No Questions Asked


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Tuesday Night

When Dave got home Bea had his favorite cocktail ready for him and announced she was planning one of his favorite meals.

Lost in thought, Dave didn't say he loved her as he normally did before heading upstairs to change into comfortable clothing. Only then did it dawn on Bea that she hadn't told him she loved him either. Bea put a shaking hand across her eyes.

When Dave returned Bea practically shouted that she loved him then looked embarrassed at her botching the phrase. "I'm sorry Dave, this is really working on me."

He nodded waiting for a shoe to drop.

"I have dinner all ready." She put a plate of his favorite dish in front of him. Not meaning to rush their meal she explained, "I'm sorry. I guess I'm not giving you any time to relax. I-I'm anxious to prove myself to you. I fear you had to contend all day with my making a mess of things this morning."

Dave took a bite of the feast she'd prepared. It was delightful. Before he could compliment her, she proved his expectation about the other shoe dropping.

"I, ah, called my parents. I told them I had to go out of town for the weekend and I gave them my contact info. I'm asking you not to ask them for it, but it's there for you if there's an emergency. I hope that shows I trust you."

Bea didn't expect the loud clank as Dave's arm fell to the table impacting his fork against his plate. She looked away defeated. There was no mirth in him, he was as surprised by the noise as she was.

Dave shook his head. Clearly telling someone else did NOT prove she trusted him. He said with such calm that it unnerved her, "Do you think you could tell me what quadrant of the country you will be in, just so I don't have to call your parents and ask if the Canadian wildfires are endangering you? That might tip them that we are having troubles."

"Hav-Having troubles?" Bea croaked with fright.

Dave's eyebrows raised in shock then dropped into an angry stance, "My wife takes secret vacations without me, won't tell me where she's going, who she's with, or what she's doing. I'd say we have massive troubles."

Bea was almost too shocked for words, "Dave... I LOVE you."

Dave's eyes squinted. Bea gulped like a character on the wrong side of Clint Eastwood.

"Bea, I'm going to leave it you to reconcile our last two statements. I can't make them add up."

"But Dave... you know I love you. You can't doubt that."

"Are you still planning to go?"

She answered in a quiet voice, "Dave what's changed? I still need to go."

Dave simply stared at her again. Did he have to connect all the dots for her? He was annoyed that she didn't say something. He could tell Bea wanted to; he could also tell she was frightened. He was sure his building response wasn't going to make her feel any better. Tough.

"I thought we were great together as soon as this past weekend. Monday, I find out you've been harboring a secret for quite a while. Worse, you've been planning actions you want for yourself; alone. Even worse, you want a vacation from me, perhaps from our marriage, and I fear from your marriage vows. There's some reason driving your request to go away this weekend, but you won't discuss it with me. Today you tell me you think telling someone else part of the secret shows your trust in me. I think it proves just the opposite. Now we have a dinner like THIS. Does this dinner resemble any we've ever had in our marriage? All that and your response is "nothing has changed"?! Are you kidding me?

When Bea did not respond he added, "You only seem capable of thinking of your vacation from being married to me, but you don't seem to see what it's doing to us! Or don't care."

Bea was grey, too scared to say anything, and for some unknown reason that made Dave mad. "This was always an excellent meal. It used to be special for holidays and celebration. I had one bite. Before I could tell you how good it was, you started right in with your damn trip."

"Don't you like it?" Bea was desperate to please him.

"Not anymore! Do we have anything else to eat?"

Flustered she tried to think of what she could make quickly. She offered, "I could make some hot dogs or peanut butter and jelly if you'd rather."

Bea didn't expect his venomous reaction. With Clint Eastwood eyes blazing Dave launched, "I loved it before I completely lost my appetite. Don't worry on either the dogs or PBJ, that might take precious dollars away from your big solo vacation. Nope, fix me nothing as that seems to be where you're trending." He looked to his plate, "Put this away. No point wasting the good stuff on me. No one appreciates the good stuff anyway; they don't care what they have, only what else they can get. Besides, I certainly wouldn't taste it with all these ashes in my mouth. And I surely don't feel like celebrating now." He didn't give her a chance to respond as he pushed back from the table, stood, and marched out of the kitchen.

Bea flopped back in her chair by her husband's untouched drink and dinner thinking, 'You've done it again you stupid bitch. You didn't even give him, "Hi honey, it's sure good to have you home. Or how was your day?" You jumped right to convincing him you don't value him; the opposite of what you wanted.'

Their pleasant routine shot to pieces; Bea stirred her own meal; she wasn't hungry either. She poured out the drink, it didn't seem wise now. She took her time cleaning up the kitchen and putting things away to give Dave time to cool off. She couldn't help but notice he didn't offer to help with dinner clean up as he always did. Though they traded off cooking duties, Bea was pretty sure she wouldn't get a bite of his cooking this week. 'Damn,' she thought, 'damn, damn, damn.' She finally went in search of Dave. She wasn't going to push things, being with Dave was literally the place she most wanted to be.

Bea was dutiful and contrite that evening. She invented ways to stay around Dave, though she could tell her presence wasn't particularly welcomed. Eventually he softened towards her, though he wasn't warm.

Dave knew Bea was anxious about her trip. He was anxious too, but in a very different way. Being honestly sympathetic Bea chanced to ask as they were going upstairs to sleep, "Baby, I hate to ask and I swear I'll never nag, but have you come to a decision yet?" She fully expected him to slam the door shut in her face telling her she couldn't go. She'd deal with the consequences somehow, but at least they'd have begun to put the whole episode behind them. She couldn't think of a better way to apologize than ending this horrible episode.

"Hell no."

Dave saw that Bea was worried. She wasn't sure if he had just told her she couldn't go or if he hadn't made up his mind yet. She'd obviously expected something more definitive, and from the looks of her, something negative. Now she was stymied not wanting to ask which he meant. Although he knew there wasn't really anything funny in their situation, he still laughed. "To clarify, no, I haven't decided, not no, you can't go." Before she got too enthusiastic or brought up the terrible idea right before bedtime he warned, "Though that is my default setting and what you will get if you demand an answer now."

Bea ventured meekly, trying to sound as helpful as she truly wanted to be, "Don't you want to talk about it? I'd like to put you more at ease. I know it was a pretty big ask."

"Too big." It didn't carry any anger it was just a statement of fact. Somehow that made it sound like it had been shouted from the mountain tops.

Rebuked Bea turned away as he added, "Are you going to answer any of my additional questions?"

"I'd rather not," she was thankful her voice hadn't quavered.

"Then I don't see where we have anything to discuss. Or frankly, how we possibly could."

Dave walked on into the bathroom to prepare for sleep. Bea realized, 'Oh wow, Dave just defined the parameters of any further discussion, or his giving his blessing, as a two-way discussion where I tell him more. He also just told me without more discussion his answer was "no". But I've admitted more than I wanted already.' Bea thought it through, 'And he just told me "No dice" as it currently stands. Damn, that was fast! How did he throw the ball back into my court that quickly?' As upset as Bea might have been she smiled at the door to the bathroom and her husband on the other side. She was impressed with his efficiency, and there being no insult or verbal backhand attached in his answer.

Bea marveled at Dave's construction. She didn't have to apologize. She didn't have to explain. She didn't have to say anything else at all or provide him any additional answers. All she had to do was not go. She appreciated the graceful way out he was giving her. She sighed mournfully that she couldn't take it. She'd let him sleep tonight. She felt she owed him at least a good night's sleep for trying to help her out of the corner she'd painted herself into.


Dave came home the next evening and spat out a line he'd obviously decided to say as soon as he entered the house. "Don't say a word, Bea. We can talk about the situation after dinner, but I'll say when. Until then let's try to stomach each other as well as some food."

Bea, nervous as he came in the door, reacted to Dave's words as if she'd been slapped.

Dave's head dropped as he read her reaction, "I'm sorry, baby. I couldn't stand getting hit in the face with it as soon as I walked in again. I didn't mean to slap you though."

Bea nodded glumly, "That's alright. It's good for me to feel what I've done to you. I'm really sorry, Dave. I'm really sorry!"

"No, don't mention it, especially now. Let me ask, have you cooked?"

I have plenty leftovers, but I wasn't even sure you'd come home for dinner."

"Come on, Bea. I don't think I've been the overly dramatic one. I've simply reacted to what's been dumped on me."

She actually cowered. "I am SO sorry Dave. I-I didn't..."

"Wait, wait, baby. We're all tangled up over this. Let's start over. I don't want to hear a word about it until I say so, but we'll talk after dinner."

"Dave, really? You could just say no and we'd..."

"That may be coming Bea, but I think there's a great big festering sore here, and I have to know more about it, regardless of your staying or going."

"Dave, I'm... I'm just blown away you are still considering it. I made such a mess...

"Stop it, we're beginning to talk about it again."

Chastised and feeling like a child Bea averted her eyes. In complete earnestness she answered, "Oh, I'm sorry sir."

Dave's eyes popped open, "Sir?! Holy crap, this must be apocalypse level for you to call me sir." Dave couldn't help a satisfied smile creeping across his face.

Bea managed a fractured smile, "Dave, I know you're joking, but I'm afraid you don't know what you mean to me. I'll call you sir or Daddy or master if we can put things right, and I'll do it in front of my friends and family."

"Well, that could be fun. Let's keep that attitude for now. So baby, do you want to go out or have leftovers?"

"Dave, you don't seem as disappointed in me. Is that for real?" Bea's expression was an odd mix of hopeful and skeptical.

"Yes, honey I don't want to feel negative. I want to normalize our relationship. We obviously need to talk. I want to start that conversation being our normal selves. You're my favorite person and I'd like to enjoy your company before we jump into ... things again."

Bea brightened like he'd given her a diamond, "Oh yes, Dave. Could we please stay home! Why don't I warm up your favorite." She was practically begging.

"Sure, baby, can I make you a drink while you warm the food?"

Now her expression melted into one of extreme relief, "You've called me "baby" a lot. I haven't driven you away, I've been so worried."

He came over and hugged her tight. When they parted, he went to kiss her and saw she was crying. Bea explained, "No worries, Dave, I needed that so badly." Then she got a wicked smile, "Thank you... Master." He laughed and kissed her and bolted upstairs to change, happy to have a normal meal with his wife again.

After dinner and a leisurely second drink, Dave made them both ice water. Taking her by the hand he pulled his wife into their living area.

Dave started cautiously, "I hate bringing this up. I'll be courteous. As far as asking my permission for your trip..."

"Yes Dave?" Bea was indeed shocked he'd brought it up.

She hated that he was cringing as he asked, "Are you ready to answer some more questions?"

Bea sudden felt like crying having to answer that question again, "Dave honey, I explained that I don't want to answer any more questions."

"And I explained that I can't let you go without more answers."

Bea felt her blush cover her face and her chest. She felt bad, wicked actually, and not in a good way. She blinked to keep tears at bay.

"Okay, so you don't want to answer any more questions."

"I really don't. I'm sorry," she sounded worse than sorry, she sounded heartbroken.

"Let's see if we can compromise."

What was he saying? Was he trying to help her? Why would he do that after what she'd been putting him through?

Dave's mouth knurled down at one end before he started, "Considering you've raised my awareness of your actions I truly couldn't help noticing that you've a packed suitcase which is sitting in our closet. I presume that means you're planning to travel. As far as I know we aren't scheduled to go anywhere. Would you care to explain that?"

"Dave, I, ah, I wasn't planning to thwart any decision you make. I just wanted to be prepared for either decision." Bea knew she was grimacing.


It killed Bea that his tone indicated he didn't believe that explanation. Was she prepared to go even if he said no? She'd asked herself exactly that as she packed the bag.

Dave kept his voice very controlled, "I also couldn't help noticing that you've put a travel lock on your case. Frankly, that prompted me to check to see if the keys were still in place. I was only checking to see if the keys were still where we kept them and accessible to me, I had no plans to open your luggage. But Bea, the keys are gone."

"Uh, oh wow, I didn't mean to do that. I'm - I'm out of my head." Bea looked absolutely miserable.

"Bea, darling, I would've argued that point a week ago. You're scaring me that it may be the case now."

She brushed the tears from her eyes, there was no stopping them now.

"I can't help but think two things. That that case either has items that would tell me what you plan to do, or something that you don't want me to see. Could lingerie be in your case for your secret no-sex trip without hubby?"

Bea was shaking now.

Dave was being so kind! How could she handle this?

As Bea didn't answer, Dave made a different offer, "How about this honey, just to put me at ease. If you went without my blessing, I would see that as a major red flag in our marriage. Major; got it? Or if you were taking sexy things instead of merely comfortable things it would lead me to believe you've lied to me about not having sex. You intimated I shouldn't have a worry in the world about that - or number three."

Bea was very aware she was avoiding commenting on the first two subjects her husband had brought up. "W-What's number three, Dave?"

"Bea, if you don't want to answer questions but want to reinforce my faith in you, and if you still want to prove to me that it really is okay for you to take this trip in spite of how awful the whole thing sounds for our continued happiness together..."

She heard herself gasp.

"Bea, if you can't answer questions do this. Go get those damn keys and show me what you've packed."

Bea was shaking full out now. Especially as she saw how much he was hoping she'd fulfill his simple request.

"D-Dave, I-I think that would be a very bad idea."

She saw Dave's shoulders slump. Almost instantly they were back at full height. He seemed to expand, there was no keeping the dismay out of his voice. "Then why throw that case in my face? Why purposely draw my attention to something that spits in my face for loving you? What have I done that you would want to treat me like that?"

Bea heard herself moan.

Dave stood now, still trying to reign in his emotions and be considerate of her, but he was hurt and pissed. "Number three, Bea: what is the state of your respect for me? Planting that case so I couldn't miss either it or the lock, denying me the keys, and refusing to open it for me yourself, seems to answer many of my most important questions. Like if you still respect me. It's hard to believe that one's still intact."

Bea saw he was clinging to his anger, trying to use it to disguise his pain. He was hurt, and scared he was losing her. Bea saw it all. She tried to respond but he was having none of it now.

"Save it. Bea. Actions always speak louder than words. There's nothing to discuss - again. If answering my questions is off the table, then so is my blessing for your trip. If you go, I will see it as a major breach of our marriage. I've been more than patient, but I see a lot piling up now. I think I've been kind where other husbands might have raged or kicked their wife out already. Frankly, that seems to be what you want. You're practically begging for it: time away from me. You've told me you want to travel and not tell me anything about it. Perhaps the only question worth answering now is when you will wake up and realize you don't want to come back home to me." He actually laughed, "Or when you'll finally push me to the point where I don't want you to."

Bea though she might drop at Dave's idea that she might want to be free of him. But his last line left her fighting for air.

Dave continued, "We have one more night, then the decision will really be yours, Bea. I'll give you my definitive answer tomorrow. I've even told you what it will be in the absence of further discussion. And further discussion doesn't mean you get my permission, but it's ridiculous to stay like this. As far as I'm concerned there's only one of us being true to our marriage. There's only one of us really being faithful right now. And he's going to sleep now because there's no point talking as the woman of his dreams is too busy anticipating her secret rendezvous to be honest with herself or her husband."

Bea lowered herself to the floor. This was now officially way, way, worse than she'd ever dreamed possible.

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dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanabout 1 month ago

Good plot but waay too long or too many words. I would have had divorce papers already for Friday morning. Or, taken a knife to open the suitcase and see what's inside.

DickSnugfitDickSnugfitabout 2 months ago

DEFINITELY, irrevocably, immutably and indisputably scoring a ONE for this episode. So even if by some miraculous bunny-rabbit pulling out of an empty top-hat malarchy the next part were to entirely redeem itself with a resounding FIVE stars, the combined aggregate of the 1 + 5 would of course yield 6 over the TWO parts, i.e. THREE STARS would be the MAXIMUM possible yield now OVERALL, so no question of a "Hall-of-fame" listing!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

So far, this is a real crapfest.

But, I will read Part 2 simply because I'm curious about how this train-wreck of a story ends.

I gave this part a 1 out of 5

ErilogicaErilogica2 months ago

I love the way the drama developed. 5 stars and favorite.

Now to see what happens in Pt. 2

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

This was really really well done. Yes confusing but that is the situation she was well constructed and converted by the author. More than five stars if it were possible.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I like the approach and the building drama. Not everything needs to be condensed down to the least number of words. This approach allows the emotions to develop and be expressed.

nixroxnixrox4 months ago

1 star - this writer has a tendency to abuse his readers by flogging every topic far beyond anything that is reasonable.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

A much too long (even at 2pgs!) story, made long by repetitive conversations with him asking if she'd tell him the plans for her vacation, & her saying she won't/ can't/ don't want to. Cut to the chase & stop the shit. Tell me about the vacation - why, with whom, & where, or either he leaves or she's kicked out, with divorce papers at least prepared.

I found myself reading the same things over & over, so 2 stars. Bob

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I kept thinking, "is she nuts?" Any sane person can see you don't ask someone something like that. There's trust and then there's blind faith. She is asking for the latter, which is unreasonable at best, especially for the magnitude of the request. Several days away and I can't tell you anything about it? Come on get real. That will always only appear suspicious even to the most trusting of people.

If this turns out to be one huge exercise in trying to prove trust or whatever, I'll be disappointed. If it's a cover for a little getaway with a lover or something like that, even more so. I just can't think of anything reasonable that would be justified by such a circus as the one portrayed here.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

My thought it is worse for a loving wife to go away with or without information. I would think that the easier of a no good way to make this request would be details, and not leaving to go anywhere shrouded in a free-fall of secrets. For me the Sir and the Master crap would of not been funny, but salt in a open flesh eating wound.

No my opinion just come out with straight forward, "I am attracted to this particular man, and this is what we have done," then give the details. The absolute next without a pause would you come with me do we could experience this one time one thing.

This alternative direct out with it way seems to be a clearer, more honest, and a more respectful aproach as a desire to keep it within the marriage.

The way she's plotted with someone else outside of her marriage is already a betrayal that would of left me with only one fast answer of whether you change your mind to do this or not, my response is I have already begun filing for divorce today. It no longer matters what the two or the dozen of you plot and desire, its game over!

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