Need a Baby


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I relaxed on my back with Jenny cuddled into my side. We were breathing very hard, but slowly returning to normal. I was glad when my heart stopped thumping like a bass drum in my chest, certain everyone could hear it. Jenny was so rested she began to fall asleep. Certain we should finish the session and revert to a more normal life, I looked at our spouses who were still sitting in the chairs, on their hands. Although they were having trouble breathing regularly as the display had affected them deeply.

I stood from the bed and went to Lauren, held a hand out to her which she quickly grabbed. I pulled her to stand and follow me, whilst I nudged Patrick and gestured for him to join his wife on the bed. He actually thanked me, and did as ordered. He was lying with her holding her in his arms as she slept on, not taking his eyes from her as we left the room. Leading my wife to our bedroom where I got her to stand still as I removed her clothing. I don't think she noticed what I was doing as her eyes had a glazed faraway look. I pulled down the covers on the bed and arranged her to lie on it and snuggled her to me when I joined her. It was when her hand touched my dick I remembered I hadn't cleaned up after the sex. My last thought was that it didn't really matter as Lauren gave me a loving kiss before snuggling into me more.

Every night for the next seven days we repeated having sex, although we did not always have an audience. Patty would often be in the room as we finished so he could hold her. It was at these moments I knew their marriage would be okay. Jenny thanked me on the last day for all I had done. She and Patrick will always be grateful that I could be there for them. Patrick gave me a hug when they left to go home that last night, followed by one for his mother. He was almost in tears as he thanked us for our help. Jennifer's last comment was that she would let us know how it turned out in a week or two after her next period was due to start, or didn't. I wasn't sure if I would be pleased for her to get pregnant straight away or not. I would never do anything to damage my marriage, but having sex with a younger woman was a great experience for this aging guy. That was something you didn't get to experience in a normal life.

#4 Ronnie Speaks Up

Two days later Laurie and I were relaxing out back by the pool when my daughter strode to us dragging Tommy behind her. Lauren was first to speak as she welcomed them on their unannounced visit.

"Hello Veronica, Thomas. It's lovely to see you. Did you bring your bathers, it's a lovely afternoon to be outside. I think there are some inside that you left here before," then she looked closer at the pair, "Is everything alright dear? Are you okay?"

This got my attention as I had only cursorily waved to them after noticing them join us. I had been drowsy in the sun, not quite asleep but definitely dreaming of youthful breasts bouncing in front of me. I sat up, swiveling on the lounger to put my feet on the ground. I saw what Lauren was referring to as Ronnie looked livid, and Tommy appeared to be embarrassed. She stood in front of me, legs slightly apart and hands on hips like a bossy kid in the playground. Thomas was definitely uncomfortable at being here which really got my curiosity peaked.

I cordially asked, "Did you want to take a seat? Would you like a cool drink? Ronnie, should I throw you in the pool to cool down?"

Tommy apologized, I've no idea what for, but he excused himself and almost ran back into the house. I assumed he was getting drinks or bathers, or just hiding from whatever was going to happen. I glanced at Lauren with an eyebrow raised in a silent query, getting a shoulder shrug in reply. I turned back to my daughter who still looked like I had eaten the last Tim Tam chocolate biscuit.

"Ronnie, whatever is wrong spit it out before you have a seizure."

"How could you? Are you a sicko or something? I've never heard anything as gross as what you did."

Again I was left in the dark and had to force some information from her, "Well that explains everything. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. Next time I will make sure you never learn about it, or maybe get your approval first," I looked at her for a moment to see her stance hadn't varied, so with more aggression I prodded the beast, "What the hell have I done that got your dander up girl. If you don't stop this nonsense you can turn around and leave. We'll see you when you have a civil tongue in your head. Go!"

Her mouth gaped open at my change of approach and show of temper, and started to move away, but then held herself in place to harangue me some more, "Dad, how could you do it. You never even asked me what I might want. What about me, have you stopped caring about me and what I need?"

"What the fuck are you ranting about Ronnie. I'm not a bloody mind reader. Tell me or leave."

"You tried to get Jenny and Patrick a baby. You actually fucked her to get her pregnant. How could you do that and not bother about how I would feel. Did you even consider me in that?"

She had tears falling from her eyes now and looked more upset than angry. Lauren went to her and eased her around to sit in the chair she had vacated, facing me before leaving to join Thomas inside. I guess she wanted to find out what was happening and he might be more open to just saying it without too much emotion.

"For starters I'm not sure it was any of your business Ronnie. They asked us to help with something they couldn't achieve by themselves. Something personal and to me it was a beautiful thing to be asked. It was nothing dirty or perverted, we only did what was needed. If it needs to be done some more because things didn't connect first time, we will continue until successful. I'm sorry it upsets you so much, but I didn't realise they would tell you and I didn't consider telling you myself as it wasn't my place to say anything. So what is your problem with it that you blast in here with all guns blazing. I love you more than anything, but I will not be treated as you have just done."

Veronica began crying in earnest and slipped off the chair to be with me. I put my arms around her as she wept, waiting for her to tell me what was wrong. I had quite a wet front before she was finished, crying on a naked chest means there is nothing to soak up the tears. Her waterworks did die down and grabbing a tissue from her bag she wiped cheeks and blew her nose. Seeing my wet body made her laugh, which soon had me join her. With a corner of my towel she tried to dry me of her tears. By this time Lauren and Thomas had returned with some fresh cold drinks. They perched themselves on an adjacent lounger as we enjoyed our drinks.

I looked from one to the other noticing Lauren was smiling, guessing she knew what all the fuss was about. She enjoyed seeing me squirm on occasion when she had a secret and withheld it from me. Thomas was easy to get information out of, but would keep quiet when around his wife, unless she told him otherwise. That left my strong determined daughter from whom to learn what her problem was.

"Okay, we can talk about it here, although I would prefer it was inside where less ears are likely to be catching our words."

Seeing no objections for either choice I stood and went inside to place myself at the kitchen table. This was always a good spot to talk seriously. I don't know what it meant but Lauren sat opposite me with the other two to either side of us.

"Ronnie, would you like to start the ball rolling, considering you brought this to us."

"Yes dad I will," and she stopped talking, choosing to sit in silence as we waited.

Her eyes traveled between the three of us until finally stopping at her husband, when she began, "We want to have a baby too. We decided it was time for a family, and then we heard about Pat and Jen. Well we had already thought this as well, but I got steamed up because they got there first."

I was concerned about why this should be such a hot topic. If they wanted to start a family it was no skin off of me.

"Okay. I don't see why you would get so angry at that. Surely you know what to do to get pregnant, I thought by now you would have had lots of practice at doing it."

They looked at me. It was as though I had grown two heads and puked everywhere. Lauren even lowered her head and put her hand over her eyes as though disappointed that I was so daft, or just to hide her grin. Tommy became fidgety and was rubbing his jaw as he does when worried. Ronnie spoke and got my attention.

"Stop fidgeting Tom. Sit up a bit straighter and look like you should do."

Lauren dropped her hand and looked from Ronnie to Tommy and finally at me with a look of wonder. I just felt like someone had said the Easter Bunny doesn't exist. Those words of my daughter, that command of hers, was exactly what you would tell an errant child, or a sub you wanted to humiliate. Of course I am no expert as I'm not into humiliation, pain or anything along those lines. It surprised me that my own daughter could be like that though. I needed information that would set me straight as to what I was missing.

"Veronica," using her full name was the quickest way to let her know I am serious, "what's going on. Be straight with me, I hate stumbling around in the dark. Especially when I seem to be the only one wearing a blindfold."

She looked at me and spoke clearly, "Dad, I love you," she then gestured making a large circular motion with her arms, "I love all of you, even Patrick. But I love you most of all. You have always been the rock in my life. I know I must be more like you than mum, even though I don't really remember much about her as I was too young when she died. You always show strength and steadfastness regardless of what was happening around you. Even now that you don't know what is going on you keep trying to get to the facts. You controlled us and got us inside to talk about it. Nobody else suggested it, just you. Even then all you did was walk inside, we followed without a thought to do otherwise. I know you like to be equal partners with Lauren, and I think that is terrific and wish I could have that. I can only guess that Lauren thinks the world of you for treating her like that and letting her have a say in your lives. I said things that way because you live like that with her because you allow it. If you wanted total control it would be yours to take."

I was astounded at her words and not quite sure what to make of them. My attention wandered until I looked at Lauren. She smiled at me showing her love in her expression, but she also nodded to me showing agreement in what Veronica just said.

"It's true Brad. We discuss things and you listen and act on my advice only because you want it as such. I would gladly succumb to your will if you desired it."

She reached out a hand and held one of mine, my other hand taken by Ronnie. Both showing they loved and respected me in those simple gestures. Tommy sat back keeping out of the conversation looking down at the table. I was brought back to reality by Ronnie barking commands at her husband again.

"Sit up straight Tom. You know I hate it when you slouch."

My eyes widened as I looked at Ronnie, she nodded and confirmed, "Yes dad, I control our marriage. Totally, except for his workplace, that he must do himself. Despite what he thinks he is very capable and does do extremely well without my instructions. So, apart from Tom's business life, I decide everything else. He accepts and complies. It his decision to listen to me or not. If tomorrow he wanted a greater input he only has to talk to me about it. He won't though, it's not in his makeup to be assertive towards me."

I looked back at Tommy to see him looking at his wife with nothing but love and devotion, even though he had been lightly humiliated in front of us. He looked back at me when he noticed my attention on him and nodded to me.

"Yes sir, she does and I do. We love each other and I love how she treats me. I am only happy when she shows her love for me as only she can do. We have only ever let two other people, apart from my family, know the details of our relationship, I'm glad we can share this with you. I get a bit down when I always need to hide my true self."

I found my attention had drifted to Lauren to see her looking back at me with a similar expression to how I was feeling. I was glad our ESP was working because she gave a minuscule shrug and nod, as though to say 'just go with it.' A smile let her know I understood receiving her huge grin in return, I loved my wife. Even though that means nothing in regard to this conversation, I just like to remind myself how special she is to me.

Having lost no more than a second in the conversation I tried to get things back on track, "So now we know of that, why are you here and specifically why have you been angry and yelling at me?"

"I was getting to that dad, until I got sidetracked. As I was saying, you are probably the strongest person I know and likely to ever know. I feel that it's the biggest shame that your genes were only passed to one child, namely me. Now that is going to be two children including the one with Jenny. I think it should be more so that the future has more alphas in it.

"I will say that I got extremely jealous and annoyed when Jen told me what she was doing. You never came to me and asked what I thought about it, and more importantly offered to help me too. I have wanted a baby with you for years and was thinking about how I could achieve it. That other girl happened to beat me to the punch."

I remained silent, keeping my attention on her, as she seemed to be building up to the ending. I was getting a heavy feeling in my stomach as I worked out where she was heading.

"Dad, Lauren. We, that is, Tommy and I want you, dad, to be my baby maker," smiling at the expressions on my face.

Lauren was first to react and asked, "Uh Veronica, you do realise what you are asking of your father? It's one thing for Jennifer, but you are his real daughter and there are all sorts of problems it could cause."

It was plain that Ronnie had anticipated this to come up and responded quickly, "Yea I know it's incest with all the B-S that comes with it, illegal, immoral, and fraught with dangers for the child. I checked these and rarely would anyone be prosecuted, and besides who is going to say anything. We don't follow any particular religion, and society is so depraved anyway there would be very few to care about what we do. Besides we are all adults and we all give consent.

"And before you say anything about artificial methods and other things, I will not have some doctor shoving syringes in me with some test tube creation. We are going to do the old fashioned method. You and me naked in bed."

By now my mind was working again, "What about you Tommy. I was concerned about whether Patty had consented of his own free will when we found out Jenny was the stronger of the pair. I would like to talk to you alone."

I stood and walked to my study remembering doing this not so long ago for the very same reason. I guess it was a measure of how dominant I must be when I just assumed he would follow. It even surprised me when I saw out of the corner of my eye that, not only did he immediately follow, but he never even looked at his wife for approval before moving. I turned and sat on the corner of my desk leaving Tommy standing before me, telling him to close the door as I perched myself.

"Tell me Tommy. Did you actually agree to this, or where you told to agree?"

To his credit he paused to think before answering, "Growing up I was picked on and bullied by almost all the kids at school, including younger kids. I was also subjected to my sisters and most of the women in my extended family putting me down at every opportunity. You get to the stage of expecting it to happen and think you deserve it. It was all done because I couldn't, or maybe wouldn't stand up for myself. I wasn't the only one as just about all the men in my family are like me, we are all destined to be submissive to our women. We even look for strong females to wed. The family business is possibly the only place we can act like we are like other males, although even there has oversight by the more business savvy females.

"I like myself and the relationship I have with Veronica. She fulfills me as nobody else can. But, and there is a but, I would never want a child of mine to go through the torment I suffered. Thus we want a strong man to father my children. If I did it there is a very strong chance that a bot would be a submissive person. My family tree demonstrates this, as just about all male offspring are submissive, or go through rigorous education by the females. Most females are naturally dominant types, or get trained to it.

"I intend that my children become what nature intended for them, be it a dom or sub. There will be no education by the other females as normally happens within my family to ensure he or she acts as they demand. Veronica assures me she agrees totally with me about this and will ensure our child is left alone by them. If necessary I will leave the family business. That would be hard yo and might cause all sorts of problems. But with Veronica's strength we can do it. I guess you can see that your daughter has helped me to gain a little backbone.

"If both sets of genes come from dominant people then it should give that child a good chance in life to be the same. I want this more than Veronica does. It just helps that she has dreamed of you for most of her life. Yes, she told me of her fantasies regarding you."

This had me stunned having never realised she felt like this towards me, but I pressed on with my concerns, "I gather you realise I would be having sex with your wife, my daughter. Won't that cause you a problem?"

Again he took a moment to respond, "This is to create a baby that I will parent to the best of my ability. You will be the grandfather and I think you will be great at that. I do not see this as Veronica cheating, or causing me humiliation on purpose. I am not a true cuckold thanks to Veronica, and she doesn't want me to be one.

"I respect you very much Brad, as a person, a father and a husband to Lauren. You treat all of us with respect as though we are all genuinely equal in your eyes. You knew I was a weaker character but never once did you make an issue of it, just accepted that I was your daughter's choice for a partner. So I want a child who will grow up to be more dominant than I could ever be, and you are the best choice to make that happen. Does that answer you? I hope so because I am almost wetting myself in fear of upsetting you by being too forward."

He joined me in a laugh and I put a hand to his shoulder as I thanked him, "No you spoke exactly as I wanted you to do. Never ever feel you have to kowtow to me, or be different to how your nature dictates. Thank you for being candid with me. Now can you tell your wife to get her arse in here."

He left in a hurry and very soon Ronnie joined me, looking a little anxious, "Was Tom okay. He looked odd when he came out, but I thought better than delay coming here to you to check he was alright."

"He should be fine Ronnie, we had a great talk, man to man, and I am impressed with him. He may be submissive, but he can stand for himself when needs be," seeing her relax with relief after being worried about her love, "Now, tell me why I should do this."

I was still perched on the edge of my desk and Ronnie got close to me and hugged me tightly as she spoke softly into my ear, "Dad, I have always wanted to be with you. You were all I had for so many years, and when I hit puberty it was like you changed overnight. Well, perhaps I should say that my perception of you changed. Instead of just being my big protective dad, you became a strong virile male. I fantasized all the time about what you could do to me. Believe me, you could have done whatever you wanted. Even now my pussy is wet, and I'm only thinking about you and me."