Natalie Part 34

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Natalie takes dad into the garden.
2.6k words

Part 34 of the 45 part series

Updated 04/24/2024
Created 02/26/2024
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Private comments are always welcome, I love to share memories. Thank you so much for reading my story and I hope you enjoy it xx Mica

Mum asked me if I would fill in an anonymous questionnaire from the pill people. She said it is very personal, but they have no way of knowing who you are.

I said I would if it will help her. It was online and mum sent me the link. When everyone was out, and I had the house to myself I sat on the settee with the iPad and started the survey.

The first few questions were just about me, gender, was I the same gender now as I had at birth, age range, ethnicity, religious beliefs, first two letters of postcode, that sort of thing. Then it got interesting. It explained that in the following questions 'sex' referred to mutual masturbation or penetrative intercourse involving two or more partners of same or differing gender. Crumbs.

Sexual Orientation,






I had no idea what 'Other' could be. I wasn't really Bi-Sexual, yes, I loved going with girls but I much preferred boys. What to answer was the question. Perhaps 'Other' would fit here?' I answered 'Other'.

Another box popped up, 'Please expand on Other'

I answered 'I prefer straight sex, but occasionally have same gender sex'.

Have you experienced feelings of high temperature, sometimes referred to as 'Hot Flushes' since the medication was first used in your household? The medication here was the experimental tablet mum was using.

I answered 'no'.

Did you masturbate before the medication was first used in your household?

I answered 'yes'

Frequency of Masturbation before the medication was first used in your household?

I answered 'occasional'. I wasn't really thinking sex before mum started her medication.

Were you a virgin when the medication was first used in your household?

I answered 'yes'.

If Not a Virgin how long before the medication was first used in your household did you start having sex?

I answered 'N/A'

If a Virgin how long after the medication was first used in your household did you start having sex?

Crumbs, I think it must have been about two weeks from what mum said.

I answered '2 Weeks' it was close enough. I wondered if Jase would get to answer one of the questionnaires, another thing to ask him when I next saw him.

What is the frequency of your masturbation now since the medication was first used in your household?

I answered 'none'. It is so infrequent these days I can't really remember the last time my fingers went walking down there. I had far too much sex to even think about masturbating. Hate that word, nearly as awful as wanking.

How often do you have now sex with another person or persons since the medication was first used in your household?

Well that was interesting, at least every day, but sometimes, usually, more than once a day.

I answered 'daily'

Do you use any forms of STI protection, ie. Condoms and Prophylactics?

I answered 'not usually'

Do you use any form of birth control, if yes, please identify type and frequency of use?

I answered with details of my three monthly injection, Sayana Press.

Please identify which types of sex you have engaged in since the medication was first used in your household.




I answered 'All of the above'

Have you engaged in multi-person sex, i.e. with two or more people at the same time since the medication was first used in your household?

I answered 'yes'.

If yes, did this involve multiple penetration, e.g. Vaginal and Anal concurrently, or Vaginal and Oral concurrently?

I answered 'yes all of the above'

Have you engaged in sex in a public place, i.e. where other people could see you since the medication was first used in your household?

The woods are public, but we do try to ensure we can't be seen, but, technically the answer is yes.

I answered 'yes'

Have you had sex where someone not participating has watched?

My bloody neighbour with his drone. 'yes'

If so, was this with your knowledge and acceptance?


Do you get aroused sexually when you hear or watch other people engage in sex?


Do you walk around your house nude or partially clothed, if so what is the motivation for this?

I answered 'Yes. No motivation but no need to cover up when everyone in the house has already seen every part of everyone's body'

Do you use sex toys, for example anal beads or vibrator?

Just the once, that doesn't count.


Do you use sex toys as part of sex with another person?


You identified in part 1 as female, do you wear a dress or skirt with no underwear in public, if so what is your motivation?


Has wearing no underwear in public ever resulted in sexual acts with a previously unknown partner?


Then there were a section of questions that I could skip if I did not wish to answer, it didn't bother me, I answered them.

Have you ever been forced into sexual acts against your wishes. For example, being forced to masturbate a man or woman, or use a finger to penetrate a woman's vagina with threats of violence or private images being published?

Well, yes, Uncle bloody John. I still dreamed of squeezing his balls so hard that he puked and died on his own vomit. And that bloody neighbour over the road with his drone. Anyway, moving on.

I answered 'yes'

Have you been raped since the medication was first used in your household?

John wasn't technically rape I don't think. I will assume it wasn't.


If so, was this a family member?


If so, did you report this?


Have you raped someone since the medication was first used in your household?

Really? What a strange question, is anyone going to answer yes? 'No'

If so was this a family member?


If so did they report it?


Are you currently having sex with someone against your will?

Another odd question.


And then we got onto the final section

How frequently do you have sex?


How many times do you have sex per day/week?

'About 10 or more times per week'

How many different sexual partners do you have per day/week?

'About 4 per week'

How many times do you masturbate per day/week?


Have you had sex with a parent/offspring/sibling since the medication was first used in your household?


Is this regular occurrence?


Is this with all/both parents or offspring or siblings?


Have you had sex with members of adjacent households since the medication was first used in your household?

Ooh, now, I wonder what has prompted this question, perhaps it isn't just us. I must remember to ask Jase if he has been shagging his neighbours.


Then there were the usual privacy notices and statements that my data and answers were not identifiable to me and then a consent form and then I pressed SUBMIT. Job done.

I would have gone into much more detail I think if I had set the questions, but then I don't really know what they were looking for. iPad away, it was done. I wondered if there would be more changes to mum's medication.

I was at a bit of a loose end and was laying idly on the settee thinking about letting my fingers do some walking, well the questionnaire had put the idea in my head. Dad walked in, "hello poppet" he said.

"Hi dad, what are you doing home?"

"I needed some time away from the office, one of the other teams are kicking a new project off and they are brain busting and it is loud, and I can't think, so I just left them to it. Not seeing Jase today?"

"No, he is busy, all on my own. I might go and do some studying, or I might just get the bus into town and mooch around a bit."

"I am going to have a shower, we could mooch around together after that if you like?"

Why not? "Okay dad."

I slipped my panties off and my top and bra, then put my top back on. I waited for dad to finish in the shower and then called him down, "Come down dad, you can come as you are."

Dad, taking me at my word, did exactly that, he came downstairs completely naked, his cock looking hard and ready. "All clean now dad?" I asked.


"Right then, come with me." I took his hand and opened the back door and led him into the garden and onto the lawn. "Lay down here," I said.

"What about the neighbours sweetheart?"

"If you want me to invite them to join us I will." I winked and as he lay down I stood over him, a leg either side of his chest. He would quite clearly see that I was not wearing underwear. I was sure that I was wet in anticipation, I hope that he could see a glossy sheen on my fanny.

I pulled my top off, I loved the feeling of the outdoor air on my breasts, my nipples perked up. "Now then dad," I asked, "what would you like first, a facial perhaps?"

"Well now minx, I don't really know what the options are, is that all that is on the table?" He smiled as he spoke.

"Well, as you have offered no alternative suggestions, a facial it is."

I undid the button and the zip on my skirt and let it fall, it caught at my knees. I lifted my left leg out of the skirt and the skirt fell down my right leg, puddling on the floor. Putting my leg back down I stepped forward, feet now either side of dad's head and slowly crouched until my fanny was right above his face.

"Perhaps in the future sir, we may offer you a golden shower,"

I had read about that on the internet, I don't know why, I hadn't been searching for sex phrases, it just popped up, "but today that would have to be a special request." I could not imagine how peeing on someone was in anyway erotic, but some seem to find it so.

I lowered myself some more, reaching forward to balance myself with my hands, and rubbed the valley of my sex along his nose. That was such a weird thing, his nose was hard, yet giving, and as I moved, I could feel his breath on me. I had started by pressing my clitoris on him and then as I moved, his nose slipped into my valley, and then at my opening I pressed down harder, and his nose partially penetrated me. His tongue darted up and licked at the really sensitive skin behind my opening, in front of my bottom crinkle.

I moved back and forth, pressing my clitoris, sliding his nose down my valley, and pushing his nose into me. I picked up my pace a little, going faster, and pressing a little harder, my juices coating dad's face, I imagined that his face would be soaking wet and the aroma of me would be all he could smell. I could feel the little jolts of electricity as my fanny was stimulated, and was tempted, oh so tempted, to mount him right there and shag him to completion. On my last stroke down his face, I stopped and stood up. I looked down and yes dad was totally soaked.

I stepped back up until I was by his feet and knelt down and then lay down, looking up between his legs. The grass was tickling my fanny and my nipples, but more of my attention was up before me. His cock, sticking up, hard. His balls hanging down, resting almost on the grass, just leaving a darkness beneath where his arse was. I shimmied up a little. And then a little more. His aroma began to fill my nostrils, clean, manly and so arousing. I reached out with my tongue and licked his balls, they twitched as I touched them.

I sucked hard and pulled his balls into my mouth, my tongue rolling his balls around inside his ball sac, and my hand finding his cock and resting against it, his cock jerked as I touched. I curled my fingers around his cock, my grip getting tighter as I squeezed his cock. His balls filling my mouth, now wet with my saliva it was time to move up, I let his balls fall from my mouth and began to kiss his cock base, my hand still squeezing his shaft. I pulled his skin down and watched as the head of his cock was revealed as the skin unfurled around it. Purple and shiny, so inviting.

I shimmied up some more, released his cock from my hand and took him into my mouth. Slowly I engulfed him, more and more into my mouth, filling me, down past my throat and he was fully in, my chin on his ball sac, my nose pressed on his pubic mound. I could not breath. I eased back and let air into my lungs, and then back down, stopping my ability to breath. Up, down, shagging my dad with my mouth, breathing, not breathing.

I began to feel an extra hardness in dad's cock, and I was sure he was approaching his climax, I eased dad out of my throat and my mouth and moved up to kiss dad, to let him taste his cock. I reached down and held his cock, I positioned it at my opening, and I settled down on him, his cock stretching my fanny, easing its way into my inner depth. Our pubic mounds touched, his cock was fully in me, and my tongue was sliding across his lips.

"Go on dad," I said softly, "shag me dad, shag me."

I felt dad begin to flex his hips, moving his cock a little inside me, it was not enough, this was not a position that made it easy for dad. I started rising and falling with dad, the movement of his cock within me now pronounced, I could feel the head of his cock as it slid inside my fanny, rubbing my internal crinkle, pressing hard at my depth, stretching my fanny, shagging me.

"Oh fuck Nat," dad panted as we shagged, "where did you learn this, oh fuck," and dad started to move faster. I have no idea where I learned it. I pretty much make it up as I go along.

My little electric friends started up, shooting between my clitoris and my nipples, and strangely my anus too, sharp tickles, my nerves tightening and spasming, my fanny clamping as we shagged on the grass in our garden.

"Oh fuck Nat," dad gasped and thrust up, almost throwing me off him I felt his spurts, one, two and three, my fanny coated and my climax rumbling through and my fanny clamped hard, dad's cock ejected, slipping out lubricated by his sperms to lay just beneath me. "Oh, fuck that was good."

I kissed dad and rolled off him and lay next to him. Looking down my groin was a wet white mess, and I felt the little runs down between my cheeks and towards my bottom.

"Look at the mess you made; you need to clean me up dad."

Dad looked over at me and smiled. He got to his knees and started to lick my fanny, sucking up the juices and sperms he had sprayed. He straddled me as he did so, and his cock hanging down and dripping down onto my face. I put my arms up and pulled him down, sucking his cock into my mouth, licking cleaning, swallowing his sperms and juices.

Yes. Another day ticking boxes on mum's questionnaire.

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