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Jenna was laid half over Dave's body as her head bobbed up and down, her ass right beside Dave's head.

His hand was between her legs, gently rubbing her pussy as he looked over at her ass. The firm, tight cheek that sat beside him had never lost its shape, or attraction to him. It was the one thing about their previous love life that had always frustrated him.

They both enjoyed foreplay, but playing with her ass, any kind of play, was completely off-limits.

But with her ass swaying right there, his hand between her thighs, something in his head said "fuck it", and he reached out and grabbed a handful.

The pop of her coming up off his dick was audible, as was the moan as he squeezed her ass, "Oh god, that feels good Dave!" she said breathlessly as he jiggled her ass.

Before she returned her lips to his dick, she shuffled over so they were sixty-nining and Dave's tongue found her pussy, while both of his hands took hold of her ass cheeks.

Jenna sucked harder with each jiggle and squeeze that Dave gave her ass, and after a few minutes that same thought came back into his head... "fuck it".

His right hand rose up and came down on her ass with a slap, Jenna's head popped up even quicker this time as she gasped and her whole body shivered on top of him.

A second slap caused her whole body to twitch, "Yes! Again!" she cried out as she dove back down onto him and he slapped her ass again and again.

Her ass was bright red when she finally came, and she returned the favour by sucking every last drop of cum from him as well.

* * *

Dave walked down the street with a smile on his face, Sunday was another beautiful day in the neighbourhood and life couldn't be better!

Well, ok, perhaps it could be better still, after all, his two sexy neighbours were still going at it every day like high school kids, but neither he nor Jenna seemed to mind the noise anymore.

As he walked towards the mailboxes he saw another one of his neighbours out on their porch and he waved to them. The busty redhead in the tight cutoff jeans and plaid shirt waved back and smiled.

A few minutes later he saw another neighbour, this time a small Asian woman wearing what looked like a cosplay outfit of some kind.

At the mailbox, he ran into another neighbour, this time a Latino woman whose ass was even better than Jenna's.

They made small talk for a moment and she flirted with him, before he turned to leave, and then it hit him. Was he the only man in the neighbourhood? Was any of the women in the neighbourhood over thirty? Were any of them not drop-dead gorgeous?

A sudden panic came over him and he ran back to the house. He burst into the living room to find Jenna sitting on the couch.

"Jenna, I have to tell you..." he blurted out, stopping suddenly as he looked at Jenna.

She turned around and smiled, standing up her hair was completely blonde and flowed over her shoulders, her makeup heavier than he'd ever seen her wear, and her bikini smaller.

"Hey, ready to go over to the pool?" she beamed at him.

"I... I..." he stammered but his dick had already responded as she walked over and rested her hand on the protrusion in his pants that it made.

"I see you are, come on, let's go! Cat and Dot are waiting for us." she replied and then hooked a finger under his belt and pulled him towards the door.

Chapter 5 - Fourth Weekend

Dave was still having a hard time getting his head around what was going on. Even a week later he still couldn't believe it.

They'd gone over to the pool, Dave in a stupor with his little head doing all the thinking, and Jenna doing all the leading. It had only taken a little bit of small talk with Cat and Dot before the two couples were making out by the pool, and he could only wonder what it had sounded like from his own backyard.

A few hours later, Jenna had dragged him back to their house and they'd fucked like rabbits until they'd both passed out in bed. He'd spend the rest of the week at work as much as possible, because every time he went home, Jenna was all over him. Breaking what little train of thought he'd been able to piece together about what was happening to the two of them.

And he knew whatever it was, it was affecting both of them, though in different ways.

Jenna was an insatiable dynamo, always ready for more, especially if he played with her ass in any way.

He, on the other hand, had never stayed that hard for that long in his life, even when he was a teenager. And he needed no time to recover, he'd fucked Jenna at least three times Sunday night, sending a giant load of cum into her each time.

But it was other things as well, like Jenna's hair. The blonde streaks were easy enough to write off, but the complete conversion to the long blonde locks she now possessed was impossible. They weren't extensions, there were no roots showing, it was her real hair.

And that broke... well, it broke all the laws of physics that he know at least.

On the few days he'd arrived home earlier than he wanted to, he'd walked around the neighbourhood, thinking and trying to figure out if he was going nuts. Everyone he saw was a young, hot woman, and most were in relationships, or appeared to be, with other young hot women.

The first few times he saw a new womon, he approached them and tried to talk to them. That had been a mistake. They were all very friendly, far too friendly. All of them hit on him, made sexual suggestions, and a few came right out and suggested... well, suggested all kinds of things really.

After that he kept his distance, noting when he saw new women, but not approaching them. By the time the weekend came, he'd walked around the entire neighbourhood, several times.

He'd learned three things; first, that he did appear to be the only man around, and second that the closer he went in the direction of the centre of the city, the more sexual the women acted, and the third was that the farther he went towards the city, the harder he found it was.

It was a strange thing really, it was like he would be walking towards an area and then his mind would wander a bit. When he thought about where he was going again, he'd found himself completely turned around and far from where he wanted to go.

It had frustrated him for several nights, and tonight he was determined to go as far as he could.

* * *

"Wake up Dave!" Jenna cried as she tossed a pillow at him.

"I'm up! I'm up!" Dave called back and saw Jenna standing in yet another new bikini by the foot of the bed.

Her blonde hair was like a halo around her face, and a waterfall that fell halfway down her back. It looked perfect.

Her body was just as perfect now, her abs well defined, her breasts larger than they had ever been, but still not as large as Cat's and Dot's. She was drop-dead gorgeous just like all the other women in the neighbourhood.

"Hurry up sleepy head, or we'll be late!" she exclaimed and tossed a swimsuit onto the bed beside him.


"Yeah, for the pool party silly! Don't tell me you forgot." she said and crossed her arms under her breasts, raising an eyebrow as she did.

"No... no, I mean, of course not." Dave lied and wondered if she'd even told him. It didn't matter, he quickly pulled on the swimsuit and they headed off to their neighbours like they did every weekend.

Dave couldn't help shake the feeling something was wrong though... hadn't he been trying to get somewhere last night? How had he gotten home? He didn't remember returning to the house at all.

* * *

Dave's jaw almost hit the patio stones around the pool as he and Jenna entered their neighbours' small backyard. It was packed with women in bikinis that would have made most supermodels jealous.

Tall women, short women, every colour of hair, from a half dozen ethnicity. And right in the middle were Cat and Dot soaking up the attention.

As soon as they saw Dave and Jenna they made a beeline for them and gave them each a giant hug, "What took you guys so long?" Cat asked.

Jenna rolled her eyes, "Dave needs his beauty sleep, you know?"

Cat smiled a predatory smile, "Well, it certainly works." she replied.

Cat looped an arm through Dave's and walked him towards the guests, introducing him to each and every one of them.

* * *

The pool party had quickly devolved into a orgy as multiple of the women paired off, or thruppled up, and found any small space they could.

Dave had left Jenna talking to Dot while he headed into the kitchen to get them a drink. It had taken quite a while to make it there, with each woman he encountered trying to get him to come away with them. The return trip was no better.

When he returned to where Jenna and Dot were, his jaw almost hit the patio for the second time since they arrived. Dot was on her knees between Jenna's legs, her face buried in his wife's pussy as Jenna mauled her own breasts and moaned.

"Jenna!" he exclaimed and her eyes opened she smiled at him.

"Hi Dave!"

"What... what... I mean..."

"Oh *moan* come on Dave. I've got needs *ahhhh* and you're working so much these days *god Dot*!"

Jenna closed her eyes again and bit her lower lip just as Cat came up behind him and placed her arm across the back of his shoulders.

"Why don't you leave Jenna and Dot to have their fun Dave. I'm sure I can find some way to entertain you while they do."

Dave turned to see Cat standing beside him, naked, her large breasts calling to him as she lead him back into her house and to her bedroom.

* * *

Dave had lost count long ago at how many of the women at the pool party he'd fucked. He was pretty sure it was all of them, some of them multiple times.

He knew this was impossible of course, no man could "reload" that quickly, or that many times, but each time a new woman found him, he was hard and ready before he knew what was happening.

The next woman was approaching him even now, and he tried his best to turn away and head home, only to have her take his hand and pull him close.

"Ah, poor baby... you look all tuckered out." Jenna's voice filled his ears and he let out a relieved sigh.

"I'd best get you home and to bed. You've had a long day and it's *almost* over..." she said as she leaned in and gave him a kiss while grabbing his even now hardening shaft.

He let out a resigned sigh and returned the kiss as they walked away from the pool party, leaving the dozen or so remaining women still cavorting with each other.

Chapter 6 - Walkabout

Dave looked dead ahead to where he wanted to go, he could feel the need to look away growing, but he remained steadfast in his determination.

This was his third attempt tonight, and he'd managed to get farther than he had before. So far in fact that it was no longer just a feeling of his mind wandering, but an actual force pushing back on him.

He placed one foot in front of the other and continued walking, slowly, purposefully. Until finally the pressure relented and he was standing in front of a large house, a mansion really, that was out of place in the neighbourhood.

He blinked several times, not really sure what he had been expecting to find... perhaps an alien ship? Or a large scfi machine?

Whatever he'd expected, the house was there and so he stepped onto the front lawn and walked towards the door. He reached out to open it and before he could it swung open revealing another drop-dead gorgeous woman standing naked in the doorway.

"Oh, like, hi! I'm Chrissy, come on in!" the woman said in a bubbly voice and waved him forward.

"Uh... I..." he stuttered out as she closed the door behind him.

"Oh, like, I know. He's totally waiting for you! Follow me."

"Ok." Dave managed to get out as he followed Chrissy through the house to a large room at the back. It was filled with books and a desk, clearly a study of some kind. Standing by the window looking out was a nondescript man that Dave guessed was in his fifties.

"Ah, Dave right? Welcome to my home." the man said as he turned to face Dave.

"Thank you... and you are?"

"Oh, so sorry about that. Call me Wendell." he replied and stepped towards Dave, extending his hand.

"Ok... Wendell." Dave replied, the name feeling strange in his mouth.

Wendell chuckled and Dave cocked an eyebrow.

"Oh sorry, just I don't hear my own name very often. Usually it's Sir or Master or Lord, you know?"

"Ah, no, not really."

"Well of course you don't. It's been quite a while since a man has made it all the way here, and I have to congratulate you on that. I have to admit that I do miss some male companionship sometimes, you know, to talk sports and such. But the ladies quickly remedy me of that." he said with a chuckle.

"About that..."

"My girls? They are great, aren't they? Hot as hell and ready to go at the drop of a hat."

"But how...?"

"Well, that comes down to my ability to warp reality. It's a blessing and a curse really. If I focus on something I can make pretty much anything become reality. That's the blessing. The curse is that when I'm not focused on things, like most of the time, well, my subconscious kinda just runs amok and does whatever it wants. And I'm sure you have seen what my subconscious wants most of the time..." he continued with another chuckle.

Dave shook his head in disbelief, but it wasn't an honest shake. He knew what Wendell was saying was true, not only because he'd seen the effects on Jenna and himself, but because there was something deeply troubling about him that he couldn't put his finger on.

"Don't worry Dave, I'm not going to do anything bad to you. Hell, you're the first guy I've talked to in at least three years! And besides, I kinda like you, that's why I let you buy the house in the first place!"

"Let me?"

"Sure, I mean not consciously, but do you think anything happens in this neighbourhood that my subconscious doesn't approve of?"

Dave nodded and then thought of a question, "How far does your influence go?"

"That's a good question Dave, I knew I liked you. You're pretty much on the edge of it. The red light district across the road from you is kind of a 'like knows like' situation. I don't control it, but it's there because I'm here.

But that's not the question you really want to ask is it?"

Dave shook his head.

"Then go ahead, ask away."

"What's going to happen now?"

Wendell smiled broadly, "Well Dave, we have two choices. I know what I've just told you is a lot, and most people would have a hard time processing it and accepting it. Most people like to think they have control of their own lives. As such, if that is the case, I can wipe your mind and send you back home. I'll make it so you don't question what's going on and you can live out a happy life with your wife in your perfect neighbourhood."

"And the second choice?"

"I can leave the knowledge intact and you can enjoy your neighbourhood, and the many others that surround my house as you please. You can drop by once in a while to chat if you like, or don't, you're choice. But this choice does have its implications. You will know you are cheating on your wife, even though she won't consider it as such. She is after all, even now, visiting with Dot and enjoying herself immensely. That is something you'll have to decide if you want to live with or not."

Dave nodded in thought.

"Oh, there is one other thing... I mean, I subconsciously let you move into the house for a reason, and it wasn't just you. At some point, maybe soon, maybe not, Jenna will find her way here. She'll spend some time, again, maybe a short time, maybe a long time, living here and being available for my entertainment."

Dave frowned as Wendell continued.

"If you choose the second option, you'll have to be ok with that. Jenna will be if that's any consolation, but so will you. On the other hand, if you chose the first option, well, you won't even miss her for the time she's away."

Dave let out a little sigh, he'd made his choice, but there was still something he wanted to know.

"I assume that Jenna will eventually grow too old for your.. tastes... when she does and we leave, can you fix my impotence?"

Wendell let out a hearty laugh and slapped his knees, "Oh Dave... what makes you think anyone grows old here?"

Dave's eyebrows shot up as Wendell walked over and gave him a slap on the back, "I'm so going to enjoy our talks! I can't wait to open up your mind to the possibilities! By the way, how's Buster doing?"

Dave's eyes went wide as he tried to remember the last time he'd seen his pet...

* * *

Buster felt his balls being licked by... Princess? Daisy? Coco? One of the other bitches?

He let out a low growl and rolled over to see half a dozen of them scattered around the lawn, several letting out little whimpers of contentedness from their recent romps with him.

He flicked his tail and hit the nose of the cute poodle that had been licking at him and managed to get back to his feet to the glee of Duchess... yes, that was her name.

He walked up and gave her a pat on the head with his paw and she quickly scrunched down, sending her haunches up into the air as he positioned himself behind her and then mounted her.

Buster wasn't sure how it was possible, he'd always been a good dog, certainly ready to service any bitch in heat, but even he couldn't account for his virility over the last few weeks.

He'd been so busy going from yard to yard that he hadn't even seen his pack leader Dave in weeks!

As Buster performed once more, all he hoped was that his pack leader was getting at least as much action with the bitches as he was.


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chipmonk9chipmonk9over 1 year ago

Buster was my favorite chacther hope you do a sequel

TheHandsThatLeadTheHandsThatLeadover 1 year agoAuthor

@anon nonblonde bimbo are good, that is for sure. The errors are a limitation of self editing I'm afraid 🤷

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The little epilogue with Buster was amusing. I suppose even if Dave and Jenna d been responsible and had him fixed, Wendell's subconscious would have undone that.

I'm not thrilled with the induced blondeness, though - nonblondes are hot too.

And you've got some annoying homophone errors ("ridged erection" instead of "rigid", for instance).

TheHandsThatLeadTheHandsThatLeadover 1 year agoAuthor

@anon I don't do pregancy stories, not my kink, but the story definitely has that option.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Fun story! It could serve as the basis for a whole series, maybe including other men who are just as popular with the women but aren't aware of the dynamics of the place.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Sequel about David being a father to several kids in the neighborhood would be entertaining. Maybe he finds Jenna is even sexier when pregnant or nursing Dot and Cat. Just a suggestion…

TheHandsThatLeadTheHandsThatLeadover 1 year agoAuthor

@anon: thanks, glad you enjoyed it.

@Ronhald: No plans on continuing it at the moment, but I definitely left it open ended enough to do so.

RonhaldRonhaldover 1 year ago

would love the story to continue with jenna serving

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This is one of the best stories I've ever stumbled upon. Felt like a bit of Twilight Zone and I absolutely enjoyed that element, great job

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