New light

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She falls in love with her brother’s friend.
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Sam is in his best friend Josh's room right now. The shy nerd has been here several times before. He and Josh grew up together and remain extremely close today, even after they started going to different colleges. The college freshman is hiding in his friend's room right now because he wants to avoid someone. It is someone who doesn't treat him very well. Indeed, you could even call that someone a cruel, horrible person but Sam is too nice to speak of her that way so he just tries to avoid confrontation. Josh's room is the best place he could hide until his best friend is back from the jog.

Unfortunately for Sam, that person he is trying to avoid enters the room with two of her friends in tow. He sighs as he hears the giggling. Looking up, he could see Naomi's beautiful face as she kicks the door shut. Naomi, his friend's little sister, is simply the best female pole vaulter at her high school. The very muscular 18 years old has set the school's record at 4.96 meters. This is made possible by how powerful her very well trained body is. She ties her long, black hair up in a high ponytail while keeping her eyes fixed on him. Ever since they were kids, she'd taken pleasure in tormenting Sam, always bullying him with her friends' help.

"Hey, dork," she says to him. He finds himself flinching. Well, at least she is only insulting him right now. Usually, she also pours a drink all over his hair and clothes. Josh did try to get her to stop treating him this way but she had never listened. "You know, with your stick thin body and the way you dress, it's really no wonder you couldn't get a girlfriend. You're kind of cute though. You're the sort of guys girls rape and then dump in an alleyway." Her friends Gina and Patricia start laughing loudly from behind her, giving her high fives while he sits there looking up at them.

"Will you please stop belittling me?" he mumbles, not daring to raise his voice at her. She and her friends stare at him in a little bit of surprise. He has never, ever dared to talk back to them before. "Or I'll tell Josh." That makes them all begin giggling at the older boy again. Sam flushes as he realizes he shouldn't have said that. That was embarrassing, a college boy being this scared of his best friend's little sister, who is still a high school senior. "Please just stop!" Sam begs them once more, only for the three of them to go on laughing at him, ignoring his highly pathetic pleas. No one respects him at all.

"I think you should rape him to show him how weak he really is," Patricia says to Naomi. Naomi looks like she is giving the idea a serious thought while Gina only chuckles. "Me and Gina can grab his arms and pin him down on the bed for you. You can rip his pants off and do the rest, right? I know you are a virgin but you still know how fucking is done, don't you?" Naomi nods before she tells them that she does know how to fuck a guy but doesn't feel like doing it to Sam right now. "Why not? You just said it yourself. He's cute, isn't he?"

"Yes, but I really don't feel like raping him today," Naomi tells her friend. "We could torture him another way though." She then raises her left arm straight up into the air, exposing her sweaty armpit to Sam. "I just worked out earlier today and now you are going to sniff my pits," she tells the boy. Then Naomi tells her friends "You two drag that weakling over here and shove his little face into my armpit." Gina and Patricia eagerly does as she tells them. They each grab one of Sam's thin arms and haul him towards her, before pressing the boy's face into Naomi's stinky armpit. "Make him lick it too."

"You heard her, loser," Gina hisses in his ear, licking his neck. "You'd better start licking her armpit now or else I'll break your arm." Knowing full well that Gina has a black belt in Jiu Jitsu, Sam gives in and whips his tongue out. He flicks it tentatively at Naomi's armpit and and licks her sweat up from her skin. To Sam's horror, he is becoming hard. Gina notices this and snickers. "I think your sweat must taste really nice Naomi, because this twerp's little dick is getting hard for you." She then grabs it, groping his penis through his pants. "You should be honored, Sam. I have never sexually assaulted a guy before."

The way she said it so smugly makes him feel very indignant but he couldn't fight her and Patricia off. All he could do is continue sniffing Naomi's sweaty armpit pathetically, letting her and her friends humiliate him how they want. It makes him hate how weak he is to be unable to fight back, and also how the ordeal is turning him on. Naomi then says "I'm quite flattered," before using her hand to cup his balls and groping him the way Gina did earlier. "Say, how does it feel to be sexually assaulted by two younger girls? It must be pretty damn humiliating for you, right? You are so weak you couldn't even defend yourself from us!"

He sobs as she rubs her stinky armpit all over his face for a bit longer before finally being done with torturing him. "I can't believe you actually cried. You are such a lame, weak nerd. No one will ever want to go out with you. You are a little bit cute but that's it. Nobody will be attracted to or want a relationship with you," she tells him in a cruel tone as she shoves him onto her brother's bed. Her friends also chime in, adding to the mix of insults. Sam lies there and tries not to cry anymore than he just did. He doesn't want to give them the satisfaction.

Suddenly, Josh opens the door and gets into his room. The teen girls all stop as they hear him enter. They turn around to face him with evidently guilty looks in their eyes. "What did I tell you?" he demands. "Stop bullying my friend! He has been nothing but very nice to you." Naomi gulps. She doesn't like pissing her brother off. He'd never hurt her but could still intimidate the high school girl with his yelling. She hates it when he yells. Oh, she hates it so much! It's why she always pretend to feel guilty when he catches her doing something wrong, so that he would calm down.

"Alright, I'm sorry," she tells him as he seethes. The look on her face tells her exactly what she has to do and she then turns to Sam. Giving him an insincere smile, Naomi says "I'm really sorry for bullying you, Sam." Sam, being a very oblivious boy, thinks that she is being genuine in her apology. He accepts it without knowing that she is planning to continue making him miserable when her brother is not around. There is just no way she will stop now. No way in hell. It's way too fun torturing the boy. She just walks off, pretending like it is all over now, while her brother and his best friend start to talk.

"You okay, buddy?" he asks Sam in a much gentler tone. Sam nods and Josh gives him a hug. "I'm sorry my sister is such a bitch to you. Did she hurt you anywhere?" Josh quickly inspects all over his friend's body, even as Sam tells him that he's perfectly okay now. Josh has arrived in time. Naomi never really hurt him that badly but she did slap him a few times before and said that she might do it again if she feels like it. It's quite scary how nonchalantly she said that. He has since then tried to stay away from her as much as he can, but without having much success.

"I'm fine, man," Sam tells him as he wipes away the remaining tears on his face. "Really, I'm totally okay. No need to worry about me or anything." He can control the sobbing now and manages to end it. Josh pats him on the back and asks if he'd like to head out and get some ice cream. Sam nods. The two of them then leave the house together and head to the nearby shopping mall. They get inside the building and head for the ice cream store not far away from the entrance. The boys decide it would be better to have lunch first though so they change directions and go into the restaurant they always eat at.

They enjoy the meal and Sam starts to feel a little better about himself. He is no longer having to try to hold back the tears. The tears are not threatening to come along anymore. There is no more need for him to hold them back when they aren't there at all. Maybe he had cried until his tear ducts are dry. That is one unsettling thought. Surely he couldn't have possibly cried that much in one go, right? He honestly had zero idea. All he knows is that the food here is great and lifts his mood a lot more than the nerd thought anything could, at least at this point.

At the end of the meal, he gets a huge shock when the very beautiful waitress who looks a couple of years older than him hands him a piece of paper with her phone number on it. "My name is Kath and I think you're cute," she says to Sam. "Give me a call." Then she goes back to the kitchen. Josh gives his best friend an amused look. Sam has never blushed like this before. He couldn't believe it. For the first time in his life, he has been hit on. And by a gorgeous woman who looks way out of his league too! Yes, Naomi and her friends are also way out of his league, but they only groped him to show dominance, not out of being attracted to him.

"Well, it looks to me like you're not as hopeless in the ladies' department as I feared," Josh says teasingly. Sam is still unable to move, rooted to the spot in his shock at being hit on. He then folds the piece of paper and tucks it inside his pocket urgently. "Yes, you'd better take good care of that. Make sure you call her right when you get home. Don't play the waiting game because she is so much hotter than you. You don't want her going to someone else because she thinks you're not interested." Josh is a very experienced guy and right now he is giving his friend some much needed romance advice.

"Thanks," Sam says as he takes one final sip of his orange juice. The boys then leave the restaurant and go to the ice cream store. Sam orders his favorite flavor, Cookies & Cream. It's actually one of the only three flavors he eats, along with Strawberry and Vanilla. Josh, meanwhile, prefers sampling as many different flavors as he can. This goes for both ice cream and pussies. He's a massive man whore while Sam is still a virgin, but the two of them still respect each other. Sam gets home soon after that, saying a quick bye to Josh before leaving. He needs some time to get himself ready before giving Kath a call. It's making him feel so very nervous just thinking about asking her out. Then he realizes that she kind of already asked him out when she gave him her number and asked him to call her.

With a trembling hand, he dials her number and waits.

A week later

Sam is over the moon right now. He has just been on a date with Kath today and it was perfect. The boy has always wanted to have a relationship and now that he has one, he isn't disappointed at all. Kath is not only pretty but also a kind and smart woman. She is a college junior which makes her two years older than him. Her personality is charming and she can tell great jokes which really makes him laugh without having to fake it. God he likes her so much. He is so smitten by her right now and he also knows it too. He really can't wait to see her again soon.

He is surprised when his best friend enters his room. Josh was munching on some snacks in the kitchen earlier but now he looks bothered by something. "What's up, man?" Sam asks curiously. "You look like you're stressed out. Did something happen?" Josh nods as he sits down on the chair next to Sam's. It is clear that whatever it is is making him very annoyed. Sam could only wait for his friend to say something when he is ready. "Well what is it?" he finally asks after getting tired of waiting. "If I can help you with it then I will, but you have to tell me what it is first."

"It's my little sister," Josh mumbles in an irritated tone. "Oh I am not annoyed with you, by the way," he explains. "She called me saying that she's sick, asking me to get her some food and get home now. Can you believe that?" Josh sighs. "After all his bitchiness to you, she still expects me to cater to her. After what she did to my best friend she wants me to get her food because she is now sick. Too sick to leave the fucking house? I don't buy it. She has never been that sick before. Naomi is probably feeling lazy today. That's all there is. Nothing for me to worry about at all."

"Naomi is your little sister, dude," Sam reminds his closest friend. "You are her big brother. Even if she was mean to me, your best friend, you should still be concerned about her." Josh is surprised by this since he knows better than most how badly his wretched sister has been treating his best friend since they were children. "You can just go to the mall and get her something to eat. Maybe it will make her want to be a nicer person and teach her a little about compassion too. Think about it, buddy." Then Sam arranges some books on the shelves in the right corner of his bedroom.

"I'm honestly surprised. I mean, I know that you are a much better person than most, but really?" Josh says. "You still care about her even after all that stuff she did to you over the years?" He then places a hand on Sam's shoulder. "You can be perfectly honest with you. I will not hold it against you if you hate her. You know I won't." Sam assures Josh that he really bears Naomi no ill will, despite how mean she has been to him. "Wow, you really are amazing, Sam. I still don't feel like going out now just to get her something to eat. She could just have it delivered to her. It's easy to do."

"Yeah, well sometimes they arrive a bit later than they say that they would, you know?" Sam tells his friend as he gets up from his chair. "If you don't get her something, then I would." He finds his wallet, checking inside to see if there is enough money in there to buy a meal for his best friend's little sister. "I'll try to get back here in about an hour. Just stay here. Or leave, if you want to. She needs someone to be right there for her while she is unwell." Josh is astounded by how kind his friend is. His mouth is hanging open and Sam frowns. "What are you gaping like that for, buddy?"

"I just really couldn't believe it," Josh tells him. "Are you sure you aren't only doing this for me? Because if you are, then you really don't have to. I mean I am okay letting her take care of herself. She is 18. She's old enough now." Sam shakes his head though and insists on going out to grab something for Naomi. "Thank you then. You don't have to get her anything expensive. Just regular food is fine." His best friend nods and then leaves the house, putting on his dark blue jacket as he goes. Sam is sure he is doing the right thing, with no idea at all what his actions would end up leading to.

He arrives at the mall soon after that. The boy heads to a small, nice Japanese restaurant. At first he thinks about just having his own lunch now then taking Naomi's lunch to her. But then the boy decides that he could order takeaway for himself too. Then he could eat with Naomi at her place so that he can keep her company. Sam then quickly orders himself grilled salmon and for Naomi, ramen and miso soup. He knows that she likes these the most. Then the boy sits down and waits for just over ten minutes, before the waitress carries the boxes of food over to his little table.


Naomi is in a very shitty mood right now. She just couldn't believe that she is actually sick. Even fingering her large, muscular ass earlier didn't make her feel much better. The black haired beauty has been in peak physical condition for many years. Her body has managed to vault to world class standard! She has rarely ever had to take a pill ever since she turned 15 and started to play sports competitively. And here she is, lying in bed with an ice pack on her forehead. It baffles her how sick she feels today as Naomi struggles to pull through. Her friends from the female track and field team have all dropped by with some chocolates, so it isn't really all bad, but it still sucks a lot.

All of a sudden, there is the sound of a person knocking on the front door of her house. Naomi slowly gets out of her bed and then stumbles to the door. She looks through the peephole and is very surprised to see her brother's very cute friend standing there. She only bullies Sam because he looks so adorable as he cries. The sadistic Naomi enjoys seeing him tear up a lot. Now she is curious about why he is here though. The toned athlete opens her front door and asks "What are you doing here? I thought you and my brother were hanging out at your place today?"

"You called your brother to tell him you are sick, remember?" Sam says to her. She frowns at him, puzzled. "Well, Josh has to deal with something else so I got you miso soup. I also got you ramen as well." He then lifts up the plastic bag to show her the food he bought. "You go and lie down, and I'll heat everything up in the microwave. Then we can eat in the living room and watch TV for a bit. After that you're going back to bed for some rest though. No arguments." He then ushers Naomi back into her bedroom before going into the kitchen to hear the food up. Gordon Ramsay would probably disapprove and call him a lazy cook, but whatever.

Naomi slowly creeps out of her room in order to peek on him as he microwaves the food. She knows that the boy likes to cook and only bought pre made food since he doesn't know what ingredients that he would be able to find over here at her place. Her parents are at work so they are the only ones here. She could feel her heart starting to thump harder as she thinks about how kind he is. He is actually here, having brought her food because he heard that she is sick. Sam would probably do this for any of his friends, but doing it for her after she has been such a bitch to him over the past ten years? He is an angel!

She watches him as he gets the bowls out of the microwave and brings them over to the table. Then he sets down the spoons and forks. As they start eating, Naomi couldn't resist the urge to ask him "Can I ask you something Sam?" Sam looks up as he chews on the piece of salmon. Being a prim and proper boy who never speaks with his mouth open, Sam only nods. "Why are you being so nice to me?" She looks at him with real curiosity in her eyes, taking his breath away with those expressive round orbs. "You're being really kind and caring, bringing me food when I'm sick. And I know my brother isn't too busy for it."

"Why shouldn't I be nice to you?" Sam responds. "I'm not a perfect person but when someone I know and care about is sick, I bring them food. That's it. You are someone I know and care about." It is a simple answer but one that is still astounding to Naomi. She just couldn't believe what she heard. He then goes on eating before noticing that she has not continued eating yet. "What is it? I got you these because I know you like them, right? I told them to use the soft noodles for the ramen the way that you prefer it too. Did they get it wrong?" The fact that he remembers how she likes her ramen makes her heart beat even harder.

"I meant why are you still so nice to me even after I was so horrible to you," she asks him again. This time he gets it and then makes a sound of understanding. "I was an absolute monster to you from the beginning. I made fun of you and emasculated you, belittling you for how much weaker you are than other boys. And you still care about me, even after all this? You might be the best person I have ever known, to put up with all my bullshit and still be here to take care of me when I'm ill." Naomi gazes into his eyes with something that she has never looked at him with before. Adoration.

"I'm nothing special, Naomi. I know it was pretty horrible, some of the things you did to me. But I also know that you have some goodness within you. It's in there somewhere, deep down inside. I forgive for all the stuff you did to me because I think you are a much better person than you appear to be. You just need to let it shine through. Stop trying to be cool by bullying me, because you are already cool without having to do any of that," Sam tells her kindly as he teachers over the round table to caress Naomi's hair gently, making her blush. "Are you okay? You are turning red."