All Comments on 'Nine Months Ago'

by ConPulsion

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

the ridiculous lengths you go to. there may be some moral in this morass, but if there is you killed it. this story is so utterly twisted, so illogical, so infused with man-baiting nonsense, it's hard for me to believe any reasonable person would accept this story as anything more than horseshit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I think the "Jungle Fever" is strong in this bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

He shoud have dumped her when she refused to have the baby adopted, so corrcet result in every way


AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Good riddance bitch! You are much better off. This woman is broken and you can never fix her. Not your fault just forget about her and go find a better woman and live a great life.

CreeperclawCreeperclawabout 3 years ago

If only she had told him. They both fucked up. She was supposedly raped and ended up baring a child from it completely surprising her husband. He found the long awaited baby he and his wife had been expecting wasn't his and refused to speak with her about it for a long time. They both fucked up badly, who more than the other? reasonable people can argue, but they both definitely fucked up.

Personally I blame her more, she had nine whole months to tell her husband about a horrible crime that happened to her(supposedly). A crime that was committed while she was ovulating, the idea that the baby might not be her husbands never once entered her head? Either she's a delusional idiot or there was no rape and she was trying to cover her ass. Divorce is the best ending possible here.

MaresEatOatsMaresEatOatsabout 3 years ago

Less than worthless.

ThorlolThorlolabout 3 years ago

Uhh, this story has quite many flaws. Lets take the wife first. Why wouldnt you report a gang rape? To that she said she was blackmailed by them with video and pictures. Exuse me, but wouldnt that be perfect evidence for the rape? Then she showed no other signs of trauma than a week without sex? Impossible. Also there was a remark from her that the only thing he needs to know about the rape, is that it wasnt brutal. Damn, that would be the first rape I heard about that wasnt physically or emotionally brutal. If I were her husband I wouldnt believe her story about the rape. Even though you established it as a fact in your story it just isnt believable with all those points, sorry. A black lover is way more believable than anything else. I cant fault the husband other than the clichee act of not answering his phone. If those guys would actually talk for five minutes they could avoid constant ringing and messaging in the future but oh well. Unfortunately only 2 stars, too many plot holes and way out of norm acting but it was readable...

Hiram325Hiram325about 3 years ago

His life will be better without her.

CDRLawCDRLawabout 3 years ago

This could be the single most offensive story I've read in LW.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

The woman brought it on herself. She should have been honest from the start. He's better off.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Well written story. The blindfolded commentators who have no idea of the shame a raped woman feels should be thoroughly ashamed of their comments. The same commentators calling "racist" at every oportunity should consider their mindsets, it seems to me that they are the inverted racists. With the wife's shame at being raped and therefore keeping the attack quiet, the only way the husband and family would find out if the baby was the rapists' was if it was coloured/black, hence the inclusion of 'black baby' in the story.

I do think that too many commentators go off half cocked without getting the story straight in their minds. They should read the story twice, at least, to ensure they understand it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This story is one of the more interesting plot twists we have seen in a while.

KarenCDFLKarenCDFLabout 3 years ago

Absolute crap. The story was piss poor enough but the spelling and grammar errors murdered it completely.

far_wanderer1984far_wanderer1984about 3 years ago

You should be ashamed of yourself for writing this rubbish. If this is how you're mind works don't write more.

LonesomeBoy60LonesomeBoy60about 3 years ago

Here we go with the stereotypes, this TRASH

Pasqual_ClementePasqual_Clementeabout 3 years ago

IMHO, the blurb, "If only he had talked to her", should have read, "If only she had talked to him". How else would she expect Andrew to react when she gave birth to a baby that was obviously not fathered by Andrew? Yes, Andrew could have been less 'scorched earth' about the situation.

But, if she had spoken with him about that rape, then he would have been better prepared for the possibility. So, Stephany's decision, as stated in her letter, is wrong. I hope that she would, eventually realize the situation and reconcile with Andrew.

I realize that there will be no follow-up and the referred 'hope' is not a a side ways request to write more about these two.

Thank-you for the good, but sad, read.


JustaSailorJustaSailorabout 3 years ago

Sorry - not buying the gang rape story nor the I'm divorcing your because you were mean that I had a black child.

Prince020402Prince020402about 3 years ago


How insulting to anyone that has been raped. Rape, by its very nature and definition is brutal...and a gang rape by three men.....not brutal? Are you kidding me? That is the most sickening statement I have ever seen on this site or any other. Find me any...ANY rape victim that was forced into sex say that it wasn't brutal.

Websters definition of rape:

unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against a person's will ....

Either the author made a despicable comment or his inference is that his character was not raped which makes her a dispicable character - which also infers that the husband is a clueless idiot. On par with rapists are people that make false rape allegations.

This story should not have been posted.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 3 years ago

Good story, bad wife. The rape is not her fault, but not telling her husband was. She should have preempted their threat by telling him. His reaction was predictable and she never forgave him for reacting in a very predictable manner. Nope, she is wrong.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Blacks have been lynched because of false allegations by white women. This racist story is designed to infuriate the reader. If the wife is telling the truth about the rape, nothing she did in the story makes sense. The "rapists" wouldn't have leverage over her by revealing evidence of their guilt. If she reported the rape immediately, evidence would have been obtained that may have saved others and got her help.

This is fiction. You created a story to piss everyone off. Husband is called to the delivery of the baby by her parents. He was given no warning that the baby was black. She offered no explanation when he walked into this surprising event. Any rape victim, at this point, would have revealed the rape in an attempt to save her marriage and justify herself. As others mention, she would have had many opportunities to stop an unintended pregnancy. Even if it wasn't rape, she knew she had unprotected sex with a man who wasn't her husband. Why no morning after pill or at least a prenatal DNA test?

Your failure to keep your own MC names strait in all of your stories is pathetic. WTF is wrong with you. 1 star

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

He tried to give her a life after he found out, but she hid it from him for the longest time. No trust, no marriage. I think he shouldn't feel bad and then go after her and the rapists both with a vengeance.

FireFox59FireFox59about 3 years ago

Your "stories" are going from bad to worst.

Grant_GlapsvidhrsonGrant_Glapsvidhrsonabout 3 years ago

Did you write this to intentionally troll the LW community? If not, I apologize, but it seems the likeliest conclusion as to what your intent was behind this... "story." 1 Star.

dob092095dob092095about 3 years ago

Nice story. However, I’d likely act same as the main character. I’d certainly want to see the police report if she expects me to believe it was not consensual. What woman would go thru that and not call the police and visit a hospital. Um, morning after pill? Todd riddance to her. He can do better.

Regguy69Regguy69about 3 years ago

Sorry, I just don’t buy that a woman is attacked and raped for 3 hours and then doesn’t tell her husband. How about telling him and the police and taking a morning after pill? Had she done that, maybe the assholes would have been caught sooner. Also, I understand the need for the baby to be black so as to impart maxim shock and explain the hubby taking a runner, but I tire of all the racist bull shit I see written in LW. Does anyone really believe that crap? Black men are just people, just like the rest of us. Enough of the racist stereotypes.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

wife had nine months too tell hubby about you going too trust her? writer making hubby bad guy sucks.why keep baby,every time hubby see it tear them apart.

Drgnmstr97Drgnmstr97about 3 years ago

I wish I could pull something from this story. I neither understand the plot nor the method if it's execution. It is simply an unbelievably series of events that I cannot enjoy as a story. Getting raped and then threatened not to say anything by giving the proof of the rape to your husband?!?!?!?! The rapists keep you quiet by threatening to provide the proof of the rape in the form of video evidence no less. How did you manage to write this story and not realize this extreme logical fallacy? Even after reading it and knowing what you intended with the plot I still believe that she wanted and enjoyed the gang bang and was putting it to him one last time by leaving him because your logic and story telling is that flawed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

So, lets recap.

The wife is raped. She doesn't tell her husband for fear of being outed. Nor does she take a morning after pill, because they'd started trying for a kid, and it MIGHT be his.

3 months later, the rapists are jailed. She doesn't say anything... for no reason whatsoever.

6 months after THAT she has the kid. Still hasn't said a word. Kid is born, husband walks out, and firewalls contact.

He finally gets talked into a room. Hears the story. The reconcile. He's fully accepting.

THEN he walks about because he was despicable when she ambushed him with the whole thing? Wait, who's the callous shitbag again?

FabGMxFabGMxabout 3 years ago

Reviewing from the aesthetic and form, in my limited knowledge (and barely passable use of the english language) this story suffers alot of missed potential, the story could be a lot better, if not a couple of pages longer if the plot were more fleshed out, but the author choose to play with the cliches of the RAAC genre, even the rape plot, just to do a reversal that of course lay all the blame on the ex husband in a truly cuck/raac genre ending.

Then are the obvious plot holes that many authors specially those who wrote cuck, raacs, nc and/or Ir stories regularly. Things as illogical as blackmailing the victim with video, i mean she say that was brutally raped for 3 hours, so if the 3 criminals send even parts of the action, they are basically self incriminating and confessing the crime, the next one its the lack of the morning pill if she was afraid of being pregnant... and no by her own admision she was calm and collected after the events. Of course she chooses remain silent specially after the criminals are caught, so on and on and then its the husband fault either for not notice that his spouse suffers of PTSD, to not stay afther the birth of a child that its not his blood... like i say its a total cliche.

Finally its the admision of the author that his stories are not "complete" but its no willing to close them properly (sic) what i find somewhat problematic. In more o less words basically admits that wrotes only to get a kick of the Hornet nest (us readers) thats why doesnt evens bother with a proper conclusion, yeah i get that it is a valid motive or excuse, but i always think that having an approach like that just reflect the laziness of an author.

WargamerWargamerabout 3 years ago

Too stupid for words, playing on racism for engagement with your talee and the characters therein was never going to work. The story just never jelled, never seemed to get together was too rushed in the ending. If it was true, my reaction would’ve been fuck you!!

Scores 2/5

toy4LadyandDon2toy4LadyandDon2about 3 years ago

no stars and wasted time reading this illogical crap

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This is dumb and the wife is a idiot. She deserved to be alone.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

The story is NOT intended to be realistic or be capable of logical analysis. It has achieved the desired result of getting a huge number of comments reacting to all the unrealistic mini scenarios. None make any sense. That is the purpose. Don't reason with it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Misandrist tripe.

Dnvrdave58Dnvrdave58about 3 years ago

Not only did she not tell her husband that she was "gang raped by 3 black men" but she didn't report it to the police. If she had, they may have been able to apprehend the rapists and assure that the next woman in your story was not raped. That woman had no problem in telling the police. I'm not sure, but I'm feeling that she was not raped but coerced and did it willingly and that is why she didn't want her husband knowing. Just Saying.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

"Surely, the object of a story is to stir the readers imagination into creating their own sequel."

NOPE!!! Never read anything by you before and never will again knowing you're too lazy to FTDS!

Rocky62Rocky62about 3 years ago

Fucked up wife.... of course he reacted the way he did. Omission is lying too

trandall9991trandall9991about 3 years ago

I think you just made my do not read list.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I understand that you wanted to make the husband to be not understanding, but in reality it was the wife!

secretsalsecretsalabout 3 years ago

This situation is absurd and contrived. Feels like it was set up just to throw a couple of 'Gotcha!' moments at the reader, and none of them worked.

KoxokKoxokabout 3 years ago

Everything the wife says is suspect. The husband is a fool to have met with her at all. If theY were together when she saw the 3 men on the news, there should have been some aberration in her behavior. He also could demand she have the DNA of the child compared to the 3 men from the news. Mind you, a match doesn’t mean she was actually raped. If this supposed rape happened, he would have been able to notice some kind of change in her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
A lot are sayed

But without 2 or 3 no one get the meaning. It doesn't matter if rape or not it doesn't matter wich color the baby shows. All in this story shows how violent a man is because of his own mind. To abbandend his wife cut out his inlaws drink to much and trow out his wife. No communication between the couple because HE think he know all. How much hate you commenders have in you. You really deserve a secound Sezession War before you realise you need another to life in peace on this planet.

Delko484848Delko484848about 3 years ago

Excellent theme in this story. that remind us to never think the worst before talking together.

onlythelonelyloveonlythelonelyloveabout 3 years ago


Tone deaf with racist tropes.

A character who has zero rationality and no medical diagnosis.

Fiction requires a reader to suspend disbelief.

So this is attempted satire?

Or trolling.:.

Rw43Rw43about 3 years ago

The critics who cry "Racist!" need to get a brain. First off, the black skin of the baby is nothing more than a vehicle to demonstrate the wife's lack of communication and maximize the shock effect. What could give equal shock to the family without offending you: Hispanic? Albino? Pacific Islander? Oriental of any of 30+ sub-types? Sorry, the author used Black because it works.

Second, maybe you're offended that once again gang rapists had to be Black. Well, statistics establish that the trope actually is based in reality. In the US, the 7% of the population that is Black Male perpetrates 40% of the violent crime. That is a personal crime performance rate 10x greater than the average demographic. Yes, Blacks are also the most frequent victims of each other, and the statistics on rape are not reliable, but if the author (or the wife) had blamed the gang rape on any other demographic the story would have been, well, even more unrealistic than it was.

And last, do you realize that you are commenting on a porn site? We are all consuming third- and fourth-rate literature about undeveloped characters performing illogical fictional actions in order to gain some kind of erotic (?!) or moralistic experience from our God-like viewpoints--and you have the nerve to tell someone that their particular story demonstrates an unacceptable psychosis? We Are All Psychotic! That's why we're here! That's why Literotica exists!

So please, spare us the "racism" criticism. I'm not saying all psychoses are acceptable, but this degree of racism is closer to reality than a lot of the other stuff on here.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsabout 3 years ago

The worst part about the comments is that the mostly male readership here just doesn't get it: we think that rape ought to be easy to report, to boyfriends, to husbands and to the police, but for women it just isn't.

Think about what a woman has to go through when she reports a rape. After being violated, the last thing she wants is to be taken to a hospital for a pelvic exam, to have someone sticking her, or maybe his, hands into her vagina, and for forensic evidence to be gathered.

Then, if the case ever goes to trial, she's going to be facing a defense attorney who is going to try to poke holes in her story, to make it seem as though it was really consensual. The "man" who raped her is going to be facing her; she's going to have to look him in the eye, again.

We are expecting a woman who was reduced to helplessness by an assailant to be tough enough to face him down.

No, it doesn't make much sense to us, but not reporting rape is apparently much more common than reporting it.

Rw43Rw43about 3 years ago

Did Andrew treat his wife despicably?


Did Stefani deserve it?


And that tells you all you need to know about how horribly she had treated him for 9 months.

I understand that the primary cost of rape is the loss of a feeling of self-determination, but, assuming Stefani's story was true, what was she going to do--live her entire life without once telling a counselor, her husband or even her mother what had happened to her? So she gave the men who invaded her body the keys to her mind, and heart, and family, and future, too? No. Just no. That's why you don't do it alone. You get help, because you don't see how badly you need it.

I am as sympathetic toward Reconciliation as almost anyone, but Andrew needs to move on. He needs to encourage his next prospective spouse to open up. These two spouses took turns imposing their unilateral decisions on the other, so maybe they need to find mates that will encourage them to share their thoughts and feelings before they reach the Ultimatum stage.

Stefani was the first to act abominably, then Andrew reciprocated, and then Stefani got the final word. There is very little pining for Andrew to do here.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Black, black, must be racist..

JAFCriticJAFCriticabout 3 years ago

The twist you used in this story, a non brutal gang rape, is completely nonsensical. In any story, there needs to be a reasonable facet of believability and the ability of the reader to understand the viewpoints of the characters.

As to the wife’s explanation for this child, the abduction and rape by 3 black men, is one thing. To say that it was non brutal strains credulity. But! The wife never tells her husband or any friends or family members?!?! Never shows signs to those who know her the best?!?! Never discussed the possibility that the child is not her husband’s to the obstetrician?!?! Doesn’t worry over possible STD’s?!?! It’s mentioned that the assailants were arrested and that she was able to hold onto her emotional response, but nothing else?!?! She didn’t even offer any testimony to the police? That last question may have a reasonable answer, but it is never addressed on the husband’s part as just one of a thousand questions he would have asked when her explanation is offered.

As to the understanding aspect that the story needs. One does not have to agree with a character or their thinking, but it has to have some sense of reason to it. If the reader can not understand the choices a character makes, especially the protagonist, you lose the reader and you get bad reviews. Some of the reasoning behind the actions by both spouses are understandable. The one’s that are not include; the husband’s change of heart regarding the acceptance of the child. You expressed adamantly that he would never accept that baby only to change his mind in the blink of an eye? Then the wife leaves him after he reconciled her actions? I’m not saying that it cannot work. I’m saying you took the lazy approach and didn’t explain in action, dialogue, or narration how the reader can understand the choices made.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

ReedRichards. The woman I know are tough enough to report a rape. Apparently your women just like a BBC or any strange cock. Tends to go with your soyboy personality.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

A lot of good comments. This "story" makes no sense.

bruce22bruce22about 3 years ago

This poor guy cannot win one. First he gets hit over the head by the fact it obviously is not his offspring in the hospital bed. Then he recieves a kick in the abdomen by her divorcing him when he thought that everything was cool.

SikemSikemabout 3 years ago

His reaction was normal and expected. She should have arranged to explain what happened before he saw the baby. Her lack of caring was every bit as faulty as his. Then after the reconciliation she never spoke about her feelings or suggest counseling, or try working through the problems. I find it mildly insulting that you portray the husband as the bad guy of the story.

Well written and thought provoking. Suggestion: I do think you emphasized the race thing too much.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Absolutely horrible story! Why is it that every story of British origin seems to be along these exact lines. Always leaves me with a distinct impression the men in that part of the world are overly courteous pussies with mental deficits.

darthdaxdarthdaxabout 3 years ago

Well I gotta call absolute and total fucking bullshit on her "callous way you treated me afterwards" statement. IMHO the way she treated him after her "non-brutal gang rape"(which is a ludicrous in and of itself) by not telling him her fucking husband FOR 9 FUCKING MONTHS!!! Shit he still had 6 months on credit lol. She had balls enough to stay quiet , then keep it, and to tell him to fuck off but not enough to go to her husband or the police? The next victim obviously didn't have her hang ups as she got them bitches locked the fuck up!! And if my spouse won;t tell me or the police that she got gang raped, then i don't wanna be married to her anyway. I mean if she was raped that's not her fault but her not telling me is. AND any other women that they did it to after her, was on her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Wimpy ending

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Rw43, you're the only person here who needs to get a brain. If you happen to already have one, try figuring out how to activate it. Switch yourself off, wait sixty seconds, and switch yourself back on again. If that doesn't activate your thought capacitor network (brain), then try reading a non-fiction piece of educational text. Those usually activate and enlighten brains. As for saying everyone here is psychotic, speak for yourself. You probably are, but all of us pointing out this story's racism, are not. Literotica is not the place for psychos. You admit you're psychotic. I advise you to get off Literotica and commit yourself to an insane asylum. That's where you belong.


You're either wilfully ignorant or have never engaged in critical thinking. In case it's the latter, I'll throw some information at you. Once upon a time in slavery days, black men were falsely accused of rape, were viewed as oversexed animals, and were lynched in large numbers. This continued through the Reconstruction, Jim Crow era and Civil Rights Movement. Over 5000 people were lynched. The prejudice exists today. We all remember the recent videotaped case of "Central Park Karen" who made a false 911 call about an innocent birdwatcher, calling him an "African-American man threatening my life." It was a barefaced lie because she knew that as a white woman, her false testimony can decide if a black man lives or dies. Shit like that still happens, and we all know that if that guy hadn't been lucky (and taping the exchange), a police officer might have shown up and murdered him without asking questions. Are you getting a clue, Rw43? If not, let me make it clear for you: This story IS racist, no matter how loud you bleat your nonsense. The reason commenters are disgusted with the story, the author (and those trying to defend him) is because the premise is rooted in centuries of prejudice and unjust killings. Read that again if you didn't understand it the first time.


Even if the author wanted to use the "black baby" cliche as a way of showing the baby definitely wasn't his, he way overstepped that mark. He could have mentioned the baby's race once or twice and moved on with the story. But, no. He just HAD to write passages like this "She is staying with her parents. I don't expect anyone else she knows will take her in with a black baby" and this "I was struggling with my emotions at the sight of a black baby latched onto her pink nipple" and this "I already knew she was a beautiful baby, despite her colour, which was more milk chocolate than dark brown. I suppose because she had a white mother." This 3rd quote is the real doozy. The baby is beautiful DESPITE her color? And she's only beautiful because her color is "milk chocolate" instead of "dark brown" because of her white mother? That's fucked up as hell. The amount of racism (and colorism) in that passage is so staggering, I don't know how the author didn't collapse under it. If you don't know what colorism is, Rw43, go look it up. The research might help with your brain activation problem. Those passages were unnecessary. Anyone claiming the passages aren't racist, must be a racist themselves. Nobody can be so fucking stupid and retarded that they honestly can't see how hateful and anti-black these passages are.


As for your "facts," they're not facts. They're skewed statistics that you've taken out of context and presented incorrectly. The term "violent crime," includes other kinds of felonies, not only rape. It includes murder, armed robbery, rape, assault & battery etc. You can't cite umbrella data, even if true, and apply it to one aspect within the umbrella. That's completely unscientific. Furthermore, it isn't actually true that black men commit 40% of violent crimes. That number is skewed because blacks are disproportionately arrested and charged for violent crimes than any other race. A 2019 study of 800 jurisdictions across the US shows that black males are 400% more likely to be incarcerated for the same crime than white males. Yes, four-hundred percent. Hence, the reason the rate of black incarceration is higher despite them being an ethnic minority, is because they're that much more likely to be punished for committing the same crimes as whites. Also, you're flat-out wrong in citing that black men commit 40% of violent crimes. Wrong, wrong, wrong! The actual data is that blacks (of both genders) make up 40% of the prison system population, WHETHER THEIR CRIMES WERE VIOLENT OR NOT. As I said before, Rw43, you're sorely in need of critical thinking skills. All races commit violent crimes. Black males are not inherently more violent than any other demographic. That idea is a racist myth.


Here's some actual rape data: #1) A 2014 study by Sinozich & Langton found that 63% of rapes are committed by white males, 19% are by black males, 10% by other races and 8% unknown. The rapes were independent of the victim's race. #2) The 2008 report from the Justice Bureau estimated (extrapolating from only 10 confirmed incidents) that 19,000 white women were raped by black men that year. That same year, 88,000 white women were estimated to have been raped by WHITE men. That's 4.631579 times more, if your brain is too tiny for math. #3) Eight out of ten rapes are perpetrated by someone known to the victim, NOT by strange gangs in a van. As only a paltry 2% of white women are in interracial relationships with black men (contrary to what porn would have one believe), it's statistically unlikely for a white woman to be raped by a black man she knows intimately. Conversely, 5% of black women are in interracial relationships with white men. Statistically, it's more likely that a black woman will be raped by a white man she knows intimately. #4) 93% of all rapes are within the same race.

Translation of all this: black men raping white women seldom occurs. Across the board, white males are overwhelmingly the most likely perpetrators of rape. This is a fact that the numbers reveal.


You wanna know a real interesting fact? In the entire history of this country and to date of writing this, lynching STILL hasn't been made a federal crime. No anti-lynching bill has been passed by both houses. Strange, right? You'd think lawmakers would clue in that a mob brutally murdering one person without a fair trial, could possibly be a crime. Another fun fact? In slavery days, raping a black woman was not a crime. It was perfectly legal, and white men did it with impunity. There are historical accounts of black women being raped in the presence of their own children. However, raping any white woman carried capital punishment. Another interesting little nugget? Starting in 1845 and continuing for several years, James Marion Sims, a gynecologist, experimented on black women. He cut their wombs open without their consent and with no anesthesia. Why? Because black people were supposedly animals who couldn't feel pain. You want more facts? Go look them up yourself, you lazy little shit.


TL;DR - Rw43, you need to shut the fuck up before you go bleating about historical and civil matters you're clearly not educated on. Your comment was an embarrassment. Don't bother replying to this. If you do, so help me I'll give you such a verbal scorching that all the ointment in the world won't be enough to treat your burns. Just try to be better in future. Or go give David Duke another blowjob. I don't really care.


As for the author, it was clear to me from the start that this story is troll bait. It was written to provoke comments, and it's worked. I planned to ignore this story and not comment (because attention is clearly all the author craves) but Rw43's stupidity was impossible to leave uncontested. Author, congrats on getting all the comments you were jonesing for. Is your life satisfying now?

zeuspmzeuspmabout 3 years ago

dude. your obsession with black is kinda distracting. your use of 'rape' as a twist also comes off a bit sloppy. your character doesn't show any signs that a normal human being would show after experiencing such violating act. it's portrayed as if she rear ended her car & didn't tell her husband about it. and all of these things may be believable if your character is written with some consistency. she's dumber than forrest gump in some parts & smarter than Dr. House towards the end.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

This was incredibly stupid and you are a terrible writer. You're kidding yourself if you think we want a sequal from you. In fact I'd like to request the opposite.


robinhodrobinhodabout 3 years ago

Wow! Mr. Anonymous (it's obvious who I mean) has really sorted you out hasn't he?

He's done the same for me. I was going to write here that I didn't think it as bad as did the other commentators.

I've now scanned quickly back and it leapt out, just how many times 'black baby' appears. In fact EVERY time the word 'baby' would have sufficed.

Well done Mr. Anon, I feel ashamed, and so should the writer.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

A wife that was raped and never told her husband. A husband that never noticed a change in his wife behavior after a rape she is trying to keep to herself? A wife that after being raped finds out she is pregnant and hopes its still a "white" baby. And go figure the rapist happened to be black. My opinion poor excuse for rushed kind of story

DazzyDDazzyDabout 3 years ago

Racism much? Why did she not report the rape?

afanoffanlitafanoffanlitabout 3 years ago

What a load of crap…..gets gang raped and doesn’t trust her husband to tell him.?? Doesn’t have the brains to get a dna test to figure out the baby isn’t his?? She’s a waste. he’s a moron for not seeing how her lies ruined any chance long before she gave birth.

BuzzCzarBuzzCzarabout 3 years ago

"...she was a beautiful baby, despite her colour." That says a lot about you author. You should be ashamed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Racist author.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Please don't write another story. I've read your first 3 and they are all horrible. Please don't waste anymore disk space with your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

The writer is a completely spineless man. I'm sure Legio Cuck-yeah Nostra and Kalicuxos have enjoyed reading this story.

timrivtimrivalmost 3 years ago

He was well rid of her. She said the gang rape was not “brutal” which to me means she not only cooperated with the guys and didn’t resist but enjoyed it. If there was to be a chapter 2 it would take place a few years later when he bumped into her and her black husband. The guy who was her daughters and their father now that he was out of jail. He dodged a bullet. As they say “once you go black…..” that was the real reason for her divorcing him.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Stephybaby got a taste of the Big Black Cock and developed a tremendously Jungle fever. She can’t or will not give such goody away and is looking forward for some siblings for litta‘ Jennifer.

Stockholm Syndrom my ass, Once you Go Black.... ya know?!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

second read and still I hate the idea. What woman gets gang banged in a van and does not go to the police and who says it wasn't brutal so it was OK? Then she is pregnant and doesn't care enough to get tested or even inform her husband it may not be his. I do see a woman who would not abort even a rape baby but I do not know of any woman who would not inform her husband. If she feels he would leave her because of the rape what do you think he would do at the birth? So stupid.

In this case he is the winner. He just needs to protect his assets and be rid of the bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

All I can say. Good riddance to that whore. One Star.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Shit, sounds like he dodged a bullet honestly, she was terrible.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitalmost 3 years ago

Ridiculous. A nonviolent rape? So she didn’t fight it. Strike one.

Being raped should have been the most traumatic event in her life up to that point. She was able to hide her trauma? Then it didn’t really disturb her. Strike two.

She should have sought counsel from her mother immediately after the rape, and figured out how she would tell her husband. Rape isn’t something a married woman should hide from her husband. Strike three.

She’s the despicable one.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

This is very stupid, pathetic, unrealistic fiction I have ever read. The events do not make any sense. Had this been a movie, it will surely flop, worse, no actors/actresses nor director or producer would have accepted it. Nonetheless, I believe the author could have made a better story on the same subject matter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Wow he had a lucky escape there. Thank god she dumped him, otherwise he'd have been saddled with the her and someones kid for life.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Sorry 1 Star.

How could she not report the rape (or did she willingly get in the van??). How could she take a chance that the baby could have been from the black guys? She should have immediately taking a "morning after pill"? Terribly written.

How could she turn around and blame him for her issues. She should have been upfront and things would have been completely different.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJalmost 3 years ago

He is better off in the long run. He treated her that way because she withheld the information about the rape. Since she didn't report the rape, they went on to rape other women. She has some guilt in their suffering. He tried to make her life and the baby's life better but she was mad at the behavior she caused. Let her go and find a better woman.

sticks13sticks13almost 3 years ago

I know this is only fiction but having read this story I can't help feeling that he had the better deal because she is totally selfish in the extreme here. I know she got raped and though this must be totally horrific she doesn't let her husband help her or warn him knowing that it might be a possibility with the baby. He does a mad travel to get to her when he does hear she's in the hospital and he's supposed to just except it when he turn's up with no warning of what he's going to find. He then does what most if not all men would do and leave because there's no explanation yet when he finally hears the story he does the right thing yet she can't except that because he left the hospital earlier and then she divorces him because she can't forget that. Well let me tell you something. There's not a man on this earth that can read a woman's mind and never will be so she should've let him know if she wanted a different result. This woman comes across as totally self-centered and he's better of without her.

I'm sorry, you chose a poor subject for this and a poor delivery. Keep writing though because it's only my opinion and it means nothing and it is fiction.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

At least now she can go and get gang raped buy more guys and get pregnant again.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Get real folks...There was no rape what-so-ever! She's leaving Andrew to get back to the baby's daddy.

He's well rid of the slut.

dob092095dob092095almost 3 years ago

You turned this back on the husband? I’d have likely reacted worse than she did. Did she file a police report? Did she tell him what happened? It’s your story but implying he should feel any remorse over how he reacted is crazy. He’s better off without her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Written totally for effect. The story has no realism or adult drama. Why would three rapists send video of their crime to anyone, much less the victim and the husband? She is expecting her husband to accept a completely unverified and now unverifiable story, that exonerates her and makes him look like the bad guy. Her selfish cruelty is exhibited by her keeping the baby, the product of violence and rape. What was she going to tell her daughter one day about her conception, who her father is (pick one from column A, or B, or C).

Sorry, too stupid to breath, your story is suffocating. She withheld being raped, did nothing logical or of self interest to gather evidence or prosecute the rapists, leaving them to rape other women thanks to her silent enablement, she makes it clear that her rapist's daughter is now more important to her than her husband or her marriage, and then she waits until he has forced himself to accept her selfish ignorant betrayal before she abandons him with a lie and absolutely No Chance To Talk About It! Just like he did? Ridiculous.

I hope you can do better. Thanks for the effort.

ImpossiblefutureImpossiblefuturealmost 3 years ago

Spelling, You constantly refer to Spelling Stephanie in 2 forms one with ie at end and one with a Y. Shocked Editors allowed to go through with quite a few other Spelling mistakes, and misplaced words. Otherwise story was good, plot a little shaky, who was to say she using that as a cover story, because the child came out black.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

If she was "raped" by 3 black men why didn't she call the police. At least, she could have taken a morning after pill. Stupid whore said nothing. She's a whore that loves big black schlongs...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

The story is well done to cause this much chatter. The writer did their job by making people see the wife is in the wrong.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

The number of racist, misogynistic cunts on this site is truly horrifying. The story premise is presented with no ambiguity and yet a large number of these responses are completely contrary to the narrative.

This is a real problem in the LW category, it’s almost terminally infected by rednecks, shitkickers and incel virgins looking to obsessively hate any female character who is shown to have even the smallest personal agency. Fucking disgusting.

SunnyU2SunnyU2almost 3 years ago

Made me think.

4 Stars

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Good for her! MC was/is a despicable, cowardly little bitch. What would it ever gain a person to stop all communication? Especially, when his wife has done something so out-of-character? Of course, she's not much better as she didn't report it. This is a painful, sad story all around.


The writer needs to USE THE DAMN TAGS. That's a simple, common courtesy to the reader...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Wut? The rapists threaten to send a video to her husband so she doesn't report being raped? What is she afraid of, that her husband will divorce her for being raped? If so, the guy must be a special kind of asshole and divorce is probably for the best.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

did you really think this is a excuse ?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

She doesn’t tell him she’s been raped and HE is the bad guy? Nonsense.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

IRL no one would know whether she was raped or just adopted the story after seeing the news report. Her failure to report the "rape" or at least inform her husband creates suspicion, and the sanctimonious letter at the end really suggests there is something wrong with her. Interesting character development.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

ConPulsion seems to suffer from some degenrative sexual disease he must have acquired when getting fucked in the ass by bbc in his heydays...that has scrambled his brain. I have yet to come accrosss such an illogical scrambled piece of shit writing .... no clue why this character even wastes space on the ether!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Why she did not report it on time nor take the morning after pill? Had she gone to the hospital she would not be in such a mess. * Silly story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Keep your "realistic" stories coming. Don't worry about the naysayers, we the cuck connoisseurs absolutely love your stories. It's definitely one of my top 50 stories on literotica. 50/50!!

Legit Cuck-yeah Nostra

nixroxnixroxover 2 years ago

1 star - cuck/wimp crap - so far out in la la land that it is beyond understanding.

It does not matter what color the baby is - she was supposedly raped - but failed to report it.

Too may unanswered questions to make very much sense out of this story.

usaretusaretover 2 years ago

Bs! Pure and simple. An unfinished tale without any explanation of authors reasoning about the tale , perhaps to raise racial tensions among readers.

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I'm just an old guy living in England, with a slightly imaginative, dirty mind who is too old to do it, so has to put his wishful thinking into writing.