My Sweet Canadian Girl Ch. 11


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"I'm not sure I want to go any more," I said only half joking.

"It'll be fun," she said letting her excitement show in her voice. "You should wear your hat too," she reminded me before I could forget.

"Okay I'm ready if you are," I said returning from our bedroom. While I was gone she'd put a pair of sandals on her dainty feet.

"I love the new basket," she said when she saw it. "What's in the tube?" she asked watching me pick up the brown cardboard container that held the plans for our dream home.

"It's a surprise for you," I said.

"You bought me another print," she said in a voice that showed how touched she was by it. Even though she was completely wrong, I was confident she'd love what she found inside.

"Maybe," I said with what I hoped was a guilty smile.

"I love you so much," she said taking the blanket from me.

"I love you too sweetie," I said kissing her softly before opening the door and leading her down to the car.

"Where are we going?" she asked. There were plenty of city parks and Cassie would have been happy lying out in the sun at any of them.

"To this little place I know," I said.

"You know places here that I don't?" she asked with a smile.

"I do now," I said growing quiet as I drove the familiar route to the overgrown lot I'd already stared at for hours as I imagined our home full of love being raised there. It all depended on what she thought of it but I knew in my heart that she'd want to live there too. As we drove she gazed out the window turning to give me a puzzled look when I drove right past a city park without so much as slowing down. I turned onto the gravel road that ran though the undeveloped subdivision and stop in front of our lot. There was a scattering of tall trees plus wild grass and plants that were just starting to grow. The bulldozers and other machinery had already started near the main road but wouldn't each this corner of the land for a week or two yet.

"Where are we?" she asked looking around as I cut the engine.

"This is the little place I told you about," I said.

"I like it," she said smiling at me. "Nice and secluded," she added kissing me brazenly.

For weeks I'd been confident that asking her to marry me again would be the easiest thing in the world but my heart started to hammer in my chest when we got out of the car. Suddenly my mind was filled with questions. What if she didn't like the ring? What if she hated the idea of living here? Or didn't like me being presumptive and having floor plans made without even consulting her? What if she thought it was too soon yet? Cassie was stood next to me at the trunk waiting for me to open it. She could tell something was on my mind and used her soft touch to put me at ease. Once I looked into her love filled eyes I knew all my worries were pointless and I calmed down immediately. If I wanted her to marry me again, all I had to do was ask.

Cassie followed me as I led her away from the gravel road and into the mini forest of trees. I set the basket down and helped her spread the blanket in a comfortable spot. Slipping my shoes off I sat in the middle of the blanket and flipped the lid of our picnic basket open. Before I could even offer her a drink, she closed it and lay down next to me with her hand on my chest. Rolling towards me she kissed me deeply as her ripe breasts squeezed between us. Our hats got bumped off our heads as I held her by the ass helping to grind her crotch against mine. My cock grew hard almost immediately and began aching for the feel of her pussy around it. Then as suddenly as her wanton attack began it was over as she rolled off me with a slightly flushed face.

Sitting up, she leaned across me and pulled two ice-cold diet Pepsi out the cooler. She pressed one against the obvious bulge in my shorts giggling hysterically when I bolted straight up and grabbed it away from her. Taking a long gulp of her drink, she licked her lips and waited expectantly for me to reveal the menu for the day. I offered her a chicken salad sandwich made on a Kaiser roll and unwrapped one for myself too. I'd made them on small rolls to leave plenty of room for the rest of our feast. Cassie bit into hers hungrily having forgone breakfast and sighed at the taste that I'd gotten just right. As we ate them, I opened a container of store bought potato salad and offered her a spoon as I set it on the thin strip of blanket between us. Seeing the basket that was still filled with food she had only a single spoonful to save room for the rest.

We had a tossed salad of greens and other vegetables that I made myself. Cassie helped herself to a bowl of it next and fed some to me when I didn't get my own right away. While she was finishing her salad, I cut us some wedges from a small watermelon. I got juices all over my chin as I ate it and made her laugh when one of the seeds I tried to spit out landed on her leg. She had started eating a piece of her own and sprayed its juices all over us because she couldn't stop laughing. When she finally calmed down her sticky lips tasted sweet against mine as we met for a loving kiss. She was feeling stuffed for now, so I let her lie down on her back and lay on my side next to her. With my elbow on the blanket and hand under my chin, I put my other hand on her stomach and rubbed it gently making her sigh blissfully.

It was getting hotter under the midday sun, so I took off my t-shirt before shifting onto my back and put my hat back on to shield me from the sun. My shedding of clothes didn't go unnoticed to Cassie and her fingertips were soon dancing across my bare skin and combing through my chest hair. How easy it would have been to undress her and make love to her but there were far more important things to take place first. Firmly seizing her wrist, I pinned her arm by her side and tucked her hand behind her back where she obediently left it.

There was still enough food left over for two or three full meals yet and I reached into our basket for a container of ripe, juicy strawberries. I had removed the stems and washed them before packing them. Selecting a nice plump one, I ran it around her beautiful lips before letting it tumble into her mouth where I watched its juices erupt as she bit into it. The next one I bit in half before rubbing it across her chin to her lips where she eagerly ate it practically moaning as the sweet taste hit her tongue. Her hands couldn't stay contained any longer and they encircled my neck, crushing my body to hers for a fantastic kiss that left me shaking with desire for her.

"I want you," she panted when our lips parted. "Now," she added, thrusting her hips up towards me for emphasis.

"I have some surprises for you first," I said managing to keep my composure.

"Can't they wait until after?" she asked.

"No they should definitely come before," I said and something in my gaze convinced her I was right. Rolling off of her, I sat up and reached for the tube that held our future home. "Sit right here," I said patting the empty blanket between my legs. She happily took a seat between my legs and leaned back letting me wrap my arms around her as she opened one end.

"There's more than one sheet in here," she said feeling inside blindly.

"There should be three," I said.

"Three?" she asked looking over her shoulder.

"Just take them out and tell me what you see," I said.

"These look like blue prints, for a house maybe," she said before she was at a loss for words. "Oh Rick... is this... is... is this our house?" she managed to say at last.

"It could be. These are just some rough ideas I had Marc help me with. We can change anything and everything if you want but I thought this was a decent place to start," I explained. "Have a look at them and tell me what you think."

"Four bedrooms," she said smiling right away at all the space for the children we'd have.

"And some of these downstairs rooms can be turned into bedrooms when our children are too old to share rooms any more," I explained.

"I like the nice big tub in our room," she said tapping it with her finger as she tilted her head back to kiss me.

"I added that to the plan," I said proudly.

"That must have been uncomfortable with my brother making the changes," she said smiling.

"Not really, I just told him I was planning to gain a lot of weight over the next few years," I said making her burst out laughing.

"I love it and I love you," she said turning so she was sitting sideways in my lap and able to kiss me. "It's a big house though. Can we afford it?" she asked.

"We both have stable jobs, near perfect credit ratings, and no debts," I said. "On top of that I can get a great deal on a mortgage through work and we have some substantial collateral."

"Your money in the bank you mean?" she guessed.

"No I reinvested it as soon as I got hired," I said. "Remember I offered to show you what I did with it but you weren't really interested?"

"Vaguely," she said with a guilty smirk.

"Well thanks to the Google stock I bought, that money has tripled already," I said.

"That's over $100,000," she said her blue eyes bugging out.

"And it's all ours," I said.

"I'd tell them to start building it tomorrow if we had a place to put it," she said.

"We still need to sit down with Marc and make sure it has everything we both want," I said. "But how about here?"

"Here?" she asked.

"Right where were sitting," I said.

"I couldn't figure out why you brought me out here," she said smiling at me. "It's beautiful," she said looking around.

"We'll be surround by other houses but this is a corner lot so we'll have more space than most for a big backyard. We can plant flowers and trees in the front and build a swing set for the kids behind the house," I said.

"It's so easy to picture it," she said in a soft voice.

"The hospital is about twenty minutes away and my office is maybe five minutes more," I explained. "We don't have to take it but we have until Monday to decide, after that it's up for grabs."

"No it's not, this is ours," she said kissing me. "What will my parents think though? They'll expect us to be married before we buy a house. We're already husband and wife but you know what I mean," she said in the fretting voice she used when she was worried about something.

"I know sweetie," I said in my most comforting voice. "Worrying about it won't do us any good though. I know what will cheer you up. How about some chocolate cake for dessert?"

"I'm still feeling full," she said touching her tummy.

"I got it from your favorite bakery," I said without hiding my smile.

"Maybe a tiny piece then," she said indicating a sliver-sized wedge with her hands.

"It's in the white box if you want to cut it for us," I said leaning back. My eyes never left her face as she cleaned the knife I used to cut the watermelon and laid out two paper plates. I held my breath hoping it had survived the ride over as she lifted it out of the picnic basket.

"This is pretty small," she said hefting it in her hands. "Maybe I'll have it all to myself," she teased. Her smile vanished when she lifted the lid. The knife slipped out of her hand as the sun reflected off the ring nestled in the dark chocolate cake that looked just like a square jewelry box with its lid open. "Oh..." she gasped. With a hand over her mouth she stared at me, twin tears already streaming down her cheeks. I sat up and took the box from her, carefully lifting the ring out of the cake so she could get a better look at it. I hadn't even thought about what to say to her, aside from the obvious, but my mind was suddenly filled with words that came flowing from my lips.

"I love you Cassie and I want to spend the rest of my life showing you just how much. When you asked me to marry you the first time, I told you I'd dreamed of that day but in my dreams I was ready to tell the world about it. This time we can tell the world or everyone in it that knows us at least. I want you to wear this ring and let everyone see it. We'll stand in front of all the people we love and I'll promise to love you forever again. You're still Cassandra Helene Dumont for now but you can become a Kellogg this time, if that's still what you want. I just have one question for you before we can do all of that and everything else we've been waiting for. Will you marry me?" I asked at last.

"Yes! Yes, yes of course yes," she squealed crashing into my arms so quickly I didn't even have time to place the ring on her finger. "Oh Dickie," she said crying her tears of joy as she spoke. "I'd marry you a hundred times over. We can have everything we always wanted now. I love you, I love you so much," she said kissing me passionately.

"Should we see if the ring fits you before I drop it and lose it?" I asked making her giggle.

"I want it just like it is," she said as I was looking for something to wipe the chocolate off with. Until she sat back and held her left hand out to me I wasn't even positive which hand it went on. It slid onto her ring finger a perfect fit just as Harold had assured me.

I wanted to ask what she thought of the ring but didn't get a chance. At least she smiled at it before throwing her arms around my neck again. She was sitting on my lap with her legs around my waist grinding her hips against me as she kissed me over and over. Her breasts were pushed tightly into my bare chest letting me feel their warmth and softness through her shirt. My hat was on the verge of falling off my head again until I turned it backwards. Grabbing her by the ass I lifted her up and twisted my hips to reposition my aching erection. It proved to be pointless because she landed on it firmly the moment I released her as if she was hoping to feel my cock pierce her pussy through our clothes.

Lifting the hem of her shirt to expose her sexy body I was hoping to take it off her completely but her arms wouldn't leave my neck. She continued to kiss me desperately with the shirt bunched up just above her breasts. The white practical, everyday bra was further testament that she hadn't suspected a thing when she got in the car with me that day. I pawed at her breasts, squeezing them in their lightly padded cups and letting my fingers slide across her chest where they dipped into the valley of her cleavage. Cassie stopped kissing me and for a split second I thought she might tell me to save it until we got home but after a few deep breaths she was pressing her lips to mine again.

Rising to my knees with her clinging to me tightly, I remembered the knife that had slipped from her hands when she saw the ring and tossed it into the picnic basket before one of us rolled onto it. Placing her on her back, I was ready to tear her arms from my neck and begin undressing her when she threw a little more love into her kiss and changed my mind. Rather than lying on top of her I rolled onto my back and of course she came with me ending up in my arms. My hands quickly found the rear clasp of her bra where they hesitated to give her an opportunity to stop me if she wished. Maybe she was still incapable of taking her arms from around my neck but I took her lack of intervention as permission to continue removing her clothes.

Unfastening the clasp of her bra I felt the material relax. Cassie's lips trembled in excitement as I rubbed her naked back and kissed her harder. It was impossible to remove her bra with her shirt trapping it. I was able to shift it at least, baring her breasts by lifting it in the front to let then spill out. The feel of her stiff nipples against my chest made me groan and ram my cock upwards. We were out of control with lust; dry humping each other as our bodies mimicked the familiar motions of lovemaking. I was desperate to fuck her, to drive my cock into her pussy and hear her gasp. In my mind we were supposed to make love gently at home in our bed after my proposal but that wasn't going to happen yet. Later I would take her to bed and make love to her tenderly, for now I wanted to fuck her until she was out of her mind.

"Sweetie you need to let go for a minute if you want me to make love to you," I said tearing my lips away from hers.

"Okay," she said already pressing her lips back to mine and hugging me even tighter.

"Sweetie?" I said.

"I know," she said giggling. "I want you inside me so bad but not if I have to stop holding you and kissing you to get it."

"Hold on tight then and stopping moving," I said as I sat up.

"Can I keep kissing you?" she asked with pleading eyes.

"Of course," I said thrusting my tongue into her mouth.

From my seated position, I slipped her sandals off her feet laughing as she wiggled her toes against the blanket. I unbuttoned my shorts first and then hers before bracing myself on one knee and standing up. My eyes quickly scanned the area and it was still completely deserted. We were far enough off the gravel road and surrounded by enough trees that someone would have to come into our little clearing to see us. Satisfied that we had plenty of privacy to make love in peace, I held Cassie under the ass with one hand and pushed her shorts and panties (plain white to match her bra) down over her hips with the other. When she stopped clinging to me with her legs gravity took care of the rest leaving her naked except for the shirt around her neck and arms and the bra trapped by it. Even as I was kicking off my shoes and letting my loose fitting shorts and boxers slide down my legs, I was slipping a finger inside her steamy pussy.

Cassie shuddered in my arms when she felt my familiar touch in the most intimate of places. My twitching cock and I understood her urges completely. I rubbed it against her thigh making her whimper in response and happily gave her what she wanted. Lifting her with a hand on each soft cheek of her shapely ass, I lowered her drenched pussy onto my cock. She sighed in utter bliss, already starting to ride my cock as I knelt down where the wild plant life would better hide us from view. Before I placed her on her back, I felt around looking for rocks or other debris that would hurt her. Satisfied that it was soft enough to be comfortable for my sweet Canadian girl I set her down on her back ready to ravage her with my pulsing cock.

I had thought her arms might release me at last but they stayed where there were although a little looser than before to allow me space to move. Cassie flung her legs wide and lifted her hips to engulf every spare inch of my cock. I could have held still and let her frantically fuck herself silly on my cock but I craved her just as much as she craved me. The week with hardly any sex, the overall excitement of the day, and picnic that was part meal and part foreplay left me on the brink of cumming after a handful of thrusts. To be perfectly honest I'm surprised I didn't cum in my pants when she was teasing me throughout our picnic. Her lips smothered my words preventing me from giving her a warning and an attempt to pull out before it was too late was thwarted when she hooked her strong, athletic legs around me. Exploding inside her filled me with euphoric sensations that allowed me to avoid the shame for a moment at least. Slamming down into her with each squirt of cum, I kept fucking her long after spilling my last few drops but was forced to stop before she felt the joy of her own sexual release.

"Cassie..." I said in a distraught voice, the shame of having cum alone weighing heavily on me. "I'm sorry sweetie..."

"For what?" she asked smiling. It was obvious what I was sorry for but her reassuring smile was so genuine that for a moment I though that maybe she had gotten off too.

"You know what. I never like cumming before you do but on today of all days..."

"Are we finished here then? We're going home right now and there won't be anymore sex today? Is that right?" she asked in rapid-fire succession.
