My Sweet Canadian Girl Ch. 09


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The euphoric feeling of sex with a woman so wonderful that I couldn't dream of more, left me light headed. Her lips were like a soft wet butterfly fluttering around my face to land for a split second before choosing a new place to rest. I nearly fell asleep on top of her but stirred when my head started to droop and rolled off her blinking my eyes rapidly. Cassie kissed me and whispered her love for me. It made me smile and her fingers tracing the smile on my lips made me smile wider still. She slipped off the bed and threw the covers over my naked body before putting on her robe for a visit to the bathroom. I was told myself I needed to stay awake long enough to tell her I loved her too, but I was exhausted and didn't last. Luckily, she knew I loved her with all my heart, though even that didn't seem like enough sometimes.

I woke up the next morning lying on my back. Cassie's head was pillowed on my left shoulder and her arm was stretched across my chest. Last night she had pulled her hair into a ponytail for bed leaving her slender neck and slight feminine shoulders bare. Shaking my head in wonder, I marveled at her incomparable beauty. Her soft skin felt warm wherever we touched and I couldn't help but think about her nipples, one of which was resting on my chest an inch from my own. Waking up with her sprawled across me like that had already started to excite me and now my cock filled with blood until it was at its full length, tenting the blankets.

As much as I wanted to make love to her, I maintained my discipline and carefully slipped out from beneath her instead. I thought I had made my escape without waking her but her blue eyes were staring at me when I looked back to her face. Soothing her with a gentle kiss on the cheek, I told her to go back to sleep and watched her huge grin as she closed her eyes snuggling into the warm place I left behind on my side of the bed. I got dressed and with one last longing look at my sleeping wife, I left our bedroom carefully closing the door behind me.

After a refreshing morning visit to the bathroom I went to the kitchen to start cooking breakfast. The first thing I did was start a large pot of coffee. Cassie and my mother preferred tea, but I drank it almost every morning and Lei would want some too. Once I had a cup of steaming coffee to sip on, I got one of our two frying pans heated up with cooking spray and set some sausage rounds in it. While they cooked, I measured the ingredients for a batch of pancakes and stirred some fresh blueberries in at the end. I started cooking them two at a time in the second frying pan, moving the finished ones to a baking dish in the oven set to a low heat. The last thing I had to cook was a pan of scrambled eggs, toast, and a kettle of hot water for their tea. I went to call them to breakfast just before pouring the eggs into the pan and hurried back to finish breakfast.

"Morning mom," I said when she was the first one to make it the kitchen. "Sit down I'll bring you a plate."

"This is too much for me Rick," she said as set it down in front of her.

"Eat what you can then. I'll be right back with a cup of tea for you," I said turning back to the kitchen.

"Thank you," she said smiling. "Good morning Cassie," she said.

"Morning Judy," Cassie said.

"Oh no you don't," I said catching her from behind when she tried to walk past the table into the kitchen. "Sit down I'll bring breakfast to you."

"He spoils me so much," she said looking towards my mother, her face full of guilt.

"You can't fool me," mom said with smirk. "I see how much you both spoil each other. If he wants to do something nice for you then let him and make sure you enjoy it. With jobs and..."

"And what?" I asked. Mom looked like she didn't want to say anymore.

"What were you going to say?" Cassie asked.

"I was going to say and children someday. Don't feel any pressure from me but I can't imagine you not being together forever and raising a house full of children. When that happens you'll have less time to dote on each other so enjoy it while you can," she said. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything. It's not my place to say things like that."

"It's okay," Cassie said, alleviating mom's fears with her sweet voice and endless charm. "I love your son very much. We talk about it all the time too. Believe me nothing would make us happier than having that house and those kids but..." Cassie couldn't finish her thought so mom looked at me.

"What she's trying to say is we have all the same dreams that you have for us but things are sort of on hold," I said but I couldn't bring myself to mention her father either.

"You're both young. You should be worrying about enjoying life right now," mom said with her reassuring smile. "Someday you'll be up at three in the morning changing diapers and wondering what you were in such a rush for."

Mom's words left Cassie wearing a beautiful smile and convinced her to sit down so I could serve her. As I filled my wife's breakfast plate, I thought about my mother's words. I kept hearing how having kids changed your life and gave you a whole new set of priorities. That was no reason to be less romantic and caring towards my sweet Canadian girl, it just meant I'd have to work a little harder at it. I had no doubt that it would be difficult but I only had to look at Marc and Julie to see how loving a marriage could remain after the children arrived. Cassie was absolutely tireless when it came to caring for the children at the hospital or when we babysat Matthew and Madeline but I was certain she'd completely outdo herself once she became a mother.

I returned to the table with Cassie's breakfast and found Lei seated with them now too. With a smile she explained she was going to get her own but Cassie had told her I'd do it for her. In a strange way, it was easier to convince Cassie to let me wait on her friend or my mother than herself. I brought Lei her breakfast and asked if there was anything else I could get them before sitting down. Mom and Cassie both asked for more tea through barely restrained giggles and I went to get it for them right away happy to wait on them after all the meals they'd cooked and served me. Taking my seat next to Cassie with my own breakfast in front of me I realized I forgot my coffee and was about to stand until she caught me by the wrist. Her face told me she appreciated all that I'd done for them this morning but she was going to bring me my coffee whether I liked it or not.

After breakfast, they insisted I shower first. It wasn't until I came back to the kitchen and found the three of them cleaning up that I realized why. Cassie banished me to the living room where I turned on the TV to watch the morning newscast. I liked to watch it as much as I could because it helped me learn about my new home. My wife did a wonderful job helping me adjust to life in Canada but there was so much to learn that it was impossible for her to cover it all. Cassie was next to shower and asked me what we were going to do today. For now I wanted to keep their shopping trip a secret and waited until my mother and Lei were ready to leave too.

Their faces lit up when I suggested we go shopping before visiting Cassie's favorite art gallery in the late afternoon. Of course Cassie was reluctant to go because she thought I was only doing it for them, which was right I suppose. I was ready for her protests though and explained this was my mother's vacation and we should be doing whatever she wanted to do. There was no way Cassie could argue with that and mom said she'd like a few more hours at the malls, even if it were just browsing.

Cassie chose Pacific Centre (note the Canadian spelling) because she hadn't taken mom there yet and it was near the Vancouver Art Gallery. On the ride over I asked Cassie how our Christmas shopping was going and she seemed elated that I was taking an interest. She had a carefully written list in her purse and took it out to show me the names she had already crossed off and those that we still needed gifts for yet. Even though I knew Cassie loved gift shopping for her friends and family, I started feeling guilty now that I could see how much thought and effort she was putting into it. I promised to help her get some names crossed off the list before we were done for the day and told her she could take me with her whenever she wanted. If all I did was carry bags for her it would still be a huge help.

When we arrived at the mall Cassie needed to visit the ladies' room before we got started. Mom pulled me aside right away and took a list of her own out of her purse. Last night she'd written down some ideas of things I could get for Cassie. When they were out shopping mom was making mental notes of the things Cassie liked and made a list for me. Before she gave it to me she made me promise to leave some of the things on there for her. Growing suspicious I asked if she'd given a list like this to Cassie too and she said it was none of my business, which pretty much answered my question anyway.

Reaching for my hand when she returned from the bathroom, Cassie led us through the mall. Between the three of them it seemed like we were stopping at every other store. While Cassie wasn't looking for anything for herself, I made note of anything she seemed interested in and even came right out and asked if she liked some of the clothes in the stores we browsed. My mother had given me a nice list already but there was no harm in adding to it. I wanted to make sure Cassie got exactly what she wanted under the tree this year. At the same time, there had to be some special surprises she'd never suspect.

I was instructed to keep an eye out for something for Cassie's brothers and my sister's husband Brian. Cassie figured I was better suited to shopping for other men and led me through a few menswear stores. I'd seen my father's name on the list still but Cassie didn't dare mention him in case it might upset my mother. Susan's husband was a bit of computer geek and would take me calling him that as a compliment. He worked with a high tech firm and spent a lot of time on his computer or fiddling with other gadgets. Cassie knew next to nothing about him so that was helpful information as we browsed. We passed through an electronics store and I suggested a set of wireless headphones that they had on sale. I knew Brian would like them and Susan would too, she complained about the sound coming from his computer room when she was trying to watch TV in the next room sometimes. Cassie gave me a peck on the cheek and thanked me for helping cross one of the hardest names off her list.

Marc loved to go fishing, something he learned from their father growing up. He'd already taken me once since I'd moved to Vancouver and we were planning another trip in the spring. I remembered the tattered old vest he wore on our first trip and that gave me an idea for him. We stopped at a store specializing in camping gear and found a new fishing vest loaded with big pockets to hold all his gear as he waded out into the water to cast his line. Cassie was impressed again and said I'd have to go shopping with her a lot more often if I kept coming up with such good gift ideas. Her other brother Jay I didn't know well at all so I couldn't think of something for him. I did point out a book meant to help men find a serious relationship as a joke. Cassie told me to be good as she smiled and shook her head. Even though she'd be elated if he split up with Tamara, Cassie wouldn't dream of saying anything bad about her to Jay and I'd seen her name on our shopping list too.

In between my gifts ideas, my mother found a sweater for one of her close friends she always exchanged gifts with. Lei's family didn't celebrate Christmas but she exchanged gifts with Cassie and Jana every year. They found a great sale on handbags and there was one they knew Jana would love. I didn't see what made it special but both Cassie and Lei seemed excited. Lei had spotted it first so Cassie insisted she take it and we'd keep looking. I suggested we get one for Susan but somehow Cassie was sure they weren't her style and mom agreed.

That seemed to remind Cassie that there was no better time to get my sister's Christmas gift then now while she had my mother's help. We passed a maternity store and they both wanted to look inside. Susan would be six months pregnant during Christmas and they knew she'd love to have some nice clothes that fit right. She was a part-time book editor for a publishing company based in LA and did most of her work from home. Still there were days she needed to be at the office to meet with the writers. Her job was only part-time because she was working on her masters degree in English and had classes three days a week. Mom said she planned to work right up until the baby arrived but wasn't taking any classes next semester because the baby was due only weeks before exams started.

Cassie blushed prettily when one of the salesladies in the store came over and asked if she was the one expecting. I had a little fun at her expense by saying not yet as I put my arm around her shoulders, before explaining we were looking for a gift for my sister. With her help we looked though what they had as we searched for some nice clothes that would make Susan feel good about how she was dressed during the last few months of her pregnancy. The saleslady suggested some knit sweaters that had just come in but mom was against those because of the California heat, which she found stifling during her pregnancies. Cassie settled on a yellow sundress that would be cool in the heat and mom bought a peach colored skirt and a top to go with it. As we waited in line to pay for our purchases, I whispered into Cassie's ear that I never knew shopping for maternity clothes could be so much fun and I couldn't wait to do it again.

Time flew by and before I knew it we were heading back to the car for our trip to the art gallery. Cassie had managed to find a gift for one of her close friends at the hospital as well. On the way out we passed a store that sold beauty products. We stopped to get a bottle of perfume to go with Susan's gift. I thought it would be fast but Cassie and my mother sniffed at one bottle after another looking for just the right one for my sister. Once they had narrowed it down to a handful of choices they started asking Lei her opinion. Even though she'd never met Susan, they nodded as she spoke as if finding sage like wisdom in her words. I found it bizarre but it was worth it if it helped pick the best gift for someone we loved.

We headed back to the car and placed all our shopping bags in the trunk before the short drive over the art gallery. Lei and I had both been there a few times with Cassie and she'd visited it herself enough times over the years that she could tell you where to find a particular painting if you asked. Cassie's parents paid a membership donation on her behalf every year so she got invitations to all their black tie events and free admission for her and her guests. I knew that after her horrible snowboarding accident the gallery was a source of comfort for her. One of her first goals during her recovery was to make it all the way around without having to use her crutches. That alone was enough reason for me to accompany her here whenever she wanted. I squeezed her hand and she paused the excited description she was giving my mother to smile at me. She loved looking at artwork and sharing it with new people whenever she could.

After walking through the facility for a couple of hours we were ready to leave. We stopped at the gallery cafe for tea and coffee, something Cassie always like to do at the end of a visit. Mom had thoroughly enjoyed it and talked with Cassie about her favorite things she seen on exhibition. Cassie and I were planning a week long trip in April to see Susan's baby and mom told Cassie there were great galleries and museums in LA. Instantly I felt stupid for not taking her to one during our last trip but she told me there were far more important things to do the first time we visited California together.

"Anything else you girls wanted to do today?" I asked as I started the car.

"I'm feeling beat," mom said from the back seat behind me. "You kids can drop me off at your apartment and do whatever you want."

"I think we're all still tired from last night," Lei said.

"You two are no fun," Cassie said looking over her shoulder and smiling at them. "Can you stop at the grocery store on the way home?" she asked turning back to me. "I want to cook dinner for your mom tonight."

"Why don't I take you home first? You can give me a list and I'll get everything you need," I suggested.

"Isn't he the best?" Cassie asked our passengers as she kissed me on the cheek.

By the time I got to the apartment Cassie had finished her list and saw me off with another loving kissing. The first item on the list was fresh salmon steaks and I knew without reading the rest that my wife was cooking her signature dish for my mother. I'd told mom about it so many times that I'm sure Cassie must have promised to cook it for her somewhere along the way. There were other things on there like fresh broccoli and cauliflower to steam, plus some breakfast items for tomorrow, and the ever-present case of diet Pepsi. I made way around our local grocery store with familiarity and had everything I needed in no time.

Cassie refused any help in the kitchen when I got back and sent me to the living room where mom and Lei were chatting. Mom had heard a lot about her too and was happy to meet Cassie's close friend who had welcomed me when I showed up practically unannounced to start living with my dream girl. I almost asked if mom needed a drink but I could see Lei or Cassie had already taken care of that. Cassie came to join us for a few minutes once she had dinner started and sat close to me letting my arm fall into that comfortable place around her shoulders. My arm brushed the necklace I'd given her in place of an engagement ring and it was a painful reminder of how much we were hiding from the people we loved.

Making frequent trips back and forth to the kitchen, Cassie called us to the table when dinner was ready. She asked if there was anything else she could get us and laughed when we all told her to sit down at the table with us. Cassie and I both watched my mother's face expectantly as she lifted her first taste of salmon to her lips. She proclaimed it the best salmon she'd ever tasted and I knew she wasn't just saying it to flatter Cassie. My wife is a great cook but she's so concerned about pleasing her guests that she always fretted until she was sure they were completely satisfied. For dessert we each had a slice of the white chocolate raspberry cheesecake from the other night with the woman making near orgasmic sounds that left me feeling uncomfortable.

Instead of going out that night we relaxed in the living room. I turned the Canucks game on and told mom she couldn't come to Canada during hockey season without watching a game. She said she didn't mind if we wanted to watch it so I set the volume low enough for us to talk over it. The moment they scored on the Edmonton goaltender Cassie and I cheered looking at each other with matching smiles. They'd never mean as much to me as the Dodgers but Cassie loved the Canucks and that was enough reason for me to cheer them on. They played most of their games in the baseball off-season anyway and her whole family cheered for them too, except for her father who remained loyal to his beloved Montreal Canadiens.

We stayed up for another hour after the game was over. My mom was telling more stories of me growing up much to Cassie's delight. She was filled with fond memories of my childhood and Cassie couldn't hear enough of them. It was only fair considering how many embarrassing tales from Cassie's childhood her brother Marc had told me. Some of them I could barely remember myself but if my mother had such clear recollections then I'm sure it happened just like she said.
