Nicole Qualley


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Erica worked for a large-scale, international retail electronics company. Starting on the ground floor as a showroom salesperson, she'd, through hard work and determination alone, risen to showroom manager, then area manager, Brisbane East, and now she'd been put in charge of every store from Gympie to Tweed Heads, just over the border into New South Wales--a total of some fifty stores and with a staff of nearly two hundred people.

Five years ago, she'd missed this promotion by the skin of her teeth. Instead of sulking, complaining and undermining the new boss, as so many others in line for that promotion did, Erica concentrated on supporting and learning everything she could from him. Brian, the new regional manager, recognised this and, upon his promotion to Operations Manager, Queensland, recommended Erica as his replacement.

Brian's endorsement meant Erica was almost a shoo-in for this promotion. However, when the job had been advertised internally, many of the same area managers as had applied last time reapplied--making her promotion no guarantee, despite her exemplary record of five straight years of growth since being made area manager. Now, of course, she'd have to endure the same backstabbing and biting as Brian had endured upon his rise. But with Brian as her mentor and supporter, Erica hoped she would have an easier time than he did.

Smiling proudly, Ethan skipped around the table before pulling his gorgeous wife out of her chair and squeezing her in a bear hug. "Well done, baby," he told her, happy tears glistening in his eyes. "I knew you'd get there because I always believed in you."

Erica came from an abusive household. Ethan had been her rock and support for their entire married life. In Ethan's love and steadfastness, Erica discovered many things about herself. Primarily, that she was much stronger emotionally and mentally than her abusive parents allowed her to be. To this day, Erica carries the scars of her early years, but with Ethan's unconditional love and support, those scars are covered thickly now.

Nicole flew around the table and was only seconds behind her father in hugging and congratulating her mother. Nicole asked the obvious question --"do you get a pay rise, Mum?"

"Nearly twenty-thousand dollars a year more," Erica crowed. "But, better still, a company car complete with a gas card."

"Oh, wow!" Nicole breathed.

Before she could say what she thought next, her mother smiled and said, "Yes, Nicky dear, my beat-up old Corolla becomes your car to use."

"Nicole," Nicole corrected absently. "I hate 'Nicky'. When does your new job start, Mum?"

"I spend a fortnight with Brian travelling around the various showrooms and warehouses, introducing myself to the staff. Then, I spend another fortnight at the head office being trained to do the many reports and filings I have to do, and then I'm on my own. But I'm officially the new regional manager as of 9.00 am Monday. I pick up my new car the same day."

"Wow, Mum," Nicole stated. "So cool!"

Dinner at the Qualley household was typically a time for the family to chat and share their day. Tonight, with the excitement of Erica's news, dinner was more boisterous than usual. Erica even allowed an extra drink each, something that generally only happened on Birthdays or at Christmas.

Two glasses of wine were more than Nicole's system could adequately process, so she woke the next morning with a slight headache and a very dry mouth. Pulling faces at herself in the mirror, Nicole swallowed two Advil and Panadol and drank three tall glasses of water. Deciding to take some protein bars to consume when her stomach was a little less unruly, Nicole skipped breakfast and got on her bike.

Walking up from the train station, her mind filled with what she could do with her own car to use, Nicole didn't notice the boys sliding off the wall and spreading across the footpath.

"Well, look here, boys," 'limp dick' said. "If it isn't the ugly dyke. Not so tough without your teacher escort, are you, carpet muncher?"

Glaring at the weedy boy before her, Nicole snarled, "If I'm a lesbian, then at least I know what a real pussy looks like. Given you've only seen airbrushed ones in your paedophile uncle's porn folder, I could describe what a real one looks like if you want?"

"Fuck you!" 'Limp dick' yelled, reaching for Nicole.

Nicole didn't hesitate. As her father had taught her, Nicole closed the distance instead of backing away as the stupid young man thought she would. Then, dropping her bag, Nicole lifted her knee forcefully, driving it into 'limp dick's' nuts. 'Limp dick' groaned and slowly collapsed, his hands cupping his groin.

"Anybody else keen for a kick in the gonads this morning?" Nicole snarled, turning to the young man's cronies.

The other three turned and fled. Picking up her bag, Nicole stepped around the groaning 'limp dick' and walked casually towards her school. Two other girls crossed the road to walk with her. Nicole didn't have a lot of friends at her school. Most of her classmates came from families way more affluent than hers. The monetary and prestige gap between her and them was too much for the somewhat reticent Nicole to overcome. Plus, her extreme intelligence overwhelmed some of the girls, leaving them feeling inadequate to be her friend.

The bigger of the two girls, a gorgeous red-haired, green-eyed young woman who was just on the plus side of average, said, "Nicky. May we walk with you?"

Turning to her, Nicole replied, "Nicole. Not Nicky. Yes, but why?"

"Those creeps having been hassling girls all year," 'redhead' explained. "You're the first one to ever stand up to them. We'd feel safer walking with you if that's okay?" 'Redhead' introduced herself, "I'm Mary. This is my sister Emily."

"Hi," Nicole said, smiling at the younger girl. "How come you know my name?" She asked.

"Are you kidding?" Mary said. "All of us 'nerds' are in awe of you. You're going to be the school Dux (Valedictorian) with daylight second. You're intelligent and pretty, and you seem so cool and self-confident. We all want to be like you."

This was news to Nicole. Nicole thought she'd floated through her almost five years at high school virtually anonymously. Sure, some of the brighter kids may have known who she was because Nicole almost universally received the top marks on any exam or paper. But, other than that, Nicole didn't think any of her classmates could pick her out in a police line-up.

Nicole was in her humanities class later that morning when a teacher's aide entered the room. Showing the note to Nicole's teacher, she motioned for Nicole to follow her. Mystified, Nicole packed her stuff up and followed the aide from the room.

"Hello, Miss Qualley," the woman said. "First of all, let me assure you that the school has your back on this. The boy who assaulted you this morning has been the subject of several complaints, so don't get too stressed, okay? It should be just a couple of questions and then done."

Trying not to worry, Nicole allowed the aide to guide her to the principal's office. Getting there, Nicole saw two police officers talking to Mr. Jenkins, the senior school principal. The two officers and Mr Jenkins turned to watch Nicole approach. Swallowing nervously, Nicole stopped before them and waited. The principal spoke first.

"Nicole, this is Constables Mike Avery and Joanne Small. Brett Sommers, the boy who assaulted you this morning, has been taken to The P. A. Hospital for emergency surgery on a ruptured testicle. Because he's under eighteen, his parents have filed an assault complaint on his behalf. These officers want to take a statement from you. You're over eighteen, so you don't need your parents to be present, but I can call one of them to sit with you if you'd prefer."

"Do I need a lawyer?" Nicole asked. "I've seen too many cop shows where an innocent person gives an innocuous statement, and suddenly, they're in prison, fighting to stay alive."

Constable Small smiled and said, "Of course, you're entitled to a lawyer if you want one, but I don't think it will be necessary. We already have statements from Mary and Emily Watkins, who witnessed what happened. Plus, we have several other witnesses to these boys' increasingly aggressive behaviour. How about we follow Mr. Jenkins into his office, and he can be your advocate and witness for what we ask and your statement?"

"Mr. Jenkins," Nicole asked, knowing the principal reasonably well after having received several meritorious awards from him in the past. "Do you think giving a statement is okay?"

"I believe so, Miss Qualley," Principal Jenkins answered. "But it's wise to have an outside witness. One the police can't say wasn't there to see or hear."

Nicole turned to the officers, "I agree to start, but I reserve the right to stop and ask for a lawyer if I don't like the direction of your questions."

The officers agreed, and everyone moved into the principal's office and shut the door.

Officer Small took out her notebook and said, "According to the complainant, at approximately 8:15 this morning, you took exception to how slowly he and his three friends were walking. You yelled for them to get out of their way, and when he turned to say 'sorry', you kneed him in his testicles. Is that what happened?"

Infuriated, Nicole replied tartly, "It actually began yesterday after school. Mister Cummins, the gym teacher, can confirm. I was walking to the train after school when the same boy accosted me. After we exchanged pleasantries, the boy called me several derogatory names, questioning my sexuality.

"I believed he might become violent, but before anything more could happen, Mr. Cummins interrupted and sent them on their way. Mr Cummins was concerned they'd circle back and hassle me more, so he kindly escorted me to the staffroom where he could pick up his things, and then he accompanied me back to the train."

"What time was that?" Constable Avery asked, his pen poised to write.

"It was after final period," Nicole explained. "I showered after gym and changed, so I'd guess around 3:00 pm."

"What happened this morning?" Officer Small queried.

Nicole swiftly related what happened, emphasising that when 'limp dick' reached for her, she felt in immediate physical danger and reacted to ensure her safety.

The two officers exchanged glances before nodding. "I think that does it," Constable Small said. "Your story matches with what the other witnesses stated. We'll drop by the gym to confirm with Mister Cummins, but I already know he'll confirm the events as you've said."

"What happens now?" Nicole asked.

"We write it up along with a recommendation of 'no further action required', Officer Avery explained. "However, it's up to the police prosecutor to decide whether to pursue the case. I doubt she'll go against our recommendation, though. One other thing, Miss Qualley," the officer added. "You have a strong case for assault yourself. If you want to pursue it, call me or Officer Small, and we'll explain how to file one."

He handed Nicole two cards.

Constable Small then turned to the principal, "I assume we'll find Mr Cummins in the gym?" She asked.

Principal Jenkins opened his computer's daily lesson plan window. "No," he replied. "Nick is teaching year 10 math in H-block room 25. That's the second floor, third room on the left from the stairwell."

"I can show them, Sir, if you want me to?" Nicole offered.

Mr Jenkins checked the time and agreed before giving Nicole a pass to take back to her teacher. Nicole took the officers across to H-block before returning to her class. She was just in time to receive the homework assignment for the day and to hear the bell indicating the period's end. On the way to her next class, Mary approached her.

"What was that all about?" Mary asked.

"Seems I broke limp dick's nuts. His parents put in a complaint," Nicole answered with a smile. "But you must have guessed that because the officers said they'd already spoken to you."

Mary shook her head, "They asked me to describe what happened but didn't explain why." She looked at Nicole apprehensively, "Do you think those boys will target us now? Can me and my sister walk with you after school?"

Nicole hadn't thought about that but wasn't particularly worried. After all, it was broad daylight. How much trouble could the gang of juvenile boys cause? However, when she got out of her last class and headed for the school gate, Mister Cummins approached her.

"Wait up, Miss Qualley," he said. "The police are concerned that some of the group that hassled you have sworn to get even. We discussed this during the staff meeting, and we don't think you should walk by yourself until things settle down."

Mary and Emily have asked to walk with me, Mr Cummins," Nicole replied. "I won't be alone."

"Even so," Nick said. "I'd rather be safe than sorry. Give me a few moments, and I'll walk with you."

Giving in to the inevitable, Nicole shrugged and agreed to wait at the gate. She watched the lithe teacher walking away, and her fantasy from the previous afternoon flitted through her mind. Shaking her head, Nicole swiftly dismissed that thought, afraid the sisters would smell her arousal if she let it play. Boys never seemed to notice when girls found them attractive and were turned on. Girls, however, always knew.

Nick returned quickly and indicated the girls should walk ahead. "Ignore me," he told them. "I'll try not to interfere or listen to your conversation."

The real reason Mister Nick Cummins wanted to walk behind was so he could safely admire Nicole's shapely rear. Nicole wasn't the only half of yesterday's pair that had masturbated over the other when they got home.

'Nicole is so strong and confident within herself,' Nick thought. 'Yet, there's an air of vulnerability about her--a diffidence, as if she needs a strong, supportive partner in her life.' He clamped down on his burgeoning arousal lest it became evident in his tented trousers.

He recalled his first foray into sexual dominance. A fellow teaching student returned to studies after taking time off to have children and was close to nine years older than him--a woman who taught him how to meet the needs of a sexually submissive woman. Unfortunately, just as Nick thought he had the hang of things, the woman, Wendy, fell for her and Nick's lecturer, and the two women became lovers. Nick hadn't, until Nicole, met another woman he felt the same connection to since.

When the odd foursome neared St Laurence's College, Nick saw the three remaining boys sitting on the boundary fence, clearly waiting for Nicole to show up. They slid off the wall with scowls on their young faces, but one spotted the teacher walking unobtrusively behind the three girls. He nudged the other two, and they all quickly assumed an innocent air and walked back into the school grounds as if that had been their intention all along.

Nicole looked back over her shoulder to see Mister Cummins, apparently unaware of what had transpired. She grinned and turned around, but the vague warmth in her nether regions immediately exploded. Nicole resumed her conversation with Mary, realising the young woman had a one-track mind --the men, movie, rock, pop, and TV stars she thought were hot, and didn't Nicole think so, too?

If the truth be told, Nicole hadn't considered it at all. They were boys, and Nicole just wasn't interested. Now, if Mary wanted to talk about which of the teachers were hot, then about that Nicole could give an opinion. There were two --the one currently walking behind her --could Nicole feel his eyes on her tush, or was it just her imagination? --Then there was Manny Edmonds, Nicole's history teacher. Mr Edmonds was a giant bear of a man. Well over 190 cm tall (6 ft.+), weighing north of 100 kg (220 lbs), with a big bushy beard, a huge rounded tummy, and the most warm and welcoming brown eyes Nicole had ever seen.

Manny Edmonds had a booming voice and laugh; his classes were full of humour and conversation. Manny made an often dry subject, full of facts and figures, come alive. When he spoke of events hundreds of years ago, it seemed as if he'd been there and witnessed those events himself.

With his enthusiasm, Manny swept the class up and made them feel history as a living thing, and he explained how decisions made decades, even centuries ago, still affected today's events. His enthusiasm, geniality and incredible sense of self made Nicole wet, even though she could not envisage how that giant of a man and her could ever make love.

However, it wasn't the physical act of love that Nicole pictured as her talented fingers flickered over her clit and virgin entrance. It was Manny's expressive brown eyes looking at her sternly as he commanded Nicole to kneel over his thighs. Shuddering with barely hidden desire and need, Nicole would press her nubile body over Mister Edmonds' muscular thighs and push her breasts deliciously against Manny's outer thigh.

Manny's left hand would hold Nicole in place as his right lifted her school skirt over her shapely bottom. Manny would hesitate, gazing at Nicole's sexy bum, before raising his hand and bringing it stingingly down onto Nicole's ass cheeks. Before the sting ended, Nicole would climax and then quickly rush to the bathroom to wash herself, ashamed and embarrassed by her fantasy.

The train arrived on time, and the foursome got on. To Nicole's disappointment, Nick sat at the opposite end to her and the sisters. However, three stops later, the girls got off at Norman Park Station. Nicole obliquely checked to see if Nick would move to sit next to her, but he seemed engrossed in his smartphone and wasn't looking her way at all. Disappointed, Nicole got her English and Literature Extension homework out and began reading the accompanying texts.

Nicole avidly read the material as she imagined putting a brief together to argue a land claim case. She pictured standing before the Supreme Court bench, arguing the validity of the claim and the plaudits her successful application of standing law earned her. She was so deeply into the readings that she didn't notice her gym teacher shifting seats.

"May I sit with you, Miss Qualley?" Nick Cummins asked.

Marginally annoyed about being dragged out of her reveries, Nicole stiltedly replied, "It's a free country and a train with no assigned seats. And, I repeat, my name is Nicole. I do not like being called anything else."

Nick sat beside Nicole, even though there was more room opposite. The sudden warmth of the gym teacher's thigh against her thrilled Nicole, but she huffily pulled her skirt from under his thigh and moved closer to the window, shifting her thigh from against his.

"What are you reading?" Nick genially asked.

"Homework," Nicole almost snapped, flustered by her sudden arousal.

"I can see that," Nick answered, his eyes sparkling mirthfully. "What particular homework are you reading?"

"Why does it matter?" Nicole asked before sarcastically adding, "It's not like I have gym homework that you've set."

"It's a way to initiate a conversation," Nick replied evenly, exasperated that Nicole was brushing him. He wanted to get to know this beautiful young woman, dammit!

"Oh," Nicole blushed, realising she was being what she detested in others in her year --a bitch. She explained what she was reading and how it applied to her desire to become a lawyer and then, eventually, a Supreme Court judge. Before she knew it, Nick had engaged her in a lively debate around the worthiness of this subject and the pratfalls of book versus real-life learning.

Nicole found her assumptions challenged. Things her leftist-leaning education facility had taught her were brought into the light and dismissed as illogical rubbish. For the first time in her short life, Nicole began to question whether what she'd been taught was true. Nick consistently exploded things Nicole had been told were sacrosanct teachings into unintelligible myths.