New Realisation Leads to New Path


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"Something like that."

"So you always get tongue tied, or were you simply a little overwhelmed... Starstruck?"

"Good heavens no. The questions I brought along were all asked by others. I suppose I did have a rather clumsy moment."

She smiled warmly, patted my arm and said.

There is an afternoon tea. Shall we go and have a little nibble?"

"Yeah, that'd be nice.

We wandered over to the tables set out with food, and drink. I selected several delicious little morsels. The coffee, tasted marvellous. Skye and I were standing there, our tiny plates filled with flavoursome nibbles, when. Ariel Remington strolled over to stand in front of us.

"Skye, it so wonderful to see you. Thanks for coming along." They leaned close, sharing a sweet little kiss. "It's always nice to see my niece's smiling face in the audience."

Niece... I glared churlishly at Skye. "You never mentioned, you were related."

"Sorry, Kasa, I don't like to name drop. I was interested in your honest opinion of my Aunt's work." She turned to Ariel. "Ariel, this is Kasa, she's a big fan."

Ariel, smiled warmly. "Charmed my dear. Always nice to meet a fan."

"Thank you." I replied. "I have to say, I adore your new poems."

"Thank you, nice to get some positive feedback." She turned more to Skye. "How have you been my love, how is that recalcitrant sister of mine?"

"Mum's good. Dad, not so much. His emphysema, is quite bad at the moment."

"The poor dear. I shall have to call in whilst I'm in town."

"You better, Mum, would be most upset if you didn't call in." A small line of fans, appeared to our left, and Ariel, apologised. "Sorry, I should circulate a little." Turning back to me, she said. "Nice to meet you Kasa."

As she wandered off to talk to the gathered throng of fans. I said. "That was very naughty."

"No I don't think so. Would you have been honest with me if you knew."

"I wasn't trying to offend, you do realise I hope?"

She giggled softly, before adding. "It's okay Kasa. You most certainly did not offend."

Trying to change the topic, I asked. "Do you go to a lot of readings, or merely your Aunt's?"

"I go to as many as I can. I adore every moment. Poetry is my not so secret pastime. What about you Kasa?"

"I'm the same really. Poetry is my key relaxation tool. It lets me sink into the words, afterwards. I do feel refreshed."

"Do you write, or merely listen?"

"I dabble a little... You?"

"Yes, it's hard not to when you have an Aunt like Ariel."

"She's encouraging, or forceful?"

"Neither really. She's simply wonderful, and of course one feels like you should at least try. Do you understand?" She said wistfully.

"Yes, I suppose I do. Although in my family. The arts were never really considered important. Music aside, that is. Music has always been a big part of my life."

"Oh definitely. I do try to get to as many concerts and event as I can."

The conversations faded, both of us absorbed by the tasty little nibbles. It did give me a chance to gaze upon her elegant attire.

The absolutely lovely apricot silk dress looked divine. It fitted wonderfully, it matched her white open toed sandals perfectly. Combine that with the handbag, and it was an excellent combination.

Her jewellery was expensive, her earrings, a luscious white gold, with little pearl drops. Her necklace, oh heavens, that was delightful. Gold chain, with what looked like carnelian and faceted diamond beads, with an amethyst pendant.

Stylish, trendy. A very nice look, perfect for a poetry reading. I felt positively dull by comparison. With the food, finished. I bid a farewell to Skye, and meandered over to talk with Ariel, who sat a small table, signing her book of poetry for interested purchasers.

I already had a copy, thank you internet shopping. I did fancy a signed copy though. Picking up a copy, slid it across the table. Ariel glanced up, surprised. "You enjoyed the reading then?"

"Very much so. I think your newer works are wonderful. A very refreshing change of pace, uplifting, positive perhaps."

"You did not enjoy my previous works?"

"Oh, yes. I found them interesting, although dark... Foreboding."

"Yes, it was a phase. A dark period of my life. Divorce, acrimony and despair. I agree with you, they weren't my best."

"Sorry, I disagree. I think they are powerful, deeply emotional and enthralling. I just feel these, are lighter. Easier to read."

"Thank you. Who should I make it out too?"

"Kasa, please."

She smiled, as she quickly scrawled her signature across the inside cover. Her handwriting was like her niece. Elegant.

I slid the forty dollars across the table. "How do you know Skye?" Ariel asked inquisitively.

"I don't really. We just met. She sat beside me, and we chatted for a bit."

"You're not dating then?" Her eyes, searched mine, as her words filtered through the hidden question.

"Dating, good lord no. She is lovely, but no. We only met today."

I felt the raging blush burn as my cheeks obviously flamed a bright red. "Oh, interesting. Do you live locally?"

"Yes, Ellerslie. Just up from the racecourse actually."

"Goodness, Skye, is on Theodore crescent."

"What about yourself?" I asked, waiting for the blush to subside.

"The Mount, although lately it seems like a constant flow of hotels. My publisher demands I tour to help market the blasted book. I hate it, but what can you do?"

"I suppose it has to be done." I replied. "I imagine they can be very challenging?"

"Onerous, honestly. They set an excruciatingly daunting schedule." Her smile felt warm, inviting. "I notice you don't wear a wedding ring. Are you single?"

"Yes, afraid so."

"Would you like to have dinner tonight? I hate to eat alone."

"Dinner!" I gasped. "Um... Yes, why not. Where would we go?"

"How about, Ahi, on Queen street?"

"That would be delightful. Should I pick you up?"

"That would be nice. I'm staying at the Sofitel, on the Viaduct." She scribbled, an address, in her notebook, ripped the page out and handed it to me. "Say, seven... I'll make the reservation."

"Okay, I'll see you then."

I wandered away thinking. "Did I just get invited on a date?" Walking out into the sunlight, I sighed. I reached into my handbag, fumbling for my keys, when I heard a voice behind me.


I turned to see Skye, standing behind me. "Hello, Skye."

"Do you have anything planned for the afternoon?" She asked, her voice enquiring, yet warm.

"No, not really. Nothing especially urgent. Why do you ask?"

"I wondered whether you might like to do something... Go somewhere for a drink?"

"A... Drink. You and me... Really?"

"If you're not keen say so. I enjoyed our conversation. I thought it might be nice to continue the conversation. I would enjoy hearing your thoughts on today's poets. Not many of my friends enjoy the medium. Most think a magazine is a long read."

I giggled at her little jibe. "Yes, it's not appreciated as it once was."

"How about it then?"

"I'm sorry Skye. I do have a date this evening. I have to get home and do some errands."

She grinned teasingly. "A date. Lucky you. Another time then perhaps?"

"Yes, I think that would be lovely. I admit, that not a lot of my friends enjoy poetry either. It would be nice to chat, perhaps sometime during the week?"

"Excellent." She handed me her business card, and turned to walk away. "Call me, I'll be waiting."

Watching her elegant frame saunter sexily away. Her cute bum swaying inside the swirling apricot fabric. The sunlight filtering through the silk highlighting her long legs. Speaking of poetry, Skye was most definitely. Poetry in motion.

I gulped, did I just say cute bum? Good lord... Bloody Mel and her stupid ideas. Since she had planted the seed of that preposterous idea. I had been unable to shake the question. Was she right?

Sitting in my car, I gripped the steering wheel tightly. The question wouldn't fade... Was it a date? Or was she merely lonely, and wanting some company? It must be a lonely existence continuously on the road promoting her work. A date, oh god. I had to quell the rising apprehension, my tummy doing a string of never ending flip flops.

At home, I went straight to my wardrobe. What in gods name do you wear on a date with a woman? Damn it. I didn't even know if it was a date. What if she dressed casually, and I went all out? I would look ridiculous, and needy. If I dressed casually, and she went all out... Oh god, what a conundrum. I flicked through my collection of evening wear. No, no, no. I discounted them all. Nothing made sense.

I rang Mel, it seemed the only option.

"Hi, Kasa, how was the reading?"

"Awful, why didn't you come with me?"

"Don't be daft. I had Larissa. Rogers off playing golf. Why, what happened?"

"I think I'm going on a date?"

"A date... Marvellous. Who is the lucky chap?"

"It's not a man."

"Oooohhh, really..." She murmured salaciously. "Do tell."

"Mel, I don't even know if it is a date. I'm totally confused."

"Why, what's the problem?"

I explained my dilemma. She giggled insanely as she listened. "Sorry, Kasa. It sounds like a date to me."

"So what in gods name am I going to wear?"

"Don't be silly. You dress as if it was a casual date. Something simple, but stated. Something that could be both casual, and formal. Heavens girl. That wardrobe has at least fifteen little black dresses that I can think of. There's that little navy blue one, with the ruffled off shoulder sleeve. Dressy without being to formal."

I lifted the navy blue dress down. The chiffon was lovely, when I first brought it, I wore it everywhere. I adored it.

"Yes, it might work."

"I'm excited." Mel giggled. "A date, wow. How do you feel?"

"Scared, bloody frightened actually. What the hell am I doing. I'm not interested."

"Fibber, you are so. I know you Kasa, if you weren't at least curious. You would have said no."

"Blast you Mel..."

"You might be thanking me later." Her giggle switched to a maniacal cackle. "You might get lucky."

"Oh god..."

"You might be crying that out passionately in her bed later darling..."

"Goodbye, you lecherous cow. This is all your fault you know. If you hadn't planted that bloody seed."

"Oh stop complaining. If you don't have fun, you can always leave." There was a nervous pause in conversation, the phone seemingly heavy in my hand. "Kasa, go with an open mind. I know this must be difficult for you. It's nothing more than dinner with a friend."

I felt sticky, I needed a shower. Relaxing under the gentle massage of the steaming jets. Usually, I had a routine for a date. Starting with, shave my legs. The thought of it made me giggle. "Do I still do that?"

Ridiculous, of course I do. In truth I loved the feel of the razor sliding over my soapy skin. My legs smooth, made me feel invigorated.

My next moment of anxiety came when I opened my underwear drawer. Another giggle as I rifled through my choices. I liked lingerie, well actually. What I liked was the looks of admiration I got from the men I dated. No, that's not true either. I loved lingerie full stop. I delighted in standing in front of the mirror modelling my selection.

That probably makes me sound vain, and I admit to having an ego. I spent a lot of time and effort in keeping my body trim and shapely. It wasn't cheap either. Gym membership, yoga classes, palates. The list was long.

Bugger it. I selected my sexiest matching pair, the pale blue thong, and lacy demi cup bra. If it turned out to be a date, then I wanted her to look admiringly at me, not disapprovingly. She was a very attractive woman, perhaps a little older than me, but still ravishingly beautiful.

Dressed, and happy with my selections. I felt sexy, tingly all over. As I pulled into the parking building at the Sofitel. I was again struck with a dilemma. Did I go up and knock on her door, did I simply text her saying I was here, did I call her? Oh god, it was driving me nuts. In the end, I rode the elevator up to the sixth floor.

I knocked lightly on her door. As I waited, I giggled. "Should I have brought flowers?" I was trying to stifle my giggle when she opened the door looking devastatingly gorgeous.

"Kasa, you look wonderful. Why are you giggling?"

"I, um... Nothing really. Sorry."

She reached out with her hand, and guided me into her hotel room. Her hand resting in the middle of my back. As I walked past, she tightened her grip, and leaned close. Her lips sliding over mine in a totally unexpected kiss.

It was light, tender but more than hello. As we parted, she smiled. "Shall we have a drink before dinner?"

"That would be very nice. I think I need one."

"Why so my dear?"

I'd thought about this moment ever since she asked me. I decided honesty was the best policy. There was no sense in hiding from it.

"You asked me earlier why I was laughing. The answer is. I was wondering whether I should have brought you flowers."

She sniggered. "Why on earth would you bring flowers?"

"I watch a lot of movies, mostly romance, that sort of thing. When a man takes a lady on a date, he always brings flowers. I was wondering... Should I?"

She laughed loudly. "Ahhhh, I see. No dear. No flowers." She glanced at me as she poured the glasses of Chardonnay. "Have you ever been on a date with another woman Kasa?"

"No, never."

She squinted, in a bemused frown. "Did I misread the signals? Are you uncomfortable?"

"I've never had a romantic connection with a woman. I'm anxious, and a little ill at ease. I'm unsure of how this works. I assume, you are at least bisexual?"

"No my dear, I am not bi. I am a lesbian. Are you uncomfortable now?"

"Yes, but not because of what you said. I'm simply apprehensive, flustered."


"Because I have never how shall I put this. Been with a woman."

She handed me my glass, and touched mine in a toast. "Darling, you must relax. It is no different to any date you have been on with a man. It is you and I getting to know each other. It will go only as far as you want it too."

Following a large nervous gulp of my wine, I whispered. "What if I wanted it to go all the way?" That blast blush was back with a vengeance. I could feel my whole body blushing, my heart racing. This felt so weird, like an out of control carousel. All I wanted was for the world to stop spinning.

Ariel, stared at me, and as our eyes met, everything stopped. Our eyes fixed, like an old sci fi movie, it was like a tractor beam I couldn't escape. A staring contest, who faltered first, who blinked.

She smiled that teasing smile, the sexy luscious intoxicating embrace.

"Kasa, whatever you want to happen could happen. I invited you because, you intrigued me. Aroused me, and I think I felt something in return. Let's go and have dinner, learn a little about each other... Yes?"

I nodded, the tractor beam extinguished. "Yes please, dinner would be nice."

We finished our glasses of wine, and she escorted me to the door. "Shall we take a taxi? Just in case they have a nice wine?"

I giggled at her innuendo. "Sounds like a clever plan. You're going to get me drunk aren't you?"

"Completely sozzled my dear. Then I'm going to take advantage of you."

"Sounds delightful." I replied, as she led me out of the elevator. Instantly my mind started flipping. "Why the hell did you say that?"

The restaurant was everything I'd expected. I had read fantastic reviews, and it had been on my list of places to try.

We sat staring back and forth across the table, the lovely crisp Riesling biting with it's hinted oak flavours.

"You said, your earlier poetry was driven by your divorce. I assume it was acrimonious?"

"Very, Sylvie, could be very malicious. She said she didn't want the divorce, but it was her who created it. She was so jealous and controlling. Once I gained some fame, and had to travel. It ate away at her. She made some fairly scathing accusations, and yes. It got very bitter."

"I am sorry. It must have been very painful."

"Yes, but enough about me. It is you I want to find out about. What has changed in your life that you suddenly think you're bisexual?"

Cringing at her inquiring eyes. I started talking, and talking. Before I fully comprehended. We were eating dessert, and she had heard my life story.

"I'm sorry Ariel. God, I've been blabbing away for ages."

"Don't apologise Kasa, I liked it. You were honest. Your friend Mel. She sounds very intuitive. A fine friend."

"She's fabulous, my rock."

"Is she right, or are you simply dipping your toes in the water so to speak?"

"A little of both actually. I know I was never really happy in any of my previous relationships. There was always something missing. I'm thirty five Ariel. Thirty bloody five. If I was going to have met the one. It should have happened by now."

"Is this merely a desperate attempt to find something? Are you drowning, and I look like a useful life preserver?"

"No, it's more than that. Ever since Mel, dropped that bomb. I have spent hours and hours evaluating every relationship. I've picked through the bones of every corpse. I don't know if Mel's right or not. Today, at the reading. I felt something. I felt drawn to you."

"That's a start." She said leaning across the table, her hand stretched out, her fingers sliding through my hair, caressing my scalp. Gently stroking my cheeks, my ears. She pulled, our faces closing the gap. Her lips, sliding concupiscently over mine. Her mouth opened, and our tongues melded together. I welcomed her advance, openly.

As we parted, she merely gazed into my eyes. "Shall we go somewhere, get a drink?"

"A drink would be nice. I think my knees are shaking."

"Relax, Kasa. Don't worry, you are in control. Only what you want to happen will."

"That's what I'm afraid of. Recently, I've built this up in my head. There's no way it could ever meet my expectations."

"Oh dear, you already doubt me." She said mockingly. "At least give me a chance Kasa."

"I didn't mean it to sound like that. I have set very high demands."

"Lets start with drinks."

The Sardine was close. The crowd seemed buoyant. The cocktails were delightfully indulgent. Mostly, we stayed outside, looking out over the water. It had a romantic feel, the lights glistening on the water, the fresh sea air wafting zephyr like over our skin.

We had our own little nook, a leaner table, where we could get cosy. Ariel, moved closer, her body pressing against mine. The heat, golly... My skin tingled at her touch. This was so different to any man I had ever been with. The thin fabric, offered no insulation at all. Her skin so creamy and smooth caressed mine, as she writhed seductively against me.

"Would you be offended if I kissed you properly?" She whispered in my ear. My eyes closed, the feel of her breath, her hot dense breath. It seared, as it flowed over my goose bumps. Her wet lips grazing my neck.

In slow motion it seemed. Her lips kissed their way to mine. My cheeks wet with her lust.

My heart fluttered as our mouths came together, openly, wetly. Her arm slid behind me drawing me closer. Her breasts crushed against my side. Our tongues slithering salaciously. The kiss, her lips soft, velvety, luscious yet urgent. My eyes refused to open, this was my dream, I'd imagined this very thing...

My breath evaporated as she leaned back. "Wow, you are a sexy witch." She sighed seductively. I would never have known that was your first kiss."

I finished my drink in one gulp. Reaching for her glass, I asked. "Another?"

"Yes please."

The walk back inside to the bar, gave me a chance to regather my thoughts. Was I really going through with it? On a first date... With somebody I had only just met? I pushed my way to the bar, and ordered refills.

I could feel my tummy, as it tightened, the tension twisting. It did nothing to quench a hunger that grew with every breath. Squeezing my thighs, I realised how lubricious I was, my panties, felt clingy, moist, damp even.
