Nerd's Reward Ch. 06

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The conclusion?
14.1k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/22/2022
Created 06/10/2009
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Jessica and Nate decided to sleep in for the morning; they were both tired, after their eventful night, and took the opportunity to go back to bed and recover from their little adventure.

Couple of hours later, Jessica's eyes opened slowly. Her mouth was dry and as she tried to swallow she could still taste the remnants of last night's fun in the back of her throat.

"Oh, my," Jessica thought to herself as she sat up in bed. "What a crazy night."

Looking over at her boyfriend who was fast asleep Jessica started to remember bits and pieces of what happened. She couldn't believe all the crazy stuff that had happened last night, all she knew was that she'd had a good time. Jessica made her way into the bathroom and looked herself over in the mirror.

"That was a wild night." Jessica smiled; all too aware of what was matting her hair together as she tried to run her fingers through.

They were on vacation, after all, and things got a little wild. "You only live once," she thought as she got into the shower. As the warm water ran down over her body Jessica started to emerge from the fog of last night's drunkenness.

"Owwww..." Jessica moaned as she ran her soapy hand over her pussy.

She was really sore. Not only had her boyfriend fucked her very hard, with his surprisingly large cock, but she was even starting to remember Paul plunging his fingers into her at the club. As the details became less and less foggy Jessica started to realize that she was getting turned on.

The naughtiness of what she'd done added a bit of a thrill that she was starting to like. She'd let a young guy finger her, a senior, in a crowed nightclub. As she remembered more and more she could feel her nipples hardening and she knew she had to have some relief.

Jessica eased herself down until she was sitting in the bathtub. She stretched her legs out and began to run her middle finger along her pussy. She closed her eyes and slowly caressed her sore and tender cuntlips.

"Ohhhh..." Jessica moaned. "Look what Nate's big fucking cock did!"

It didn't take Jessica's mind long to begin picturing Paul doing unspeakable things to her, though. Jessica felt guilty for about half a second before continuing to bring herself closer to cumming. She imagined what would've happened last night at the club if she'd let Paul continue. Maybe she would've taken the boy to the bathroom and sucked his cock in a stall.

"Ohhh, fuck!" Jessica squealed as she came. "Yes!"

Jessica laid there for a while longer rubbing her pussy before standing up and getting out of the shower. She didn't think anything was particularly wrong with masturbating while thinking of someone other than her boyfriend. He had Playboy and now she had her admirer.

Jessica dried off and walked out of the bathroom naked. She walked toward the closet to get some clothes. Suddenly, Nathan was startled awake by something, and that really scared Jess. The bed bounced hard and almost threw him to the floor.

"What the..." Jessica mumbled as she recovered from the uncomfortable feeling.

"Fuck!" Nathan screamed, displaying clear signs of disorientation.

"Are you alright, Nate?" Jessica rushed to help her boyfriend.

"Damn!" He finally realized where he was. "I had a serious fucked up nightmare!"

"Shhh..." Jessica comforted him. "It was only a bad dream, baby."

"It was awful!" Nathan continued. "You cheated on me, and then you left me without even saying goodbye."

"Don't be silly, Nate." Jessica did her best to assure her boyfriend. Somehow, it didn't sound very convincing. "You know I'd never do something like that."

"Cheat on me?" Nathan asked. "Or leave me?"

"Let's drop this subject, shall we?" Jessica was more than a bit uncomfortable with this discussion. Could be she feeling guilty for her late actions?

"You are right, Jess." Nathan agreed. "Sorry if that bothered you."

"It's okay, baby." She finally smiled. "So how was your evening?"

It was Nathan's turn to smile. His girlfriend was sitting naked on the bed, asking about his game. He was slightly worried that she would be mad at him for skipping dinner but now those worries had faded.

"I didn't mention earlier, but I won all of my matches." Nathan said nonchalantly. "I am now a finalist."

"Oh," Jessica was actually impressed by her boyfriend's performance. "What will the winner get?"

"Five grand." Nathan smiled. "And the opportunity to audition for a big team!"

"That sounds very promising, Nate!" Jessica's mouth opened slightly, imagining how it would be like to be the girlfriend of a professional player. In her amazement, she didn't even realize that she was still completely naked.

"Tell me about it!" Nathan joked. "I will even buy you some clothes."

Jessica blushed finally realizing she was sitting on the bed, holding a load of cash, completely oblivious to the fact that she was stark naked.

"Very funny." Jessica pouted.

"I'm gonna hop in the shower while you decide where we are eating." Nathan said getting out of bed.

As Nathan showered, Jessica put on some clothes and tried to think of what she wanted to see, or experience next; she had made a list of a myriad of things that she'd wanted for a long while. However, after her wild night, she was still just interested in chilling out and relaxing with her boyfriend.


Next door, Larry was frowning; he received a threatening note about something he had done. Larry tried to pretend he didn't know what the message meant, but he definitely knew what it was about. Just hours ago, he fucked his buddy's girlfriend senseless, once again.

What first started as an honest mistake was slowly transforming into a meticulously articulated plan to keep having his cock inside her. Larry loved the fact that she didn't know that it was him, someone she considered an utter geek, with his cock buried in her pussy as she moaned in pleasure. Especially because he knew his dick was much larger than his friend's, despite Nate's athletic physique.

However, the fact that someone was onto him was particularly concerning. He was a nerd, after all, and he had always considered himself a good strategist, an attribute he developed along the years, while he played all kinds of RPG's, one of his favorite types of game.

Now, he felt outwitted; his perfect plan was exposed. Not only that, but he feared that the person would use this knowledge to blackmail him. Then again, what could a dork like Larry Higgs possibly have to offer? Homework? Action figures? A collection of comic books? Something wasn't quite right on that equation, which was one of the few things that Larry actually knew what he was talking about.

Truth to be told, Larry learned a lot of things during this trip. As a matter of fact, he learned more about life than he could ever thought possible reading in books or experimenting in a controlled environment. That fact alone made him stop worrying ahead of time; he decided to deal with the consequences as he was confronted with them, no sooner.


After Nathan got out of the shower, though, he was very excited with his new endeavor and insisted that he was treating Jessica to lunch.

"Okay, Nate." Jessica agreed. "But you better spend some time alone with me after your game!"

"Deal, baby." Nathan acknowledged. "Let me just call Higgs."

"You have got to be kidding!" Obviously, it had to be a joke. And a tasteless one, to make it worse.

"Come on, Jess, don't start." Nathan interrupted her wining. "We have been through this already."

"Suit yourself." Jessica pouted. "I can't fucking believe him." She thought.


The trio made it to a popular restaurant to celebrate Nate's victory and talked as they ate about how much fun they'd all had this week. Nathan took out the three hundred dollar he'd won and offered to pay the bill.

"Damn!" Larry let out, thumbing through bills. "That is sweet!"

"Nathan this is very nice of you," Jessica retained her seriousness. "But I really don't think that is necessary."

"Don't worry, baby." Nathan smiled. "It's the least I can do to make up for not spending more time with you."

"Oh honey, it's ok. I've had a wonderful time." Jessica replied.

"I think you should've played more often." Larry joked.

"Well here's the thing. I'm a finalist in the tournament." Nathan announced. "And I have a really good chance of winning it."

Larry grinned; he forgot about being busted and started thinking about all the possibilities. Jessica seemed reserved upon hearing her boyfriend's news.

"Nate, I'm really happy for you that you did well, but I think Higgs and I would like you to spend the day with us." Jessica said.

"Speak for yourself, Jess; he needs to find the nearest court!" Larry replied.

Nathan knew his girlfriend was starting to feel a little neglected but he'd hoped his career opportunity would soften the blow.

"Baby, this is a big deal to me. I mean I could really win the whole thing." Nathan said. "Besides, we can always go on another vacation, just me and you."

Jessica realized that she was in a tough spot. How could she really tell her boyfriend that he needed to spend the day with them and miss his chance to do something he's always wanted to do?

"I guess you're right. But next time we are going somewhere really far." Jessica smiled. "A place where there is nothing to distract you."

"Anywhere you want to go, I'll be there." Nathan replied.

"So what's the plan?" Larry was curious.

"I am going to the sports complex to get ready." Nathan informed them. "But my final game won't start until the evening, so you guys still have some time to relax and roam around."

"Okay, Nate." Jessica agreed. "We will be there to watch your final game."

"Yeah, man!" Larry cheered, gesturing him the classic 'high five'. "Good luck!"

"Thanks, Higgs." Nathan complied.

The trio finished up their meals and went their separate ways. Nathan went to the court and signed in. He started warming up and eagerly waited for the first match to begin. He was really glad his girlfriend relented and let him finish the tournament. He knew she wasn't completely happy with the situation but he was able to soften the blow.

Larry headed straight for the electronics store; he had a plan of his own. Twenty minutes later, he emerged with a brand new iPhone-like cell. He was all grins as he headed back to the hotel with his loot, his fancy cell had a lot of multimedia capabilities. He couldn't help but wonder about the infinite possibilities.

Jessica casually strolled down the sidewalk looking at all the stores and was having a hard time trying to decide what to buy. Every so often, Jessica's mind would drift back to last night and Paul. She scolded herself for thinking about what she let him do but she couldn't help herself.

She shopped in a few boutiques, and, eventually, she found herself in a huge shopping mall. After sitting down to rest a bit and getting herself some lemonade, her cell phone rang; It was her friend Jill trying to call her. She was feeling a bit lonely and she knew she would be great company. After about the fifth ring Jessica relented.

"Hello?" Jessica said.

"Hi, Jess, it's Jill." Her friend greeted her. "What are you up to today?"

"Hey there... Oh, I'm not doing anything special. I'm at the mall doing a little shopping." Jessica replied twirling her hair.

"Would you like some company?" Jill asked.

"Well of course I would, silly." Jessica laughed.

"So where at in the mall are you?" Jill continued.

"In the food court." Jessica answered.

"I'll be there in fifteen minutes." Jill said before hanging up.


At the court, Nathan was just getting started. He'd already advanced to the semifinals and, if he'd counted correctly, he was nearing his five thousand dollars. The next round was gonna be tough though, but with lady luck on his side so far, he was surprisingly calm.

Larry was back in his hotel room, surfing the net on his new phone, when his brain finally disengaged from the trance that new electronics bring. His mind began to race. He knew this was probably the last chance to have his way with Jess. This was most likely the last time he'd be able to slide his large cock into his friend's girl's tight pussy, and if it was, he was going to enjoy himself.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and Larry involuntarily smiled, wondering who it could be. He wished it was either Sue or Keira; he closed his eyes for a moment, recalling the feel of shoving his fat monster up their virgin-like cunts and pumping them full of his hot cum.

"Who is it?" Larry eagerly asked, trying to tease whoever was behind the door.

"It's me, Mary." The female voice replied.

"Mary?" Larry thought. "Who the fuck is Mary?"

Larry opened the door and immediately had the answer to his question. Mary Kelsey, a.k.a. Scary Mary, stood in front of him.

Mary was the female equivalent of Larry: she wore thick glasses, and was extremely pale, with an unmistakable dork appeal. The only difference was that while Larry was scrawny, Mary was slightly overweight. She was used to constant bullying and name calling, just like him.

Larry used to like her; he had a crush on her for the longest time, but never had the guts to ask her out. He would sit next to her on Home Economics class, hoping she would notice him, with no luck. Somehow, after those unusually hot events, where he got to experience some of the most gorgeous women he had ever seen, Mary just didn't have the same flare anymore.

He was a bit surprised, though; Marry never talked to him, no matter how hard he tried, and now there she was, knocking at his door. Talk about bad timing.

"Hi, Mary." Larry greeted her. "Can I help you with something?"

"H-Hi, Higgs." Mary babbled, clearly blushing. "I-Is it a bad time?"

"I was kind in the middle of something." He lied.

"It will only take a minute." She managed to say.

"Alright." Larry finally agreed; he wasn't about to be one of those assholes he hated so much. "Come on in."

He moved aside, making room for Mary to enter. He closed the door behind her and offered her a chair.

"I think I will stand." Mary declined. "I will be quick."

"Okay." Larry didn't insist. "So what is it you want to talk about?"

"I am very disappointed in you, Higgs." Mary was straight to the point.

"Excuse me?" He was confused.

"Please!" Mary pouted. "You know exactly what I am talking about!"

"Actually, I don't." Larry replied. "To be perfectly honest, I am not sure I care, either."

"I know what you did to Jessica Gellar!" She angrily told him. "And to those other poor women as well!"

Larry finally understood what this was all about; Mary was the one who sent him the note, and probably the 'peeping tom' that watched him fucking Keira at the locker room. What motivated her to pursue him, though?

"I am not sure I am following..." Larry lied, trying to buy some time for an excuse.

"Are you going to play dumb?" Mary threatened him. "I expected more of you, Higgs. I would never imagine you were just a sick pervert."

There was no point in lying, anymore; she confronted him with the facts, and Larry would simply tell her what really happened. To hell what she thought.

"It is not like that, Mary." He calmly started.

"Oh, it isn't?" Mary sarcastically asked. "What is it like then?"

"Well, it was an honest mistake at first." Larry continued. "I helped carry her boyfriend, who was drunk like a skunk, and we ended up switching rooms."

"Why didn't you tell Jessica when she arrived at Nathan's room?" Mary pushed further. "She was clearly out of her mind!"

"She didn't give me time." Larry remained cool. "She just took her clothes off and bounced up and down my big, fat cock."

"God!" Mary didn't hide her disgust. "How could you make love to someone else's girlfriend?"

"I didn't make love to her." He casually replied. "I fucked her. Hard."

"Do you think it is funny?" Mary was upset with Larry's negligence.

"Not at all." He continued. "I certainly wasn't laughing when she begged me to pound my whopper all the way to her womb and pump her full of my spunk."

"You think this is all about you, don't you?" She yelled. "Do you think your overgrown penis will save you from the trouble you are in?"

"So it was you peeping at the locker room!" Larry laughed at the situation, especially at Mary's comment about his manhood. "Did you have fun watching as I fucked Mrs. Wright?"

"I-I d-didn't..." Mary mumbled; she was clearly embarrassed. "Of course not! I just had to be sure I had enough evidence on you!"

"And what were you able to prove, exactly?" He inquired. "That our lovely counselor is one big cock-crazed slut?"

"I-I still don't know how you managed to seduce her. But I am sure there must be a perfect good explanation for her actions!" Mary hesitated. "And for that other lady's as well!"

"So you also know about Sue?" Larry smiled. "And you call me a pervert."

"It is nothing like that!" Mary tried to defend herself. "I was just passing by and..."

"Save it! I am not really interested in any of that." Larry interrupted her. "Is there something else? I got a lot of pussies to stretch, you know..."

"You think you are mister 'I-am-too-cool-right-now'!" She turned to leave. "I am going to tell Jessica's best friend, Jill, what you did! You will get what you deserve and..."

"Whatever." Larry didn't even wait for her to finish her sentence and slammed the door shut, right at her face.

Larry was being cocky, but he knew that if Jill was really aware of his little scheme to get her best friend laid, he would have to deal with her sooner or later; he just hoped that he could at least nail Jessica one more time before she confronted him with the evidence (if there was any whatsoever) of his activities.


About an hour and a half later, Larry heard another knock on his door; he was in the middle of a relaxing shower. Mentally, he started cursing the bad timing of the person interrupting his bath, especially because there was a strong possibility of that person being Mary again.

"I realize those kids weren't kidding when they nicknamed her 'Scary Mary'!" He thought, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his waist.

He heard another loud knock; almost a bang this time.

"What is it that you..." Larry started protesting as he opened the door. To his surprise, standing on his door were both Mrs. Keira Wright and Jessica's best friend, Jill Statham.

"We are sorry to disturb you, Mr. Higgs." Keira apologized. "But we have an urgent matter to discuss with you. May we come in?"

"Uh ... Sure." There was really no other option for Larry, anyway.

The two women got into his room and sat onto a small couch, right in front of his bed. Larry was still dripping, but he didn't want to leave the duo waiting, so he just followed them and sat on the bed, facing them.

"I hope you ladies don't mind." He glanced at the towel wrapped around his waist. "I was in the middle of a shower."

Larry took a moment to admire the strikingly beautiful young woman that faced him, with curves in all the right places. She was dressed in a tight black turtle neck, which showed her fantastic 34B breasts, which perfectly accentuated her frame, and clung tightly to her flat belly.

She had a discreet, tribal-like tattoo that was placed just below her left shoulder, and long toned legs with nice wide hips. Her tight blue jeans gave no doubt that her wide hips and magnificent behind were something to die for, and her face was framed with long brown hair, and accentuated with full lips and beautiful green eyes.

If he was playing one of his favorites RPG's, Larry would offered her 18-year-old body up to the dark creatures, relentlessly ravaging her, pounding his cock for all he was worth.