My Sister Made Me Ch. 04


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She frowned when she thought about talking to Pastor Dan. She'd been very cross with him following the time that she helped him achieve a release three times. He'd been so verbally abusive and almost violent when she'd given him a blowjob; and he made her say those awful things, too! The next week, she'd made a point not to go see him, and only gave him a single blowjob on Sunday. He'd sensed that she was angry though, and they had talked.

Pastor Dan explained that people have all sorts of sexual preferences. His wife hadn't let him explore his preferences with her very much, and he said that he was so thankful that Samantha was there to help him. She'd been touched by his sentiment, and was so grateful to be allowed to help him with his problem. The following three Sundays, Pastor Dan was very sweet and soft with her and her mouth, instead of the angry session like before, though he still seemed to enjoy restraining her with the leather wrist cuffs.

She smiled, drawn from her reverie as the door opened. A foursome came in this time, and she saw that they were regulars that had come in before when she was working.

"Kimber or Rachel," one of the wives said after glancing at the board. Sam smiled and checked her chart.

"Follow me," she said, leading them through the restaurant. She sensed the group admiring her cleavage, but walked past them to the topless room.

She'd honestly stopped noticing, for the most part, when people looked at her cleavage. She didn't really have all that much anyways since she was only a 36 B. One of the other waitresses must have sensed her cluelessness on her first real day out of training, and helped her while she was getting dressed.

"Oh, sweetie, you are just the most naive, adorable thing," Kara had said after looking her over. She was a pretty redhead, shorter than Sam. "It's simple, sugar," she'd said. "Like the description of the restaurant says, we know that men and women come here to see cleavage and boobs. So we have to provide that for them if we expect to get tips. The more they can see, the bigger our tips are. Here..."

To Sam's surprise, Kara had reached up and untied her top and looked at her bra. "Well, if you're planning on working out, that bra would be fine."

Sam had looked down at the sports bra she put on, and then back up.

"You shouldn't wear a bra with these tops anyways, but if you're going to, we'll have to do something about it." The next day, Kara had taken her shopping for new bras after class, and had helped her pick some black ones that would go with the outfit. Sam felt positively naughty trying them on. Black was such a risqué color!

The first day, though, she'd been forced to go without one, but Kara said it would be okay since it was just the one time. Kara had held up a towel so that she could pull the sports bra off, and then had helped her position everything correctly when Sam had gotten the top back on.

After being shown the right bra to wear, Sam was surprised at how much bigger her breasts looked than they had before. She was almost embarrassed at how much she had now! The bra took a little bit to get used to, but it seemed to push her breasts up so that she seemed to have more cleavage.

Her pale blue top was very low-cut, almost to the top of where her areola would be if she wasn't wearing a bra. That first day, she kept having to check and make sure she wasn't accidentally flashing anyone. Her bra, a lacy black number that Kara had said would look dynamite, was very clear above the line of her top, but of the other girls that wore bra's, all of them looked the same, so she supposed it was okay. There were sometimes that Sam bent over that she could feel a cool breeze on her breasts and she knew she must be accidentally showing them.

Still, the guilt she was feeling made her think she had to tell someone what was going on, at least with work. She kept thinking about her parents finding out that she was working in such a risqué restaurant. Saturday rolled around and she finally decided that she'd tell Alex, or maybe Toni, but when the time came, she chickened out.

Now, at work on Sunday afternoon, she was feeling more than a little conflicted. She'd always been an honest girl, and now she was lying to her parents, even if it was lying by omission. The only thought that seemed to help was that maybe Pastor Dan had some more advice for her. This helpful symbiotic relationship that had formed between the two was odd, for sure, but it seemed to help both of them, so where was the harm in it?

After she left her sister's room, she went and got ready for her date. A little while later, Keith had arrived to pick her up for their movie.

During the show, she must have been distracted, as she let Keith put his hand far too high on her thigh. When she finally realized that he was slowly approaching her upper thigh, she gently grabbed his hand and held it, moving them over to his lap.

After he drove her home, he asked if he could come in and they could kiss a little bit.

"You're just wanting to see my breasts again," she said, smirking at him.

He shrugged. "I just... I really enjoyed it and it's been like 3 months."

"It's been five weeks, Keith Michael," she admonished. "I'll think about letting you come over tomorrow after I help out Pastor Dan."

He smiled widely and leaned in to kiss her on the cheek.

Stepping inside, she sighed and closed the door, shaking her head. Boys and men really were all the same, she supposed.

"Always with the breasts," she said, sighing. Trudging upstairs, she took a quick shower and slipped into bed.

The next day, she attended church as normal and then stopped by Pastor Dan's office to help him out. She could tell that he wanted her help with a release, but she was determined to talk to him as well. First thing was first, though, and she focused on finishing her work.

Behind her, she felt his presence grow closer, but steeled herself to focus on her work. He moved around behind her a little, and then she felt his warm lips on her neck. A smile found her lips.

"Pastor Dan..." she sighed. "I've got to finish."

He chuckled and kissed her a few more times. "I've just missed you, angel."

She turned and smiled, letting him kiss her briefly. "I've missed you too."

He apparently decided to let her finish though, as he moved back away and went to his office.

She steeled resolve again and focused back on her work. A few minutes later, she closed everything and put it away, shutting down the computer. Standing, she stepped gingerly over to his office and peeked in.

He looked up and smiled. "All finished?"

She nodded. "When we finish, I'd like to talk to you about something that's been bothering me."

He looked at her and cocked his head, showing concern. "What's the matter my sweet?"

She shrugged and turned, moving to the door of the outer office and shutting it. Locking it with a flick of a finger, she turned back and knelt on the ground, putting her arms behind her and facing away from Pastor Dan. She felt him kneel behind her and gently take both of her arms, placing the restraint on them and then fitting her with the blindfold.

"I just..." she started. "I'm feeling guilty about not telling my parents about where I work, you know?"

He sighed and came around. She heard a zipper being opened and parted her lips in anticipation. She felt her pussy grow a little squishy in her panties at the thought of being able to suck on him again, but shook the thoughts from her head. The soft head of his penis brushed against her lips and she sighed, running her tongue across the underside.

"Are you wanting to tell them?" he asked, pulling free for a second.

She thought quietly for a second, letting him rub his cock-head across her pursed lips for a moment.

"I'm really not sure," she said. "I mean, I feel like I need to, you know? I might not be outwardly lying to them, but a lie of omission is still a lie, right?"

He grabbed the sides of her head then and she heard him rustling around, then his warm lips pressed into hers. "Sweetie," he started. "What would happen if your parents were told where you work?" he asked.

She thought again, this time considering the possible scenario of her parents finding out. "They'd be mad, for sure," she said. "I don't think they'd want me working there."

"That's for sure," Dan said. "I know your mom and dad, and I know for a fact that they most likely wouldn't approve of you working there. I think it's fine for a beautiful young woman to work at a place that allows her to use all of her God-given attributes and gifts."

Sam blushed at his sweet words, then felt the tip of his cock slide between her lips. She sucked obediently.

"Also," he said. "Think about what would happen after. They'd make you quit, and then ask you why you did such a thing."

Sam nodded, feeling his cock slide deeply into her mouth as it swelled to full size. He moaned somewhere above her as his pulled on the back of her head with his hands.

"Who was it that gave you the original idea?" Pastor Dan asked.

That thought hit her like a thrown brick. She extricated his cock and then sat back on her heels.

"I hadn't thought about that!" she said.

"They'd ask you where you got the idea, and my honest little angel would say..." he prompted.

"Pastor Dan suggested it," she finished.

"Exactly," he said. He turned her face towards his cock again and pushed the warm tip into her tightly pursed lips. Groaning in pleasure, he pushed deeply in and then slid out a little, repeating the move a few times.

"Then," he continued. "Being the honest person you are, you'd probably tell them how much you've been helping me out."

She pulled his cock out and covered her mouth. "Oh my! You're exactly right!"

"Do you think your parents would understand the connection you and I have, how much pain I've been in and how much you've been helping me?" he asked.

She shook her head, sighing. "No, of course not! How stupid of me!"

"Shh, shh, angel," he said, caressing her cheek. "You aren't stupid, just a little naive."

Dan began thrusting again, his cock pushing rhythmically in and out of her pursed lips. She sucked as he'd taught her, forming as much suction with her lips and tongue as she could while he thrust.

"That's it baby," he groaned. His thrusts became more frantic and she knew that he'd be coming soon. Sure enough, a loud gasp above her heralded the warm burst of semen that suddenly filled her mouth.

Squealing in surprise, she quickly swallowed the first few spurts as he'd taught her. He thrust deeply again, his cock still spasming and caused her to cough as the burst hit the back of her throat. She swallowed the mess down quickly, and then began to slurp and suck at his cock. He quickly undid her blindfold and tossed it to the couch. She didn't stop, though, continuing her desperate search for more of his yummy cum.

Finally able to see, she licked the tip of his cock where another little drop of cum had emerged and pulled it into her mouth. Rolling what she had around on her tongue, she briefly marveled at how she'd gotten used to the taste, how much she almost enjoyed it. Swallowing what she had, she opened her lips and swallowed as much of his cock as she could, slurping and sucking as he extricated.

His shaft clean, he pulled up his underwear and pants and then removed her restraints.

"Thank you, beautiful," he said.

"I can't believe I didn't think of that," Sam said, sighing. She felt even worse now.

Pastor Dan turned and walked her to the bathroom. "Go in, clean up, and we'll talk this through."

Sam did just that. She washed her face and rinsed her mouth, restyled her hair and then went in to his office. Pastor Dan was sitting at his desk and had her come in and sit on his lap.

"Sweetie," he said, brushing her hair from her face. "Do you like your job?" he asked.

She nodded. "It's a little weird getting used to people staring at my breasts and my cleavage," she said, "But it's fun, I guess."

He smiled. "Work isn't always fun," he said. "You're lucky to have a job that you can consider fun."

She nodded, still sullen.

"What you're experiencing is another form of growing pains," he said. "How old are you?"

She sighed. "I'm 18."

"Right," he said. "So, you can vote, you can serve in the Military, you are legally an adult, right?"

She nodded, not quite sure where he was going with this.

"You don't need your parent's permission," he said.

She nodded again. "I know, but it's more than that."

"I know, baby," he said. "I'm getting there."

She apologized and fell silent. Pastor Dan had moved his hand up and was gently fondling one of her breasts.

He must not realize what he's doing," she thought. She let it slide, focusing on what he was saying.

"You feel bad for not telling your parents because you feel like it's lying to them. But what problem do you think they'd have with it?" he asked.

She looked at him incredulously.

"Right, the clothes," he said, smiling. "But do you feel unsafe there?"

She thought about it and shook her head. "No, not at all."

"So what other reason could they have?" he asked. "They don't think you're ugly."

She shook her head.

"So they really have no reason to worry, so why would you want to make them?" he asked.

She smiled. "That's a really good point. I mean, I'm safe, the job is fun, and I'm making some really good money!"

"Exactly, sweetheart!" he said.

"You always know what to say, Pastor Dan," she said, leaning over to kiss him. He'd continued groping her breast and she glanced down at his hand and then back up at him.

He smiled. "I don't know how young Keith resists," he said.

Sam smiled. "He doesn't really. I know he wants to move further... sexually..." she said, whispering the word, "But I'm just not sure that's such a good idea."

Pastor Dan sighed. "Yes," he said, his hand at his chin in a pensive pose. "You don't want him to get the wrong idea, but you don't want him running off to find another girl."

She nodded. "I mean, I know we can't have sex, and I don't think I'm ready to give him oral sex yet."

Pastor Dan nodded, patting her on the back with his other hand. "You certainly shouldn't, not yet, I think."

She sighed. "Oh, Pastor Dan," she said, sighing. "He's going to leave me isn't he?"

"There there, angel," he replied. "He's a nice boy and I doubt he's going anywhere."

"But I know I can't go as far as he wants me to," she whined.

Chuckling, Pastor Dan shuffled her off of his lap. "Samantha," he said, drawing her face up to his after standing. "You can do whatever you like with your boyfriend, and your body. Like I told you before, people have always used religion to further their own agendas. If you and Keith are happy and want to experiment with sex, I say go ahead."

She looked at him incredulously. "Pastor Dan!"

He smiled. "Or not! I mean, you can just stick with what you're doing and increase the frequency. Guys really like breasts."

She continued to look at him like he'd sprouted a second head for a few seconds before accepting that he was obviously joking. She did concede that he had a point about being topless. Keith certainly seemed happy when she let him play with her breasts.

"Maybe I can let him kiss them?" she asked, looking at him.

Pastor Dan nodded, smiling. "See, there you go!"

Suddenly, she began to feel better. After a few more long, quiet moments, she smiled at him and gathered her things. "Thanks for making me feel better," she said.

He came up and kissed her on the cheek. "Thanks for making me feel better, angel."

She smiled, blushing at his sweet demeanor, and turned to leave.

"So you're going to let him play with your breasts more?" Pastor Dan confirmed.

She nodded, "Yes, I think so."

"Good girl," he said, smiling.

She waved goodbye as she unlocked the door to the office and left. Mr. Gutierrez, the janitor, looked up at her from down the hallway and waved.

Clip-clopping down the long corridor, she smiled when she thought of how much better she felt. She was going to let Keith go a little further, without hurting her relationship with God, and she even felt better about not telling her mom and dad about her job. She still had to figure out a way to wash her work clothes without her mom noticing.

She thought of her sisters then, and smiled. "Toni," she said aloud to no one. As she passed Mr. Gutierrez, he continued to smile at her, an odd look on his face.

"Have a good day," she said sweetly.

"Si, you too," he replied. She walked past him and glanced back as she turned the corner. He was still smiling and watching her. She shrugged and continued on to her car. She'd been getting more stares at work lately and she figured maybe she was carrying herself differently since she actually considered herself a little provocatively sexy at times now. Even that thought caused her to blush a little.

Heading home, she pulled in to the driveway and went inside. Heading upstairs, she heard music coming from Toni's room and gently knocked on the door.

"It's open," came her sister's voice from within.

Sam gingerly opened the door, not wanting to catch her sister in a delicate state of undress. "It's Sam," she called, tiptoeing in.

Toni looked at her flatly in her normal, semi-hostile manner. Sam glanced over and saw Alex sitting on the bed reading a woman's magazine. She looked up and smiled.

"Hey Sam," Alex called. "What's up?"

Suddenly nervous again, as she'd been every time she tried to talk to her sisters about this issue, she clammed up and shifted nervously back and forth.

Sighing, Toni stood and pulled her into the room and sat her in the chair at her desk after pulling it over to the bed.

"You've come in here like... 12 times over the past week, always wanting to talk but never actually doing it," Toni said angrily. She looked irritated.

Sam sighed.

"Either tell me what you want, or stop pestering me," she said.

Alex nudged Toni in the ribs as they sat on the bed in front of Sam.

"What is it?" Alex asked softly.

Clearing her throat, Sam looked first at Toni and then Alex.

"Look," she started, "I'm sorry I've been annoying, I don't mean to be."

Toni rolled her eyes but Alex assured her that, "You aren't annoying. Toni's just being a bitch."

Sam shook her head though, "No, she's right. I've come in here a few times wanting to ask you two something and I keep getting nervous."

Toni uncharacteristically softened then. "Look, you might bug me, but you're still my big sister. You can trust me, and Alex."

Sam nodded, her hands shaking nervously. "I know. If I can trust anyone, it's you two."

"That's right," Alex confirmed, smiling genuinely at Toni as if to say "Thanks for not being a bitch to our sister."

Clearing her throat, Sam looked down, suddenly feeling shame and embarrassment for what she was going to confess. A minute of complete silence later, she finally looked up at the two expectant faces.

"I... I wanted to tell you that I got a job," she said.

"Jesus Christ," Toni said, rolling her eyes. "Is that all?"

"Toni," Alex admonished. "I'm sure that's not all. Let her finish."

Sam nodded, confirming Alex's assumption, and steeled herself. Determined to finish, she started again.

"I got the suggestion from... a friend... that I should check out Double D's," she said, nervously looking at the floor.

"What!" Toni said. She burst out laughing then and fell over onto the bed.

"I don't know what Double D's is," Alex said, slapping Toni on the hip to get her to quit laughing.

Sam couldn't contain her smile at Toni's infectious, full-bodied laugh.

Even Alex, still completely in the dark, started snickering at how hard her twin was laughing.
