My Sister Dee Pt. 02


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Shaking her head, Dee smiled. "Nah, nothing from me, bro." She then lifted one hand, and tried to stifle a sudden onset of a yawn. "Eeeh, I dun wanna move! You fucked me so I just wanna sleep . . . at least for a bit."

I chuckled, and shifted so she could press her back against my chest, as we spooned together. "Sounds good to me," I said, reaching around to grab the blanket we'd dislodged with our lovemaking. Pulling it over the pair of us, I wrapped one arm around Dee's body and said, "We shouldn't doze for too long . . . don' want the parents to find us, like this."

Dee snuggled back against me, nodding as she reached for and clasped one of my hands in hers. "Jus' for a min't, 'kay? Don' wanna make Dad mad . . . eh?"

Seeing how drowsy Dee was getting, I just nodded and leaned over to place a kiss on her cheek, before I lay my head down and closed my eyes. "Yeah . . . just a minute . . . that's perfectly . . . fine."

**** *** ****

It was the sound of harsh-toned whispers that woke me up.

I didn't move from where Dee and I were wrapped up in her bed sheets -- with her body snuggled up, her back against my front, and arms and legs twined together -- but, I lifted my head slightly. Cracking my eyelids open a bit, I could see clear to her bedroom doorway. I went rigid with alarm, seeing two adult-sized shadows cross the wall on the opposite side of the hallway, which grew larger as their owners got closer.

Oh shit! Dad and Mom must be back . . . and Dad doesn't sound happy, at all!

"Jeane, I swear I'm going to kick that boy's backside-!" Dad's voice was a deep-chested growl, filled with as much anger as I'd swear he'd ever mustered before.

"No! You are NOT going to lay a finger on either of our children!" Mom's tone had that no-give/no-surrender quality I've heard many times when she stood up to Dad on the rare points he did get his dander up in the past.

"But, Jeane--!?"

"James, I swear if you don't keep your voice down!" There was silence, then I heard mom say in a low, trying-not-to-yell tone, "Look, I am taking full responsibility for them, and they both have agreed to the rules I've put down for them. There's no reason why they cannot continue to be together like this."

"I can give you ONE good reason!" Dad hissed. "It's incest!"

"Oh? So what Mark and I did back then isn't acceptable to you now?" I could just imagine the expression on Mom's face as she faced Dad. "You said you were understanding about it when I told you back then."

"Honey," Dad whispered harshly, "that was years ago, and you said it didn't last past that summer! Are you seriously telling me that--?"

"I'm telling you that Gus and Dee both know my mind on this." Her tone softened a bit. "James, the two of them both understand what this . . . well, new aspect of their relationship is meant for. They also know how much we both want them to meet a nice girl and guy and get married, someday."

I could sense that Dad was slowly losing his ire, but he clearly wasn't going to concede the point just yet. "But, Honey, are you certain . . . I mean, is this really the best thing for those two to be doing?" I could just picture the frown on his face.

"James, look." I could see Mom turning towards the doorway, giving it a small nudge to open it wider so she and Dad could both look in. I quickly closed my eyes, hoping not to give away that I was awake. "Just look at them. Do you honestly believe either of them would do something that the other didn't want?" I felt the warmth in her voice as she continued, saying, "Did you ever see Gus or Dee looking so . . . so happy?"

Dad made a soft grunt, and there was a moment of silence. "But, my little girl-?"

"She's not that little any more, Honey. She's old enough to make her own choices, and from what she told me, last night was all her idea." She gave a soft laugh. "Could you blame your son for even thinking of refusing?"

"Jeana!" Dad gasped, then muttered something under his breath, before saying louder, "Christ! I cannot believe--. I mean . . . seriously? How am I supposed to act around the kids, after knowing this?"

"We'll both act like we've done before: like the loving, understanding and supportive parents we are." Mom said. I cracked one eye, seeing her and Dad locked in a gaze between them. "Like I said, I'm taking responsibility, so just . . . be there, for the both of them. They're going to need all the support they can get. Something Mark and I never had." She glanced over at me and Dee, before looking Dad square in the eye. "You understand?"

I watched and waited, holding my breath.

Dad let out an expansive sigh, looking over at use for a moment before he looked at Mom. "If . . . and I repeat IF either of them says anything else that doesn't prove either one of them is agreeing to this . . . this, whole, affair? I'm putting a stop to it!" He then shook his head and said softly, "Until then . . .?" He turned away and started to leave the doorway. "Just, do what you have to, Jeane," he said with a note of finality.

Mom watched him go, then sighed with some regret, but she clearly was satisfied with his answer. "Don't worry, I will." She stood there for a moment, letting her chin fall to her chest as she muttered something I couldn't hear.

I was thinking maybe I should get up, go to her and try to assure her . . . but I heard Dee say, "I guess we're in for it now, Momma?" Surprised, I lifted up a bit, and could see Dee's eyes were wide open, staring out through the doorway.

Mom shook herself, before replying, "I thought you two were still asleep," she said, before turning to open Dee's bedroom door a bit further. Holding onto the door frame, she looked at the both of us and asked, "Did we wake you both up? If so, I'm sorry."

Dee stretched a bit, before lifting up onto one elbow. "Nah, can't speak for Gus," Dee said, glancing back at me for a second. "I was just . . . well, drifting a bit." She added in a meek voice, "Is Dad gonna be, well . . . okay?"

Mom stepped further in, and said, "Well, he's going to be sore over it . . . for a while, but I guess that's going to be the price for getting his acceptance." She saw the concern in our faces, and added, "But that's my worry, okay? You two know the rules here. Just follow them, and everything will workout fine."

I popped up to sit up behind Dee, putting a hand on her shoulder in a show of filial support. "We'll be good, Mom. I promise."

At that, Dee had to giggle softly. "Oh, you were more than good, bro!" she said, looking back at me with a fond grin.

Mom also gave a chuckle at the red blooming in my cheeks. "Deeana! Don't embarrass your brother!"

Dee saw my expression, and she shifted a bit to face me better. "Aww, Gus! I meant it as a compliment!" She reached up and cupped my cheek lovingly. "Seriously, It was just as good as the first time," she crooned.

At that Mom asked, "He wasn't too rough on you, honey?" I could see a little concern in her eyes.

I quickly said, "No, Mom. I couldn't be like that!" I then looked at Dee, and said in a far gentler tone, "I mean, she's my lil' sister. I love her too much to treat her badly."

Mom and Dee both smiled at that. "Good. Just remember. Have fun, be good to each other, and this whole affair--?"

"Will only last 'till the end of summer break!" Dee and I said in unison. "It's fine, Mom! We get it," I said, even as Dee was giggling at our reply.

Mom held up her hands and said, "Fine, fine! Just so you both know." She then stepped over to the bed and leaned down to give Dee a brief kiss on the forehead, and my own head a rumpled-toss of my hair with affection. "Your father and I both love you kids, so much . . . but, for now? I need to get dinner started." She turned to leave Dee's bedroom, only to pause at the doorway to say to us, "Um, just to be safe? Before you come down to join your father and I? You both need to take a shower." Before she vanished through the doorway, a final parting "Again!" floated back to us.

At that, I looked at Dee -- who was looking at me and smiling -- and we both started to laugh together. "Geez! If Mom only knew! That's how this whole day started," Dee said.

Shaking my head, I replied, "Yeah, but . . . I don't think I'm going to complain about that." I put my arms around Dee, hugging her gently as I added, "Besides, I remember someone saying they liked having showers with a certain brother of theirs?" My face spread into a slow grin, which got me an answering one from Dee.

"Oh, I remember that too," she said. "That girl! She can be a real handful at times, huh?"

"Yeah, but I really don't mind. Truth told . . . I think her brother isn't going to mind all that much," I said, arching my eyebrows, with a nod to the door. "I mean, IF all we're going to do is just get cleaned up. Right, sis?"

Dee shook her head, and made a slow show of getting out from between my arms and out of the bed; letting the sheets slide off of her gloriously-nude body. "Oh, I don't know," she drawled teasingly. "Once I'm in the wet with you, I can't make any promises." She took three steps towards her bedroom door, then turned and smiled lovingly at me. "C'mon. We really should get cleaned up, after the delicious fucking you gave me."

With that, I flung the sheets off of me, and got to my feet. "Well, when your putting it that way, Dee," I said, taking her hand and drawing her up against my nude form, "How can I say no?" I wrapped her up in a tight, loving hug, while both of our hands drifted sensuously over our exposed bodies.

"Mmm, you better never say no, buster!" Dee popped up on tippy-toes to kiss my lips, before she said, "Now let's go get clean, before the parents think we're just gonna stay in my room all night!"

I let Dee lead us out of her bedroom -- the both of us still wrapped up together, both moving in perfect step -- and out to the bathroom, as I said, "I'm right with you, Sis. All the Abso-fucking-lutely way!"

**** *** ****

And, that's how our summer break started!

THE END (. . . or is it!?)

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unclemerv77unclemerv776 months ago

very good story. Hopefully we don't have to wait another 13 years for chapter 3.

245624569 months ago

This is a great story, please finish it up. I love how mom laid down the rules, that was a nice change; support and understanding, but not a carnal free-for-all.

Nekomusume_DaisukiNekomusume_Daisukiabout 1 year ago

There’s more to their story yet… wrap it up… Will they really stop after the summer break? Or will they commit to each other and find a way?

MiddlesonMiddlesonabout 2 years ago

Come on you cant end it there. Give it 1 more to wrap up a longterm cision for these siblings. Excellent chapter ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

ScottishTexanScottishTexanabout 2 years ago

You gotta love the mom! She's not a hypocrite and she supports her kids. The only thing that bothered me was I would have enjoyed it better had Gus and Dee turned up the making love and turned down the just fucking. And mom should have expressed that same concern. One of her rules should have explicitly stated that she didn't want them having sex strictly for the sake of fucking. She should have encouraged them to have sex as a means of strengthening their emotional connection by making love to each other. But I still rated it 5/5.

Frankie1952Frankie1952about 2 years ago

Fantastic story, so glad you followed up. Will this really end when summer does? Maybe they just cant stop and end up living together as a couple and surprise a baby comes along.

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