No Ordinary Game Ch. 02


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A light lunch was served along with a delicious cabernet. For a few minutes they ate in silence, then Tiffany spoke.

"Amanda, this is what I think."

Tiffany waited until she had Amanda's full attention, then she placed her hands over Amanda's. The two women leaned their heads together across the table as though they were co-conspirators. Tiffany spoke in a soft voice, slowly enunciating each word in a precise, breathy whisper.

"I think Sy wants you to have sex with Glenn."

Amanda recoiled her hands in surprise and sat bolt upright.


She put her hands to her mouth in embarrassment and looked around the room to see if others had heard her outburst. No one looked their way.

Tiffany persisted. "Sy has asked you to do this, am I right?" It was more a statement than a question.

"He's been teasing you, correct? He's not teasing, Amanda, he's serious," Tiffany said, taking another bite of her Caesar salad. She looked at Amanda and knew her judgment had been correct. Amanda was blushing and looking down at her food, hands in her lap.

"It's okay, Mandy. May I call you Mandy? Lots of husbands think those thoughts and a few, like Sy, actually try to make them happen. Now, tell me what Sy has done. And please, eat. And please, don't be embarrassed, I won't tell anyone. Except Glenn, of course."

Amanda looked up in horror as she realized Glenn would soon be privy to the most intimate details of her fantasy sex life. How could she face him at work? She forced herself to take another bite of salad and was glad she had ordered a light lunch. Amanda looked up and saw Tiffany staring at her expectantly, and she felt a sudden compulsion to explain herself.

"Well, Sy has these fantasies. And...and...he tells me about them, and...I...I...I don't know if I should be telling you this!" She took a gulp of wine and her cheeks burned with shame.

"Go ahead, Mandy, dear," Tiffany said in a soothing voice. "Both Glenn and I already know, or we've guessed, what's been going on. Sy instigated your dress-up game for Glenn's benefit. That means Glenn is already involved and that means I am, too because I'm Glenn's wife. Don't you think I deserve to know?"

Tiffany's logic made some sense to Amanda, but Tiffany's equanimity in the face of Glenn's potential cheating confused her.

Amanda felt her despair rising again. And yet? Hadn't she enjoyed her dress-up game and flirting with her boss? Hadn't it made her feel bold, powerful, and sexy? Hadn't she enjoyed using the power of Sy's fantasy to control him? She thought for a moment, then made her decision.

"Yes, Glenn is your husband so you deserve to know. But you can't tell anyone besides Glenn. Promise? Please?" she pleaded. Tiffany nodded and inwardly smiled. Amanda was hooked and it remained only to reel her in.

"Yes, of course, darling. You have my word," Tiffany said. She smiled as though she knew she'd won.

Amanda took a deep breath and looked down at her hands in her lap. She leaned forward and in a low voice said, "Well, uh, Sy...Sy wants me to...Anyway, he asked me to...uh..."

Mandy took a cleansing breath and swallowed, then she continued.

"He asked me to perform fellatio on Glenn to thank him for giving me my job. And for my promotions." She looked up hopefully at Tiffany and saw a thin smile on the older woman's face.

"Go on, Mandy."

Amanda told Tiffany about Sy's pillow talk and about her husband's many fantasies: She and Glenn having sex while Sy watched. She and Glenn sleeping overnight. She and Glenn going on a week-long business trip.

Tiffany smiled and took mental notes of every detail. Glenn will love to hear about this! Tiffany thought.

Amanda paused and took several sips of wine. She needed fortification.

"And...And I've been teasing Sy about Glenn. What I'd do with him...The details...And what Glenn would do to me," she said, her voice becoming tiny.

"And what do you want, Mandy?" Tiffany let the question hang in the air and noted Amanda's flushed cheeks and rapidly blinking eyes. Tiffany had Amanda cornered and nearly speechless, so Tiffany answered for her.

"Here's what I think, Mandy. I think you want to give yourself to Glenn. You want Glenn to take you completely, whenever he wants and however he wants. Isn't that right, Mandy?"

Tiffany was bearing down on her young guest, making her confess her most secret thoughts. Amanda couldn't find her voice but with the greatest of efforts she finally squeaked out, "Yes."

"And that's not all, Mandy. There's more, am I right?"

Tiffany was fishing but she sensed there was more to the story. Amanda nodded her head 'yes' while gathering her courage to speak.

"Sy's been suspicious lately. It excites him to, uh...think of me...doing things with Glenn."

She told Tiffany about Sy's ambush on the kitchen table the Friday before, and how he had searched for any signs of Glenn. Tiffany nodded knowingly.

"Sy wants this, Mandy. He wants to find traces of Glenn on your body, even traces inside your body. You just saw this for yourself."

Tiffany paused to let this idea take root, then she added, "And you want this, too, don't you, Mandy?"

With downcast eyes and red cheeks, Amanda nodded and whispered, "Yes."

They finished eating in silence.

Tiffany can read me like a book! Amanda thought. She just made me confess everything!

Amanda burned with shame thinking about the secrets she had just told Tiffany. And yet, she was aroused.

The waiter reappeared and cleared the table. Tiffany ordered two coffees and a single order of cheesecake for them to split. It appeared a moment later.

"The cheesecake here is world-class and they make it themselves. Andre is a superb dessert chef," she said. "Enjoy it, it's a celebration of your new life, Mandy. You are about to get the most exciting sex a woman can have."

"I don't understand," Amanda said.

"I'll explain in a minute, dear. Just eat," Tiffany said, waving her fork.

They ate in silence while Amanda's head swirled with questions. Tiffany certainly had a way of controlling the conversation! The cheesecake was good, the best she'd ever tasted, and the coffee was strong and delicious. But, what did Tiffany mean by the most exciting sex a woman can have?

The waiter arrived with two glasses of port and Tiffany picked up her glass and motioned for Amanda to do the same. They gently clicked the rims together and Tiffany said, "To new beginnings."

"To new beginnings," replied Amanda, wondering just what Tiffany had in mind.

"Positively indecent to finish a lunch like this without a glass of port. This is very fine port," said Tiffany.

The table was cleared of all but the port glasses. The dining room was now empty and it was the perfect time for delicate discussions.

"You're probably wondering what I meant by 'the most exciting sex a woman can have'," Tiffany said. She eyed the young wife critically, looking for signs of rejection. She saw none. In fact, Amanda was now paying close attention.

It was time to spring the trap, Tiffany thought.

"Mandy, I'm proposing that you take my husband, Glenn, as your lover. He adores you, you know. And he's really a very good lover. He's kind, patient, considerate, strong, has good stamina, well equipped...all the things we girls look for in a bed partner. He hasn't had many lovers, not compared to me, and I know he would enjoy being yours. He's quite a bit older than you but that can be an advantage. And I think you are attracted to older men, am I right? Sy is older by nine years, yes?"

Amanda was stunned. Tiffany tilted her head and gave Amanda a look calculated to extract a response.

"Well, yes, I like older guys. I mean, I respect them, their maturity, their stability, that sort of thing."

Tiffany looked at her and smiled. "Yes, older men have many advantages, including being very discreet and knowing things you haven't had time to learn. Glenn would teach you those things and Sy would benefit from your new knowledge. Dare I say it? An affair would make you and Sy a stronger couple."

"But he's your husband! And I've got my own husband!" Amanda pleaded.

"Yes we do, and both are very good husbands. But this is just sex, dear. Very good sex, of course, and very physical sex. But I know Glenn will never leave me and I will never leave him. He is very passionate and I think you will imagine yourself falling in love with him. All that kissing and cuddling! And all those fantastic orgasms, too, don't forget those! It will be a very hot affair and so deliciously sinful. And so much fun to watch!"

She took a sip of port and winked conspiratorially.

"Won't Sy be jealous?" The anxiety in Amanda's voice had been replaced by curiosity.

"Of course Sy will be jealous. In a way, that's the whole point, Mandy. Men like Sy crave the anxiety and the anguish. For him, it will be a delicious mixture of pleasure and pain, massive arousal and severe jealousy. Check for yourself, Mandy. His penis won't lie."

"Won't he hate me?"

"No. In fact, just the opposite. He will love you even more, and more often, as well," she laughed. "He wants you to have good sex, Mandy. Glenn will be Sy's gift to you. Sy imagines that sex with Glenn will be better and more exciting, and it will be. Affair sex is always better. Otherwise, what's the point?"

She took another sip of port and continued. Amanda listened in rapt attention.

"It's so much fun, Mandy. It's the novelty of the new. A new man, a new penis, a new way of making love. It never gets old. It's the thrill of being wanted, being desired, seducing, and being seduced!

"Imagine yourself at work, Mandy, trying to act normally, interacting professionally with your lover and trying to keep it secret in front of all those people! So exciting! Sneaking off for a quick nooner and trying for the rest of the afternoon not to give yourself away. Oh, yes, Mandy, so very exciting.

"And the best part? You will be sharing it with Sy. You'll be telling him all about it! And he will love hearing about it, too! And he'll be loving you more often as well, I'll wager. You wait and see," she laughed. "Something about competition stirs a man to action!"

"But we could get caught!"

"Just don't get caught. It'll put your acting skills to the test and that's part of the excitement. Glenn will take the lead. He'll keep your affair safe and discreet, and he'll know when to back off if it gets too hot. And don't forget the trail runs, Mandy. When the weather gets warmer? Outdoor sex? Well, let your imagination go," she said with a little laugh.

"But we could fall in love!"

"You might think you are falling in love and that's all very exciting, dear, but you won't be. That's not love, Mandy, that's infatuation; infatuation and lust. You're in love with Sy and he loves you, which is why he wants this for you. Sy wants you to have great sex, Mandy. Besides, Glenn is so much older than you and not a good match for marriage. But as a lover? Hmmm?

"Truthfully, Mandy? These affairs burn out rather quickly, like dry tinder. A quick flash of heat and the fire is soon out. It will go perhaps six months but burn very hot while it lasts, until the novelty wears off and reality intrudes. That's been my experience with my affairs. I regret none of them and Glenn and I both agree, our affairs have made our marriage stronger."

Tiffany sipped her port while appraising her young companion. Amanda was paying close attention but she looked overwhelmed. Tiffany smiled and continued.

"It's not a bad thing for a woman to experience new love, Mandy. Just don't confuse it with real love. An affair is just a beautiful fiction, a brief interlude, a dalliance. You're already friends with Glenn so when it ends, and it will end, Mandy, you can go back to being just friends again. Friends who every now and then share a secret smile or occasionally a little more, who can say? But an affair is something you will never forget and always treasure. And the very best part? You don't have to hide it, Mandy. Sy wants this for you and he's already told you so."

She signaled for the check and gave the waiter her credit card. Amanda sat in stunned silence.

"We'll talk more later, dear. Now, you go home and talk with Sy. This is going to be a lot of fun for all of us!"


End of chapter two. Thank you for reading.

Many thank yous to my anonymous internet acquaintances who attempted to explain to me the inexplicable: Why they share their wives and how it feels to do it.

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HighBrowHighBrowabout 1 year ago

I have a very bad feeling about all this conflicting Femdom agitprop…

trisetristrisetrisabout 1 year ago

Really building nicely!

Peter_ClevelandPeter_Clevelandover 2 years ago

Nicely done literary technique in chapters 1 & 2: highly focused, with a slow, steady build-up. The "Aristotelian unities" of time, place & action all seem pretty nicely observed. A nicely literate style of writing here too. I think Chapter 2 is even better done than Chapter 1.

The character Sy strikes me as just a little cartoonish, and some of Dr. Mueller's statements leave me wondering how she managed to get a degree in counselling psychology. But the character Amanda seems very nicely complex, believable, and likeable. Very good job, there. It's still too early to tell with the characters Glenn and Tiffany, but they're looking promising.

In sum: good job so far, and I'm much inclined to keep reading.

norcal62norcal62almost 3 years ago

Grammar judged good? What about writing in passive voice? Change to active voice and see how

much livelier the story reads.

PervertedKnightPervertedKnightover 3 years ago

While I was waiting for another of my fav authors to submit a new story, I stumbled (thankfully) across this story, and now you have become one of my fav authors. I see a lot of comments that this is a cuckold story, but I would argue that it is not and that instead it is the definition of a stag/vixen relationship. The husband loves the thought of her fucking her boss and yet does not seek humiliation but rather wants to reclaim her after every imagined tryst. I have this same mentality and find it very exciting, so I look forward to reading this entire series with my cock in my hand! Your writing style is impressive because you make no typos, your word usage is terrific, and your grammar is also very good. I would like to see a comma before a proper noun when you are writing dialogue (not "Let's eat Grandma!" but "Let's eat, Grandma!"), but other than that, well done!! And now for me to read Ch. 03!

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 3 years ago

This is really well written. Interested to see how you play it out.

katibkatibabout 4 years ago

Excellent writing. And you handle dialogue very well.

dunmovynivdunmovynivabout 4 years ago

Way to live. Messed up.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
This story made me add you to my favorite author list

Please continue.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
No ordinary story!

Those who do not like these cuck stories should not read and vote.

I do not like cuckhold stories but this one is up till now so well written, that we have to compliment the author!

Here we read about people that really could exist, and in fact (unfortunately) they do.

Could not wait to read more but today my wish was granted!

5 stars from me

R. Envoy ME

ChuckEPooChuckEPooabout 4 years ago
I hope she says no

Mandy seems too pragmatic to go for this whole hogwash and that’s exactly what it is. I think. With Tiffany pushing her, her husband pushing her and Glenn expecting an easy fuck Mandy has the choice to come out to be the Boy Scout Sy believes she is.

BTW great writing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Very Good

Up to now is a very good set up . Where is it going to now? It is up to you Tennesseered. Please continue

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Very well done, . . .

pathetic, but very well done. Sy and Amanda deserve all bad things that can possible happen from this idiocy. Darwin is waiting. Two more mentally disabled members of the herd about to step into the tar pit. At least we can be thankful they haven't polluted the gene pool before they sink into the blackness.

Have to wonder who gets off watching a train wreck about to happen, and enjoying the anticipation. No ordinary intellect.

graymangazergraymangazerabout 4 years ago
Out of a hole!

It appeared the author wanted to make Amanda come over as a loving sexy and decent woman, and he succeeded. But as mentioned in a comment on the previous chapter she was in danger of ruining not only her own marriage but also that of her boss, not to mention stripping away all empathy we have with her character.

But you got out of that hole nicely by introducing Tiffany and letting her and Glen have their own plan. Exactly what that plan is is not clear yet but it'll be interesting finding out. In my humble opinion I hope it's not a simple "let's swap and have fun for a while," personally I'd like to see something slightly more sinister, but of course that's up to the author.

Amanda is certainly a hot and interesting character, Sy is a classic cuckold and his fears and excitement are described perfectly, as is Amanda's doubts and later arousal. Her teasing is beautiful and very erotic.

It's also a nice change not to have an arrogant arsehole with the compulsory big cock, though Tiffany may turn out to be more than she appears, we wait to see.

Five stars from me and looking forward to where it goes.

mattenwmattenwabout 4 years ago

What lame crap! The beginning of the end of a partnership is 98% cuckolding sharing or swapping! It's nothing but cheating! And, only sluts do it!

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