All Comments on 'Nine Months Ago'

by ConPulsion

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SunnyU2SunnyU2over 2 years ago

1 Star

Troll sh*t

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good story poorly executed twist! Both the man and woman morphed into something totally out of character.

PdgriggsPdgriggsover 2 years ago

Very Good story. Very realistic. Made me cry at the end. 5 Stars

BigDee44BigDee44over 2 years ago

I guess she really is a bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good riddance to the lying, manipulative cunt.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I think her tale is total B.S. and that she returned to her babys daddy/lover. LP

john_sixfooterjohn_sixfooterover 2 years ago

Well written good story.

I love the premise but the ending was rotten.

lbeachamlbeachamover 2 years ago

The key is she didn't report the so called rape. There's another story lurking.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


Hiram325Hiram325over 2 years ago

This author has to be a BLM jackass... whether they're black or White makes no difference. There's an abundance of anti-White garbage on their list.

brian_scoobybrian_scoobyover 2 years ago

Total bullshit! She has absolute no feelings for her husband… she is so selfish! Well written… but like others hated the ending. Sorry… the ending is just not believable. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

She should of reported the rape to the police or at least to a family member, like her husband.

notredame43notredame43over 2 years ago

Oh bullshit.. she gers raped says it want brutal and no one notices.. nope sorry she either likes gangbangs by hoodrats or something else is going on.. 0

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

An agenda? How to understand such an unbeleivable plot? Wife suffers a brutal rape and never tells husband? Especially after she becomes pregnant? Or the totally irrational way the spouise dealt with it? Or the unbelievable parents? The wife was a mental case, the husband a cad and her parents mentally deficient too. The story just lacks all credibility. Please! There is a difference between deliberately shocking a reader and insulting them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Unbelievable plot that allowed her to turn her concealing of the rape into his problem when he finally gets to her in the maternity ward and finds she's had a black baby.

Seems neither she nor her parents gave the slightest consideration for how any normal male would react when ambushed like that.

As for her getting gang-banged and not taking a morning after pill and not even going to a clinic for an STD test the story just loses all credibility.

She even sees the 3 men on TV being arrested and continues to conceal what happened.

And how conveniently she embraced an understanding of Stockholm syndrome.

As for her parents, manipulative is the least that could be said for them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Such a story designed to provoke. Rather insulting, really. Not very credible. None of the characters are believable. A couple of five years marriage and this degree of dysfunction? Nah.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Duck cuck. Keep your IR garbage in IR where it belongs.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Be glad she left. You wil be better off with out her.

mole114mole114about 2 years ago

Seriously how would any man not reacted that way she should of told him she did after utter bs on her part he his better off

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

A "woke" parable for younger Millennials and Gen Z? A 5 year married couple, wife doesnt even report a brutal gangrape, and husband walks away from an unexpected birth without asking what happened? Then she walks away with a facile race statement? What utter bullshit! Surely the author can write a better story? Pathetic. What an insult to the trauma of real victims.

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyabout 2 years ago

Including rape in any sexual connotation is garbage and does not belong here. Rape is violence and nothing else. The rest of the story was just not very good. Sorry

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Her rape and final letter was gaslighting the poor sap husband. She left when her true love (bbc) got released early from jail.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Why didn't she tell him she was raped when it happened? Why did she wait for him to find out until after the baby was born? She should of known how he was going to react to finding out she gave birth to a black baby.

BigfundrewBigfundrewabout 2 years ago


How many times can you put the word black in a short story? You're focus on bbc is concerning.

That was a pretty slick trick though, on her part. They both knew the marriage wouldn't last, but she was able to place all the blame on him there at the end.

After the rape she didn't trust or believe in her marriage partner enough to handle what happened as team.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Pretty pathetic story. Why write such tripe?

dob092095dob092095almost 2 years ago

She really is a disgusting woman and he is well rid of her. Trying to make it out to be the husband’s fault is disgusting. Actually you made him out to be a wimp anyway. With no indication no word that she was raped, I don’t think many if any husbands would agree to even try. He did and she still left. Good riddance.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraalmost 2 years ago

Yes, millennial beta-boys are full of emotion, angst and ennui. They can't control their emotions, and as a result, they run away, ignore, ghost, go silent, and refuse to talk. They pout, cry and slink away, terrified of engagement or confrontation. I love it that OP has written an engaging and impactful story of one such little pissant and how there are always two sides to any story!! 5/5!!

phill1cphill1cover 1 year ago

This seems racist: "A Black baby, the worst betrayal..." and "I already knew she was a beautiful baby, despite her colour, which was more milk chocolate than dark brown. I suppose because she had a white mother."

I don't see how it would be less worse if it were, say, white or hispanic or Asian. Unless the author thinks that Black people, by virtue of their race, are inferior...

ApathyIncApathyIncover 1 year ago

Ummm no... screw that. The way she was treated? How about you tell your husband when it happened, especially when you realized you were pregnant. All hubby knew was he wasn't the father. She or he parents could have contacted him if they wanted to. Did her parents know or was he the only one left out? He was trying, after finally being told the truth, and she just sits on him. Nah, screw her.

johnstang2johnstang2over 1 year ago

Listen guys. I could lecture on how accepting the world is now than any other time in history but all that would be bullshit. Racism has been around for eons since man first came around. It will continue for eons more. Like terrorism, we will never truly get past this. Just read your bible if you disagree with that statement. Biblical archeology continues to prove the bible is more of a history book than biblical myths. Unfortunately reactions within this story would be about accurate. As for the wife not telling about the rape, I got the impression the photos shows a willing participant the a rape victim. They were just forceful enough to get the job done without making it painfully obvious is was an out right rape. WERE anyone who commented about she must have told someone EVER been raped. As a male child I was and I never told anyone out of shame. I wish now I had for I could have gotten the right kind of help back then instead of suffering the after effects ALL my life emotional and mental health wise. To the author I have this to say: Thank You! Thank You for having the courage to write a powerful story containing many difficult, gut wrenching topics. It is a powerful story and powerfully written.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

FTB. She should have told him.

dob092095dob092095over 1 year ago

Wife is trash. Husband should thank god she’s gone. He’s done nothing wrong.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Why would she not trust her husband enough to tell him what happened or call police immediately after the Incident? There is zero trust in this marriage, his initial reaction is indirectly her doing. they part....she brought this on herself, they could never move forward, she cannot confide in him.....he cannot ever trust her going foward.

Ridiculous69Ridiculous69over 1 year ago

Makes no sense. Hubby’s response was normal since he had no idea how she could have had a black baby. She didn’t trust or respect him enough to tell him what happened until after she destroyed him emotionally with not have his baby. Not sure how you put this all on him and glorify wife for divorcing him. Just another writer emasculating husbands and making women always the victim no matter what.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

fuck her - 1*

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Utter bullshit that she would hide her rape and be surprised by the possible results when finding out her pregnancy. Or his over the top reaction to at least not find out what happened. Just way too contrived for a really really trite social statement. As of the author was a immature young Millennial or Zoomed. No married couple of five years would act this way unless mentally refractive or married at 16.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Gang-raped and no "plan B"? How stupid?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago
What a crock!

He should of followed through with the divorce the first time. She refused to explain that she was raped, if she had, then maybe none of the BS would of happened to begin with.

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 1 year ago

"I had never considered myself racially prejudiced but now I wasn't so certain." - I don't think it's so much racial prejudiced as the fact that the baby being Black was proof positive of her cheating, no DNA testing needed.


"I don't expect anyone else she knows will take her in with a black baby." - Now, that IS racist. People might be unwilling to take her in with a baby born from adultery, the baby's race shouldn't enter into it.


"A black baby. That's the worst betrayal possible." - Again, that's racist. While it COULD be just the character speaking, but given how much weight most of the characters seem to be giving to the baby's race, you have to wonder if it reflects the author's view.


"The only thing I need to tell you about the rape was that it was not brutal." - I know there are some comments that all rape is brutal, and that is essentially true, but I think the author's intention is something along these lines:


In many cheating wives stories, the wife explains her infidelity saying that she loves her husband's gentle love-making, but sometimes she just wants to be "taken," and her lover provides this. I think she was likening her rape to that, to a lover taking her forcefully, not violently.


The blackmail might have kept her from going to the police, but she should have told her husband. As for the pictures, they're evidence of the rape, they don't dare show them to anyone.


Even if she thought that the baby MIGHT be her husband's, she still should have gotten an abortion.


I don't get him blaming himself, since she never told him about the rape.


SHE can't forgive HIM? What a fucking cunt, he's well rid of her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

She was a selfish cow, get back together with him have him look after her kid and then take both kids away

Hiram325Hiram325over 1 year ago

He's better off without her and the black child. Maybe if she gave it up for adoption, but he shouldn't be expected to accept that kid.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Does no one see that he jumped to a logical but totally incorrect conclusion? Does no one understand that his unwillingness to have any communication from her is as mature as a child holding its' breath until they turn blue? She is a rape victim, and the comments all blame her. As for abortion, her religious beliefs can make that impossible for her. What if she aborted HIS child? Woman are supposed to have a mothering INSTINCT! That is why you see so many stories of animals nurturing the young of their prey or enemies. Granted I would not want to raise a child of rape, but maybe I love my innocent wife enough to do it. All told, he is an ass who cares only about his image. I hope she rapes him in court.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Yep. Gang raped and so gently no one knew. And it’s his fault for not seeing that. What a load of crap. Yes it’s your story to write as you see fit. And you posted it here for me to make the observation that it’s a load of crap. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This is a very bitter and a one-of-a-kind of story. I do not think there is anything even remotely like this on the Literotica website. She leaves him for something that happened to her and wants to punish him for reacting like 99.9% of all men would have reacted. He did not open her letter nor did he listen to her voice messages because he was shocked and for that she wants him out of her life. Well good riddance – sorry that it happened to you but don’t you dare punish ME for that. Full Marks for a very well written acrimonious story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Contrived tripe. If she never told him of the rape it makes her collusive in his over the top response. Her behavior was immature and his mistaken assumption and response without talking to her also the height of immaturity. And where were their parents In helping rectify this stupidity? A single divorced mother with interracial baby would still be a major impediment to establishing a new life in many parts of this country today. The negative racial trope is just so contrived and disappointing for what could have been a good story about youngsters overcoming adversity and it's outcome.with help.

26thNC26thNCabout 1 year ago

Based on the information available to him , how the hell did she expect him to react?

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

STUPID ending!

Let’s see…. I lied to you (by NOT telling you I was raped, never told the police, then had the baby)…

Now HE is the bad guy, because he couldn’t accept life how SHE wanted it?

Screw her!

NovemberComingFireNovemberComingFire10 months ago

Well congrats. This is the dumbest story I’ve read on this site. Beginning, middle, and end.

lc69hunterlc69hunter10 months ago

Real men do not run and hide and refuse to address things and communicate. I think she could have gotten over it, but I understand her action

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Women lie about rape more than any other crime. If this were IRL, simply asserting that she got raped would raise trip to the hospital? No police report? No typical rape victim behavior? Did she mention it to any girlfriends, etc?

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

NovemberComingFire DITTO

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Real reason: the baby daddy (adulterer) wanter her back.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

This is simply bad fiction. It is not clever, ironic, insightful or thought provoking. It is simply an example of a poorly conceived and poorly executed concept for a fictional story.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

This racist tale is a vulgar insult to all victims of rape.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Good riddance to that bitch!!! Hubby should see it for what it is a new lease on life! Now he can get back to the life he was supposed to have before all this horseshit that he had nothing to do with and was jammed down his throat!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Garbage and unrealistic..Rapped and made pregnant yet keeps the baby.??Nope, would never happen.

Rapped and not reported???Rapped and not tell husband and/or parents?? Get your head out of where ever it is before you start to write and think it

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Good lord! This wife needs to grow up. The wife didn't tell him and so he leaped to the obvious conclusion: either interracial infidelity or rape. That is the very definition of a head-case. He should be going good riddance after getting her parents to force her to get a shrink. No husband would possibly know what this wife was capable of, and I don't necessarily mean sexually. When you marry a spouse, you marry their judgement as well and this wife had none. Traumatized, certainly, but if raped, then report it and get Plan B, obviously. So instead she ended up trying to foist another man's progeny on him and didn't even understand why he was so put off?

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Pathetic. She is raped, does not go to police does not tell her husband, the is surprised when he assumes the worst? Fuck right off.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

She was fucked/raped? by a black man/men and for 9 months never told her husband and apparently made no police report. I would have a problem when I found out 9 months later that she had a black baby. He was not at fault here, she was. He is much better off without her, even if she was raped. She had no respect for her husband and wanted to hide everything from him. If she told him about the rape and made a police report, any pictures that the perps sent would only hurt them, not her, because they could have been used to identify them. He is better off without her.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

An eye opener to what seems and what really is! The difference between appearance and reality! 5 - Stars!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

"Divorce was the only solution. I decided, even though I loved her so much, I had no other choice. Even if she got rid of it, I would never be able to live with a cheating woman. Could I ever trust her again? I had never considered myself racially prejudiced but now I wasn't so certain. For a moment I felt sorry for her parents. How would Bob and Beverly cope with their daughter and a black baby?" this is what he should have done and stuck to - and she should have told him about the rape not wait 9 months and hope for the best! She made her bed and it is time to lie in it!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

your ramblings here is fucking bullshit. Not even remotely reasonable by either lawyer and the parents of the girl must be hillbillies. Come on man this is not even realistic or even close to reality to even fantasize story like this. Do you even have a 4th grade education?????

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I'm just an old guy living in England, with a slightly imaginative, dirty mind who is too old to do it, so has to put his wishful thinking into writing.