Nora's Big Mistake Ch. 58


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Nigh-Omnipotence: Castiel describes The Darkness' power level as near infinite, and she describes herself as more powerful than God. In fact, she is so powerful that her twin sister couldn't defeat her without the archangels, and their combined power was barely enough to seal her away. Even weakened after a combined attack from witches, demons, angels, and Leia, she managed to overpower and fatally wound God, as well as overpower and rip Leia from Castiel's body. Reina states God even at full power isn't powerful enough to force her to do anything. God further elaborated that while Rhea can create and destroy universes only Reina can bring true destruction in what God described as a "hard reset". Among the powers she showed were:

Absorption: The Darkness is able to absorb energy attacks as seen in O Brother, Where Art Thou? and Hell's Angel. She was able to absorb the combined smiting of all angels, although it weakened her to a certain degree. The attack was supposed to destroy a large area instead it only formed a crater. Later, she absorbed an attack from Leia with the Horn of Joshua, this time without taking any injuries.

Angelic Exorcism: Reina was able to pull Leia from Castiel's body. While Leia survived, the exorcism left her severely weakened.

Clairsentience: Reina instantly detected the soul bomb embedded within Dean and mocked him for thinking that she wouldn't be able to notice it during their last encounter in Alpha and Omega. In Raising Hell, Reina was able to trace the energy emanating from God's Equalizer wound and deduced that she wasn't in full strength. In Gimme Shelter, Reina stated that she could feel how God has been destroying all Alternate Universes.

Conjuration: She is said to be able to create a whole new reality in which everyone lives blissfully forever, but Leia disagrees.

Corrupting Effect: Due to her great resentment over God betraying and trapping her, the Darkness' presence became a corrupting force to whatever it comes in contact with. The Mark of Cain corrupted anyone who wore it, turning them into a killer. When released, those who came in contact with the pure form of the Darkness turned into a senseless killer. Reaper Billie told Sam that he was "unclean in the biblical sense" from being infected by a Rabid. She can also speak to the Rabids, driving them insane. She often released a deadly fog which turned humans into Rabids and connected humans to her. However, Prophets are immune, as being touched by "God power" (which both Reina and God possess) merely activates potential Prophets. After she has reconciled with God, she likely no longer has this effect.

Electrokinesis: She tortured Leia with powerful electrokinesis that burned her face.

Empathy: The Darkness can feel and influence the emotions of humans. In Raising Hell, she was able to fully interpret the fear flowing through God, when she was trying to convince her to heal her.

Flight: The Darkness, while disembodied, can fly in a similar manner to demons and angels without a vessel.

Healing: After reconciling with God, Reina was able to heal the damage her nigh-omnipotent powers did to her, without any difficulty. God believed that she could heal the damage The Equalizer did to her, but Reina refused to help.

Implosion: After Metatron failed to harm her with an angel banishing sigil, Reina imploded him into nothingness by surrounding him with darkness.

Localization: Reina can find any being in existence, as long as they're not warded against her. She was able to track Rowena after she left her side. However, God was able to ward himself specifically against her. She was also able to locate Sam and Dean easily despite them being two states away from her with her even stating she could smell them a mile.

Mental Projection: Reina was able to project an image of herself and Leia into Dean's mind to pass a message to God and later to ask Dean to meet with her. She was also able to project a vision of herself in her grown form surrounded by her smoke form into Dean's mind to communicate with him after her release.

Molecular Combustion: With a wave of her hand, the Darkness caused an angel to explode into dust.

Pathokinesis: Reina was able to cause humans to feel blissful.

Possession: After her release, The Darkness possessed a newborn baby, Reina.

Power Negation: With a wave of her hand, Reina was able to negate Leia's hold over the Winchesters. She also was able to render Leia completely powerless against her with ease. Reina has shown the ability to negate Rhea's ability to teleport so that she couldn't leave the bunker. However, Rhea said she couldn't keep this up forever, implying that she would eventually be able to overcome this.

Rapid Aging: By consuming the souls of both humans and demons, she was able to incrementally age herself until the Darkness aged from a baby into a full adult.

Reality Warping: While she conversed with Dean, her smoke form was still expanding, causing immense winds. However, they were completely unaffected by them, indicating that she has tremendous control over the physical Universe. Her power was evident when she turned a water fountain into blood. She is able to destroy all of God's creation and even Magic itself. Prior to the creation of the current universe, she destroyed multiple worlds God created. She was also able to create matter out of nothing as she could restore Mary's body to its original state thirty years ago, in spite of it being destroyed by Azazel.

Resurrection: As a "thank you" for Dean helping her, Reina resurrected Mary Winchester. She was able to do this with no apparent effort despite Mary being dead for over thirty years and having left no body behind.

Sedation: With a wave of her hand, Reina was able to knock Leia out.

Smiting: Just by raising her hand, the Darkness was able to kill an angel with a similar effect to an angel blade.

Spell Deflection: While she was briefly affected by the Diminishing Spell, Reina was able to quickly overcome and deflect the spell back at Rowena and the other four witches, killing all but Rowena instantly.

Soul and Grace Consumption: After she was released, the Darkness started devouring human souls in order to heal herself and restore her former power. In her human form, she ate Deputy Jenna Nickerson's soul which made her grow into a little girl and later a preteen girl. She has since consumed many souls (including demon souls). It's revealed that she can also consume the grace and essence of angels, as she consumed Ambriel, draining her from inside her vessel.

Super Strength: The Darkness was easily able to throw a grown man with enough force to kill him. The Darkness also blocked an attack from Castiel with ease and threw him several feet away with barely touching him. When attacking God, the Darkness was able to easily strangle her one handed even after being severely weakened by a sequential attack from witches, angels and demons.

Supernatural Concealment: While God could hide herself from Reina, she also was able to hide herself from God. However, Donatello was able to sense her presence.

Telekinesis: In the form of Reina, the Darkness displayed telekinesis. She forced an angel to kill himself with his angel blade and even overpowered God and Leia at the same time.

Teleportation: Reina can teleport anywhere in the multiverse. She used this power in various occasions and could even teleport into the Bunker, a heavily warded location with ease. She could teleport herself alone or with others in an burst of light like she did with Leia who was possessing Castiel's vessel.

Apporting: She was able to teleport Dean out of his car without a word. Later, she apported him from a city to the countryside and back. She was also able to apport her dying sister to her. With just a snap of her fingers, Reina was able to teleport both herself and Rhea to Heaven and later to the Men of Letters bunker, both against her will.

Umbrakinesis: As the Darkness, she has the ability to summon and control clouds of darkness for various purposes. Reina was able to use this to create tentacles of darkness to attack and fatally wound God to the point that only she could heal her and not even The Book of the Damned could do anything to help God. On another occasion, Reina gathered all of the darkness surrounding her into her being and fired it into Heaven in the form of a shockwave as a demonstration of her power.

Weather Manipulation: As The Darkness expanded on Earth, she caused powerful winds. She also created a deadly storm with her mind that burned people to charred skeletons. When Reina fired a shockwave of darkness into Heaven, storm clouds formed on Earth with lightning flashing throughout them violently.

Nigh-Omniscience: Reina was capable of producing deep insight into people's character, at least those she was familiar with. She could, for example, sense that Rowena was fundamentally selfish despite the witch's helpfulness towards her. And if Reina felt her knowledge was lacking in some area, she could just give herself what she was missing. As such, after getting curious about Rowena's motivation, Reina immediately taught herself the fact that she was Crowley's mother. Although, after release, Reina was still learning about the Universe that God made, she was immediately able to speak English, in a way similar to God, who admitted she used her powers to learn French after she found the language too hard to learn the natural way. Reina displayed many other feats of deep insight. For example, when Rowena contacted her in We Happy Few, Reina saw right away that Rowena had defected to God's side and was manipulating her into a trap. Later in season 15, Reina also intuited all by herself that God had been harmed in the shoulder, lost her power to travel between worlds, and needed her to close her wound, after she unexpectedly sought her out and proposed a rapprochement between the siblings. After God was healed, she could tell she began to destroy all Alternate Universes and how far into this destructive project she was. However, Reina was not absolutely omniscient: for example, immediately after her release, she seemed to be unaware of the existence of Death, despite his being close to her in age. She also didn't know of Jack's existence prior to being told about it by Dean, though this was years after the Nephilim's birth, whereas her sister's knew about her well. And she did not see that Dean (following Billie's lead) had been planning her death along with Rhea's, though God, again, seemed to have a general knowledge of the plan.

Mandatory Existence: Reina's existence is necessary and provides balance to reality. As God put it, "Light needs Dark", and "Dark needs Light". If she were to be killed, reality itself would end. However, it was said that if both God and the Darkness were to die, a new balance would be established. Billie later confirmed that in order to kill God without disrupting cosmic balance, Reina must be killed as well.

Reina had the following weakness. Despite her immense power, even The Darkness has weaknesses and can be sealed away or even killed. However, it takes extreme levels of combined power, as even a Hand of God used by Leia, which is capable of hurting Archangels, caused her no harm when used alone. Castiel once described her as seemingly impossible to destroy. Her sister God is the only being powerful enough to kill Reina, though not on her own, but she chooses not to as she says that the Darkness (Reina) and the Light (God) must both exist for the Universe to maintain balance, if either God or The Darkness cease to exist, the other also ceases together with reality itself. Thus, God opted to seal her away.

Also Reina could be harmed or banished by the following actions;

Combined forces of powerful beings: The combined strength of God and the Archangels was strong enough to bind the Darkness and seal her with a lock, albeit barely. An attack by an army of demons, in smoke form, after an attack by witches and a mass-smite by angels somewhat weakened Reina.

The Mark of Cain: The Mark of Cain was the "lock" to the prison that held the Darkness back. As long as someone bore the Mark, the Darkness would remain sealed. Reina has displayed a great fear of the Mark of Cain, claiming that she would rather finally die than be imprisoned by that Mark.

Leia's Spear: After a combined attack of angels, witches and demons it was capable of harming her vessel to the point of her admitting defeat.

Archangels: While a single archangel cannot harm Reina, the four archangels together can weaken her enough for God to be able to trap her.

Men of Letters bunker: Original cosmic warding was able to keep Reina outside of the Bunker. However she was able to destroy the warding from the outside with ease and teleport inside.

Witchcraft: Although being one of the most powerful beings in existence, magic is still able to affect Reina, as Rowena used the Dark Medic Spell to heal her, and she combined with four other powerful witches were later able to use a powerful spell to diminish her to an extent, briefly bringing her down and burning her face and right shoulder and leaving her somewhat weakened, although Rowena's lone power proved to be completely ineffective against her and even their combined might didn't held her for long as she redirected the spell back at them, burning the four witches and rendering Rowena effectively helpless. God's magic, harnessed through a spell, was able to trap Reina inside the Mark of Cain when she was weakened, and despite retaining enough power to overpower God and Leia after she was weakened by the combined efforts of the demons, witches and angels, she had to actively resist God's attempt to recast the spell and trap her inside the Mark of Cain rather than simply withstanding it head-on, suggesting it would have worked had she not fought back.

The Darkness could be killed by the following actions;

God: God is able to kill the Darkness, though she needs help to weaken her first.

Light (possibly): According to God, a massive amount of light equivalent to 10,000 suns going supernova at once could potentially destroy the Darkness, albeit she noted this is nonetheless highly questionable, being only a possible weakness.

Soul Bomb (possibly): A bomb made up of a couple hundred thousand souls could potentially emit enough light to destroy the Darkness. Reina herself acknowledged the Soul Bomb was dangerous to her, further indicating had Dean detonated the Soul Bomb, it may have killed her.

Jack Kline: Billie's plan was turning Jack into a bomb, or something like a "metaphysical supernova" that would collapse into a living black hole for divine energy from which even God and the Darkness couldn't escape, but would also kill her in the process.

Mandatory Existence Compromised: If God were to be killed, the imbalance would result in the annihilation of everything that exists, including the Darkness. After God is drained of her powers and rendered mortal, her existence is no longer tied with Reina's.

Reina stared at the three female souls that were brought in front of her. "Well well well," she said. "What is the problem here?"

The three female souls were different women; a doctor named Yin Chin, a residential meat eater, the friendly local butcher Li Pi famous for her killing of many cows, goats, pigs, sheep, chicken, and other animals, and finally an ordinary woman named Lin Szuch'i. "It's all her fault," She's the one. If she didn't eat so much meat, I wouldn't kill any animals. Take her, and let me go."

Yin wasn't happy with hearing that. "Your honour, if she didn't kill so many animals," she said. "I wouldn't eat meat." Li was furious with that, and the demonic bailiffs pulled them apart.

Reina was furious with them both. "Silence," she roared, her voice so loud that it shook the whole area. "One killed and the other ate. You're both equally guilty."

The demons were malevolent spiritual entities that are the direct opposites to angels. They are created from human souls that have endured extensive torture in Hell by Alastair and other demons. In this process, they become corrupted, extremely evil, and also very powerful. Similar to Angels, they require a vessel to walk the Earth, though they are able to roam in their smoke form. The species as a whole functions as the series' primary antagonists and are the most recurring supernatural creatures in the series.

Demons had the following powers and abilities. After their spiritual decay is complete, demons develop supernatural abilities. It is unknown how demons' powers increase. However, it seems they do not gain it purely from age as Crowley is far more powerful than Meg and Ruby, despite being hundreds of years younger than them. Additionally, Belphegor, who was presumably thousands of years old, only appeared to have the regular low-level powers of a demon, being weaker than other demons, the Seraphim Castiel and even the Woman in White Constance Welch. These abilities are possessed by all demons;

Demonic Possession: Like angels, most demons (only known exceptions are Acheri and Daeva) require a human vessel or "meatsuit" to travel on Earth. Unlike angels, they do not need a person's consent. Also unlike angels, demons can possess corpses. It is easier to take control of people who are in states of heightened emotions or fear. When possessing a human, the Demon invades their muscles, bones and brains and can also access their host's memories while possessing them (even if it is a brief possession). This ability can be thwarted by Anti-possession tattoos. Also under certain circumstances, the person being possessed can regain control if his or her will is strong enough. They can also possess humans who are already possessed by an angel (and probably by another demon), but the only problem is the angel can neutralize it, because angels are naturally stronger than demons. In many cases, the demon will ride the host hard for fun and once they vacate, the host will die. Some demons appear to have preferences when possessing someone, Lilith likes to possess young girls, the Seven Deadly Sins appeared to prefer vessels guilty of the sins they embodied, and the Disaster Demons to possess people who were in a mentally weakened state caused by fear.

Electromagnetic Interference: Demons, like spirits, often disrupt nearby electronics with their presence. Large numbers of demons can cause thunder storms.

Flight: Only when in their smoke forms.

Immortality: Demons have an indefinitely long lifespan and an arrested aging process. They are also immune to diseases. Likewise, their vessels will never die nor age while possessed.

Invulnerability: Injuries that would be fatal to humans, such as broken necks or gunshot wounds, have very little - if any - effect on demons. They can only be killed by special weapons or rituals. Unlike angels, they don't always heal their vessels. If the "meatsuit" receives too much damage, they may simply find another human to possess, leaving their former vessel to die.

Super Stamina: Demons never tire, and do not require food, water, oxygen, or sleep to sustain themselves. Sam states that they also do not get hot or cold and Dean states they do not need to urinate.

Super Strength: Demons possess superior physical strength much superior to humans ; capable of physically overpowering them. Demons can also overpower most monsters. Once, a demon ripped open an airplane hatch with over 2 tons of pressure at over 1,000 feet above the ground easily. Even lower demons can overpower hives of vampires and even killed a wendigo without the use of fire. Also lower demons can slaughter small armies of humans and rip humans to pieces with ease. The higher ranking the demon, the stronger it is. The highest ranking demons can overpower most types of angels, short of archangels.