Nora's Big Mistake Ch. 50


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Superhuman longevity: Due to the speedsters' accelerating healing factors, they age much slower than normal humans. However, as time doesn't pass normally in the Speed Force. This decelerated aging may also have to do with a speedster's partial control over time which is one of the aspects the Speed Force is connected to.

Aerokinesis: A user using super-speed while moving their entire body, or part of it in a repetitive motion, such as back and forth, spinning, or otherwise circular motions, can manipulate air flows and currents and therefore generate powerful winds and manipulating them with there repeated motions. These motions can also be achieved by the user moving or running back and forth or in a circle. The user can, therefore, create intense whirlwinds, cyclones, tornadoes, vortexes, and vacuums of air with these motions, or propel themselves through the air. This can allow the user to disperse the physical force from oncoming targets or propel them away.

Bodily vibration/Intangibility: Since these enhanced movements and acceleration capabilities affected the user microscopically, it allowed the user to manipulate the movement and acceleration of their cells, and even their molecules, allowing them to shake and vibrate their bodies or parts of it by willing their cells to do so. These vibrations can enhance physical force produced by physical contact and distort the user's image to the point where the user becomes a vibrating blur of motion, even when they are not using their speed. A user can disguise their appearance with this, as well as their voice by vibrating their vocal cords, which can produce an electronic, distorted voice or a garbled, deep growl. Vibrating also allows a user to cause tremors and jolt through physical contact, enough to perform feats such as breaking metal locks or part of a mug by touching the object or generating enough friction to level a bridge by running on it repeatedly. By vibrating their hand, the user can generate the force of a buzzsaw, enough to effortlessly punch and smash through machinery and saw through metal chains. Some users can even use their vibrations to punch through flesh and bone, much like phasing through solid objects, though it is unknown how they accomplish this without harming themselves. Also by vibrating their bodies at different frequencies allows a user to become intangible and pass through solid objects, even people. Some users can even phase objects into people or infuse various objects with intangible with physical contact, though this is especially straining. through people can be lethal, as villainous speedsters will often vibrate their arms through a target and cause them to drop dead. With this, they are able to phase into people, while still being able to touch and grab tangible objects, which allows them to damage the victim from the inside. However, it is not always lethal, as a user could phase into someone to pull objects, such as bullets, out of the person, to put something they are holding inside of a person without breaching their skin, phase their momentum-enhanced punch into the targets of greater resilience to incapacitate them, or even run right through others without harming them. The ability could even cause an opponent's attacks to pass through the user, even if the attacker is someone as powerful as Supergirl. Vibrating through something electrical, such as a computer, can cause it to overload and fry. Alternatively, vibrational energy can be channeled in order to generate a powerful sonic boom able to repel or hold down people.

Speed Force siphoning: Some users of the Speed Force can reverse vibrational energy and use it to siphon speed from other speedsters.

Electrokinesis: Connection to the Speed Force causes speedsters' bodies to generate electricity, which they can learn to manipulate. It generally acts as a bolster, amplifying their running speed too much higher levels. By running within a circular motion with enough intensity, they are able to envelop their arms in electricity, that they can then throw at a target, though other speedsters may be able to solidify it through touch, and throw it back. Also, by focusing friction of a specific part of their body, such as their hands, they can generate a strong static shock that is powerful enough to restart a person's heart. The great amounts of electricity generated from the body have been demonstrated to be able to cause nearby electronics to glitch and fluctuate. This Speed Force lightning has been shown to vary in color between the differing speedsters seen so far. Speedsters' electrical generation seems to have a connection to how they can alter the color of their eyes.

Speed Force aura: Users of the Speed Force can build up a protective aura over time. This ability allows speedsters to withstand large amounts of gravimetric force and protects the environment from the harm caused by high-speed travel. Some users can even build up their aura to be a billion times more powerful than the force of a black hole. This aura also seems to affect kinetic energy and inertia. This would also explain why speedsters can grab people at high speed without their momentum and kinetic energy ripping people apart or being able to survive impacts with objects moving so fast with only minor injuries.

Speed Force sharing: Certain users of the Speed Force can share their powers with other people by physical contact. In one instance, a speedster was able to share a spark of the Speed Force to stabilize the condition of someone who was hit by a wave of energy from a controlled particle accelerator explosion and suffering from the same initial side effects that a speedster usually goes through once went through when they first get their powers. Extremely powerful and advanced users can also use this ability to let non-speedsters converse with them in "Flashtime" and also temporarily give someone Speed Force abilities, but not for long as non-speedsters can't survive long at that speed.

Electricity absorption: Speedsters can charge themselves with electricity from nearby electrical sources, essentially draining them giving them an extra boost when running or throwing lightning.

Teleportation: A Speedster with a powerful enough connection to the Speed Force can disperse their being into electricity and transport themselves to another location where their body will reform.

Energy constructs: A user of the Speed Force with control over the lightning that they generate can produce constructs such as such as shurikens, lassos, and swords.

Atmokinesis: A potent enough connection to the Speed Force can allow a Speedster to summon/produce cumulonimbus clouds which can produce electricity.

Replication: By splitting enough Speed Force energy, a Speedster can make tangible and self-aware clones of themselves. However, this is a very delicate and risky skill as it can cause temporal fracturing, leading to the Speedster losing their memories and powers. The creator of the clones is also able to reabsorb them, which temporarily increases their speed.

Accelerated perception: The increase in speed and activity within bodily systems can enhance the user's physical performance to a great extent, as well as increasing these systems overall reaction speed, resulting in adrenaline, dopamine, and other endorphins to be produced quicker and the user being able to think, read, scan and comprehend concepts and ideas, and retain all said information in seconds while their powers are in use. Therefore, the user's mental speed and efficiency, as well as physical, is also enhanced to inhuman levels. They can see the world moving in slow motion, while others can only see them as a vibrating blur of motion, usually accompanied by an aura of differently colored electricity. This seems to be an ability that the speedster can control. This is due to the fact that a speedster's power is drawn from a connection to an external energy field (Speed Force) and can control how much power they draw from that connection rather than being a natural state.

Enhanced memorizing: It has been stated and demonstrated multiple times that speedsters' accelerated perception highly enhances their ability to memorize, to the point they can recall each of their memories, at exceptional accuracy, without any difficulty.

Superhuman senses: Connection to the Speed Force enhances the user's senses, allowing them to see and hear perfectly normal when moving at superhuman speeds, even at or above the speed of sound, where sound would normally not be heard.

Superhuman momentum: Users of the Speed Force have an inhuman motion and momentum capabilities, allowing them to generate and channel extreme amounts of kinetic energy, friction, inertia, and other applied and contact forces. This enhanced movement and physical force allow a user to be able to increase the power of physical impacts and collisions and generate the force to simulate superhuman strength by charging their attacks with extreme amounts of physical force. While this can usually be done only at super speed, most users can quickly learn to charge their attacks with force while at normal speed, or by attacking using a brief burst of super speed. With this, users not only can send people flying through the air but to smash through, crush and dismantle machinery and circuitry with only their fists or bare hands. Villainous speedsters have even shown the capacity to use this to punch a gaping, bloody hole through people, with some even tearing out the heart of their victim. In fact, some speedsters have used their speed to kill opponents though fatal high-speed collision. They can also cause tremors and jolt through physical contact, usually while vibrating at the same time, enough to level a bridge by running on it repeatedly. Users of the Speed Force also have inhuman stopping power and can usually come to a full stop despite the fact that they are moving with extreme momentum.

Seismokinesis: Speedsters that exert great amounts of force are able to induce extreme amounts of jolt and friction, either by intensely running past the speed of sound or touching an object while vibrating.

Superhuman strength: Connection to the Speed Force heightens the user's strength to various levels, enough to exert superhuman force without using super speed. Some users possess strength around peak human levels, while other users possess strength at a near-superhuman level. Users with advanced strength levels have been shown to easily pick up and throw full-grown humans with one hand.

Superhuman durability: Connection to the Speed Force also grants the user superhuman durability. This greatly increases their bodily resilience to inhuman levels, allowing most speedsters to develop inhuman resistance to lack of breathable air, exposure to toxins or sedatives, and impact with physical forces that would easily crush or kill normal humans. Users of the Speed Force can withstand great amounts of physical damage and sustain little, to no injury. Notably, many speedsters are shown to survive being sent flying across city blocks, blasted with energy, falls from buildings and other great heights, and attacks from beings with enhanced strength with little need for recovery. This is an ability that's tied into their Speed Force aura, a pocket of influence around a speedster that alters the inertia, kinetic energy, time, and space to protect the speedster and allow them to move at high speeds without being injured.

Superhuman agility: Connection to the Speed Force also grants the user inhuman agility, coordination, balance, equilibrium, and dexterity, which allows the user to not be tripped by great forces, especially as they move at super speed. Users can also use this to perform feats such as run on vertical surfaces, as well as running and jumping along falling debris.

Superhuman reflexes: Users of the Speed Force possess reflexes that are also enhanced to inhuman levels, whether they are moving at super speed or not. This allows them to react instantly to almost anything, including fast moving projectiles such as bullets.

Superhuman stamina: User's of the Speed Force possess stamina that enhanced to inhuman levels. They are able to withstand the stresses of moving at superhuman speeds, without tiring or becoming weak.

Superhuman speed: Primarily, the Speed Force gives users the ability to move at superhuman speeds. This ability allows the user's overall speed to rival the fastest vehicles at low levels, while advanced levels allow the user to break the sound barrier and moving at supersonic speeds. The user's speed usually causes them to appear as vibrating blurs or streaks of motion. Users are fast enough to move on vertical surfaces and ceilings, as well as on water, with ease. With enough speed, users can enhance their ability to jump, allowing them to leap or spring several feet through the air, to the point where they can jump across the length of a freeway bridge. It was also recently revealed that if a speedster runs fast enough, they can even run inside tornadoes. Recently it has been revealed that prolonged exposure inside the Speed Force greatly amplifies the user's speed growth due to access to its pure energies. This super speed is a result of being connected to the Speed Force which grants the user partial control over time and space and when a speedster moves there are being accelerated through both time and space to a degree which allows them to move at such extreme speeds without causing devastation to their surrounding. Most speedsters' speeds are potentially unlimited.

Speed mirage: Skilled users have been fast enough to distort light and create a holographic, mirage-like projection of themselves and appear to be in two or more places at once by moving from one location to the other fast enough and therefore create an after image of themselves. These projections become less realistic looking when the user is creating more than one.

Time travel: Advanced users can create a hole in the fabric of space-time and travel through time. They do with by entering the Speed Force which is connected to all of time and space through the multiverse. This allows them to safely navigate the time stream while being protected from temporal alterations. Upon doing so, they can enter the timeline independent from themselves, or "merge" with their temporal counterpart to be reinserted with that timeline. When performing the later, should any changes happen to the timeline, the speedster will retain all memories of the previous timeline in addition to the new one, even able to differentiate between the two. This ability is also the most dangerous, as altering the events of the past in the slightest could distort the user's present and future, usually with devastating results. Adept users of the Speed Force can also detect when a speedster is time-traveling and can pull the speedster from the Speed Force.

Temporal dilution: By generating enough energy, extremely powerful and advanced users can slow down time relative to them to a complete standstill (dubbed "Flashtime"). However, doing this for prolonged periods of time is very strenuous as the longer they keep this up, the more time will gradually return to its natural flow while the users will simultaneously grow increasingly exhausted because their bodies aren't used to such speeds. Users are also able to bring non-speedesters into "Flashtime" for a limited period of time.

Temporal regression: Both Barry Allen and his daughter Nora West-Allen have the ability to rewind time. While Barry has the ability to shift through time, he can also reverse the flow of time while running at a certain speed, while he remains completely unaffected. Ultimately, he can even grant himself a time do-over, wherein he enters the past and "merges" with his temporal counterpart to be fully immersed in the timeline. Nora is able to reverse time around her while running, remaining completely unaffected, such as when she stopped Barry from destroying the falling S.T.A.R. Labs satellite alone.

Time remnant construct: The most skilled of users could shift back in time momentarily to manifest a "clone" that, unlike a speed mirage, is as alive and independently thinking as they are. They do not always share the user's current personality as the further back they go, the less like their current self the time remnant becomes, but only if their past self is any different from their current self. If they shift through years, their time remnant will not possess their current memories and most likely not have their current personality. However, the user can shift back minutes and even seconds to create a clone that is truly the same as them. It has been stated that one needed to be willing to kill their time remnant, and therefore willing to kill themselves, in order to be able to create them. This action changes the timeline so it is possible traveling just a few seconds into the past pulls a version of the speedster from a different timeline.

Time travel awareness: Some users of the Speed Force are able to sense when other speedsters travel through time. Jay Garrick displays this ability when he senses that Barry was in May 2017. Later, Barry itself claims to have this ability as he states that he will be able to sense if Nora travels in time back to 2019. Because of this, in an alternate future, Natalie Thawne created the Negative Speed Force so Barry can't sense him traveling through time.

Interdimensional travel: Like time travel, advanced users can create a hole in the fabric of space-time to create portals between dimensions and travel to different universes. Savitar has demonstrated a complete mastery of this ability, to where he can instantly warp to anywhere in Earth-1's Central City. However, it's possible that the reason for this is because, at the time when he was shown to be able to do this, he was trapped in the Speed Force, and subsequently fast enough that he was completely invisible to non-speedsters, even when standing still as the Speed Force bends space and time allowing him to travel further in less time. After tricking Wally into freeing him from the Speed Force prison, he was slower, enough so that he was visible to non-speedsters.

Superhuman Strength: They have superhuman strength far beyond that of normal humans; even Kryptonians.

Superhuman Speed: They can move at unmatched superhuman speeds. This can either be in flight or even during normal action, such as during a fight.

Superhuman Stamina: They can exert themselves for extended periods without tiring at all far more than anyone else within the multiverse can.

Superhuman Durability: They can handle physical damage that would kill a normal human.

Inner Sight: They has a kind of "inner sight", which gives them the ability to see the Multiverse in its true form, that of green, luminous lines of code, enabling them to see things others would not ordinarily see, such as hidden explosives.

Reality-Warping: They has the ability to bend the physics of the multiverse, allowing them certain abilities such as flight and telekinesis. They can even destroy Agents using this ability. The stopping bullets portion of reality-warping was apparently well known.

Elemental Manipulation: User can create, shape and manipulate elements, the rudimentary, simplest or essential parts/principles of which anything consists of. This can entail power over things which the universe consists and is made of, like atoms and molecules.

Elemental Mimicry: The user is made of or can transform their body completely into elements, including air, earth, electricity, fire, light, shadow, water, etc. A user's transformed form is anatomically identical to their normal form, aside of being made of element, in which case, it contains all organs and is somewhat vulnerable to attacks. Alternately, the user can transform into homogeneous matter, without any part of their form being more important than the other.
