Nora's Big Mistake Ch. 50


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Animal Morphing: Users can shapeshift, changing their form and appearing at will, maybe even transforming and reshaping themselves down to their genetic and cellular structure. They can impersonate others or enhance their own body for combat, either by turning into animals, humanoids, monsters, etc. or by making the body stronger. User with particularly flexible abilities can manipulate their form at will, combining abilities, traits, etc, even being able to form limbs into weapons and reforming after being blown apart by explosives. Some more experienced users can even manipulate their DNA and completely change it on a molecular level.

Constructs Creation: Users can change anything/everything, including matter/energy, elements, essences, properties, forces, concepts, etc., into tools, objects, weapons and other items or materials/substances, create semi-living constructs and/or create structures/buildings of varying intricacy, permanence and solidity. Users who have mastered this ability can use it for almost any situation, creating anything they need.

Elemental Constructs: The user can turn the elemental forces into tools, objects, weapons and other items, create semi-living constructs and/or create structures/buildings of varying permanence and tangibility. Users who have mastered this ability can use it for almost any situation, creating anything they need.

Kryptonian physiology: Normally, like all Kryptonians, the user's capabilities are no greater than a normal human's physical conditioning. However, once charged by the energy spectrum of a yellow sun, the user becomes able to perform various inhuman feats. While generic for their race, having grown up half of their biological life with these powers have allowed them to use these abilities with far greater control and an equally greater level of raw power compared to other Kryptonians. The user is one of the most powerful beings in the entire multiverse.

Solar energy absorption: While the user's powers are dependent on the energy spectrum from a yellow sun, their body is able to constantly and passively absorb such energy while exposed to it, essentially keeping their reserves fully charged near-constantly. Direct exposure to the light of a yellow sun will also accelerate their recovery from any injuries they do manage to sustain. Also, they can quickly regain their full power by small sun radiation like during nighttime on Maldoria and even in Master Jailer's prison despite powerful red sun radiation, just a small amount of yellow sun radiation makes them godly powerful despite presence of red sun radiation. After the battle with Red Daughter, the user is shown to be able to take the solar energy out of plants to recharge themselves.

Accelerated healing factor: The user's metabolism is tremendously enhanced by solar energy, allowing accelerated healing abilities and burning calories at a superhuman rate, making her practically immune to becoming fat or obese. Upon being struck by an alien war hammer which penetrated the skin of her arm, when the piece was removed she healed instantly. She often enjoys the luxuries of eating a variety of foods without fear of becoming obese.

Contaminant immunity: The user has an immunity to all forms of disease and contaminants on Earth. However, despite being unable to be inebriated or intoxicated by drugs or alcohol from Earth, she has shown herself to have a particularly low tolerance to alien alcohol. Additionally, Pestilence's virus wasn't as effective on The user compared to humans, as the Worldkiller needed to scratch the user multiple times on her face and arms before the latter began feeling sick.

Flight: The user is able to manipulate her own gravitational field to generate thrust and propel herself through the air, often at hyper-sonic speeds, much faster than she can travel by foot. In early carrier in less than minutes she flew from National City to Chicago. The user could fly on her own from Kaznia to National City very quickly. Was moving around Earth twice in a second. She was flying very fast, according to D.E.O. map, during kryptonite contamination. As such, she is able to levitate and fly past Earth's atmosphere and near the planet's orbit. James once described her as being even faster than Clark. Also she blitzed all dominators across the planet in Earth-1 where all of them saw rushing taxis as statues.

Sleep flight: The user has the ability to float in the air, thanks to her ability of flying, while she sleeps.

Levitation: The user can levitate using her flight abilities.

Heat vision: The user can emit blue energy beams of intense heat from her eyes. Due to her control over the beams, she has demonstrated being capable of burning through stone and welding metal, causing small explosions and fires, disintegrating meteors, melting very deep in the ground while weakened drastically by kryptonite and physically repelling enemies with similar durability making it useful in combat. At full power, the beams could overload a target with energy, as it did to Vartox's axe and Red Tornado, as well as potentially damage highly durable enemies, as she was able to use it to leave Non blinded (frying his eyes) and seemingly unconscious when she overwhelmed his own heat vision. However, she has personally utilized it for more mundane uses, such as heating up beverages and cooking food. The color of this heat vision has been changed to purple after Red Daughter merged back with her. But the color has changed back to blue after the battle with Lex Luthor. She also with solar flare shattered 3 meters Schwarz's radius black hole.

Invulnerability: The user is essentially invulnerable to all Earthly weapons, with bullets simply ricocheting whenever they come into contact with her skin. She is immune to most forms of extreme punishment, as seen when she was completely unaffected by attacks with the A.T.O.M. Exosuit, and Mick Rory's Heat gun. She also was able to withstand the Flash's lightning despite it having knocked out both Firestorm and the Atom though this might be because it was not all directed at her. Caitlin Snow even stated that the user was "invincible" while she was mind-controlled into fighting Barry. However, her near immunity to damage and outside forces did not protect her from the Dominators' mind control device, which forced her to mindlessly turn against her allies. Her invulnerability was put to the test when Overgirl exploded into a supernova (which was about to destroy at least entire Midwest) at point-blank range, and the user was sent plummeting back to the ground, but survived, showing no physical damage. However, her invulnerability, while incredible, can be broken. She can be overwhelmed if she fights beings of equal or even superior strength, such as when she fought Superman, as her cousin's feral attacks were able to stagger and exhaust her to unconsciousness, and later Reign, who was able to make her bruise and bleed badly during their fight. Also, she can withstand Red Daughter's attacks, as well as her magic plasma blast which created an unnatural anomaly of turning day into night.

Extreme heat resistance: The user feels no pain when exposed to extreme heat, as shown when her shirt caught fire after the Flash caught her as she fell out a window and (accidentally) sped her out of National City, and she was able to extinguish the embers on her shirt by casually patting them. This was also shown when she didn't flinch at the heat of Mick Rory's Heat gun and removed a hot pan from her oven with her bare hands. Or in early career could casually block nuclear beam from Reactron. Also resisted magic fire of fiery well from Fortress Sanctuary.

Self-sustenance: Due to the effects of a yellow sun, the user's physical needs are greatly reduced.

Atmospheric adaption: While the user does require oxygen, her physicality and exposure to a yellow sun allows her to survive while inhaling more harsh forms of it such as the thin, highly CO2-concentrated, atmosphere of Mars.

Reverse photosynthesis: The user is capable of draining solar energy from plants even without a direct source of light, as seen after being brutally beaten by Red Daughter, allowing her to use the solar energy she absorbed from her surroundings to heal.

Superhuman senses: The user has super senses, including super vision and super hearing.

Superhuman vision: As a Kryptonian, the user is able to see very far distances, presumably low superhuman levels.

Night vision: The user can see clearly in the dark.

X-ray vision: The user has the ability to see through objects, except for lead.

Superhuman hearing: The user has super-sensitive ears that can perfectly pick up sounds from miles away and even through structures.

Freeze breath: The user is able to exhale powerful gusts of air from her mouth which are similar to force winds. She can also cause the temperature of her breath to drop, therefore able to freeze nearly anything.

Superhuman speed: The user possesses the ability to move at hyper-sonic speeds, both through flight and on foot. Once she started to actually use her powers in a less restrained way, she was easily able to move at even greater supersonic speeds to the point where she could match a tachyon-enhanced speedster like Barry Allen, though it is worth noting that Barry can now without tachyons, easily go as fast as Mach 13 whereas the user's top speed peaks just over Mach 7. She commonly uses her speed to appear and disappear faster than people can notice, as well as to somehow change in or out of her suit in seconds.

Accelerated perception: While using her super speed, The user sees everything much slower; allowing her to move with precision and accuracy within very fast moments.

Superhuman reflexes: The user's reflexes are so fast, she can respond to attacks within seconds.

Time deceleration: When the user and another user ran around the Earth in opposite directions at just over Mach 7, they were able to generate enough centrifugal force to slow the Earth's rotation, along with time itself.

Superhuman strength: The user's strength is enhanced under a yellow sun, enough to easily kill a normal human if she were to attack them directly. After embracing her powers as Slipstream, The user's true potential started to manifest, allowing her to stop a train moving at Mach 1 or lift over a million tons of condensed star material. While not limitless, the extent of her super strength is undetermined; making her among the strongest terrestrial beings in the known multiverse alongside Clark Kent and J'onn J'onzz. Despite her strength, The user still must physically exert herself when fighting other super powered beings of similar levels of strength and durability, such as other empowered Kryptonians, as well as to lift or press objects or structures that are larger than herself, such as planes or ships. She was also able to throw Fort Rozz at speed capable of reaching distance needing 12 233 years for message bottles arrive ( knowing technology already is MTFL+ in communication between planets/galaxies ) to another star system in 1.5 years, and could stop the Exodus ship, which was capable of reaching the other side of the universe in an instant. Also can rip apart pods able to survive massive meteor shower of Krypton's remnants or Krypton's massive explosion. Can without trying just bullrush through Legion Ship which withstood all underground Earthquakes for 13,000 years.

Thunderclap: When the user uses her super strength to clap her hands together, it creates a powerful shock-wave that throws enemies back. Even as teenager accidentally she broke small cliff. It also destroys glass, pushes objects away from her and disorients anyone nearby.

Superhuman jumping/Leaping: The user is able to jump several feet off the ground and leap several stories in a single bound without having to fly. Even as a child, she was able to leap onto a crashed car several feet away, and when trying to fly again after several years, she was at first only able to jump upwards two stories before shooting skyward. While fighting Alex Danvers, who was controlled by Myriad and wearing a Kryptonite exosuit, both she and Alex jumped several stories into the air while attacking each other.

Superhuman stamina: The user can run, fight or fly for long periods of time, without getting tired. Her stamina is even greater than that of Clark's, as she was able to defeat him in their confrontation (when he was under the influence of Silver Kryptonite at the time).

Extended longevity: As a Kryptonian and the powers that gain from the yellow sun, the user's life span is considerably longer than a normal human and likewise ages much slower.

Telepathy immunity: The user is immune to most forms of telepathic powers, even from someone as powerful as J'onn J'onzz, but not from the Dominator device, Psi or M'yrnn J'onzz.

Power bestowal via electricity: If the user is holding a person while electrocuted by lightning, her Kryptonian physiology allows her to affect the person, giving the person strange abilities; for example, Leslie Willis got her powers from the user when the latter was struck by lightning when touching Leslie.

Abilities via Legion Ring: When the user and Mon-El visited Argo City, the user was given Mon-El's Legion ring.

Flight: The ring has been seen to enable Slipstream the ability to fly when not exposed to a yellow sun through unspecific means. It seems to be activated through a telepathic suggestion, as no thoughts or movements were taken to activate it.

Telepathy immunity: With the ring, the user has a much stronger resistance against telepathic powers than her natural immunity.

Oxygen independence: The ring can allow the user to breathe in space.

Time travel: Being able to survive in space allows the user to travel through time if she finds a temporal disruption in space.

Genius-level intellect/Expert tactician/Leader: Due to growing up in an advanced civilization, the user has vast knowledge about other alien species, as well as their abilities and heritage. On Krypton, the user was a studious, hardworking child, spending hours studying Kryptonian history. The user easily excelled at advanced high school level math and sciences on Earth; she boasted to Alex Danvers of knowing Calculus by the age of 4, and was able to scientifically describe Caitlin Snow's meta-human powers. The user is very focused and excellent at multitasking, able to keep up with Cat Grant's rigorous demands as her assistant. The user also has to carefully calculate how much force to use in her powers so she doesn't hurt/destroy someone/something. The user can inspire other individuals to be the best that they can be and sometimes even convince criminals to do the right thing without resorting to violence.

Eidetic memory: The user seems to have an eidetic memory, able to recall everyone she had ever saved when investigating the Cult of Rao.

Expert investigator/Journalism: Since becoming a reporter, the user proved to be an effective investigator with strong instincts. She was able to connect the disappearance of Izzy Williams to a string of missing persons cases surrounding a shady clinic. The user also correctly believed that Lena Luthor was framed for delivering Kryptonite to Metallo and was able to discover Beth Breen's plan involving Jack Spheer's Biomax technology.

Skilled engineer: The user has displayed familiarity with Kryptonian technology, which is much more advanced than technology of Earth.

Multilingualism: The user is capable of fluently speaking English and Kryptonese. She also knows some Kaznian-dialect Russian, French, and Spanish.

Expert hand-to-hand combatant: Since joining the D.E.O., the user has been taught by Alex to better handle herself in battle against opponents with formidable powers of their own, including using their own momentum against them. Ultimately, even with her powers temporarily disabled, the user has become a highly trained combatant, able to compete against the more experienced Alex and Astra. As the years progressed, her combat skills continued to improve, allowing the user to hold her own against Indigo and defeat Maxima in their first battles. Her proficiency in combining combat skills with her raw might became great enough to even defeat Clark Kent in one-on-one combat and even fight on par with Rhea while weakened by Green Kryptonite. The user was able to fight evenly with Reign for a while, though was ultimately overwhelmed due to the latter's superior strength. After being trained by Mon-El, the user has started using her cape in combat. Her fighting style incorporates Boxing, Krav Maga, Taekwondo, Kickboxing, Hapkido, Aikido, Karate, Muay Thai, Judo, and Pro Wrestling.

Singing: The user has shown to be a very talented singer, able to pass as a lounge singer in Music Meister's movie musical reality. Her skill impressed Barry Allen to the point that he even asked the user to sing at his wedding.

Dancing: The user is a talented dancer, particularly in ballroom and tap, as seen in Music Meister's reality.

Meditation: The user is familiar with Kryptonian meditation designed to strengthen one's mind, which she used during her ordeal with Gayle Marsh/Psi.

Indomitable will/High tolerance for pain: The user is a very determined individual and never gives up on trying to protect Earth. She has a remarkable tolerance for pain, as even when weakened by Rhea's Green Kryptonite-laced blood, the user was able to resist and keep fighting Rhea. With Alex's help, the user was also able to overcome to Psi's psychic attacks. The user was also able to conceal some Kryptonite on her person despite the pain, which she used to incapacitate Reign. During the Anti-Monitor Crisis, the user was revealed to be the Paragon of Hell.

Roar of the Elders: the user now possesses the Roar of the Elders, when she uses the Roar of the Elders, spirits of multiple deceased Paragons roar along with her, instilling real power in the Roar. With this roar, she is able to flatten plains, hold floods back and tear down rock-slides.

Super Sonic Roar: the user also can use the Roar to send her enemies several feet away.

Mark of the Paragons: Whenever the user chooses someone to become part of her team, she marks them with a ST, symbolizing their positions as members of the Paragons. When the user inherited the Roar of the Elders, the ST symbol automatically appeared on her own left shoulder.

Producing Rain Clouds: the user can use the Roar on a cloud to produce rain clouds.

Precision: the user can use the Roar to hit a precise target(s). However, it only works if her target(s) are in front of her.

Spiritual Summoning: the user can use the Roar to summon spirits from the afterlife.

Atmokinesis: the user can use the Roar to create a whirlwind to lift objects from the ground.

Electrogenesis: the user can use the Roar to summon a bolt of lightning.

The energy wave could grant the specific individuals the powers of Self-Sentience, Biological manipulation, Cellular regeneration, Boom Tube generation, Radiation metabolization, as well as the following powers;

Shapeshifting: The users can shapeshift, changing their form and appearance at will, maybe even transforming and reshaping themselves down to their genetic and cellular structure. They can impersonate others or enhance their own body for combat, either by turning into animals, humanoids, monsters, etc. or by making the body stronger. Users with particularly flexible abilities can manipulate their form at will, combining abilities, traits, etc, even being able to form limbs into weapons and reforming after being blown apart by explosives. Some more experienced users can even manipulate their DNA and completely change it on a molecular level.

Animal Morphing: The user with this ability either is or can transform into animals, whether partially or completely, as well as use the abilities, traits and appearance/physiology of animals by rearranging their own DNA structure. They are able to transform into animals that exist, alien animals and/or animals that are extinct, such as Dinosaurs. The user may have this ability from an empty genetic code, allowing them to accept any form from which they have a DNA sample; others may be able to alter their form mentally and change just by seeing and mimicking animal features.