Nora's Big Mistake Ch. 49


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Telekinesis: In addition to her ability to manipulate technology, Querl also can telekinetically maneuver it. It appears to extend to metallic objects as well. After being tortured, Querl was able to pull her legion ring to him, as well as the dog tag of one of the soldiers, pulling the soldier himself in the process. She was also able to telekinetically move a bottled Earth from her doppelgänger to herself.

Super strength: Querl's strength allowed her to immobilize J'onn with three strikes.

Flight: Being a Coluan, Querl has the ability to fly, although since she mainly uses her Legion ring to fly, it is unknown to how well she is capable of flying.

Enhanced durability: Querl's body is denser and more durable than a human's, but is not quite invulnerable, as she can still be injured with reasonable amounts of force, displaying when Alex broke free from her restrain and managed to knock her out with a single punch but Querl was likely also caught off guard.

Self-repair: As a digital being, Querl is able to self-repair, though only if she is conscious, otherwise the Omegahedron can be used to reconstitute her. In addition, she appears to have a degree of enhanced healing factor, with her quickly recovered from being tortured.

Shapeshifting: Being a Coluan, Querl can change her appearance.

Malleability: Being a Coluan, Querl is able to manipulate her limbs to stretch and elongate to almost no limit and turn her limbs into blades that can pierce into Martians. She is able to absorb bullets harmlessly into her body if shot.

Voice mimicry: Querl succeeded to perfectly mimic Lauren Haley's voice.

Hyper-metabolism: As Querl even states herself, she has the capability of recovering from alcohol libation with remarkable speed. Despite passing out from dozen mohitos, Brainy was sober and on her feet within minutes. Later, she was shown to consume boxes of donuts by herself within mere hours.

Abilities via Legion ring: Each member of the Legion is granted a special ring that serves as a form of identification, along with granting each member several other capabilities. Since having the ring taken by The Hat, she lost these abilities. After the defeat of Manchester, Brainy's ring was returned to her.

Flight: The ring has been shown to enable Querl the ability to fly through unspecific means. It seems to be activated through a telepathic suggestion, as no thoughts or movements were taken to activate it. It appears that it allows Querl to fly in a more hover-like stance rather than the typical vertical form of flying found in Martian Manhunter or Supergirl.

Telepathy immunity: The ring has been shown to give the wearer the ability to resist telepathic abilities such as when M'yrnn J'onzz loses control in the D.E.O. and cause everyone to display violence towards each other.

Oxygen independence: Querl's ring grants her the power to breathe unaided in harsh environments such as the vacuum of space.

Abilities via Telepathic Crown: During her time in the Legion, Querl used a Telepathic Crown which grants her powers she normal doesn't have.

Telepathy: While wearing the Crown, Querl was able to connect Supergirl to everyone on the planet to help her with her speech. Querl also used it to connect to all the legionaries in the 31st century.

She had the following abilities;

Acrobatics: Querl is capable of including acrobatics in her fighting.

Genius-level intellect: Querl has a "12th-level intellect", meaning she is a genius even by the terms of the 31st century, thus, she possesses superhuman calculation skills, amazing memory, and exceptional technical know-how. This increased intellect gives her superior calculating abilities, an encyclopedic memory and innovating scientific knowledge even by Coluan standards. By concentrating the power and disciplined nature of her mighty mind he safely operated many 31st century devices with ease.

Eidetic memory: As an AI, Querl can memorize anything that she had seen, heard and fully recall them all.

Psychotherapy: Querl is trained in psychology and tried to use her skills to enter Kara Danvers' mind and help her to wake from her coma. She even helped James to recover from his PTSD using these incredible skills.

Multitasking: Querl can divide her attention to at least three different things at the same time. Such as helping the Legion battle Reign while talking to Kara's subconscious and doing the crossword. However, this does leave her open to mistakes; thankfully it was only the crossword, which she got wrong by thinking a eight letter word went in six spaces.

Expert pilot: Querl is an extremely skilled pilot; being able to drive the Legion cruiser when in battle with Reign.

Multilingual: Querl is fluent in various languages across the universe.

Skilled medic: After Alex Danvers sustained an injury to her leg when Reign lashed at her with a heavy chain, Querl was seen tending to her by mounting a device from the 31st century that looked Mon-El's vaccine booster over the agent's damaged limb, and though Alex had to use crutches for a time because of the cast, she recovered quickly enough in due time.

Differential calculus: When Querl and Dreamer were battling Hat, a fifth dimensional being who could disappear into and reappear from a hat, Brainy was able to predict where he would reappear next using differential calculus. Also when Brainy was training Nia Nal in the fortress of solitude, Nia fought Querl blindfolded this was likely to get her to enhance her dreaming ability so she would foresee her next moves but Querl was also able to predict Nia's next moves using her skill in differential calculus.

Ancestral memory: Querl possesses full ancestral memory, claiming to remember all the evil deeds her ancestors performed.

Master hand-to-hand combatant/Martial artist: As a Legionnaire, Querl is highly skilled hand-to-hand combatant and martial artist. However, she has yet to overly exert herself in this regard, given her sophistication; such that her personal combat style leans more on the non-contact defensive, and is content with simply and calmly dodging incoming strikes, watching her adversaries tire themselves as they attempt to assault the Coluan with virtually no avail. In fact, thus far; there are but a handful of occasions where Querl got aggressive such as a case somewhat when she kicked down Pamela Ferrer to incapacitate her and when she and Sentinel/Alex had to defend the tower and prevent J'onn and M'gann from being interrupted when J'onn was trying to give M'gann her fragment of her own soul, her life force using the ura'er'un in order to save her or when she fought Hat and was able to determine where he would reappear using differential calculus.

She had the following weaknesses;

Computer viruses: Since Querl is an techno-organic being; she is subjected to computer viruses.

Ophidiophobia: Querl is deeply afraid of snakes; thus, she had difficulty confronting Pamela Ferrer due to her serpent-like Symbiote.

Globophobia: Querl is afraid of balloons.

Emotional state: Querl can be disrupted by current emotional stress; for example, the experience of being prejudiced by her former friend at a pizza shop prevented Querl from completely focusing on a mission to help Kara escape from the Children of Liberty at L-Corp. After having her mind rebooted; Querl has lost all of her emotions, but after seeing Nia Nal in mortal danger, her emotions returned and she went back to normal.

Extreme electrocution: Being electrocuted by extremely high voltage caused Querl's mind to reboot, stripping her from all emotions. In addition, it caused a green substance to come from her mouth; likely some kind of bloodlike interval fluid.

Faceciousness: Querl admits this to be her greatest weakness. She initially takes the levity and sarcasm of others literally. Although she has made some progress in getting past this.

She had the following former weaknesses;

Personality inhibitors: While Querl was wearing her inhibitors, she was unable to connect to the big brain and also somewhat emotionally deficient, therefore; couldn't use the the full extent of her powers. Now that Querl removed the inhibiters; this is no longer a weakness.

She had the original multiverse equipment;

Personality inhibitors: Querl use to wear personality inhibitors her father gave her when she was little so she wouldn't become cruel and ruthless like her ancestors.

Legion suit: Querl wore a protective suit during battle.

Legion ring: Querl's legion ring allows her to fly, communicate with other legion members who have a ring, oxygen independency, and, under specific circumstances, travel through time.

Image inducer: Querl uses an inducer to make herself look like a normal human; when she goes out in public. It also allows her to take on the appearance of others such as Ben Lockwood.

She had the original multiverse equipment;

Brainiac 5 suit: Since reconnecting to the big brain, Querl has undergone a transformation that in result gave her a new protective suit.

Legion ring: Querl's legion ring allows her to fly and communicate with other legion members who have a ring, remove the need for oxygen, and, under specific circumstances, travel through time.

Image inducer: Querl uses an inducer to make herself look like a normal human when she goes out in public.

Life projectors: Brainiac 5 and Querl Dox transferred their own life projectors to her. This allows Brainy to communicate with them.

Telepathic crown: During her time in the Legion, Querl used a telepathic crown so she could talk to all the legionaries. When she came to the 21st century she brought the crown with her and used it in the final fight for the AllStone Totem.

She had the original multiverse former equipment;

Personality inhibitors: Querl used to wear personality inhibitors her father gave her when she was little so she wouldn't become as cruel and ruthless like her ancestors. After talking with her doppelgängers, Querl took them off and no longer uses them.

Brainy and Chameleon Girl placed their hands on each other's bodies and kissed deeply and passionately, swapping spit and saliva between their respective mouths.

Brainy, using her technological powers, generated several tentacles. They ensnared Chameleon Girl's arms and legs, binding them together. Another tentacle then surged into Chameleon Girl's cunt.

As Chameleon Girl moaned, she felt another tentacle prodding her tight little asshole. She looked at Brainy, and saw the look of pure evil joy on her face. Chameleon Girl shut her eyes tight and screamed as the new tentacle forced its way into her tight virgin ass. The two tentacles started up a rhythm, as one slipped out, the other slipped in, and vice versa.

Brainy decided it was time to up the odds. She slipped another tentacle into Chameleon Girl's pussy, the two in her pussy making a rhythm of their own. Soon, those two were joined by a third, then a fourth tentacle.

Chameleon Girl was now stretched cruelly, and screaming with pain with each movement. And yet, Brainy forced two more tentacles into Chameleon Girl's ass. Chameleon Girl was screaming with pain and pleasure, her second orgasm ripping through her.

She begged for more, and Brainy obliged, sending a tentacle to Chameleon Girl's mouth. "Suck it you little sweet thing," Brainy said. "Suck it like your life depends on it, which ironically it does. If you don't please me, I'll turn you back into a mermaid, and leave you here in this hole forever!"

Chameleon Girl whimpered and sucked Brainy's tentacle for all she was worth. Brainy began to moan, for her tentacles were more like cocks, and she was getting so much pleasure from all this. Her tentacles began to swell, and Chameleon Girl moaned in pain and pleasure as she felt them swell inside of her. She sucked harder, and Brainy grew larger.

Brainy's eyes glowed yellow and she sent more tentacles. Eight in each of Chameleon Girl's young holes. Whenever one was done, it would be replaced by another one.

"Hey little sea kitten," she said to Chameleon Girl, "I'm about to come inside of you!" And she came, exploding inside of Chameleon Girl, shooting hot cum inside of Chameleon Girl's pussy, mouth and ass. Chameleon Girl screamed with the sensation of being filled with hot seed. Brainy slowly withdrew her tentacles, one at a time, from Chameleon Girl's swollen body.

She set Chameleon Girl down and told her that after she got some strength back, she would send her to her bedroom. Chameleon Girl nodded, and fell asleep on Brainy's breast. Brainy fell asleep, holding her little sex kitten.

Suddenly they heard the alarm as well. They quickly got dressed and headed towards the direction of the conference room.

In the Legion of Superheroines HQ conference room....

All the members of the Legion were now present. There were the following; Thaddeus Thawne/Inertia, Avery Ho/Lightning Lass, Imra Ardeen/Saturn Girl, Tinya Wazzo/Phantom Girl, Reep Daggle/Chameleon Girl, Querl Dox/Brainy/Brainiac-5, Karen Starr/Supergirl, Stephanie Brown/Batgirl, Cassie Sandsmark/Wonder Girl, Tula Marius/Aquagirl, Jesse Chambers/Jesse Quick, M'gann M'orzz/Miss Martian, Jessica Cruz/Green Lantern, Dinah Lance/Black Canary, Komand'r/Blackfire, Karen Beecher-Duncan/Bumblebee, Twins Vivian and Constance D'Aramis/Crimson Fox, Linda Park/Doctor Light, Beatriz da Costa/Fire, Cynthia/Gypsy, Kendra Saunders/Hawkgirl, Helena Bertinelli/Huntress, Tora Olafsdotter/Ice, Powder/Jinx, Rachel Roth/Raven, Koriand'r/Starfire, Courtney Whitmore/Stargirl, Tara Markov/Terra, Mari McCabe/Vixen, Diana Prince/Wonder Woman, Zatanna Zatara/Zatanna, Pamela Lillian Isley/Poison Ivy, Harleen Frances Quinzel/Harley Quinn, Selina KyleCatwoman, Mary Batson/Mary Marvel, Barbara Gordon/Oracle, Rokk Krinn/Cosmic Boy, Garth Ranzz/Lightning Lad, Luornu Durgo/Duo Damsel, Gim Allon/Colossal Boy, Lyle Norg/Invisible Kid, Jo Nah/Ultra Boy, Thom Kallor/Star Boy, Salu Digby/Shrinking Violet, Dirk Morgna/Sun Boy, Charles Foster Tain/Bouncing Boy, Lar Gand/Mon-El, Tenzil Kem/Matter-Eater Lad, Jan Arrah/Element Lad, Nura Nal/Dream Girl, Princess Projectra/Sensor Girl, Andrew Nolan/Ferro Lad, Val Armorr/Karate Kid, Tasmia Mallor/Shadow Lass, Condo Arlik/Chemical King, Brin Londo/Timber Wolf, Drake Burroughs/Wildfire, Dealia/Dawnstar, Benjamin/Blok, Danielle Foccart/Invisible Kid II, Mysa Nal/White Witch, Brek Bannin/Polar Boy, Pol Krinn/Magnetic Kid, and Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, John Stewart, Karma Tui, Kilowog, Krista X/Quinlet.

Thaddeus smiled. "I'm sure you are all wondering why I called this meeting," he said. "Earlier today, me and our co-founder Avery Ho saved several people in a derailed train. However, two unknown speedsters aided the rescue. Does anyone know who these two are?"

The other members shook their heads. Black Canary stood up. "It's possible that they just wanted to make sure everyone was safe," she said.

Avery nodded. "But, if that's the case, why not reveal themselves to us," she said. "And if they are not helping, why allow us to see them."

Thaddeus shook his head. "We need to find out who these two speedsters are," he said. "Brainy, increase the security systems to 200% over the limit. If these two speedsters show up again, we'll catch them."

The members headed to their respective work.

In a separate room....

Oracle was sitting in her wheelchair. After a confrontation with her and the Joker, Barbara was paralyzed and unable to walk.

Barbara had pale white skin, green eyes and long red hair. She was also 18 years old. She was wearing a white button up shirt and knee-high boots along with a pair of dark blue jeans. Barbara had natural 32D breasts. She had a 12.5 inch long dick. She was 5 feet 11 inches tall, 135 lbs, and had an athletic body.

Barbara Gordon/Oracle had the following powers and abilities;

Oracle possess no super natural powers, she had been trained beyond peak of physical fitness including great speed, flexibility and strength.

Conditioning: Oracle has received some training from The Batman but mostly utilizes her own training regiment increasing her flexible and agile techniques.

Agility: Oracle is athletic and versatile allowing her to use her great flexibility and reflexes to master her hand to hand combat techniques.

Expert Hand to Hand Combatant: Oracle posses great hand to hand fighting skills after being trained for five years or so and uses her agility and gadgets to help her in battle.

Master of Stealth: Oracle has been trained to stay in the shadows while being able to effectivley disappear and hide. She was able to flee and hide from Psimon's forces while staying within a vent and even surprised Bumblebee who passed right by her face.

Marksmanship: Oracle possess great aim to perfectly hit the target everytime she uses a projectile.

Barbara, as Oracle, had the following equipment;

Wheelchair: Barbara was paralyzed and unable to walk on her own, she designed a wheelchair.

Utility Belt: Oracle has adapted the utility belt from her batfamily members as it carries most if not all of her primary weapons and technology. Weapons and Equipment held on the utility belt are;

​Batarangs: Oracle possess shuriken like boomerangs that she has adapted from her past mentor Batman.

Pocket Explosives: Small pin like explosives that explode in a set amount of time releasing a small explosion. Oracle is very able to set these without the vicim noticing shown when it surpized Lobo.

Gas Pellets: Small marble like items used to create a cloud of smoke used to make hasty mistakes or disorient opponents. Oracle is able to quickly escape situations and disappear with the help of these pellets.

Neural Implant: Barbara had experimental surgery after her shooting. She has a neural implant at the base of her brain that connects to her lower spine, which bypasses the missing section of spine and allows her to use her legs. If the implant is damaged or malfunctions, Barbara could become paralyzed and/or suffer brain damage.

She sensed someone was nearby and quickly moved out of the way, causing Batgirl to fall down onto the floor. "Nice move," she said.

Batgirl smiled. "Pleasssseeeee," she said. "I've been trained in agility and balance. I meant to do that."

Oracle smiled and passionately kissed her former alter-ego.

The female hero had pale white skin, blue eyes and long blonde hair. The hero was Batgirl aka Stephanie Brown. She was also 18 years old. She was wearing a black leotard, with a yellow chest emblem resembling a bat, utility belt, hand-gloves and knee-high boots along with a dark blue cape and cowl. Stephanie had natural 32D breasts. She also had a 12.5 inch long dick. She was 5 feet 5 inches tall, 110 lbs, and had an athletic body.

Stephanie Brown/Batgirl had the following powers and abilities;

Batgirl possess no super natural powers, she has been trained beyond peak of physical fitness including great speed, flexibility and strength.

Conditioning: Batgirl has received some training from The Batman but mostly utilizes her own training regiment increasing her flexible and agile techniques.

Agility: Batgirl is athletic and versatile allowing her to use her great flexibility and reflexes to master her hand to hand combat techniques.

Expert Hand to Hand Combatant: Batgirl posses great hand to hand fighting skills after being trained for five years or so and uses her agility and gadgets to help her in battle.

Master of Stealth: Batgirl has been trained to stay in the shadows while being able to effectivley disappear and hide. She was able to flee and hide from Psimon's forces while staying within a vent and even surprised Bumblebee who passed right by her face.

Marksmanship: Batgirl possess great aim to perfectly hit the target everytime she uses a projectile.