No Monkey Business: Week 02


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The doorway gave up nothing, but after a few minutes grandma came back into the room with the phone clutched to her chest and an irritated look on her face. I took this as a good sign. Grandma was as sweet a soul as you could imagine, and would give up anything to look after any of her small family. Her worry for people manifested itself as a calm and conscientious facade that got shit done. That was right up until they were out of danger and then she masked that worry with irritation instead. We knew she wasn't actually irritated, it's just how she shows she cares. And if she was looking irritated now then whatever had happened to grandpa presumably wasn't serious.

"Your father took a little fall," she said to my mom, then immediately held up her hands to stop mom before she could interrupt. "He's fine, here you go," and she handed the phone to mom, who took it with her free hand, still squeezing mine with her other one.

"Hello, dad?" she said, and I could see a bit of tension ebb out of her shoulders as he replied. That tension continued to relax as grandpa delivered a monologue of what had to be a personal best duration. Mom even gave a little chuckle at one point, and nodded along as she was wont to do when talking on the phone. "Oh no don't be silly," she said after grandpa's great soliloquy was over. "Steven will understand, and we'd both be much happier knowing she was there." I wondered who was where, but saved questions for the end of the presentation. "Absolutely," she continued, after a brief pause, "I'll let him know. Now go get some rest. Love you, dad." After another brief pause mom ended the call and passed the phone back to grandma. She then lifted my hand up from under the table and held it in both of her own, while grandma sat back down opposite me.

"Your grandpa is fine," mom assured me straight away.

"Really?" I said, just wanting to make sure this wasn't some 'don't tell Steven how bad it is because he's about to start college and doesn't need the distraction' situation.

"Really," said grandma. "Nothing's broken. He probably just has a sprained ankle." I felt the tension in my body relaxing.

"There is some bad news, though," said mom, and back came the tension with a vengeance.

"Your grandpa needs to stay off his feet for the next few days," said my grandma, and I turned my attention back to her. "He was staying in bed for the most part anyway to get over this bug he's got. But now he shouldn't be getting up at all."

"Okay," I said.

"Normally I'd ask Millicent Jones next door to pop over and help out with meals and what not, but her daughter Louise is getting married in Tijuana so she's there at the moment. Nice chap but the Lord only knows why they're getting married there of all places. We went to San Diego once on vacation and your mother threw up most of the week after eating some fish."

"Mom," said mom, prompting grandma out of her non sequitur.

Grandma nodded. "And I can't ask Trevor across the road because he'd insist on bringing his dogs. He has four of them and you know what your grandfather is like with animals."

As far as I knew grandpa loved dogs, but I suspected that wasn't the right answer. Whatever the case, mom dived in to speed up proceedings. "The point is," she said, "your grandma will need to head back home tonight to take care of your grandpa."

"Oh, well that sucks," I said. And meant it. I've probably given the impression that I'd have done just about anything to get rid of my grandma and be alone with mom again, but she was family and I loved her and, truth be told, I did enjoy spending time with her.

"I'm sorry dear," said grandma, reaching across the table to join the pile of hands mom and I had going on. She then seemed to psyche herself up. "I'd better pack my things. Could you lend me a hand?" she said to my mom, who nodded and then they both headed upstairs.

Suddenly alone I made myself busy packing away the game. Grandma had been in a dominating position, with me a distant second, so I didn't think mom would want to finish the game tonight. With that done I wasn't sure what else to do, so quickly reconnoitered the kitchen, laundry room, and living room to see if grandma had left any of her belongings laying around. One of her headscarves was in the laundry room so I put that next to her purse then sat myself back down and awaited mom and grandma's return.

I didn't have to wait long. Grandma travelled light and came down the stairs just a few minutes later with a small bag, while mom followed behind with another. Mom grabbed grandma's purse from the kitchen and just like that grandma was pulling on her coat and shoes by the front door, ready to leave. Mom and I slipped on some shoes too while we all kept talking in overlapping waves, grandma apologizing for leaving, mom asking for updates on grandpa as soon as possible, me wishing grandma a safe drive, grandma asking for updates on me at college, mom telling grandma not to be silly, me sending grandpa my love, and round and round we went.

Amongst all this we made it outside, where the stormclouds had become even more ominous, and a few spots of rain drizzled down on us. Mom and I helped load grandma's bags into the car, then we both exchanged hugs with grandma.

"Let me know when you get home safe," said mom as grandma got into the driver's seat.

"I will. And take care of each other," said grandma.

"Oh we will," said mom, reaching out to hold my hand.

Grandma smiled at that and closed her car door, before starting the engine and rolling down her window. "Bye you two," she said, blowing us a kiss.

"Bye grandma!" "Bye mom!" we said in approximate harmony, waving her off as she drove out of our driveway and headed right.

We just stood there for a long moment, hand in hand. The reality of the situation was sneaking up on me, not like a hammer blow but like the tide coming in. We were alone. Mom and I. Just the two of us. The house to ourselves. I'd become so accepting of the idea that our sexual shenanigans were over, and this recent happenstance had come upon us so quickly, that I was struggling to accept it. I glanced over at mom, resplendent in one of her classic bulky jumpers and loose pairs of jeans, and focused entirely on the road past our house. I turned back to it, remembering why we stood there.

A minute passed, then two, and still we stood there like the only two people in the world. And then, finally, we heard it. Mom squeezed my hand as a car approached, and I squeezed back. She gave me two squeezes, so I gave back three. And then grandma's car finally drove past on the opposite side of the road. She slowed right down in order to wave at us, and we waved back enthusiastically. Grandma hates pulling out of our driveway and hanging a left, even though that's the direction in which she lives. No matter how quiet the roads are, and on that particular Thursday evening they were utterly deserted, she always pulls out heading right, then does a little circuit around the nearby roads in order to come back heading in the correct direction. And so we dutifully waited, then waved, then were alone.

I stood there, rooted to the spot, not quite sure what to do now. Mom had no such problem, and seconds after grandma's car had passed out of view she turned and stormed back towards the house with me in tow. I jogged after her, feeling my heart pounding in my chest and my cock already stiffening at the thought of what was about to come. Namely me.

As we approached the front door mom suddenly stopped but span around and tugged my arm simultaneously so that I rushed towards her even as she faced me with a look of absolute lust on her face. She leapt up as I reached her and she threw her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist, clinging to me as I reached the front door.

The plan was clear. One: barge through the front door, locked in our lover's embrace. Two: kick the door shut then tear off both our pants as we fell to the living room floor. Three: slam my cock into mom as we landed, and pound my way to what was sure to be an explosive orgasm. The ten-thrusts-or-fewer rule that mom had set up not so long ago was not going to be a problem, that was for sure.

We got as far as stage one of the plan before we hit the first SNAFU. We didn't so much barge through the front door as we did barge into it. In the rush to help grandma get out of the house we'd forgotten to put the door on the latch, locking ourselves out. We left the back door unlocked for moments of numbskullery like this, but that didn't help with our immediate situation. Not that either of us cared.

As we slammed into the door my hips slammed into mom's, shoving my painfully hard cock against mom's crotch. I grabbed mom's ass by one hand to hold her weight, while I crammed the other one between us and into my pants in order to pull my cock upright so it was still confined by my jeans but not excruciatingly so. That done I slipped my other hand around mom so that I had both hands on her ass, which I couldn't help but squeeze.

Mom was not a quiet spectator while I did this. She grabbed my face as we hit the door and immediately mashed her lips against mine, moaning noisily against them. As soon as my hand was out of the way she started bucking her hips against me, then used her legs too to pull me rhythmically against her. I let out a moan of my own, and sent out my tongue to engage mom's in lust-filled battle while I hammered my hips with her help into her own.

As if the moment couldn't get any more erotic mom momentarily stopped all her gyrations and pulled her face from mine, cupping my cheeks and looking me dead in the eye.

"Fuck. Me." she said, enunciating each word like a spelling bee quizmaster. I groaned in response and returned my lips to hers, giving two big full body thrusts against her, slamming her against the door and causing a loud pair of knocks to come from the door. "Mmm, who's there?" mom moaned against my lips before issuing a series of half-giggles half-grunts. She sounded like she was losing it from lust, but she still had the presence of mind to reach down between us and start yanking open the buttons on my jeans. My cock throbbed as she brushed against it through the material, and I knew I could cum right there.

Right there. Stood outside our house. By our front door. Making out with my mom. Groping my mom. Dry fucking my mom.

My eyes popped open and I frantically looked around to see if anyone was nearby. Small hedges and the layout of our road meant our neighbors on either side of the street wouldn't see us, but anyone walking or driving past would be sure to. As I looked around mom kept on humping against me and fighting with my jeans, kissing any part of my face she could get to. The coast seemed to be clear, but it was only a matter of time before someone passed the house, and this wasn't a situation we could easily explain away.

"Mom, we have to mng" I said, interrupted by mom trying to make out with me again. I tilted my head back and she leant down to kiss and nibble at my neck. "We have to move," I managed to say.

Mom's head snapped up and she fixed me with a most terrifying stare. "Steven Rogers, you fuck me right now young man."

"Yes, mom," I said automatically, unable to resist the commands of the mom-voice. Oh, and yes my name is Steven Rogers. Haha, yes I know. Guess what my nickname at school was? That's right: Steve. My friends are very imaginative.

I glanced around again. There was still no one visible on our road, but I wasn't going to take any chances. Or rather, I wasn't going to take many chances. Hoisting mom up slightly I stepped back from the door. Mom cooed appreciatively at my show of strength, but my arms were less appreciative. Mom's not much smaller than me and I'm not exactly Mr Universe. Still, I had enough in me to march our way over to mom's parked car. We'd already had one session in the back of it here in the driveway, though that had been later in the evening under the cover of darkness. It was gloomy now and growing ever more rainy, but not fully dark. Besides, neither of us had thought to bring the car keys with us on our journey to grandma's car and back. But mom's car did at least provide some cover, so as we reached a place where the car was between us and the road I finally released mom's ass. Mom had been lost in her own little world of grinding and kissing as I got us over here, but she took the hint and unwound her legs from my waist before dropping down to her feet, and then immediately down to the ground, pulling me with her.

She was soon laid on the smooth gravel of the driveway and I fell between her legs, bringing my lips back to hers as she wrapped her legs back around me and we both resumed thrusting. That little break hadn't bought me a whole lot of time and I could feel my orgasm inching ever closer. That only spurred me on to hump at mom even harder, earning a moan of pleasure from her. I belatedly realized that mom was laying on stones as her son pounded her into them, probably not the most comfortable position. I pulled my head back, wanting to make sure she was okay. "Mom, are y-" was as far as I got before she grabbed my head and pulled me back into the kiss.

The sheer urgency she was showing was the last straw on this orgasmic camel's back. I gasped and managed to mutter "Gonna cum" against her lips. And I almost did before I remembered something.

During sex education at school we'd been warned repeatedly about using protection. Condoms were ninety-eight percent effective at preventing pregnancies, we were told. The pill was ninety-nine percent effective. But the only method that was one hundred percent effective was, say it with me kids, ab-sti-nence. And then the teacher would get serious for a minute. She told us that abstinence meant abstinence. It did not mean pulling out as the guy finished. It did not mean having a little sex but stopping before the guy finished. It did not mean dry humping until the guy ejaculated in his underwear. Her nephew existed, she told us, because clothes are not condoms. And all that's true. But it's also true that two layers of jeans and two layers of underwear are pretty damn effective at preventing pregnancies. And not preventing a pregnancy was why I was here.

"Inside," I gasped, somewhat cryptically with hindsight.

Mom shook her head frantically. "No no no," she said. "Right here. We're good right here." I slowed my hips to stave off my imminent explosion.

"No mom, I need to cum inside you. To get you pregnant. Remember?" For a moment she didn't look like she did remember. But then she let out a little growl, gave me an extra hard hump, and then nodded.

"Fine. Help me up and let's head in. I don't want any gravel up my butt," she said, charmingly. I nodded and got back onto my knees, before taking mom's hand and hoisting us both upright.

"Hello there!" came a voice from the road. It's lucky that our skin is so well attached, or we both would have leapt right out of it. We turned in unison to see one of our neighbors walking past.

"Hi!" I called back once my heart got out of my throat.

"Lose something?" he hollered, no doubt wondering why we'd both popped up from behind the car.

"Yes," I said, utterly unconvincingly. "We lost... a thing."

"What was it?" he said, glancing around lest there were any lost looking things in his vicinity. When he didn't spot any he gestured over to where we were stood. "Do you need a hand? I think I have a flashlight on my phone." That helpful bastard.

"No that's okay!" I called back with more enthusiasm than was warranted. "We found it. It was, it was, my, um." I floundered for inspiration.

"Phone!" I finally settled on, just as mom piped up with "Contact lens!" We glanced at each other with a frown.

"He lost his contact lenses," went on mom. "And then he lost his phone and couldn't find it. Because of the contact lenses."

"Huh. Makes sense," lied the man.

"But we've found them, thanks," said mom. I gave a thumbs up to the man then pointed at my eye in a 'I'm wearing contact lenses' kind of a way.

"Well then," said the man, suddenly looking like he wanted to get away from these odd people. "Have a good evening, folks."

"You too!" mom and I called in unison, as the man resumed his walk past. We waited for him to pass, getting increasingly wet in the rain as we did so, and then mom grabbed my hand and all but ran around the corner and down the side of the house. We hadn't gotten far when mom turned on me and shoved me against the side of the house, pressing herself against me straight after.

"Can't wait" she murmured against my lips as her hand dropped to my jeans and started roughly stroking my cock through them. I knew I would not last long if she did that so I grabbed her wrist and dragged her onwards towards the back garden. As I rushed along, my cock rubbed around against the inside of my jeans. It would normally have been painful but I was so starved for stimulation that I nearly doubled over from how good it felt.

Now it was my turn not to be able to wait, and just before we reached the corner of the house I turned and pushed mom against the wall, pulling one of her legs up by the thigh as I mashed my crotch into her, trying to get myself off against her. We were too far gone to even kiss this time, just frantically rubbing ourselves against one another in a race to get off. And the finishing line was definitely in sight, but before I could reach it mom pushed me back a step, grabbed my hand, and literally ran around the corner, heading for the back door.

The rain by this point was no longer messing around, and sheets of it fell on us as we moved. I'm not sure either of us even noticed at this point, so caught up in our lust as we were. But it was harder to ignore its effects.

As mom charged onto the grass on our back yard she tried to turn towards the back door but her feet decided to keep going in her original direction, sliding along the slick grass. She let out a little whoop of surprise as she fell to the floor, tugging me with her. We ended up in a tangle on the muddy lawn and I think we both realized that with an entire house between us and the road, this was private enough. Mom's hands flew to her jeans and she all but ripped them open, shoving them and her panties down to her mid thigh before unceremoniously jamming a finger inside herself. By the time I'd lifted myself up onto my knees, unbuttoned my own jeans, and slipped them off one leg and most of the way off the other mom had already advanced to two fingers.

I was knelt between mom's legs while this was going on, but as my cock stood indecently out in front of me, mom tucked her legs up then wiggled between my knees, sliding her way down between them. My cock hovered over her legs then her pussy then her jumper covered top half. Halfway through this last bit mom raised herself up onto her elbows and just about swallowed my cock whole.

I had a second to realize what was coming before she wrapped her lips around the head of my cock and then pushed forward, forming a beautifully tight seal around me and lapping at every bit of skin she could as that seal moved down the length of my cock. I grabbed the back of her head, pulling her damp hair back out of the way then using it as a handle of sorts to guide mom's head up and down my cock. I groaned at the glorious sensations, and heard mom groan in response. A quick glance over my shoulder revealed she was absolutely hammering her pussy with her fingers, her hips writhing in bliss as she did so. The sight almost sent me over the edge but then mom released my cock with a gasp and flopped back down onto her back. She screwed her eyes shut, a grimace on her face.

"Hnng, gonna, fuck," roughly matches what she said, and she then opened her mouth in a silent moan of delight. She wasn't the only one who was close. Staring at that open mouth and with the sensations of that brief blowjob still in my memory, I couldn't help myself. I fell forward onto my hands, so that we were both now in the missionary position, but with my cock a couple of feet farther north than usual. As I lowered my hips my cock came down, with my aim being to slide straight back into mom's mouth. My aim wasn't great, it turned out, as I poked mom in the chin with my cock instead. But that made her open her eyes and immediately grab my cock with her open mouth, before once again getting to work with her tongue. That was all the encouragement I needed, and I began rocking my hips, fucking mom's face and loving every single feeling it conjured. I made sure not to go too roughly nor too deeply, but it was difficult not to get carried away as mom moaned around my cock while writhing around in obvious bliss, her intoxicating little noises audible even over the rain.
