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Terri put her arms around her daughter; "Hush, darling, calm down, let me think."

"What's there to think about, Mom? Don't you like Will?"

"Yes, dear, I do. But he's never asked me out. Well, by myself, anyway." She smiled; Bess thought of their 'family' outings.

"He's shy, Mom, but I'm sure he likes you!"

"Oh, I hope you're right. Tell you what. Invite him over tonight, fix something special, but you're such a wonderful cook that goes without saying. Anyway, I'll try to get his attention."

"Oh, Mom, you're the best!" Bess kissed her and ran back in the house to a window facing Will's. She saw Wanda Simmons leave, then rushed back over to invite him to dinner: "I'm fixing Cordon Blue."

"Sounds scrumptious, I'll be there!"

"6:30, then." Bess went home to start cooking up a storm. This needed to be super special!

Will rang the door bell at 6:20; Bess started to answer it but Terri said "Allow me." She was wearing a summery dress with good cleavage; her hair was bright and shiny, her makeup really made her eyes stand out. She opened the door: "Welcome Will, come in!"

"Hi, Terri, you look even more amazing than usual!" As soon as he closed the door she gave him a big kiss and mashed her tits into his chest. Bess thought Way to go Mom! His eyes nearly popped out. She took his hand and led him to the living room sofa.

Bess scooted back to the kitchen and began taking the food to the table. "Dinner's ready!"

Terri and Will moved to the dining room; "Need any help?"

"Just pour the wine, please." She'd left a bottle of Riesling to chill and set out three wineglasses; Will poured Terri's glass and his own but just a splash for Bess.

"Stingy!" she teased, not really expecting to have more than a taste.

Will and Terri praised her cooking lavishly and finished most of their dinners (and all the wine), but could hardly keep their eyes off each other. Bess noticed her mom was actually blushing! Usually Terri would volunteer to clean up while Will and Bess played a video game or started a movie, but Bess announced she was going to work on her website; "You guys mind cleaning up?"

"No problem!" they both answered. Bess could hardly contain her smile as she headed to her room.

Will and Terri carried the dishes to the kitchen, loaded the dishwasher and scrubbed the pots and pans. Somehow all this involved a lot of bumping into each other, laughter and phony apologies. Chores completed, Terri took Will's arm, draped it around herself and walked him to her bedroom. He couldn't believe this: nary a date in years but somehow here he was with the woman of his dreams!

Once in her bedroom she turned to face Will. He kissed her, gently at first, and she kissed back. They gripped each other tightly and their kisses became searching and hungry, tongues exploring mouths and wrestling with each other. She broke away; he turned to close the door, then faced her again. She turned around and pointed to the zipper at the back of her dress. He unzipped it and she let her dress fall to the carpet. Then she turned toward him -- and burst into tears! She collapsed into Will and buried her head in his chest. He held her, then guided her to the bed to sit while he knelt on the carpet. She continued to sob into his neck and shoulder.

After awhile she quit sobbing and lay back on the bed, facing away. Will stretched out beside her and took her in his arms; she snuggled back against him. "I'm sorry Will, I suddenly remembered the last time Cal unzipped my dress. I never thought it would be the last. I miss him so much."

"it's OK, Terri. You can cry on my shoulder anytime. Was he a good man?

Did he cherish you, and Bess?"

"Oh yes! He made me feel so loved, so safe, so wonderful."

"Then he deserves the grief of a good woman. Cry all you want."

"Oh, Will, you shouldn't have to compete with a ghost."

"Am I competing with a ghost? Or anyone, Terri?"

"No, Will, I can't believe I was so fortunate as to have Cal love me, and now you. I don't deserve two such men."

"Did Cal feel he was the lucky one? Because I sure feel that way."

He held her for what seemed an eternity, content just to be there with her. The daylight began to fade. He gave her a squeeze, said "Excuse me a minute" and headed to the bathroom.

When he returned she rolled over to face him as he stood next to the bed. "Make love to me, Will. Please?" He undressed himself as she watched. Will had never thought of himself as anything special in the looks department: only 5'7, straight, dark blond hair, blue eyes behind thick glasses, a trim but not muscular build. Terri, however, gazed at him through the eyes of love; she had, in fact, fallen in love, creeping up on her almost unawares, shy and uncertain until Bess assured her of his feelings. To Terri, Will was simply beautiful, inside and out.

He climbed in beside her, kissing and caressing her as he removed her bra and panties. He fondled her magnificent tits, kissed and sucked on them; then put a hand to her sex and began stroking her slit. She felt moist and hot.

A thought intruded: "I don't have a condom, Terri."

"Damn. Me neither." Then she chuckled: "Bess would just as soon I didn't use one! She's always wanted a baby brother or sister." Will laughed. She continued "Cal and I tried but I miscarried twice before he passed away." She closed her eyes and stifled a sob. "After that I told Bess I wouldn't deliberately bring a child into the world to grow up without a father."

Will took a deep breath. "If you want a baby, Terri, I'm all in. And I'm right next door and not going anywhere."

"Oh, Will...make love to me!" His cock, which had grown soft, sprang to attention. He guided it to her slit, gently pushed in, then began stroking in and out. She responded, moving her hips to his rhythm. Another time Will would've concentrated on her pleasure, but he sensed that wasn't important at the moment. He lasted maybe fifteen minutes. When he felt himself about to cum he tried to pull out but her legs and arms trapped him and he emptied his seed into her vagina. She kissed him and said "Thank you, Will. It's been so long."

"For me, too, beloved." She smiled at the endearment and they spent the night cuddled like spoons.

When Bess woke up she quietly opened her Mom's door; she smiled and closed it quickly when she saw Will there, his arms wrapped around her Mom. She headed to the kitchen to make omelets and coffee. Then she knocked on the door and announced: "Breakfast is almost ready!" When they came to the table they were hand-in-hand. Bess couldn't resist asking: "Am I getting a stepdad?"

Terri and Will kissed, squeezed each other's hands and answered, in unison, "Yes!" Bess squealed with glee and tackled them for a group hug. After breakfast she couldn't wait to share the news with her friend Janet; she was happy for her friend but Bess realized too late she might suffer some envy: her parents were divorced and her dad did little besides send a card on her birthday and a present at Christmas. Bess knew she was lucky.

Family Time

The next evening they enjoyed leftovers and a horror movie. Will had Terri on one side and Bess on the other gripping his arms and burying their faces in his side during the scary parts. He tried to act the strong, imperturbable male but in truth some of the scenes made him wince.

The movie ended around 10:30 and the two grownups bid Bess a good night. She had a happy, perhaps mischievous look about her but refrained from saying Have fun! or the like. Will assumed she was thinking it -- as was he! His heart was racing -- he wanted to make this night special for Terri.

Alone in the bedroom, Will decided they should clarify their intentions before indulging their passion. "When shall we marry, beloved?"

"Sunday? Or Saturday? I can't think of anyone to invite. Do you need more time?"

"Not at all. I'll check on getting a license and when a Justice of the Peace is available."

"Thanks, dear."

She had a glow of happiness about her, looking more beautiful than ever. They embraced, kissed and began undressing one another. He kissed and caressed her nakedness as each part became exposed. She likewise ran her fingers over his chest, back and bottom. He fondled her breasts; she unbuckled his belt, unzipped his fly and extracted his rock-hard tool. She gently ran her nails along his shaft while he licked on a nipple and then sucked it into his mouth.

His hands roamed down to cup her shapely bottom. They fell to the bed and kicked off their shoes; he unzipped her skirt and removed it. She pulled off his trousers and briefs. Finally he pulled off her panties and they each pulled off the other's socks.

Totally naked, he put his face between her thighs and began kissing his way to her hairy, unshaven snatch, covered in golden curls. She moaned softly and ran her fingers through his hair as he kissed her nether lips. Then he mounted an all-out assault with fingers, lips and tongue; she gasped as he sucked on her clit. He could feel her climax building. She screamed and convulsed; he redoubled his attack for several minutes before pushing her legs up and driving his tool into her tight, wet vagina. She convulsed again as he slammed his way in and out. He felt his own climax building; she stroked his shaft as he pulled out and his balls as he pushed in and finally unloaded into her. Will lay on her for a time and then moved to cuddle her back to his chest, thinking What could be more glorious than to make a baby with a lovely, loving woman?

Bess couldn't believe the sounds coming from her Mom's room! It made her happy, though -- her Mom deserved to be loved, and Will seemed to be doing a thorough job.

Terri and Will married the next weekend. Neither had much in the way of family or friends so it was a simple, quick ceremony in front of a justice of the peace; Bess served as Maid of Honor.

Will found family life with Terri and Bess to be wonderful. He sold his house; a quiet couple in their sixties with no kids moved in. With Terri's house paid for and their combined incomes they had plenty of money for travel and vacations. Their first trip was to Niagara Falls during Bess's Spring break; not exactly a honeymoon but very enjoyable as none of them had seen the Falls before. Will and Terri had discussed going without Bess but there just wasn't anyone they were comfortable about leaving her with.

The week after they returned from the Falls Will came home to find Terri looking pensive. He kissed her and asked "What's wrong, beloved?" She crooked her finger and led him to the master bathroom. She picked up a test strip and handed it to him.

It took him a moment but then the light dawned. "You're pregnant? We're going to have a baby?" She nodded and he whooped for joy as he squeezed her in a bear hug. She beamed and returned his affection, but he remembered her look from earlier. 'Is something wrong, dear-heart?"

"I hope not. It's just, well..."

"You're last two tries ended in miscarriage. Oh, my love..."

"Three miscarriages in four attempts. I hate to get my hopes up."

"I understand. But three miscarriages and one Bess..."

"You're right, of course. Bess more than balances the scales." She smiled and cuddled into Will's embrace.

Terri had a terrible time with 'morning' sickness, which struck her morning, noon and night. Will was mentally kicking himself for putting her through such an ordeal. She actually lost a few pounds of weight. Her doctor examined her and did an ultrasound and said everything looked fine and most likely the sickness would ease up soon.

Will was wiping her brow and face after another bout; she shivered and clung to him for warmth. He took her to the living room and spread a blanket over them both. She fell asleep, her head in his lap. After some time she woke and turned her head upward.

"You know, dear, I didn't have this much trouble with the last two pregnancies. I was sick quite a bit with Bess."

"We can hope there's a silver lining, then, but I sure hate to see you suffer."

"I did some reading. The sickness tends to clear up in the second trimester and the risk of miscarriage is much lower."

"How far along are you?"

"Twelve weeks." He kissed her and she smiled, feeling as if a weight lifted off of her. In fact, she had only a couple more bouts of sickness, and by fourteen weeks felt really good -- and really hungry!

Family dinners recently had often been just Bess and Will, but now Terri rejoined them. Bess cooked twice a week or so, usually with plenty of leftovers. They had lively conversations; Bess was allowed to use her cell phone only to look up things relevant to the table discussion. Bess enjoyed the grown-up conversation enough that she was in no rush to be excused from the table. She basked in the parent's sincere praise for her cooking.

Often Bess would have a friend or two over for dinner; Will overheard one say to Bess "Your parents are so cool!" She agreed, and didn't bother explaining that Will was her stepdad.

On nights she didn't cook they made do with leftovers, takeout or delivery; once a week they would go to a restaurant and once a month or so Will grilled outside, usually on a Saturday. Bess would limit herself to preparing the marinade for shish kabob or a salad or vegetable side dish.

Bess and Will continued their video gaming, and the three often watched a movie together, either on the huge living room TV or at the cinema. When Bess retreated to her room or went over to a friend's house, Terri and Will never tired of spending time together. He would sit near her at her garden or easel, content to chat, watch her work or read a book or magazine. Nights, of course, were incredible, whether they made love or simply cuddled.

Little Calbert, Bert as they came to call him, arrived almost on the anniversary of the dinner that brought Terri and Will together. All three were delighted to welcome the cute and cuddly fourth into their household. Bess would rush home from school to take the baby off her Mom's hands, even on nights she cooked. And then Will would look after Bert when he got home, or sit with his wife and son while she nursed.

Stepping Up As Dad

Will took an interest in Bess's social life and school activities, remembering high school all too well, the good and the bad. That period of Terri's life, after her mother died, held little but bitter memories of her stepfather's abuse. Will at first deferred to Terri with regard to any parental guidance or correction of her daughter, but quickly realized Terri had no stomach for a fight and shied away from anything that might lead to an argument. So he had to step up and take the tough-but-loving dad role.

One Saturday after supper Bess announced she was spending the night at her friend Janet's house. Terri said "Have fun, dear" but something in Bess's manner didn't feel right to Will. He stepped outside and called Janet's mom. She told him Janet had claimed she was spending the night with Bess! Will returned to the house and knocked on Bess's door; she answered while talking on her cell phone.

"End the call, Bess. We need to talk."

"Call you right back...what's up Will?"

"Janet told her mom she was spending the night over here."

"You checked up on me!"

"Blasted good thing I did. Where were you going, young lady?"

"I..I..I'm not telling you! You're not my..."

"Not your father, Bess? I never said I was. What I am is your stepdad, the one you practically hand-picked for yourself. Not many teenagers get to do that. What do you think your Papa would say to you right now, God rest his soul?"

Bess looked down, shame-faced, then raised her head. Blinking back tears, she said, "I'm sorry, Will. You're the best dad any girl could wish for. Ann's parents are out of town and we were planning to go spend the night with her -- just girls, four of us, nothing wild. I shouldn't have lied to you and Mom."

"Bess, darling, when word gets out about someone's parents being gone, things often get out of hand. Guys show up. Beer and liquor and drugs show up. Ann would be trapped -- call the cops and her parents would be notified. Don't call the cops and watch things spiral out of control. It just isn't safe, no matter how innocent the original intent. Sometimes, kids wind up in jail, or the morgue."

She gasped; her hands flew to her mouth. "Oh, Will, I never thought..."

"Sometimes, grown-ups know best." Will was only twenty-five but took his responsibility for Bess seriously.

She hugged him. "I'll call Janet and Ann and tell them I'm not coming."

"Good choice."

When he left her room, Terri was standing in the hall. She motioned with her head toward the porch. After closing the door she turned to him with tears in her eyes. "Thanks for taking care of that, Will. But do you think I only married you for Bess's sake?"

"No, dear-heart, I know that's not the case. But I also know that you wouldn't have given me a chance if you hadn't trusted me with Bess -- and Bess took the first step. Unless you sent her to me?"

She laughed softly. "No, you're right, probably more than you realize. When Bess saw another woman at your house she stormed home and practically ordered me not to let you get away."

He looked puzzled. "Another woman at my house?"

"Wanda Simmons," she spat out.

"Wanda...oh, the cherry pie. I'd forgotten all about that. Wait a minute, that was the day..."

"Yes, THAT day!"

"Oh, ho, so I owe Wanda Simmons a thank-you?" he teased.

"If you say one word of this to anybody I'll murder you in your sleep! And don't you dare go near Wanda for any reason!" Will could've sworn flames leapt out of her mouth and smoke poured from her ears.

He quenched the flames with a kiss, then pulled away to say: "Murder would be messy and inconvenient. I suggest you simply keep my lips covered so I can't say anything to anybody about..." She eagerly took his suggestion, her lips scalding his. He said a silent Thank you very much! to Wanda in his head. I doubt I would've ever had the nerve to ask Terri out!

Will and Terri did not have any close friends. On those occasions they socialized with neighbors or Will's co-workers he noticed she never left his side, and was curt nearly to the point of being rude to any woman who spoke to them. Will had thought her shy but after what she said about Wanda Simmons it dawned on him she was jealous! She wasn't clinging to him for support, she was manning the barricades!

As for Bess, she quit calling him Will. He became Dad. He felt privileged and humble to carry that title, and strove to live up to it. He couldn't have asked for a finer daughter.

When she graduated from high school, she told her parents she was taking a break from school; she wanted more time to spend on her website. Turned out she had developed an 'Unknown Artists' market, initially featuring some of Terri's water colors. Once she gave it her full attention it went viral and, at age 18, Bess was earning in six figures -- shades of her beloved Papa!

She had never dated in high school; Will reflected neither had he. That got him thinking where she might meet suitable men. There was a web designer's coffee shop a few blocks away which he casually mentioned one day. A week later she began spending time there. Several weeks after that she brought a guy home, about her height (five-nine), serious looking but friendly, dark-haired and beginning to bald.

Bess's story continues in Part Four.

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lexlogan8lexlogan85 months agoAuthor

Thanks all, I really enjoyed writing the original story (Terri and Bess) and then re-writing and expanding it here. Struggling with part 4, beyond what was in Terri & Bess. Wish I had more inspiration for romance stories! I read dozens of mainstream novels each year but so far this and the short Bert Bridges sequel are the only products of my own imagination. That was always my hang-up with writing: having something I wanted to write! Never thought I'd write fiction in any form.

inka2222inka22225 months ago

I started out with this part (i know it isn't the first) and it was very pleasant and inviting further read. Thank you!

Elaine_MatureElaine_Mature5 months ago

A nice complement to the previous story in the series! I love the sensitive way the family angle was handled.

Well done!

DunkirkDunkirk5 months ago

Looking forward to part 4

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

a one

AnnaValley11AnnaValley115 months ago

excellent - thank you

Boyd PercyBoyd Percy5 months ago

Wonderful story!


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