New Beginnings: Bob and Jolynn Ch. 01


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"OK. Now the details. You have hinted at some things; tell me what I need to know."

"Francie had Lissa when she was 16. The father disappeared. She worked at the Balco plant and worked up to Office Manager and was doing fairly well raising Lissa alone. But when Balco closed the plant, she was stuck. The only job she could get was at the diner. She was having trouble make the rent on the house. Now what I'm going to tell you is strictly between us. She is not to know." Jolynn nodded looking at him. "I bought the house from the previous owner who was glad to get out from under it. I set up a weird company, Bright Tomorrow, to own it. I had the lawyer tell her that it was an investment company and that her rent would drop to $200 per month but she would be responsible for keeping the house up. She sends the payments to a lock box at the bank and communicates with me by mail or through e-mail. I answer her anonymously. She has asked to repaint a couple of rooms. I told her to go ahead and send me the bills for the paint and stuff. That seemed to take a lot of pressure off of her. She has never even been a day late with the rent. I've also brought her some excess groceries on occasion when things seemed a little tight. Stuff like that."

"And Lissa?"

"I've brought some clothes to them a couple of times especially when school starts. I told them that I found them at an estate sale in Dallas. When she turned 16, I found out that she wanted a horse. I told Francie that I had found a horse at a rescue ranch and it was available for $100 if she wanted it, she agreed and gave me the money. So I got it for her on the basis that she had to be responsible for it, feed, care, and the whole thing. She's done a great job. She will want to show you her horse, I'm sure."

"And how much did this set you back?"

"$750 for the horse and another couple hundred for used tack and a saddle. I also cut a deal with the feed store and the vet to charge her a bare minimum and send me the bills. Lissa works at odd jobs and saves her money to pay her part. Does it bother you that I'm such a softie?"

"Hell yes it bothers me but not in a negative way. If you were Catholic, I'd put you up for sainthood. But since you aren't, I'll put you up for husbandhood. All that shows me is how big your heart is and I love you all the more for it. If you change, I'll be disappointed in you."

"A lot of people would think I'm foolish."

"A lot of those people are fools. I knew that you have a lot of love to give. After Ellen, you didn't have a special woman to share it with, so you found a different outlet to share it. Now I am the beneficiary of the whole thing and I love it. By the way, she won't say anything but Francie knows what you are doing for them and she loves you for it."

"I don't know, I've tried really hard to keep it secret."

"And you've probably done a good job, but she still knows. A woman knows these things."

Sabrina brought out their meals and they ate as though famished. Jolynn couldn't say enough about the salmon and made Bob taste it. He agreed and had her try the beef, which she also drooled over. So they each shared each other's lunch until the plates were clean. Sabrina came and asked if they wanted coffee or dessert. Jolynn said that she was going to save those for later tonight. Sabrina smiled knowingly and cleared the table. When Jolynn stood up, Sabrina gave her a kiss on the lips. Bob gave them a questioning look. Jolynn replied, "Don't worry about it. It's part of their service."

"Do I get one?"

"As cute as she is, not a chance."

Sabrina grinned and leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Will that do?"

"It's not quite the same but it is better than nothing."

"Goodbye you guys. Have a good day and come back soon."

"Don't worry, we will." Jolynn said as they left.

When they got to the car, Bob asked, "Are you going to tell me about that?"

"Let's just say that this place was designed by a woman for women. As a consequence, there are additional benefits available to women that are not available to men. You don't need to know any more than that."

And she returned them to his work. When they arrived, she asked, "Is there anything you need washed or packed for tomorrow?"

"No, I have all my farm clothes down there. So I don't need to take anything. Just pack what you think you will need. What time is your flight Sunday?"

"I got the last flight out at 9:00. Do you want me to take my suitcase with or shall we stop by the apartment on the way to the airport?"

"Leave it here. We'll get back early enough to stop by the apartment and rest before you have to go."

"Deal. Have a good afternoon. Do I pick you up or do you have a ride?"

"I have a ride. I think that that horny bastard wants another look."

"Maybe I'll give him another one or maybe not, but I'll have dinner cooking when you get home."

They kissed goodbye and she drove home.

Jolynn spent the afternoon washing and ironing her new clothes and putting them in the suitcase she had bought. She cleaned and tidied the apartment and began dinner. She was at the door peeking at 5:20 again. She had put the shirt from the morning back on but buttoned the bottom five buttons. There were some things that only Bob was allowed to see. When the car pulled up to the curb, she stepped out in front of the door and waited. She could see Bob's nervousness as he walked up. Today instead of kissing him, she grabbed his shirt front and pulled him through the door. Once inside, she said "OK, that is the last look that horny bastard gets."

"Thank God. I was afraid that the next one would cause him to wreck his car."

"Nope, just a tease and he has had his. I'm bored with him already."

"Are you bored with me yet?"

"Who are you kidding?"

"I look forward to seeing you more and more each time it is getting close to time for you to get here. See." She took his hand and pushed it between her legs and onto her soaking pussy. He caressed it for several minutes before he pulled it out and put it in his mouth to clean. Jolynn groaned at the loss of his touch.

"Jolynn, tonight is patience, remember."

"How can I forget? I am getting bored with patience though."

He kissed her passionately and then said, "Shower. I spent the afternoon in the lab again and I probably smell like a goat."

"I like goats." She turned him and swatted his ass in the direction of the bedroom.

Twenty minutes later, he came into the living room and found her sitting on the sofa with two glasses of wine, a tray of nibbles, and a smile. She had removed the shirt and as far as he could tell, she was wearing only an apron, one that stopped just below her breasts with the straps carefully hiding her nipples.

"Come sit and tell me about your day." She had put onLa Boheme.

"There isn't much to tell. The most exciting part was my lunch and my arrival home but I don't need to tell you about those. This morning I shuffled papers and this afternoon I worked in the lab on a project."

"The new thing?"

"No, it is a personal project that I will tell you about at the farm. But I will tell you about the other project now or at least most of it. There are a couple of things that stump me right now and I haven't figured out how to deal with them yet. Once I figure those out, it will be time to see what it will cost and see if it is worth going forward."

He spent the next half hours describing a new generation of product that would replace four expensive parts on the current products. Jolynn understood all but the most technical details and her eyes widened in amazement.

"Honey, I can tell you right now that when you get those details figured out, we will go forward with it. My uncle underestimated its potential. I can see this changing not only our industry but several others as well. You take all the time you need to figure it out. Let me know when you are ready. I guarantee you that it will become our Number 1 project."

"OK, but we still need to be careful. If word gets out on the street too soon, someone could still mess it up. We need a product and a demonstration to sell it."

"I agree, absolutely. Let's take a look at that plant near the farm. Something like that, a small place in an out of the way place might attract less attention than working on it here with everyone constantly coming through."

"Good idea. When we get there, I'll ask Francie if she knows who the contact is."

"Good; are you ready for the main course?"

"You are my main course, but yes I'm ready for dinner now. By the way, I haven't been able to look at anything but you and the way you are dressed. I hope you are satisfied."

"Nope, I won't be satisfied until you are hard as a rock and panting like a horny school boy. Then I'm going to tell you to be patient."

"Oh that is going to hurt."


She got up and as she walked to the kitchen his eyes were glued to her shapely cheeks as they displayed their nakedness while swaying back and forth.

She returned with two plates of veal parmesan and pasta. She handed him his plate and sat down. She had removed the apron and replaced it with a towel wrapped around her waist; a very small towel.

They ate while talking quietly.

"Are you ready for dessert and coffee?"

Bob groaned, and said, "I think you are trying to make me fat."

"Not fat, I'm trying to make you horny. The meals I have fixed you have fewer calories and are healthier than the lunch you had today and that was pretty healthy."

"You don't have to worry about the horny part. You always succeed at that and you know it."

She smiled her smile at him. "I know I have to keep my man's attention to keep him interested in me."

She walked into the kitchen and came back with two coffees and two bowls of Italian ice. This time she was as naked as the day she was born.

"Oh God, I love that." Bob groaned.

"What? The coffee or the ice?"

"The landing strip; although I wouldn't call it a strip exactly. It's a heart."

"And you know that my hearts belongs to you."

"I'll see about that later."

"No, no. lover boy. Tonight is about patience, remember. You have had your touch for the day. No more for you until tomorrow night."

"Me and my big mouth."

"But we are going to have kissing practice, a lot of practice starting as soon as you are through with your dessert."

"Practice will be my dessert. This is just making my lips cold."

They finished quickly and scampered to bed. She undressed Bob in record time and pushed him into bed. Then she climbed on top and kissed him. When she was finished she announced, "Rules for tonight. You can touch anything on my back from my head to my toes. Everything in front and between is off limits. Same applies to me."

Bob groaned and grabbed her ass and pulled her to him. They kissed and caressed each other like teenagers. When she finally was ready, Jolynn rolled over and snuggled back against him. But this time she reached between her legs and found his rampant cock and pulled it between her legs and found a nice warm and open space for it to settle into. For his part, Bob pulled her close and closed his eyes, trying to sleep.

Sleep finally came to them although several times Jolynn thought seriously about just shifting a little and impaling herself on his rigid manhood. But she resisted until sleep overcame her.

Bob awoke to an empty bed again as he was now accustomed to. So he waited patiently and was rewarded with the sound of her coming down the hall. But he was surprised when she entered. She was fully clothed in a business dress and shoes. She also did not crawl back into bed. Instead, she pulled a chair up next to him and sat there. They drank their coffee and nibbled on breakfast. Finally he couldn't stand it anymore and asked, "What is the occasion for dressing up?"

"I wondered when you would ask. I decided that it was stupid to take you to work and come back two hours later to pick you up. Today, I thought I would pay a visit to Crimini as Joylnn Cremona, customer. So my dear you are about to see me in professional disguise. I hadn't intended to do that this trip but Uncle Julio thought that it would be a good idea."

"After everything else this week, do you still think it is a good idea?"

"The more I think about it, I do. We have stirred up a lot of curiosity this week and it isn't going away anytime soon. If I walk in today and put a name, position, and a voice to the speculation, I think that the curiosity will go away and respect will settle in. I doubt that any of the guys are going to come up to you and ask about that chick you are banging after they find out that that chick is one of their best customers."

"You might be right."

"So do what you need to do in the meeting and don't worry about the time. To everyone I am a visiting customer inspecting a vendor. To me, I am the boss in waiting making her first preliminary inspection. When you are done, we will hit the road. I should warn you that when I do the Jolynn, the business woman thing, it may take me an hour or so to let it wear off. So once we are in the car, I might not be quite as light and warm as you are used to. OK?"

"I understand. I don't get wound up here but I do when I am away. And even here, when I leave for the farm, I can feel pressure dissolve with every mile I go."

"Great, shower time for you." She kissed him and took the tray back to the kitchen.

When he returned fifteen minutes later, she was standing at the kitchen counter with a wistful look on her face.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, something is very right. Only a few days ago I was a stranger in this apartment. Now I feel like it is home. It feels more like home than my apartment in St. Louis does. I was just remembering this week and I am looking forward to coming back to it. I am also eagerly looking forward to seeing if I feel the same at the farm. I have a feeling that I will."

"I share similar feelings. A week ago, this was just a place to sleep, shower and change clothes. I went to the farm to feel alive. But you have brought warmth and life to this place. I won't be able to look at it the same way again. Are you ready?"

"You bet your sweet ass I am."

They picked up her new suitcase and a couple of other things and locked the door after checking that everything was off, and they left together on a new adventure.

In the parking lot at work, Bob got out and opened the door and Jolynn stepped out. If anybody was looking and everybody who worked in the front office was, they would have seen two people give each other a kiss and walk to the front door together. Once inside, Bob turned right to go to his meeting. Jolynn turned left and knocked on Crimini's door and entered. Everyone else looked at each other and suddenly got busy.

Five minutes later, Julio came out leading this unknown woman and brought her into the accounting area. "Ladies, we have a special guest with us today. This is Jolynn Cremona with Cremona Brothers in St. Louis. She was in town and came to visit us and see how we did things for them. I have to go the meeting for awhile, please answer any of her questions. When she is through here, Barbara.... she is our office manager, will you take her back to the shop. She wants to see how we make the things we do." Julio left to go to the conference room.

A tall woman in her fifties stepped forward and introduced herself as Barbara Metcalf. They shook hands. Jolynn felt her warm smile and friendly handshake and liked her instantly. Barbara introduced her to each girl and explained what her job was. When she was done she said to Jolynn in front of everyone, "It is a pleasure to meet you. We have met Mr. Cremona on several occasions but other than that, you are the first person from Cremona that we have met. And we all know about Cremona because of all of the business we do with you. Most of us have been here a long time and we recognize and respect how important you are to us. Is there a problem or anything you wanted to discuss?"

Jolynn let her smile match Barbara's. "No, no. I was in town on personal business and I just thought that I would take this morning to visit because we too respect the quality and volume of work we do together. And I can assure you that the number of problems we have with Crimini are miniscule compared to the volume we have with other vendors. Our people complain about everyone but you. It is nice to put faces on people who do such a great job. Thank you from all of us."

She could see the chests on every one of them swell in pride. She could feel the pride in these people and she liked it.

"If you let us know the next time you are in town, we would be happy to have a pot luck lunch for you. We do that sometimes for customers and more often for us so we can talk and clear up any problems before they become big problems. We'd love to have you with us one day."

"And I would like that also. I will be back soon I think; I will let you know when I will be here."

"That would be great. So if you have no questions, are you ready to go out back and meet the good, the bad, and the ugly? You might want to put an apron on when you are out there. Some of the stuff out there gets on your clothes and I promise you, it won't come out."

"Yes, I am ready to go meet the testosterone crowd." All of the girls giggled. "And I will keep the apron thing in mind. It was nice to meet you all. I look forward to next time."

Barbara led her out of the door towards the shop. Before the door shut, Jolynn could already hear the twittering start. She smiled to herself.

When Barbara entered the shop, several guys started hollering at her. "Hey good looking, did you come to give us a break?" "When's lunch?" "Can I borrow $20 until payday?" Barbara just smiled and kept going. Then she spoke up in a voice that carried well in the shop. "No break, Matt, until that job is out the door. Lunch is next week, Jesus. You know that. Ronnie, the answer is hell no. We need you here tomorrow and we need you sober. No beer money for you." By then Jolynn had entered and everyone stopped working and just stared. Barbara continued, "Not that you deserve it, but you have a visitor. This is Jolynn Cremona," she put great stress on the Cremona, "with Cremona Brothers. She wants to see the shop. I expect all of you to clean up your act and pretend that you are gentlemen for once. If I hear about any of you jerking her around, I will personally tell your wife to cut you off. Do you understand me?" Everyone nodded. "They are all yours, Jolynn." And then quietly she added, "They are all pretty good guys, don't worry. Come back to my office when you are done."

Jolynn whispered her thanks and put a notch by Barbara's name. Her job was safe and secure as long as she wanted it.

She strolled very thoughtfully to the center of the room fully aware that every eye was fixed on her. When she got to the center of the room, she stopped and asked in a professional voice, "Which of you works on the 4-way switching valve for us?" Matt and Jesus raised their hands. "Show me how you put it together. It has always fascinated me but I can't figure out how it is done." They started moving toward one of the work stations. Jolynn recognized Matt as the one who had brought Bob home. She also saw that he recognized her. This ought to be fun, she thought to herself.

Jesus took the lead and showed her how the parts were put together. Then he said, "This is the tough one. This ring has to be pressed on exactly right or it will leak. We were having a lot of problems getting them right. And a lot of them came back but none of the other companies was doing any better. Mr. Collins came out and spent a week watching us and asking questions. He spent Friday in his lab and on Monday he handed me this and said to try it out. The first one I tried went on perfect. And everyone after that went on exactly the same. I don't think we've had five returns in five years. The funny thing is that no one else has figured it out. I guess we sell just about all of these things now, at least it seems like it sometimes."
