Myths and Legends - Amazons Ch. 10

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Jake and the girls receive some unexpected visitors.
9.1k words

Part 12 of the 15 part series

Updated 09/13/2023
Created 09/11/2022
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Chapter 10

Village of the Amazons

Island of Theros in the Center of the Bermuda Triangle

Jake stumbled again as the small group made their way slowly toward the estuary to bathe. Instead of a massive hangover, when he awoke from is rendezvous with Queen Themys, he had an irrational sense of vertigo. Dried blood trickled from his nose and ears and his eyes were so bloodshot the sclera was almost completely covered in red. He had a pounding headache the further exacerbated his current affliction.

"You should have stayed in bed, my king," Tatiana gently chided Jake from his left side. Lenore clung to his right as he stumbled along.

"No, I'm fine," Jake replied with a slight slur in his speech. "Jus need to move around for a bit."

"You need food," Lenore said. "Do you have any more of those, what did you call them, meal bars?"

"Not sure," Jake replied. "I might. If I do, they'd be in my rucksack."

"Shit!" Sestia hissed from in front of them as she stopped. Her whip uncurled from her waist and glowing in hand, she took a stance ready for battle.

Jake looked up as his eyes tried to focus on what had the dark-haired Amazon concerned. A low, whining growl touched his ears and he tensed. "Ses--"

"I know, my king," Sestia growled. "We cannot kill her. But I will not stand by and let her take advantage of our weakened states."

"I'm not saying you should," Jake replied, the tense situation sobering his mind somewhat. "I'm just saying that if she does attack, it is vitally important that we don't kill her."

"I am aware, Jake," Sestia replied. "My mother visited me in my dreams last night. She told me of the Grak'gull's importance to our people. She told me to lay my concerns to rest and support your decision to tame her. She will not die, but I will protect you."

Jake didn't have a reply for that. The dragon-dinosaur didn't move from the path, and it appeared the two groups were engaged in a standoff as the creature stared at Sestia.

"My mother also visited me," Lenore chimed in. "She informed me that the barrier has fallen. She also instructed me to ready ourselves to leave the island."

Jake kept his eye on the Bitch, but shifted slightly to face Lenore. "She did?"

Lenore nodded. Out of the corner of his eye, Jake noticed the massive monster's head shift slightly, her eyes focusing on Lenore as well.

Viciously intelligent, Jake thought. I wonder if she really does understand us?

"What about you?" Jake asked, turning to Tatiana.

The beautiful redhead nodded and blushed. "She told me that though she was sad that I had to lead our people so young, she was proud of the accomplishments I made in the five-thousand years of my reign. She also told me that she doubted she could have done anything any different to save any of our sisters."

Jake smiled knowingly at the former queen. "I'm proud of you, too, you know?"

"For what?" Tatiana asked, confused.

"This might come off a little conceited, but I'm proud of you for passing the mantle of leadership when you recognized that you didn't want it any more."

"But, you fought me almost entirely throughout the process," the redhead argued. "You didn't want it, either."

"I didn't," Jake replied. "Honestly, I still don't, but for right now I'm the right person for the job. Your mother convinced me of that last night when she imparted her royal wisdom upon me."

"You mean she made you smarter when she fucked you," Lenore giggled.

"Hey, now," Jake playfully argued. "I was already smart. She just imparted some important knowledge while she was... um..."

"Lubricating your spear, pleasuring your mind into oblivion?" Sestia called playfully over her shoulder, keeping a steady gaze on the Grak'gull in front of her.

"Since you put it so eloquently, yes," Jake answered with a smile. Glancing over Sestia's shoulder, Jake noticed the beast had taken what appeared to be a relaxed stance as she watched the four humans talk. She perked up slightly when Jake glanced at her. "Like the fact that you're not the only survivors of the attack on Themiscyra, for instance."

Three gorgeous heads whipped around to look in his direction, totally ignoring the potential threat in front of them for the moment. Three pairs of eyes looked at Jake in astonishment; three mouths dropped open in unabashed shock; three sets of eyes began to water.

"What!?" Tatiana whispered in awe. "Truly??"

Jake nodded. "There are less than ten, and they are... a bit different from us. But they are out there."

"How did they survive through the ages?" Sestia asked, tears flowing freely down her cheeks.

"The same way you did," Jake answered. "The only difference is, they didn't inherit any abilities except longevity when the ritual took place. While you three gained enhanced strength and speed, better weapons," Jake pointed to Sestia's glowing whip, "and enhanced healing abilities, the ones outside the barrier only gained a stunted version of immortality. Well, in addition to some changes to their visual appearance."

"What kinds of visual changes?" Lenore asked.

"Well, there are two in South America right now that are in desperate need of rescuing," Jake replied. "One is a jaguar-woman and the other is a monkey-girl. They are both essentially human in appearance, but the monkey-girl has monkey ears and a tail and can swing through the trees as fast as a person can run, while the jaguar-girl has cat ears and a cat tail."

"The scouts," Tatiana mumbled absently. She looked at Jake with desperation in her liquid eyes. "How could I have forgotten about the scouts!?" she cried.

Jake cupped her cheek in his attempt to console her. "You couldn't have known for sure how many scouts your mother had in the world at the time. For all you knew, everyone was in the city when the Grak'gull attacked."

"No," Tatiana replied through a lump in her throat. "Mother always had scouts away from home. Sometimes as many as a hundred scattered throughout our known world." Tears flowed down her freckled cheeks as she cried, deep, wracking sobs started in her chest before being forced from her body.

Jake pulled the redhead into a comforting embrace as she cried. "There was nothing you could have done, Tat," he consoled. "Even if you had known, if you tried to reach them, you would have died along with the rest of your people."

The inconsolable queen just nodded her head as she cried on Jake shoulder.

"How many are there?" Sestia asked as she turned back to keep an eye on the Grak'gull.

"I'm not certain about the exact number, but according to Themys, there are less than ten left. Right now, I'm only aware of the two in South America, somewhere deep in the jungle of Brazil, and they are in desperate need of rescuing."

"How can we get to them?" Lenore asked.

"Unfortunately, right now we can't," Jake replied with a heavy heart. "We can only hope they hold out long enough for us to reach them." He looked up at the monster seeming to wait patiently for her turn. "For the moment, though, there is a more pressing matter that needs to be addressed."

Tatiana pulled back to look at Jake as she sniffled. She wiped her tears as she followed his gaze to the waiting Grak'gull. Jake release his freckled lover and moved toward the dinosaur with the dragon-like head. Tatiana grabbed Jake's arm, holding him back.

"What are you doing, Jake?" Tatiana asked with wide eyes.

Jake looked back at the redhead with a soft smile. "We have less than a week to tame her. Might as well start now."

Though she released his arm, she still protested. "Why not wait until you are in better condition?"

"Because time waits for no one, Tat," Jake replied as he came along side Sestia. "Besides, I'm feeling a little better."

Sestia put her free hand on his shoulder. "Be careful, Dikos Mou," she said with a nervous smile.

Jake leaned in and kissed her softly on her lips. "I will," he said when he pulled back. "No matter what happens, remember: don't kill her. Glancing blows only to get her attention if she becomes unruly."

Sestia nodded as Jake approached the terrifying creature. He took a deep breath to gather his courage, his heart hammering in his chest.

Be cool, he thought to himself. Project confidence and calm. It's just like flying a plane. He inwardly smirked. If that plane had razor sharp teeth that could cut a man in half with one bite.

Formulating a plan in his mind, Jake quietly hoped he knew what he was doing. As he approached, he lifted his left hand, open palm outward, toward the snout of the dragon-like head. The beast growled low as her lips curled slightly, showing her menacing teeth in warning. Slowly approaching with his outstretched hand, Jake watched for any signs that she was going to attack.

When his hand was less than a foot away, the Grak'gull's eyes flared in anger. Jake anticipated the snapping jaws as they shot forward like a bullet. Instead of her mouth snapping closed on Jake's left hand, it met his closed right fist as Jake punched the creature square between its large nostrils. Cartilage and bone gave way to his powerful strike as he twisted his whole body to add strength to the blow. Dark red blood trickled from the monster's nostrils as her bones audibly cracked back into place, her head jerking back from further damage. She let out a short, piercing cry of pain as she took a step back.

Jake's left palm was out and toward the Grak'gull again as he slowly approached. The dino's eyes were wide in anger mixed with a measure of fright as she watched Jake coming steadily closer to her. When Jake's hand was once again mere inches from her snout, she lashed out with her tongue this time, trying to snare his hand and pull it into her mouth. Jake stumbled forward with the unexpected attack, but used that momentum to deliver a more devastating punch to the monster's snout, right in the same place as before.

The Grak'gull wailed in pain as she threw her head back and retreated from Jake's advances. She turned away and disappeared into the jungle, trying to escape from the tiny human who seemed to possess the impossible ability to keep hurting her.

Jake turned back to the three women. Tatiana and Lenore were wide-eyed at what he'd just done, but Sestia grinned excitedly at him as she cracked her whip before curling it back around her waist.

"What the fock do I even need this for if you can keep injuring her with your bare fists?" the dark-haired beauty said with a laugh.

Jake chuckled. "I don't want to keep hurting her," he replied. "But she has to learn that she can't keep attacking me without consequences."

"Why do you keep holding your hand out to provoke her?" Lenore asked.

"I'm not trying to provoke her," Jake answered. "I want her to get used to my open palm being gentle, the one that's going to reward her with scratches or pats to induce pleasure, while the closed fist deals punishment. She's wickedly smart. I'd be willing to bet it only takes a couple more punches before she realizes when she tries to bite me she's going to get hurt."

"How can we help?" Tatiana asked.

"By helping me reward her," Jake replied. "I need to fish to use as treats for training."

"Training?" Sestia asked as they resumed their walk to the estuary.

"You know, like dog training. I trained my boys that way."

Sestia went wide-eyed. "You have children??"

Jake laughed. "No. My dogs, Badger and Butcher. I trained them using treats."

"Did you also strike them when they bit you?" Lenore asked.

"God, no," Jake replied with another laugh. "They're way too small for that. There are other ways to train dogs, though the process is the same with other animals. You have to figure out a reward system that they respond to and stick with it until they understand the difference between being good and being bad. For instance, with dogs, when they're good, you give them treats and reward them with love and affection. When they're bad, you scold them and don't make eye contact to let them know they did wrong."

"And the Grak'gull?" Sestia asked.

"Invite affection with an open palm while rewarding bad behavior with a closed fist. She'll learn eventually. With as smart as she appears to be, I'd say in a day or two at most, she'll be eating out of the palm of my hand. Hell, she might even let me ride her."

"You can ride me, Dikos Mou," Tatiana replied with a smirk and a blush.

Jake laughed as they stepped into the water and started washing themselves with the coarse sand. After bathing, the women began fishing and checking on the crops while Jake walked to the feeding area for the Grak'gull. He knew she wasn't far and was close by, waiting for her next meal. Sitting cross-legged by the feeding pit, Jake waited for the girls to bring the first haul of fish to the pit.

Sestia dumped a load of fish into the pit and Jake stood as the beast took a tentative step out of the treeline. Jake moved to stand between the dinosaur and her food. Well, this is either genius or stupid, he thought to himself. Either way, it's dangerous so I'm going with stupid. Then again, it's only stupid if it doesn't work.

The Bitch eyed Jake as he stood be her and her prize. Her gaze took on a menacing edge, yet she hesitated, almost as if she were waiting to see what he would do. Her eyes darted over Jake's shoulder for a second before returning to Jake.

"It's okay, Ses," Jake called over his shoulder without taking his eyes off of the Grak'gull. "You can go back to fishing. If she behaves, we'll reward her with an extra helping. I'll even help you catch them."

"Yes, Dikos Mou," Sestia complied. Lenore and Tatiana watched the dinosaur/human standoff as they moved about watering the crops.

Kneeling down, Jake hooked his fingers into the mouth of a fish that was still flopping on the ground. With the fish held in his right hand close to his hip, he raised his left palm as before and slowly approached the monster.

"Easy," Jake said softly, trying to reassure the beast. "We don't want to hurt you." He shuffled closer as he continued to speak in soft, inviting tones. "I know what it's been like but we're past that now." The monster's eyes darted between the fish at Jake's hip and his open palm. "We want to be friends. It's okay. We're okay."

When Jake was a few paces away, he turned his right side slightly away from the monster. Jake froze in place when the Bitch's head began to shift from side to side on her sinewy neck, trying to keep her eyes on her treat while also keeping a wary eye on Jake's palm. To try and distract her, he fluttered his left hand back and forth slightly.

"Just give me a little tap," he cooed. "Just a little tap on the palm and the treat is yours."

Jake stood his ground and waited to see if she would come to him. He continued to call to her as she took a tentative step toward him. Her eyes fixated on his palm as she was just barely out of striking distance, drool oozing from the corners and center of her mouth. She looked at Jake once before staring at his palm once more, drool dripping from her closed jaws. Ever so slowly, her snout inched closer to his open palm.

Jake felt a bit like Hiccup, standing there with his arm outstretched toward the monstrous beast. He didn't dare look away as the Bitch's snout inched closer and closer to his hand. His nerves sharpened to proverbial razor points, his muscles coiled in anticipation of an attack.

Abruptly, her snout nuzzled into his open palm in the same place he'd punched her earlier. Jake let out a slow breath he hadn't realized he was holding. Warmth flooded his palm from the sensation of scale-like skin on his hand.

"Good girl," he whispered with a wide smile. He took a step back, breaking contact with the dinosaur and simultaneously lowering his left hand and raising his right. "Good girl!" he shouted with an almost mad laugh as he tossed the fish in her direction. The monster snatched in out of the air and swallowed it in one bite.

"FUCK YEAH! GOOD GIRL!!" Jake screamed as he skipped backwards to the feeding pit. He snatched up another fish and walked back to the Bitch. "Again!" he called to her, holding the fish to his hip as his left hand raised again.

This time, the dino approached with minimal caution as her snout made contact with Jake's open palm. "YES!" Jake cried excitedly as he backed away and tossed the fish to her. "One more time!" he called as he snatched up another fish and walked back to her.

The dino didn't even hesitate this time as an almost happy chittering escaped her throat. She met Jake halfway as she all but smashed her snout into his hand.

"FUCKIN'-A, GOOD GIRL!" Jake cried happily as he quickly shifted to the side and tossed the fish toward the feeding pit. The dinosaur lunged for fish, just managing to snatch it out of the air before it landed on the pile of fish in the pit. She looked back at Jake as he cackled like a mad-man. Jake pointed with his hand to the pile of fish. "Dig in, girl! You earned it!!"

The three women were just hauling another net full of fish to the shore when Jake approached them with and excited smile plastered across his face.

"Did you see that!?" Jake asked.

"We did, my king," Tatiana replied with a grin. Jake's elation was infectious as it affected his three lovers. "Congratulations. You have managed to do the impossible."

"Oh, she's far from tamed," Jake said with a wide smile. "But we're well on our way to bonding."

Tatiana wrapped Jake up in a congratulatory hug, and Jake lifted her up and twirled her around as he laughed. Strong legs surrounded Jake's hips and it was at that point the King of the Amazon women realized his excitement was affecting other parts of his body. Slick heat enveloped his hard shaft as Tatiana shifted her hips and sank down upon him.

"Fuck," Jake whispered in awe as he froze in place, unexpected pleasure numbing his mind to all other thoughts. "You're so wet already."

"I am always wet for you, always ready for you, Dikos Mou," Tatiana whispered before nibbling on his ear. Her slick tunnel gripped him as she continued speaking in loving tones. "Allow me to celebrate this small victory with you."

Shifting her weight slightly forward, Jake lost his balance and fell backwards to the soft sand of the beach. Tatiana rode him down, still connected to him at the hips, and started bouncing up and down on him when he hit the ground. Sestia and Lenore giggled as they pulled the net full of fish past the two lovers. Bodies slapped loudly together as need intensified. In mere moments, their mutual bliss reached a simultaneous crescendo of euphoria as passion-induced pleasure crashed into them.

~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~

Later that evening, Jake sat on his throne--that's what the girls had come to call his flight seat--while a claw-footed goat roasted above a roaring fire. His stomach began to growl from the delicious aroma wafting from the cooking beast as he studied the animal Lenore had killed.

It looked little different in size and shape from any goat that he was familiar with. The major differences were the clawed, three-toed feet covered in an even mixture of fur and down feathers; it had a flattened snout similar to a moose or a cow; and its horns were multiplied by two. Jake still debated whether or not to call it a goat or a sheep because of its horns. Similar to a ram, it had one set of horns that curved in a circular pattern back and around its head. The second set of horns curved forward and around in almost perfect symmetry to the first.

A shadow loomed over Jake, interrupting the last rays of sunlight cascading around him. Looking up, he smiled at the perfect form of Tatiana as she stood over him with a hungry gaze. It never ceased to amaze him how just the sight of these beautiful women could stir him to full-mast in a matter of seconds, and this time was no different. Blood pumped into his cock, and as it rose seemingly with a mind of its own, the redheaded Amazon warrior licked her lips as she watched.