Neighborhood Secrets Pt. 03


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"Okay... umm... what do you want to do?" She walked over and sat her hand on my shoulder to comfort me.

"I... I don't know... what do you think I should do?" I asked truly wanting her to tell me and protect me.

"I could... I could reach out to Kim. Ask her to tell him not to say anything to anyone." She suggested.

"Do you think that will work?" I still didn't lift my head.

"I don't know... it might. It would probably at least work for a little while." She told.

I just nodded my head yes. Steph scampered out to the family room and came back in typing on her phone. She told me she had texted her and asked her to talk, as she took a seat next to me and sat her phone on the table. We both starred at it waiting for it to indicate she had responded.

"Have you ever painted your nails?"

"What?" I responded.

"Have you ever painted your nails? It is one of the joys of being a girl, getting to have pretty nails."

I couldn't believe at this minute she had decided to ask me that. The answer was no, but I thought about it all the time. I had considered getting some fake nails and trying those. Steph always had her nails done and lately so had Callie.

"No... but I have thought about it."

"What color would you pick?" She asked.

"Probably a pink or lavender, maybe red." I blurted out. My heart was still racing and my nervousness was causing me to feel short of breath.

"That figures... although with the dress you are wearing now you would have to go with a bright red. If you added nails, and some jewelry..."

She stopped talking as her phone vibrated and chirped and she immediately picked it up and unlocked it to look at the message. I tried to read her face as she did it.

"She wants to come over here and talk to both of us."

"Both of us? Why?" I asked.

"She didn't say... she also said she wants you to be dressed the way you were when Rob saw you."

"What. Why? No way!" I exclaimed.

She didn't respond and I saw her typing and send another message. Kim responded almost immediately, and Steph read it and turned to me.

"She said she would explain why when she got here. That Rob told her he wasn't going to tell anyone, but she really wants to talk to both of us while you are dressed." Steph's voice was calming as she spoke, and she smiled at me.

"What do you think?" I asked.

"I think I will support whatever you decide but... I think it would be a good idea to do it since we need their silence. To start with not granting her request, when we are asking her to grant ours wouldn't be good."

Again, Steph sounded like a voice of reason. I was also moved when she used the word- we in talking about this. This was about both of us, not just hiding my secret. She was my partner for this.

"Okay." I let out a huge sigh.

She smiled at me and picked her phone up and typed a response to her. When she sat her phone down, she turned to me and said.

"I am going to pour a glass of wine for me and Kim. Do you want one?"

"We just had two Bloody Mary's; do you think a glass wine would be a good idea?" I asked.

"Are you planning on driving anywhere right now? And it would be medicinal... help with your nerves." She winked at me.

She pulled out three wine glasses and opened a new bottle of wine and poured some into each glass. Right as she finished the doorbell rang and I felt my panic level rise again. I watched Steph walk towards the door. I stood in the kitchen trying to breath.

I heard Steph greet her after she opened the door and then they both seemed to lower their voice and I couldn't hear what else was said. I sensed they were moving towards the kitchen and looked at the opening. Kim's expression was one of shock when saw me.

"Kim, I would like you to meet Brianne." Steph said happily.

"My God...Brian... fuck... wow... I just fuck... Rob was right... you are beautiful. What is going on right now. Brianne?" Kim turned to Steph when she said Brianne, wanting her to explain that name.

My brain was caught up on her saying Rob was right you are beautiful. He must have said that when he told her about seeing me through the sliding glass door.

"How about we all take our glasses out to the family room and talk." Steph said.

I picked mine up off the counter and walked out of the kitchen. I could feel Kim's eyes on me as I moved and sensed her walking behind me as I walked out. I took a seat on the couch and immediately took a sip of my wine. My lipstick prints on the glass stood out.

"Jesus, you walk better in heels than I do. And when you sat down... how long have you been doing this?" She asked me.

"A really long time." I said quickly.

"Steph, you are okay with this? Wait... sorry... I don't know what I am saying... I am still in shock about Rob and now this... and you didn't say anything Friday when I was telling you about Rob?" Kim was talking really fast.

"It isn't my story to tell. As far as being okay with it... that is a much bigger question. Like you this was keep a secret from me and I discovered it in parts. Unlike Rob... Brian wasn't honest about it when I did find out." Steph told her emphasizing the wasn't honest part.

Kim looked over at me and I assumed wanted confirmation of what Steph told her. I just nodded my head affirmatively.

"We have struggled with it. For a long time, we just pretended like it didn't exist. When you told me about Rob I... well it caused some things to boil over inside me but that has resulted in us being honest and trying find... I don't know an understanding and acceptance, right Brianne."

Again, I just nodded my head yes.

"I have never seen that dress before is it yours? And those can't be your shoes. Brian... or Brianne? Do you have your own clothes. Are you wearing... a bra and panties? How do you have boobs?" Kim was still talking fast.


"I am sorry... that was rude to ask that... wasn't it." Kim interjected.

"It is okay... all of it is mine. And yes I am wearing lingerie and they are breast forms."

"Do you... well do you want to be a woman? Is that what this about?"

I looked over at Steph who gave me an awkward smile that I took to mean she wanted me to be honest with Kim.

"No... I am a crossdresser. I enjoy wearing women's clothing... and when I do I... I guess I want to be seen and treated as a woman. I don't want to live as a woman full-time, and I don't want to take medications or have surgery to change my body." I said honestly.

"Well you certainly look and move like a woman right now. Do you go out dressed up?" Kim's voice sounded a little less excited and worked up.

"No... but I want to. There are events for people like me that I would like to go to." I told her.

"So do you just dress up and hang out in the house with Steph. Does Callie know about this?"

"Uh... this is the first, or I guess technically the second, time that Steph has seen me in a dress. Callie doesn't know. I normally only do it when I know I will be home by myself."

Kim's eyes widened when I said it was the second time that Steph had seen me in a dress and it was Steph's turn to nod her head yes. I also thought I saw a strange look on my wife's face when I said that Callie didn't know.

"Really? So, you know he does this but just pretend like he doesn't. And that works? Why is he dressed up with you here today?" She turned to Steph.

"Yes... um... it doesn't work great. I think we both knew it, but we have just acknowledged that this weekend. That is why he is dressed up today. We are trying to be totally honest with each other about it." Steph said and smiled at me.

There was a long silence. We each took a big sip of wine during it. I set my glass down.

"Um... what did Rob say to you and is he going to keep it a secret?" I asked.

"He came in the house and looked like he had seen a ghost or something. When I asked him what was wrong he didn't want to tell me at first. I pressed him and because right now he scared to death of me, he told me what he had seen."

"Yes... but what did he say he saw." I asked.

"He said... I just saw Brian in a dress and heels. At first, I told him he had to have imagined it or something. He insisted he hadn't. When I asked for more details... he told me that you were completely dressed up. Then I said that must have been funny to see... he told me no, that you looked beautiful." Her voice got quiet as she said the last part.

Steph looked over at me and grinned. I was again surprised that I was happy he had used the word beautiful to describe me.

"Well, a girl likes to hear she is beautiful doesn't she Brianne? Especially if it is a guy that she thinks is hot saying it." Steph said with a giggle.

"What? Did you just say he, or she, whatever, thinks Rob is hot? Are you into men... are you gay also? Or Bi or something?" She whipped her head towards me.

My mouth had dropped open when Steph said it and I was still in a bit of shock combined with anger. My brain registered that Kim had asked a question, but I wasn't sure if I was supposed answer or Steph was.

"She is let's call it curious. At least when wearing girl's stuff."

"Curious? Curious about what? And you are attracted to Rob?"

I looked at Steph. Her eyes seemed to convey that she wanted me to be honest with Kim.

"I am curious about sex with a man. Mostly about what it would be like to... well to suck a guy off, and uh... maybe to be fucked." I was looking at the floor as I spoke.

"Oh... wow... really. Did you know about this also?" She looked at Steph and asked.

"Yea... I knew it was a... thing... I guess for him. We have talked a little more about it this weekend." It was Steph turn to be embarrassed.

"And you want to do that with Rob?" Kim asked me.

"No... I didn't say that. I just told Steph I think he is attractive. I am not attracted to him." I said defensively.

"Uh... Brianne has a thing for uh... cops and firemen." Steph smiled at me.

"Oh... that is funny and convenient. Trust me sweetie... cops are overrated, firemen I get, but give me a farm boy or a cowboy. And Steph is into bikers, which I am beginning to see the attraction." Kim laughed.

I really wanted to change the subject. First, I didn't want Kim knowing these secrets and second, hearing about Steph's biker desires didn't help my jealousy issues about Mark.

"You never said if Rob was going to keep seeing me in a dress a secret." I quickly asked.

"Maybe you should have him come over so you can ask that yourself. With how you are dressed and if you batted your eyes and flirted a little, I bet he would be happy to keep your secret based on his secret." Kim said.

I felt my pulse race and looked over as Steph. I was still shocked that she had told Kim that I thought Rob was hot. I still didn't have a confirmation that he wouldn't say anything.

"I still can't get over how great you look. When I found out about Rob's interest in trannies, I was shocked. Looking at the pics he had saved I honestly didn't believe that they were really guys dressed as girls. I figured they had to be photo shopped. I was obviously wrong, just look at you."

Steph smiled at me. I wasn't sure how to respond to anything that Kim had said in last minute or so. I looked at my wife and tried to use my eyes to plead with her to do something, to somehow take control of this and help me.

"Kim.... Can I talk to Brianne in the kitchen for a minute? We will be right back." Steph said.

"Uh... yea... I guess."

Steph stood up and nodded her head at the kitchen while looking at me. I stood to follow her, each step of my heels on the hardwood floor sounding like thunder. I was surprised that when I tried to steal a quick look at Kim she was actually smiling as she watched me walk to the kitchen.

When I walked in Steph was standing at the far end. Her face was some sort of smile and frown combination. I moved over next to her.

"Why did you tell her I thought Rob was hot?" I asked at just above whisper.

"I don't know... honestly that just kind of spilled out of my mouth. I am sorry, really." Her voice was a low as mine.

Her tone and facial expression made me believe she was sincere in what she said. I had been a little worried that this was all set up and some type of revenge. She reached for my arm.

"Listen to me completely before saying anything. Okay?" She requested.

I nodded my head yes.

"I want to invite Kim and Rob to have dinner here this evening with me and Brianne." I started to protest. "Stop, listen to me... They both know about your crossdressing; they have both seen you cross-dressed. Nothing new will happen at dinner tonight, except... we can ask them together to keep the secret."

What she said made sense, at least it made a little sense. I asked about the risk of Callie coming home and was told she wouldn't be home until later. I asked what I should wear, and Steph suggested we go together to my storage unit to pick something out. I finally reluctantly agreed, mostly because she seemed so enthusiastic about the idea.

She took my hand, and we walked back into the family room. My heels announced our arrival. Kim was taking a sip of wine and set it down on the table.

"I can't get over at how well you walk in heels." She said with a giggle.

"Kim... how about you and Rob come over here and have dinner with us tonight. We can have a face-to-face discussion about everyone's secrets and how it does or doesn't affect our friendship." Steph announced.

"Uh... I have to see if my mom can keep the kids a little later than planned. Will Brian or Brianne be here for dinner?" Kim responded.

"We were thinking Brianne... what do you think?" Steph asked.

"I think that would be a good idea also." She said as she pulled her phone out of back pocket and started typing.

I moved over to the love seat and sat down, tucking one foot behind my ankle as I did. I saw smiles on both Steph and Kim's face as I did. Kim's phone chimed and she looked at it.

"Okay... my mom said we could pick them up at seven-thirty. Can we come over around five or so and eat at six. It takes us about twenty to thirty minutes to get to my mom's."

"Sure." Steph replied.

Kim got up and moved to the door. We all exchanged a quick good bye. When they door closed Steph looked at me and shrugged her shoulders, smiled and winked. I picked up my wine glass and gulped down what was left in it while wondering what I had got myself into.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I'm loving where this is going. Every CD's dream is for their wife to be sympathetic and supportive.

CuckyJimmyCuckyJimmyabout 1 year ago

OMG! I see there is a part 4. I love how this is moving along!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


As a crossdresser myself, this would be a dream come true for me.

A sympathetic wife with a sympathetic girlfriend, both who seem ok with "her" fucking the girlfriends husband!!

Dani_is_a_SlutDani_is_a_Slutabout 1 year ago

An amazing, beautiful story! Brought tears to my eyes several times, but I'm an emotional person.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This is very very good…You obviously know your subject matter very well…Brianne is probably totally adorable…maybe she’ll want a husband someday..someone who totally provide and take care of her so she can just be Brianne many possibilities..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A very well written story. But it is clear that Steph and Kim are working him and Rob to get them out of the way so that they can bang the motorcycle brothers without interference.

robertw61robertw61about 1 year ago

Can't wait for the next installment!

OpenManOpenManabout 1 year ago

Can't wait for the next installment!

CriosCriosabout 1 year ago

Amazing, hot, slow burn. Living vicariously through your stories, fireandlace!

EricaDoesNowEricaDoesNowabout 1 year ago

Love this! So genuine.

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