette shook her head and rolled her eyes. "I know it may have just been some one-night-stand type of deal in your eyes, but you gave me the best fucking night of my entire life! I mean, no guy has ever left me satisfied like that. You expect me to just live down an amazing night like that and not to talk to you again? That's unfair!"

The entire room was shocked to discover a boring girl like me could share an intimate night with her. I stared at her, confused, not knowing how to respond. "McKayla... What are you..."

"I should have known!" she said, cutting me off. "I should have known you were too good to be true. You could have at least said goodbye before leaving me exhausted from all that mind blowing pleasure."

Even though so many people were watching, and I didn't want them to know about my sexual history, there was only one person's opinion I really cared about. I tried to argue my case, telling McKayla, "I didn't want to wake you..."

She rolled her eyes once again before letting out a loud sigh. "Thank you for all the orgasms. I guess that's all I am to you." The beautiful brunette then walked off, making her way to the restroom while leaving me surrounded by all the intrigued attendees.

Realizing that there may be more to me than he originally thought, Tom put his arm around me and asked. "So, what happened between you two? Maybe I can grab you a drink and you can tell me about it?"

Though I used to be interested in him, I no longer cared about what he thought. All I cared about in that moment was rushing to McKayla and finding out what caused her dramatic tirade.

As I frantically left the crowd, who suddenly found me way more interesting than they ever expected, I made my way to the restroom to chase after the beautiful brunette. Much to my surprise, after I pushed through the door, I found her standing there, no longer carrying an angry expression.

"McKayla!" I gasped.

"I figured you would follow me in here," she responded with a cute little smile.

"McKayla... You're not mad at me?"

She playfully rolled her eyes this time before saying, "Of course, I'm not mad at you."

Still confused and lost in my own thoughts, I looked at her and asked, "Then... why did you do all of that?"

With a serious tone, she walked to me slowly and explained, "I just got really upset when he called you boring... I'm sorry for announcing your personal life in front of everyone, but I couldn't just sit there and not let them know how fun and exciting you really are."

I was left there stunned, staring at her as she opened up to me. McKayla normally talked with a playful voice, like she was always playing a character, but when she was serious like this, she sounded like a different person.

It reminded me of the chat we had after the football game. She was so nice to me and kept assuring I did a good job. It made me feel so good inside; I wanted to spend more time with her.

The beautiful woman I once considered my rival let out another deep sigh before giving me a sincere look. "Now that I think about it, I probably made things worse by saying that in front of everyone. I'm really sorry for telling everyone your business, but it really was greatest night of my life. I understand if you're mad at me, but if they can't appreciate how much fun you are, then they don't deserve someone as special as you."

As McKayla continued to look at me after pouring out her heart, something in by brain finally snapped. Without thinking it through, the adrenaline took over my body, forcing me to grab her and take her lips with mine. I could feel her shock through the kiss, but I stayed in charge, holding her sexy little body tightly as I pressed her against the wall.

She let out a deep moan before surrendering herself to the moment and kissing me back. Though we had only kissed a few times in the past, I felt a title wave of chemistry between us as our bodies and our tongues intertwined.

In that moment, my heart allowed me to be the woman she yearned for me to be. The animal inside took over my instincts, causing me to dominate her tight body. I used one hand to grab both of her wrists and hold them over her head. With my other hand, I ripped her little shorts and panties to the floor, leaving her exposed for me to take advantage of.

As I began rubbing her noticeably wet pussy, she looked at me frantically. "Emily! We're in public!"

"Don't worry," I whispered into her ear, confidently. "It won't take me long to fuck you."

My confidence caused her to moan desperately as I took her lips with mine again. She kissed me harder than anyone had ever kissed me while my fingers took over her clit, rubbing in a fast, circular motion.

There was no escaping me. I had her trapped against the wall and she couldn't get her wrists out of my grasp. Even though she wasn't fighting it, there was nothing she could do but stay there and take the pleasure I was giving her.

Seeing me like this must have been a huge turn on for the sexy brunette, because I felt her body shivering much quicker than our previous sessions. Not wanting to let up, I continued kissing her through her squirming and moaning. Before I knew it, she let out a surprisingly large orgasm as she struggled to stay quiet. Despite her moaning, I didn't let up, as I continued rubbing her out while she gushed with juices.

As much as McKayla loved it, I could sense she was still frantic, being in a public location. I let her enjoy the orgasm for a while, rubbing and kissing her until she was out of breath, but as soon as she was finished, I pulled her shorts and panties back up for her and left her with a kiss.

"Emily!" she exclaimed, panting heavily and looking around like she didn't know what just happened to her. "What has gotten into you? That was so fucking hot!"

I glared at her and warned, "I'm not done with you, Baby..." before walking to the door, leaving her in a puddle of her own juices. Just before exiting the restroom, I looked back and stared into her desperate eyes, before demanding, "My place in thirty minutes... and don't forget the strap-on."

Pushing through the door, I made a beeline towards the exit. As I walked through the bar, full of determination, I noticed all eyes were on me. Because of everything that I just transpired, I was suddenly the talk of the town.

Unfortunately for everyone else, I no longer cared about their opinions in that moment. There was only one person's opinion I cared about; the woman I left in the restroom with her jaw wide-open, wearing soaking wet panties.


As I sat around waiting for McKayla to show up, I began replaying the incidents from the bar in my head. Who was that? I wondered as I thought about the way I acted. Never had I acted so confidently, and never had I been so spontaneous.

The closer I was to seeing McKayla, the further I was from the last time I saw her. As time went by, I became worried I wouldn't be able to live up to the expectations I set when I was so confident in the restroom.

What if I disappoint her? I sure talked a big game, but now I have to back it up. Even though I did a good job in the restroom, that was purely adrenaline! I still need her to tell me what to do!

I paced back and forth in my living room, counting down the seconds until I would see her again. My nerves were back, bouncing around with heavy anticipation.

Much to my surprise, there was a knock at the door, making me wonder if she decided to show up earlier than expected. It was indeed my beautiful brunette rival, standing there and looking just as hot as she did when I left her in the restroom.

I invited her in and took her tote bag, which I assumed she was using to hide our special toy. Despite the brave face she always carried, and the confident aura that surrounded her, I could sense she was a little nervous after what I displayed the last two times we were together. After all the physical history we shared, I could somehow hear her heart calling out for me.

Adrenaline built within me again, but I didn't let it take control of me; it only enhanced what I already wanted to do to her. Now that I was finally with McKayla again, the confidence I had lost was rushing back.

I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a soft kiss. Sensing her heart racing, I pressed myself against her and whispered, "Don't worry, I'm going to take care of you."

I took her to my bedroom where we stood at the foot of my bed, taking turns undressing each other, one article at a time. As we unhooked each other's bras, I was surprised to find her just as excited to see my breasts as I was to see hers.

As much as I loved her boobs, the only time I really got to enjoy them was when I fondled them while fingering her butt. With my confidence at an all-time high, and her chest exposed right in front of me, I decided it was time to finally get a taste of those nipples that were always so hard for me.

I graced them one at a time with my warm and salivating tongue, causing her eyes to roll back while moaning towards the sky. She held on to me tightly, putting her arms around my shoulders and smothering me against her large breasts.

Much to my pleasure, when I pushed her arms away, she stuck her chest out for me, allowing me to motorboat her breasts. I sounded like a pig, chowing down on a feast as both her tits smacked me in the face. Although she was the one having her breasts licked and sucked, I was the one moaning louder from the naughty exchange.

Growing more daring by the moment, I decided I wasn't finished tasting McKayla for the night. I lifted the brunette, causing her to gasp at my strength and determination, before gently placing her on my bed and positioning myself between her thighs. Just like she had done to me so many times, I wanted to send her into a frenzy by using my tongue to play with her clitoris.

I don't know what it was about the beautiful brunette, but she had a sweet aroma that gave my little nostrils a pleasant sensation. It wasn't just a smell of her vanilla perfume; it was her natural scent I couldn't get enough of, as I constantly tasted her clit.

It was the first time in my life I had ever performed oral sex for another woman. I didn't know what I was doing, but my body was in autopilot, performing the things I figured she would like, and more importantly, the things she deserved.

I took her little clit into my mouth, suckling on it lightly before giving it gentle kisses. Seeing the way she flinched from my light teasing, I turned up the pressure by using my tongue to continuously stroke her clit.

McKayla was moaning and squirming so hard while I ate her out. Remembering the way I controlled her at the bar, I grabbed each of her wrists and held them down by her sides while I continued taming her with my tongue.

As much as I wanted to finish her with my mouth, I could see in her eyes how badly she wanted me to strap-on fuck her again. I pulled myself away, leaving her panting as grabbed her tote bag. I then pulled our little toy out and strapped myself up, never taking my eyes off my beautiful prey.

Heavy with anticipation, McKayla flipped over to her hands and knees and looked back, waiting for me to penetrate her from behind. I grabbed her by her little hips, but instead of inserting the toy, I forced her onto her back once again.

With a loud gasp, she looked up at me and asked, "What are you doing to me?"

Gently crawling over her, I positioned myself between her legs and whispered, "You're not the bad girl you used to be." Then, as I slowly entered her, I whispered seductively, "After what you did for me today, I want to look into your beautiful eyes while we have sex."

She let out a deep moan while fighting the urge to let her eyes roll back. She faced me as long as she could while I thrusted myself in and out of her. Eventually, neither of us could handle just staring at each other any longer. We simultaneously met each other's tongues with our own, making out while I thrusted her harder.

Although I was the insecure one, she had insecurities too. For some reason, she viewed herself as some kind of slut, undeserving of actual love and care.

In that moment, our spirits clashed and our souls intertwined. I made it clear that it was more than just sex, as I kissed and pushed deep inside her. I was cooing her insecurities by showing her the love she deserved for so long.

Despite my insecurities in the bedroom, I could feel through her actions I was hitting every note just right. She kissed me back so passionately I could feel her yearning for my lips. Her hands rummaged uncontrollably up and down my body, grabbing the back of my head and squeezing my ass to help me go even deeper. But no matter how hard she moaned and squirmed underneath me, her lips never left mine, and her tongue never left my mouth.

As I let my passion rain down on her vulnerable body, I suddenly felt her going stiff. I knew an orgasm was nearing, so I repositioned my hips so I could drive even harder inside her. She wrapped her arms and legs around me, squeezing me tightly as she held on for dear life. I never took my lips away from her as I pounded her until she succumbed to the overflowing pleasure.

All at once, the passion came to an explosive ending. Her eyes rolled back again as she let out a warning in her panting voice. "I'm cumming!"

I held her body tightly against my own, escorting her to the finish line. Not wanting to push her as hard as the last time, I gradually slowed my rhythm, allowing her to begin her recovery process.

Even though it wasn't the wild, non-stop kinky action that we had the previous session, this orgasm seemed to be just as powerful. In that moment, I knew it wasn't just about the physical attention; it was her successfully receiving the emotional outcry I was pouring down on her.

After unstrapping myself, I noticed her staring at me with a desperate look in her eyes. Even though she was just being dramatic at the bar, I knew there was some truth to her dissatisfaction when I left her the other night.

"Do you mind if I cuddle with you a little?" I asked as I joined her in bed, spooning her from behind.

She let out a little moan as she looked back and whispered, "Thank you!"

It reminded me of the cringeworthy way I thanked her after our first night together. Remembering what it was like to be in the other set of shoes, I felt joy in my heart knowing I was able to provide her with what she provided me, even if it was for just one night.

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gopherdudegopherdudeover 2 years ago

So good! One of the things I love most about this site is that it is full of hidden gems like this story. A trifecta of excellent writing, an interesting story and great sex! You are doing an outstanding job building the relationship between these two characters. The slow shift from hate fuck to something approaching love??? as the rivals break down their barriers with each other adds such an interesting blend of heat and tender passion. Great job! Can't wait to see where it goes from here.

BillyslateBillyslateover 2 years ago

Another Great Story!!

I am already sensing that My Rival / My Rival with be another awesome story series🎉

Cannot wait until Ch. 03 is posted, since Ch. 01 & 02 were both 5*-Star Performances!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I positively love this story. These girls are so sweet together. Thank you for writing it. Please give them a great ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story, look forward to more!

AimEnigmaClickAimEnigmaClickover 2 years agoAuthor

Thank you so much for all the amazing comments! I loved this chapter as well. It might take a few weeks for chapter 3. I have a lot on my plate right now with my other site.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This is amazing. Even better than the "Sarah Catfight" series. Please keep making more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Straight to the top as one of my absolute favorites. A wonderful, heartwarming story. Love them both.

Jimbo3948Jimbo3948over 2 years ago

Great story! Please don't make us wait too long for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I didn’t think this story would get better but it just blew the past my expectations . Can’t wait for the next part.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago lots more please . Love these two

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I have not read your stories before, but this series was definitely a great one. Good characters, realistic and very sexy. Keep it up.

MigbirdMigbirdover 2 years ago

Thoroughly enjoyed your “My Rival/My Rival” storyline and the two protagonists. The tension and uncertainty you created perfectly matched the setting, and loved the way you slowly unwrapped/revealed young love. Am hopeful you have more to share between Emily and McKayla; the last line left me a bit sad as intended — heartfelt joy for only a night. No way; they have discovered too much about themselves. Thanks for sharing. 5 stars easily.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This was by far one of the best stories I've ever read on this site. The relationship between the two characters is so sweet and sexy at the same time. I absolutely love this story.

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